Java 类sun.awt.image.SunWritableRaster 实例源码

项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public BufferedImage finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
    return img;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;
    w = bi.getWidth();
    h = bi.getHeight();

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:openjdk9    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:Java8CN    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;
    w = bi.getWidth();
    h = bi.getHeight();

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:jdk-1.7-annotated    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:jdk8u-dev-jdk    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:jdk8u-dev-jdk    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:jdk8u-dev-jdk    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:jdk7-jdk    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:jdk7-jdk    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:jdk7-jdk    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:openjdk-source-code-learn    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:openjdk-source-code-learn    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:openjdk-source-code-learn    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:OLD-OpenJDK8    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:OLD-OpenJDK8    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:OLD-OpenJDK8    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:openjdk-jdk7u-jdk    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:openjdk-jdk7u-jdk    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);
项目:openjdk-jdk7u-jdk    文件   
protected void paintToImage(Component c, Image image, Graphics g,
                            int w, int h, Object[] args) {
    boolean accEnabled = false;
    Skin skin = (Skin)args[0];
    Part part = skin.part;
    State state = (State)args[1];
    if (state == null) {
        state = skin.state;
    if (c == null) {
        c = skin.component;
    BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)image;

    WritableRaster raster = bi.getRaster();
    DataBufferInt dbi = (DataBufferInt)raster.getDataBuffer();
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    ThemeReader.paintBackground(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dbi, 0),
                                part.getControlName(c), part.getValue(),
                                State.getValue(part, state),
                                0, 0, w, h, w);
项目:openjdk-icedtea7    文件   
 * Return a Raster containing the colors generated for the graphics
 * operation.
 * @param x,y,w,h The area in device space for which colors are
 * generated.
public Raster getRaster(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    if (outRas == null ||
        outRas.getWidth() < w ||
        outRas.getHeight() < h)
        // If h==1, we will probably get lots of "scanline" rects
        outRas = makeRaster((h == 1 ? Math.max(w, maxWidth) : w), h);
    double X = mod(xOrg + x * incXAcross + y * incXDown, bWidth);
    double Y = mod(yOrg + x * incYAcross + y * incYDown, bHeight);

    setRaster((int) X, (int) Y, fractAsInt(X), fractAsInt(Y),
              w, h, bWidth, bHeight,
              colincx, colincxerr,
              colincy, colincyerr,
              rowincx, rowincxerr,
              rowincy, rowincyerr);


    return outRas;
项目:openjdk-icedtea7    文件   
 * Called to indicate that painting is finished. We create a new
 * BufferedImage from the offscreen buffer, (optionally) cache it,
 * and paint it.
public void finishPainting(boolean useCache) {
    DataBufferInt dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt(w0 * h0);
    // Note that stealData() requires a markDirty() afterwards
    // since we modify the data in it.
    int transparency =
        nativeFinishPainting(SunWritableRaster.stealData(dataBuffer, 0),
                             w0, h0);

    int[] bands = BAND_OFFSETS[transparency - 1];
    WritableRaster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(
            dataBuffer, w0, h0, w0, bands, null);

    ColorModel cm = COLOR_MODELS[transparency - 1];
    Image img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);
    if (useCache) {
        cache.setImage(getClass(), null, w0, h0, cacheArgs, img);
    graphics.drawImage(img, x0, y0, null);