Python Bio.Seq 模块,Seq() 实例源码


项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cast_to_str(obj):
    """Return a string representation of a Seq or SeqRecord.

        obj (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Biopython Seq or SeqRecord

        str: String representation of the sequence


    if isinstance(obj, str):
        return obj
    if isinstance(obj, Seq):
        return str(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, SeqRecord):
        return str(obj.seq)
        raise ValueError('Must provide a string, Seq, or SeqRecord object.')
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cast_to_seq(obj, alphabet=IUPAC.extended_protein):
    """Return a Seq representation of a string or SeqRecord object.

        obj (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Sequence string or Biopython SeqRecord object
        alphabet: See Biopython SeqRecord docs

        Seq: Seq representation of the sequence


    if isinstance(obj, Seq):
        return obj
    if isinstance(obj, SeqRecord):
        return obj.seq
    if isinstance(obj, str):
        obj = obj.upper()
        return Seq(obj, alphabet)
        raise ValueError('Must provide a string, Seq, or SeqRecord object.')
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def seq(self):
        """Seq: Dynamically loaded Seq object from the sequence file"""

        if self.sequence_file:
            file_to_load = copy(self.sequence_path)
            log.debug('{}: reading sequence from sequence file {}'.format(, file_to_load))
            tmp_sr =, 'fasta')
            return tmp_sr.seq

            if not self._seq:
                log.debug('{}: no sequence stored in memory'.format(
                log.debug('{}: reading sequence from memory'.format(

            return self._seq
项目:DnaFeaturesViewer    作者:Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_biopython_record(self):
        from Bio import SeqIO
        gr_record = GraphicRecord(features=features, sequence_length=len(seq),
        bio_record = gr_record.to_biopython_record()
        with open("", "w+") as f:
            SeqIO.write(record, f, "genbank")
            raise ImportError(".to_biopython_record requires Biopython")
        features = [
            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(f.start, f.end, f.strand),
                       type=f.feature_type, qualifiers={"label": f.label})
            for f in self.features
        sequence = Seq(["sequence"], alphabet=DNAAlphabet())
        return SeqRecord(sequence=sequence, features=features)
项目:icing    作者:slipguru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sequence(v, deparse=False):
        if not deparse:
                return Seq(v, IUPAC.ambiguous_dna)
                return None
                return str(v)
                return ''

    # Initializer
    # Arguments:  row = dictionary of {field:value} data
    #             genotyped = if True assign v_call from genotyped field
    # Returns:    IgRecord
项目:icing    作者:slipguru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSeqField(self, field):
        if field in IgRecord._field_map:
            v = getattr(self, IgRecord._field_map[field])
        elif field in self.annotations:
            v = self.annotations[field]
            return None

        if isinstance(v, Seq):
            return v
        elif isinstance(v, str):
            return Seq(v, IUPAC.ambiguous_dna)
            return None

    # Returns: dictionary of the namespace
项目:icing    作者:slipguru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_dataframe(db_file, dialect='excel-tab'):
    df = pd.read_csv(db_file, dialect=dialect)
    df = df.rename(columns=dict(zip(df.columns, df.columns.str.lower())))

    # df = df[df['functional'] == 'F']

    # parse v and j genes to speed up computation later
    df['v_gene_set'] = [set(
        parseAllele(x, gene_regex, 'set')) for x in df.v_call]
    df['v_gene_set_str'] = [str(set(
        parseAllele(x, gene_regex, 'set'))) for x in df.v_call]
    df['j_gene_set'] = [set(
        parseAllele(x, gene_regex, 'set')) for x in df.j_call]
    df['junc'] = [junction_re(x) for x in df.junction]
    df['aa_junc'] = [str(Seq(x, generic_dna).translate()) for x in df.junc]
    df['aa_junction_length'] = [len(x) for x in df.aa_junc]

    return df
项目:nctc-tools    作者:esteinig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parse_gff(file, file_name):
    records = []

    with open(file, "r") as infile:

        for i, rec in enumerate(GFF.parse(infile)):

            # Enumerates the contigs (can be chromosome, plasmid and unidentified)
            # based on total number of contigs (not type)
            rec_id = + "_" + str(i + 1)

            if len(rec_id) > 15:
                rec_id = "contig_" + "_" + str(i + 1)

            seq_record = SeqRecord(Seq(str(rec.seq), IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id=rec_id,


    return records
项目:NGS-Pipeline    作者:LewisLabUCSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cds_sequence(rna,c_df,chrom_seq):
    pr_df = c_df[c_df['rna_id'].values==rna]
    strand = list(set(pr_df[6].tolist()))
    if len(strand) == 2:
        assert False, rna+' has both strands'
    # seqeunce merge
    chr_seq = Seq('')
    for start,end in zip(pr_df[3],pr_df[4]):
        if strand == ['-']:
            chr_seq += chrom_seq[start-1:end].reverse_complement()
            chr_seq += chrom_seq[start-1:end]
    # consider the frame information in 7th column
    frame = int(pr_df[7].tolist()[0])
    rna_seq = chr_seq[frame:]
    return str(rna_seq.translate())
项目:EMBLmyGFF3    作者:NBISweden    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translation(self):
        Returns the amino acid sequence of self
        B = "Asx";  Aspartic acid (R) or Asparagine (N)
        X = "Xxx";  Unknown or 'other' amino acid
        Z = "Glx";  Glutamic acid (E) or Glutamine (Q)
        J = "Xle";  Leucine (L) or Isoleucine (I), used in mass-spec (NMR)
        U = "Sec";  Selenocysteine
        O = "Pyl";  Pyrrolysine
        codon_table = CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_id[self.transl_table]  
        seq = Seq(str(self.sequence()),IUPACAmbiguousDNA())
        translated_seq = seq.translate(codon_table).tostring().replace('B','X').replace('Z','X').replace('J','X')
        if '*' in translated_seq[:-1]: # check if premature stop codon in the translation
            logging.error('Stop codon found within the CDS. It will rise an error submiting the data to ENA. Please fix your gff file.')

        # remove the stop character. It's not accepted by embl
        if translated_seq[-1:] == "*":
            translated_seq = translated_seq[:-1]

        return translated_seq
项目:kevlar    作者:dib-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(args):
    for record in SeqIO.parse(args.infile, 'fasta'):
        if args.discard:
            if sum([1 for rx in args.discard if re.match(rx,]) > 0:

        subseqcounter = 0
        printlog(args.debug, "DEBUG: convert to upper case",
        sequence = str(record.seq).upper()
        printlog(args.debug, "DEBUG: split seq by Ns",
        subseqs = [ss for ss in re.split('[^ACGT]+', sequence) if len(ss) > args.minlength]
        printlog(args.debug, "DEBUG: print subseqs",
        for subseq in subseqs:
            subseqcounter += 1
            subid = '{:s}_chunk_{:d}'.format(, subseqcounter)
            subrecord = SeqRecord(Seq(subseq), subid, '', '')
            SeqIO.write(subrecord, args.outfile, 'fasta')
项目:treetime    作者:neherlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_reconstructed_alignment(self):
        Get the multiple sequence alignment including reconstructed sequences for
        the internal nodes.
        from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment
        from Bio.Seq import Seq
        from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
        self.logger("TreeAnc.get_reconstructed_alignment ...",2)
        if not hasattr(self.tree.root, 'sequence'):
            self.logger("TreeAnc.reconstructed_alignment... reconstruction not yet done",3)

        new_aln = MultipleSeqAlignment([SeqRecord(, seq=Seq("".join(n.sequence)), description="")
                                        for n in self.tree.find_clades()])

        return new_aln
项目:BioNanoAnalyst    作者:AppliedBioinformatics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_RefCmap(fasta_file, enz=None, min_len=20, min_nsite=5, path=None):
    name = fasta_file.rsplit('.',1)[0].split('/')[-1]
    index = 0
    enzymes = {'BspQI':'GCTCTTC',
        forwards = enzymes[enz]
        reverse = str(Seq(forwards).reverse_complement())
        with open (cmap_file,'a') as ref_cmap:
            ref_cmap.write('# CMAP File Version:\t0.1\n')
            ref_cmap.write('# Label Channels:\t1\n')
            ref_cmap.write('# Nickase Recognition Site 1:\t%s\n'%forwards)
            ref_cmap.write('# Enzyme1:\tNt.%s\n'%enz)
            ref_cmap.write('# Number of Consensus Nanomaps:\tN/A\n')
            ref_cmap.write('#h CMapId\tContigLength\tNumSites\tSiteID\tLabelChannel\tPosition\tStdDev\tCoverage\tOccurrence\n')
            ref_cmap.write('#f int\tfloat\tint\tint\tint\tfloat\tfloat\tint\tint\n')
            for seqs in SeqIO.parse(fasta_file,'fasta'):
                seq = str(seqs.seq.upper())
                seq_len = len(seq)
                if seq_len >= min_len*1000:
                    nsites = len(re.findall('%s|%s'%(forwards,reverse),seq))
                    if nsites >=min_nsite:
                        for o in re.finditer('%s|%s'%(forwards,reverse),seq):
项目:icing    作者:NationalGenomicsInfrastructure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateSeqHandles(anIndexCfg):
        The YAML config file to parse is like:

    indexes: [

    There is a handle at one end of each sequence which is as follows:
              prefix         -index -      postfix
    forwardIdx= []     # the result array to collect handle sequence strings
    handlePrefix = anIndexCfg["handles"]["prefix"]
    handlePostfix = anIndexCfg["handles"]["postfix"]
    for index in anIndexCfg["indexes"]:
        forwardIdx.append(handlePrefix + index + handlePostfix)

    reverseIdx = []       # to collect reverse complements
    for handle in forwardIdx:
        seq = Seq(handle)
        rc = str(seq.reverse_complement())

    return (forwardIdx,reverseIdx)
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def seq_record_example():
    """Dummy SeqRecord to load"""
                     id="YP_025292.1", name="HokC",
                     description="toxic membrane protein, small",
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_set_seq_with_str(self, seqprop_with_i, seq_str_example):
        """Test setting the seq attribute with a sequence string"""
        seqprop_with_i.seq = seq_str_example
        assert type(seqprop_with_i.seq) == Seq
        assert str(seqprop_with_i.seq) == seq_str_example
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_set_seq_with_seqrecord(self, seqprop_with_i, seq_record_example):
        """Test setting the seq attribute with a SeqRecord"""
        seqprop_with_i.seq = seq_record_example
        assert type(seqprop_with_i.seq) == Seq
        assert seqprop_with_i.seq == seq_record_example.seq
        assert ==
        assert seqprop_with_i.description == seq_record_example.description
        assert seqprop_with_i.annotations == seq_record_example.annotations
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_write_fasta_file(self, seqprop_with_i, tmpdir, test_files_outputs, seq_record_example):
        """Test that everything behaves properly when writing the SeqProp to a FASTA file"""
        # Add dummy annotations to the SeqProp - check to see if they stay in the SeqProp even after Seq is written
        seqprop_with_i.letter_annotations.update({'test_la_key': 'X' * len(seqprop_with_i.seq)})
        seqprop_with_i.features.append(SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(1, 3)))

        # Write the Seq to a FASTA file
        outpath = tmpdir.join('test_seqprop_with_i_write_fasta_file.fasta').strpath
        seqprop_with_i.write_fasta_file(outfile=outpath, force_rerun=True)

        # Test that the file was written
        assert op.exists(outpath)
        assert op.getsize(outpath) > 0

        # Test that file paths are correct
        assert seqprop_with_i.sequence_path == outpath
        assert seqprop_with_i.sequence_file == 'test_seqprop_with_i_write_fasta_file.fasta'
        assert seqprop_with_i.sequence_dir == tmpdir

        # Once a file is written, the annotations should not be lost, even though the sequence now
            # loads from the written file as a Seq
        assert seqprop_with_i.description == seq_record_example.description
        assert seqprop_with_i.annotations == seq_record_example.annotations
        assert seqprop_with_i.letter_annotations == {'test_la_key': 'X' * len(seq_record_example.seq)}
        assert len(seqprop_with_i.features) == 1

        # Test that sequence cannot be changed
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            seqprop_with_i.seq = 'THISWILLNOTBETHESEQ'
        assert seqprop_with_i.seq == seq_record_example.seq
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cast_to_seq_record(obj, alphabet=IUPAC.extended_protein, id="<unknown id>", name="<unknown name>",
                       description="<unknown description>", dbxrefs=None,
                       features=None, annotations=None,
    """Return a SeqRecord representation of a string or Seq object.

        obj (str, Seq, SeqRecord): Sequence string or Biopython Seq object
        alphabet: See Biopython SeqRecord docs
        id: See Biopython SeqRecord docs
        name: See Biopython SeqRecord docs
        description: See Biopython SeqRecord docs
        dbxrefs: See Biopython SeqRecord docs
        features: See Biopython SeqRecord docs
        annotations: See Biopython SeqRecord docs
        letter_annotations: See Biopython SeqRecord docs

        SeqRecord: SeqRecord representation of the sequence


    if isinstance(obj, SeqRecord):
        return obj
    if isinstance(obj, Seq):
        return SeqRecord(obj, id, name, description, dbxrefs, features, annotations, letter_annotations)
    if isinstance(obj, str):
        obj = obj.upper()
        return SeqRecord(Seq(obj, alphabet), id, name, description, dbxrefs, features, annotations, letter_annotations)
        raise ValueError('Must provide a string, Seq, or SeqRecord object.')
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_fasta_file(self, outfile, force_rerun=False):
        """Write a FASTA file for the protein sequence, ``seq`` will now load directly from this file.

            outfile (str): Path to new FASTA file to be written to
            force_rerun (bool): If an existing file should be overwritten

        if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile):
            SeqIO.write(self, outfile, "fasta")

        # The Seq as it will now be dynamically loaded from the file
        self.sequence_path = outfile
项目:OligoMiner    作者:brianbeliveau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createRCs(inputFile, outNameVal):
    """Creates a .bed file with the reverse complements of the given set of

    # Determine the stem of the input filename.
    fileName = str(inputFile).split('.')[0]

    # Open input file for reading.
    with open(inputFile, 'r') as f:
        file_read = [line.strip() for line in f]

    # Create list to hold output.
    outList = []

    # Parse out probe info, flip sequence to RC, and write to output list.
    for i in range(0, len(file_read), 1):
        chrom = file_read[i].split('\t')[0]
        start = file_read[i].split('\t')[1]
        stop = file_read[i].split('\t')[2]
        probeSeq = file_read[i].split('\t')[3]
        RevSeq = Seq(probeSeq, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna).reverse_complement()
        Tm = file_read[i].split('\t')[4]
        outList.append('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (chrom, start, stop, RevSeq, Tm))

    # Determine the name of the output file.
    if outNameVal is None:
        outName = '%s_RC' % fileName
        outName = outNameVal

    # Create the output file.
    output = open('%s.bed' % outName, 'w')

    # Write the output file
项目:dartqc    作者:esteinig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_fasta(self, target="allele_seq_ref"):

        """ Write fasta file of sequences with SNP IDs for CD-HIT. """

        file_name = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, self.project + "_Seqs")

        seqs = [SeqRecord(Seq(data[target], IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id=snp_id, name="", description="")
                for snp_id, data in]

        file_name += ".fasta"

        with open(file_name, "w") as fasta_file:
            SeqIO.write(seqs, fasta_file, "fasta")

        return file_name
项目:mirtop    作者:miRTop    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reverse_complement(seq):
    return Seq(seq).reverse_complement()
项目:kindel    作者:bede    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def consensus_seqrecord(consensus, ref_id):
    return SeqRecord(Seq(consensus), id=ref_id + '_cns', description='')
项目:TRAPeS    作者:YosefLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addSegmentToJunctionFileSE(vSeg,jSeg,cSeg,out,fastaDict, bases, idNameDict):
    vSeq = fastaDict[vSeg]
    if jSeg != 'NA':
        jName = idNameDict[jSeg]
        jSeq = fastaDict[jSeg]
        jSeq = ''
        jName = 'NoJ'
    if cSeg != 'NA':
        cName = idNameDict[cSeg]
        cSeq = fastaDict[cSeg]
        cName = 'NoC'
        cSeq = ''
    jcSeq = jSeq + cSeq
    lenSeg = min(len(vSeq),len(jcSeq))
    if bases != -10:
        if lenSeg < bases:
            sys.stdout.write(str( + ' Bases parameter is bigger than the length of the V or J segment, taking the length' \
                    'of the V/J segment instead, which is: ' + str(lenSeg) + '\n')
            lenSeg = bases
    jTrim = jcSeq[:lenSeg]
    vTrim = vSeq[-1*lenSeg:]
    junc = vTrim + jTrim
    recordName = vSeg + '.' + jSeg + '.' + cSeg + '(' + idNameDict[vSeg] + '-' + jName + '-' + cName + ')'
    record = SeqRecord(Seq(junc,IUPAC.ambiguous_dna), id = recordName, description = '')
项目:TRAPeS    作者:YosefLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findCDR3(fasta, aaDict, vdjFaDict):
    f = open(fasta, 'rU')
    fDict = dict()
    for record in SeqIO.parse(f, 'fasta'):
        if in fDict:
            sys.stderr.write(str( + ' Error! same name for two fasta entries %s\n' %
            idArr ='.')
            vSeg = idArr[0]
            jSeg = idArr[1]
            if ((vSeg in aaDict) & (jSeg in aaDict)):
                currDict = findVandJaaMap(aaDict[vSeg],aaDict[jSeg],record.seq)
                if vSeg in aaDict:
                    newVseg = aaDict[vSeg]
                    vId = idArr[3]
                    currSeq = vdjFaDict[vId]
                    newVseg = getBestVaa(Seq(currSeq))
                if jSeg in aaDict:
                    newJseg = aaDict[jSeg]
                    jId = idArr[4]
                    currSeq= vdjFaDict[jId]
                    newJseg = getBestJaa(Seq(currSeq))
                currDict = findVandJaaMap(newVseg,newJseg,record.seq)
            fDict[] = currDict
    return fDict
项目:genepred    作者:egorbarsukoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_genes(output_folder, refs_folder, gff_folder, di):
    tp = 'gene'
    refs_files = sorted([join(refs_folder, f) for f in listdir(refs_folder) if isfile(join(refs_folder, f))])
    gff_files = sorted([join(gff_folder, f) for f in listdir(gff_folder) if isfile(join(gff_folder, f))])
    limit_info = dict( gff_type =['gene'])
    sequences = []
    for ind in range(len(refs_files)):
        f_fasta = refs_files[ind]
        f_gff = gff_files[ind]
        nm = f_gff.split("/")[-1][:-4]
        record = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(f_fasta, "fasta"))
        new_record = {}
        p = re.compile("N\w_\w+\.\d")
        for it in record:
            new_id = p.findall(it)[0]
            new_record[new_id] = record[it]

        record = new_record
        in_handle = open(f_gff)
        for rec in GFF.parse(in_handle, limit_info=limit_info, base_dict=record):
            for f in rec.features:
                if f.qualifiers['ID'][0] in di.get(f_gff, []):
                    subrecord = SeqRecord.SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(re.sub(r'[^ATGC]', 'A', str(f.extract(rec.seq)))),
                                       id=nm + "_" + + "_" + str(f.location),
                                       name=nm + "_" + str(f.location)+ "_" + tp,
                                       description= tp)
    with open(output_folder+'sc_genes_seq.fasta', "w") as output_handle:
        SeqIO.write(sequences, output_handle, "fasta")
项目:genepred    作者:egorbarsukoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def partial_genes_extract(contigs_path, outdir):
    contigs = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(contigs_path, "fasta"))
    partial_genes = []
    with open(outdir+'prodigal_output.gff') as f:
        for rec in GFF.parse(f, base_dict=contigs):
            for feature in rec.features:
                extract_seq = str(feature.extract(rec.seq))
                if feature.qualifiers['partial'][0] in ['11', '01', '10'] and len(extract_seq) > 110:
                    subrecord = SeqRecord.SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(extract_seq),
                                                    id='gene_'+str(len(partial_genes))+'_len_'+str(len(extract_seq)) +
                                                    description='patrial gene')
    return partial_genes
项目:genepred    作者:egorbarsukoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_orfs(self, outdir):
        Write ORFs from self.orfs and create files ORFs.[fasta, path] with sequences and paths
        :param outdir: saves path (with "/" in the end)
        with open(outdir + 'ORFs.fasta', 'w') as f, open(outdir + 'ORFs.path', 'w') as path:
            counter = 0
            for o in self.orfs:
                SeqIO.write(SeqRecord(Seq(o), id='ORF_{0}'.format(counter), description=self.orfs[o][1]), f, 'fasta')
                path.write('ORF_{0} '.format(counter) + 'max_edge_len: {0}\n'.format(self.max_edge_len(o)) +
                           str(self.orfs[o][0][0]) + ',' + ''.join([i[0] + i[1] + ',' for i in self.orfs[o][0][1:-1]]) +
                           str(self.orfs[o][0][-1]) + '\n')
                counter += 1
项目:icing    作者:slipguru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getVSeq(self):
        # _seq_vdj = self.getField('SEQUENCE_VDJ')
        _seq_vdj = self.getField('SEQUENCE_IMGT')
        # _idx_v = int(self.getField('V_SEQ_LENGTH'))
        return _seq_vdj[:312]  # 312: V length without cdr3

    # Get a field value converted to a Seq object by column name
    # Arguments:  field = column name
    # Returns:    value in the field as a Seq object
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad_nucleotide_sequences(aln_aa, seq_nuc):
    introduce gaps of 3 (---) into nucleotide sequences corresponding to aligned DNA sequences.

    - aln_aa: amino acid alignment
    - seq_nuc: unaligned nucleotide sequences.

    - aligned nucleotide sequences with all gaps length 3
    from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment
    from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
    from Bio.Seq import Seq
    aln_nuc = MultipleSeqAlignment([])
    for aa_seq  in aln_aa:
            tmp_nuc_seq = str(seq_nuc[].seq)
        except KeyError as e:
            print 'Key not found, continue with next sequence'

        tmpseq = ''
        nuc_pos = 0
        for aa in aa_seq:
            if aa=='-':


    return aln_nuc
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_translations(self):
        translate the nucleotide sequence into the proteins specified
        in self.proteins. these are expected to be SeqFeatures
        from Bio import Seq

        # Sort proteins by start position of the corresponding SeqFeature entry.
        sorted_proteins = sorted(self.proteins.items(), key=lambda protein_pair: protein_pair[1].start)

        for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='preorder'):
            if not hasattr(node, "translations"):
                # Maintain genomic order of protein translations for easy
                # assembly by downstream functions.
                node.aa_mutations = {}

            for prot, feature in sorted_proteins:
                node.translations[prot] = Seq.translate(str(feature.extract(Seq.Seq("".join(node.sequence)))).replace('-', 'N'))

                if node.up is None:
                    node.aa_mutations[prot] = []
                    node.aa_mutations[prot] = [(a,pos,d) for pos, (a,d) in
                                                             node.translations[prot])) if a!=d]

项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, logger, sequences, reference, dateFormat):
        super(sequence_set, self).__init__()
        self.log = logger

        # load sequences from the (parsed) JSON - don't forget to sort out dates
        self.seqs = {}
        for name, data in sequences.iteritems():
            self.seqs[name] = SeqRecord(Seq(data["seq"], generic_dna),
                   id=name, name=name, description=name)
            self.seqs[name].attributes = data["attributes"]
            # tidy up dates
            date_struc = parse_date(self.seqs[name].attributes["raw_date"], dateFormat)
            self.seqs[name].attributes["num_date"] = date_struc[1]
            self.seqs[name].attributes["date"] = date_struc[2]

        # if the reference is to be analysed it'll already be in the (filtered & subsampled)
        # sequences, so no need to add it here, and no need to care about attributes etc
        # we do, however, need it for alignment
        self.reference_in_dataset = reference["included"]
        name = reference["strain"]
        self.reference_seq = SeqRecord(Seq(reference["seq"], generic_dna),
               id=name, name=name, description=name)
        if "genes" in reference and len(reference["genes"]):
            self.proteins = {k:FeatureLocation(start=v["start"], end=v["end"], strand=v["strand"]) for k, v in reference["genes"].iteritems()}
            self.proteins = None

        # other things:
        self.run_dir = '_'.join(['temp', time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S',time.gmtime()), str(random.randint(0,1000000))])
        self.nthreads = 2 # should load from config file
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strip_non_reference(self):
        remove insertions relative to the reference from the alignment
        ungapped = np.array(self.reference_aln)!='-'
        for seq in self.aln:
            seq.seq = Seq("".join(np.array(seq)[ungapped]))
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_gaps_ambiguous(self):
        replace all gaps by 'N' in all sequences in the alignment. TreeTime will treat them
        as fully ambiguous and replace then with the most likely state
        for seq in self.aln:
            seq_array = np.array(seq)
            gaps = seq_array=='-'
            seq.seq = Seq("".join(seq_array))
项目:augur    作者:nextstrain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self):
        make alignments of translations.
        from Bio.Seq import CodonTable
        codon_table  = CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_name['Standard'].forward_table
        if not hasattr(self, "proteins"): # ensure dictionary to hold annotation

        # add a default translation of the entire sequence unless otherwise specified
        if len(self.proteins)==0:
                end=self.aln.get_alignment_length(), strand=1)})

        # loop over all proteins and create one MSA for each
        for prot in self.proteins:
            aa_seqs = []
            for seq in self.aln:
                tmpseq = self.proteins[prot].extract(seq)
                translated_seq, translation_exception = safe_translate(str(tmpseq.seq), report_exceptions=True)
                if translation_exception:
                    self.log.notify("Trouble translating because of invalid codons %s" %

                tmpseq.seq = Seq(translated_seq)

                # copy attributes
                tmpseq.attributes = seq.attributes
            self.translations[prot] = MultipleSeqAlignment(aa_seqs)
项目:proteinER    作者:clauswilke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_aa_seq(chain):
    Extract amino acid sequence from a PDB chain object and return sequence as
    Bio.SeqRecord object.
    aa_list = []
    residue_numbers = []
    for residue in chain:
        if is_aa(residue):
            residue_numbers.append(str(residue.get_id()[1]) + \
    aa_seq = SeqRecord(Seq(''.join(aa_list)), id='pdb_seq', description='')
    return aa_seq, residue_numbers
项目:wub    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_fixed_errors(input_iter, nr_errors, error_type):
    """Simulate sequencing errors for each SeqRecord object in the input iterator.

    :param input_iter: Iterator of SeqRecord objects.
    :para nr_errors: Number of errors to introduce.
    :param error_type: Error type: substitution, insertion or deletion.
    :returns: Generator of SeqRecord objects.
    :rtype: generator
    for record in input_iter:
        mutated_seq = sim_seq.add_errors(record.seq, nr_errors, error_type)
        record.seq = Seq(mutated_seq)
        yield record
项目:wub    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simulate_errors(input_iter, error_rate, error_weights):
    """Simulate sequencing errors for each SeqRecord object in the input iterator.

    :param input_iter: Iterator of SeqRecord objects.
    :para error_rate: Total error rate of substitutions, insertions and deletions.
    :param error_weights: Relative frequency of substitutions,insertions,deletions.
    :returns: Generator of SeqRecord objects.
    :rtype: generator
    for record in input_iter:
        mutated_seq = sim_seq.simulate_sequencing_errors(record.seq, error_rate, error_weights).seq
        record.seq = Seq(mutated_seq)
        yield record
项目:tictax    作者:bede    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_record(id, classification):
    description = (classification['classifier']
                   + '|' + str(classification['taxid'])
                   + '|' + classification['sciname']
                   + '|' + classification['rank']
                   + '|' + ';'.join(classification['lineage']))
    record = SeqRecord(Seq(classification['sequence'], IUPAC.ambiguous_dna),
                       id=id, description=description)
    return record
项目:bioframe    作者:mirnylab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def digest(fasta_records, enzyme):
    Divide a genome into restriction fragments.
    fasta_records : OrderedDict
        Dictionary of chromosome names to sequence records.
    enzyme: str
        Name of restriction enzyme.
    Dataframe with columns: 'chrom', 'start', 'end'.
    import Bio.Restriction as biorst
    import Bio.Seq as bioseq
    chroms = fasta_records.keys()
        cut_finder = getattr(biorst, enzyme).search
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValueError('Unknown enzyme name: {}'.format(enzyme))

    def _each(chrom):
        seq = bioseq.Seq(str(fasta_records[chrom]))
        cuts = np.r_[0, np.array(cut_finder(seq)) + 1, len(seq)].astype(int)
        n_frags = len(cuts) - 1

        frags = pd.DataFrame({
            'chrom': [chrom] * n_frags,
            'start': cuts[:-1],
            'end': cuts[1:]},
            columns=['chrom', 'start', 'end'])
        return frags

    return pd.concat(map(_each, chroms), axis=0, ignore_index=True)
项目:EMBLmyGFF3    作者:NBISweden    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sequence(self):
        Returns the nucleotide sequence of self
        if self.location.strand > 0:
            return SeqFeature(location = self.location).extract(self.seq)

        seq = Seq("")
        for part in reversed(
            seq += SeqFeature(location = part).extract(self.seq)

        return seq
项目:seqenv    作者:xapple    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_str(self, seq, name=None, description=""):
        self.add_seq(SeqRecord(Seq(seq), id=name, description=description))
项目:exfi    作者:jlanga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reduce_exons(iterable_of_seqrecords):
    """Reduce the exons by sequence identity

    Build a dict whose keys are the sequence in str format and the values are
    lists in which the first element is the exon_id and the remaining are
    the coordinates in loci:start-end format
    # Initialize
    seq_to_data = dict()

    # Go over each record
    for record in iterable_of_seqrecords:
        seq = str(record.seq)
        if seq in seq_to_data:  # Just append
        else:  # Enter values in both dicts
            seq_to_data[seq] = [
                'EXON{:011d}'.format(len(seq_to_data) + 1),

    # Collect data from both dicts into a SeqRecord and return
    for seq in seq_to_data.keys():
        identifier, *description = seq_to_data[seq]
        record = SeqRecord(
            description=" ".join(description),
        yield record
项目:exfi    作者:jlanga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _segments_to_exon_dict(segments):
    """(list of lists) -> dict

    Conver a list of ["S", "ident", "seq", *whatever] to a dict {ident: SeqRecord}
    exon_dict = {}
    for segment in segments:
        exon_id, sequence = segment[1:3]
        exon_dict[exon_id] = SeqRecord(
    return exon_dict
项目:exfi    作者:jlanga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compose_paths(exon_dict, path_dict, number_of_ns):
    ns = "N" * number_of_ns
    for transcript_id, exon_list in sorted(path_dict.items()):
        exon_seqs = [str(exon_dict[exon_id].seq) for exon_id in exon_list]
        yield SeqRecord(
项目:NucDiff    作者:uio-cels    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def COMPL_STRING(line):

    my_seq = Seq(line)

    return compl_line
项目:FMAB    作者:BrendelGroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_sequence(comp, length) :
    seq_string = ''

    ##### Part 3 : Your random sequence generating code goes here

    # Assertion is advised
    assert abs( sum(comp.values())-1 ) < 0.01 , 'Probabilities do not add up to 1.'

    # We generate a sequence of given length
    for i in range(length) :
        # Get a random number in [0,1)
        dice = random()
        # We divide [0,1) interval according to probabilities of each nucleotide
        for nuc in comp :
            limit += comp[nuc]
            # We add the letter that dice hits
            if dice<limit :
                seq_string += nuc
                limit = 0
                # Roll another dice for the next nucleotide


    sequence = Seq(seq_string)
    return SeqRecord(sequence, id='Random Sequence', description=comp.__repr__())


### Part 0 : Argument Parsing
### We want out program to have easy-to-use parameters
### We are using the argparse library for this
项目:FMAB    作者:BrendelGroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_sequence(comp, length) :
    seq_string = ''

##### Part 3 : Your random sequence generating code goes here
##### Goal   : Fill in seq_string with a random sequence of given composition

    sequence = Seq(seq_string)
    return SeqRecord(sequence, id='Random Sequence', description=comp.__repr__())


### Part 0 : Argument Parsing
### We want out program to have easy-to-use parameters
### We are using the argparse library for this
项目:gene_info    作者:sggaffney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cds_seq(self):
        """Lookup transcript, exon and UTR info from Ensembl Rest API."""
        if not self._cds_seq:
            seq_info = client.perform_rest_action(
                params={'type': 'cds'})
            seq_str = seq_info['seq']
            if seq_str.startswith('N') or seq_str.endswith('N'):
                seq_str = seq_str.strip('N')
            seq = Seq(seq_str, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)
            self._cds_seq = seq
            self._aa_seq = seq.translate()
            seq = self._cds_seq
        return seq