public static RemoteTestNGFactory getFirst(Version version) { List<RemoteTestNGFactory> factories = new ArrayList<>(); for (RemoteTestNGFactory factory : ServiceLoader.load(RemoteTestNGFactory.class)) { if (factory.accept(version)) { factories.add(factory); } } if (factories.isEmpty()) { throw new TestNGException(version + " is not a supported TestNG version"); } if (factories.size() > 1) { System.err.println("[ServiceLoaderHelper] More than one working implementation for '" + version + "', we will use the first one"); } Collections.sort(factories, new Comparator<RemoteTestNGFactory>() { @Override public int compare(RemoteTestNGFactory o1, RemoteTestNGFactory o2) { // the newest first return o2.getOrder() - o1.getOrder(); } }); return factories.get(0); }
@Test public void run_with_imports() throws Throwable { EvaluationEnvironment env = new EvaluationEnvironment().imports("java.lang.Math"); String snippet = "return max(1, 2)"; Object result =; assertThat(result, instanceOf(Integer.class)); assertThat((Integer) result, is(2)); env.clearImports(); try {; throw new TestNGException("A RuntimeException should have been raised"); } catch (RuntimeException ignored) { } }
@Test public void check_source_present_with_compilation_error() { EvaluationEnvironment env = new EvaluationEnvironment(); try { env.def("boom"); throw new TestNGException("A GoloCompilationException should have been raised"); } catch (GoloCompilationException e) { assertThat(e.getSourceCode(), notNullValue()); assertThat(e.getSourceCode(), both(containsString("boom")).and(containsString("module anonymous"))); } }
@Test( dataProvider = "ConfigurableDataProvider", dataProviderClass = AtsDataProvider.class, expectedExceptions = TestNGException.class) @TestOptions( dataFile = "Test_BasicDataProvider", dataSheet = TestDetails.FIRST_TEST_SCENARIO) public void dataFile_noFileExtension( String user, String pswd, String subject ) {}
@Test( dataProvider = "ConfigurableDataProvider", dataProviderClass = AtsDataProvider.class, expectedExceptions = TestNGException.class) @TestOptions( dataFileFolder = TestDetails.DATA_FILES_FOLDER, dataFile = TestDetails.DATA_FILE1 + "NON_EXISTING_FILE", dataSheet = TestDetails.FIRST_TEST_SCENARIO) public void dataFile_wrongFile( String user, String pswd, String subject ) {}
@Test( dataProvider = "ConfigurableDataProvider", dataProviderClass = AtsDataProvider.class, expectedExceptions = TestNGException.class) @TestOptions( dataFile = TestDetails.DATA_FILE2, dataSheet = TestDetails.FIRST_TEST_SCENARIO) public void dataFileFolder_fromClassAnnotation( String user, String pswd, String subject ) {}
@Test( dataProvider = "ConfigurableDataProvider", dataProviderClass = AtsDataProvider.class, expectedExceptions = TestNGException.class) @TestOptions( dataSheet = TestDetails.FIRST_TEST_SCENARIO) public void dataFile_fromClasspath_negative( String user, String pswd, String subject ) {}
/** * Finds TestNG methods that the specified TestNG method depends upon * @param m TestNG method * @param methods list of methods to search for depended upon methods * @return list of methods that match the criteria */ protected static ITestNGMethod[] findDependedUponMethods(ITestNGMethod m, ITestNGMethod[] methods) { String canonicalMethodName = calculateMethodCanonicalName(m); List<ITestNGMethod> vResult = Lists.newArrayList(); String regexp = null; for (String fullyQualifiedRegexp : m.getMethodsDependedUpon()) { boolean foundAtLeastAMethod = false; if (null != fullyQualifiedRegexp) { // Escapes $ in regexps as it is not meant for end - line matching, but inner class matches. regexp = fullyQualifiedRegexp.replace("$", "\\$"); boolean usePackage = regexp.indexOf('.') != -1; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp); for (ITestNGMethod method : methods) { ConstructorOrMethod thisMethod = method.getConstructorOrMethod(); String thisMethodName = thisMethod.getName(); String methodName = usePackage ? calculateMethodCanonicalName(method) : thisMethodName; Pair<String, String> cacheKey = Pair.create(regexp, methodName); Boolean match = MATCH_CACHE.get(cacheKey); if (match == null) { match = pattern.matcher(methodName).matches(); MATCH_CACHE.put(cacheKey, match); } if (match) { vResult.add(method); foundAtLeastAMethod = true; } } } if (!foundAtLeastAMethod) { if (m.ignoreMissingDependencies()) { continue; } if (m.isAlwaysRun()) { continue; } Method maybeReferringTo = findMethodByName(m, regexp); if (maybeReferringTo != null) { throw new TestNGException(canonicalMethodName + "() is depending on method " + maybeReferringTo + ", which is not annotated with @Test or not included."); } throw new TestNGException(canonicalMethodName + "() depends on nonexistent method " + regexp); } }//end for return vResult.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[vResult.size()]); }
@Override public void run() { try { IMessage message = m_messageHub.receiveMessage(); while (message != null) { switch (message.getType()) { case GENERIC: notifyStart((GenericMessage) message); break; case SUITE: notifySuiteEvents((SuiteMessage) message); break; case TEST: notifyTestEvents((TestMessage) message); break; case TEST_RESULT: notifyResultEvents((TestResultMessage) message); break; default: throw new TestNGException("Unknown message type:" + message); } // if (isRunning()) { // m_messageMarshaller.sendAck(); // } message = m_messageHub.receiveMessage(); } } finally { m_messageHub.shutDown(); m_messageHub = null; } // try { // fServerSocket = new ServerSocket(fServerPort); // fSocket = fServerSocket.accept(); // try { // m_inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fSocket.getInputStream(), // "UTF-8")); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // m_inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fSocket.getInputStream())); // } // try { // m_outputWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fSocket.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8"), // true); // } // catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { // m_outputWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fSocket.getOutputStream()), true); // } // String message; // while((m_inputReader != null) && ((message = readMessage(m_inputReader)) != null)) { // receiveMessage(message); // } // } // catch(SocketException e) { // handleThrowable(e); // } // catch(IOException e) { // handleThrowable(e); // } // finally { // shutdown(); // } }