def ScaleRotateTranslate(image, angle, center = None, new_center = None, scale = None, resample=Image.BICUBIC): if (scale is None) and (center is None): return image.rotate(angle=angle, resample=resample) nx,ny = x,y = center sx=sy=1.0 if new_center: (nx,ny) = new_center if scale: (sx,sy) = (scale, scale) cosine = math.cos(angle) sine = math.sin(angle) a = cosine/sx b = sine/sx c = x-nx*a-ny*b d = -sine/sy e = cosine/sy f = y-nx*d-ny*e return image.transform(image.size, Image.AFFINE, (a,b,c,d,e,f), resample=resample)
def apply_perspective_surf(self, surf): self.invert_surface(surf) data = pygame.image.tostring(surf, 'RGBA') img = Image.fromstring('RGBA', surf.get_size(), data) img = img.transform(img.size, self.affinestate.proj_type, self.affinestate.sample_transformation(img.size), Image.BICUBIC) img = img.transform(img.size, self.perspectivestate.proj_type, self.perspectivestate.sample_transformation(img.size), Image.BICUBIC) im = n.array(img) # pyplot.imshow(im) # pyplot.show() surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(im[...,0:3].swapaxes(0,1)) self.invert_surface(surf) return surf
def create_wallpaper(screen, urls, size=(100, 100), randomise=False): if randomise: random.shuffle(urls) wallpaper = Image.new("RGB", screen, "blue") width = int(math.ceil(float(screen[0]) / size[0])) height = int(math.ceil(float(screen[1]) / size[1])) offset = [0,0] for i in xrange(height): y = size[1] * i for j in xrange(width): x = size[0] * j photo = load_photo(urls.pop()) if photo.size != size: photo = photo.resize(size, Image.BICUBIC) wallpaper.paste(photo, (x, y)) del photo return wallpaper
def copy_image_files_pil(self): """Copy images using the PIL. The method tries to read and write the files with the PIL, converting the format and resizing the image if necessary/possible. """ ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, self.imagedir)) for src in self.app.status_iterator(self.images, 'copying images... ', brown, len(self.images)): dest = self.images[src] try: img = Image.open(path.join(self.srcdir, src)) except IOError: if not self.is_vector_graphics(src): self.warn('cannot read image file %r: copying it instead' % (path.join(self.srcdir, src), )) try: copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src), path.join(self.outdir, self.imagedir, dest)) except (IOError, OSError) as err: self.warn('cannot copy image file %r: %s' % (path.join(self.srcdir, src), err)) continue if self.config.epub_fix_images: if img.mode in ('P',): # See PIL documentation for Image.convert() img = img.convert() if self.config.epub_max_image_width > 0: (width, height) = img.size nw = self.config.epub_max_image_width if width > nw: nh = (height * nw) / width img = img.resize((nw, nh), Image.BICUBIC) try: img.save(path.join(self.outdir, self.imagedir, dest)) except (IOError, OSError) as err: self.warn('cannot write image file %r: %s' % (path.join(self.srcdir, src), err))
def script_ocrNavigatorObject(self, gesture): nav = api.getNavigatorObject() left, top, width, height = nav.location img = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(left, top, left + width, top + height)) # Tesseract copes better if we convert to black and white... img = img.convert(mode='L') # and increase the size. img = img.resize((width * IMAGE_RESIZE_FACTOR, height * IMAGE_RESIZE_FACTOR), Image.BICUBIC) baseFile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "nvda_ocr") try: imgFile = baseFile + ".bmp" img.save(imgFile) ui.message(_("Running OCR")) lang = getConfig()['language'] # Hide the Tesseract window. si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE subprocess.check_call((TESSERACT_EXE, imgFile, baseFile, "-l", lang, "hocr"), startupinfo=si) finally: try: os.remove(imgFile) except OSError: pass try: hocrFile = baseFile + ".html" parser = HocrParser(file(hocrFile).read(), left, top) finally: try: os.remove(hocrFile) except OSError: pass # Let the user review the OCR output. nav.makeTextInfo = lambda position: OcrTextInfo(nav, position, parser) api.setReviewPosition(nav.makeTextInfo(textInfos.POSITION_FIRST)) ui.message(_("Done"))
def apply_perspective_arr(self, arr, affstate, perstate, filtering=Image.BICUBIC): img = Image.fromarray(arr) img = img.transform(img.size, self.affinestate.proj_type, affstate, filtering) img = img.transform(img.size, self.perspectivestate.proj_type, perstate, filtering) arr = n.array(img) return arr
def render(self, stream, value): im = self.im.copy() im2 = self.im.copy() x = 0 r_i = sum(ord(c) for c in value) # ???????????????? for c in value: fgimg = Image.new('RGBA', self.size, self.font_color) charimg = Image.new('L', self.font.getsize(c), '#000000') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(charimg) draw.text((0, 0), c, font=self.font, fill='#ffffff') r = (int(time()) / 1000 + ord(c) + r_i) % 40 - 20 # ??????????????? charimg = charimg.rotate(r, expand=1, resample=Image.BICUBIC) charimg = charimg.crop(charimg.getbbox()) maskimg = Image.new('L', self.size) y = (im2.size[1] - charimg.size[1]) / 2 maskimg.paste(charimg, (x, y, charimg.size[0] + x, charimg.size[1] + y)) im2 = Image.composite(fgimg, im2, maskimg) x += charimg.size[0] - 5 # - X??? # ??????? x ?? center = (im.size[0] - x) / 2 im.paste(im2, (center, 0, im2.size[0]+center, im2.size[1])) im.save(stream, self.image_type)
def scale_image(in_fname, out_fname, max_width, max_height): """Scales an image with the same aspect ratio centered in an image with a given max_width and max_height if in_fname == out_fname the image can only be scaled down """ # local import to avoid testing dependency on PIL: try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: import Image img = Image.open(in_fname) width_in, height_in = img.size scale_w = max_width / float(width_in) scale_h = max_height / float(height_in) if height_in * scale_w <= max_height: scale = scale_w else: scale = scale_h if scale >= 1.0 and in_fname == out_fname: return width_sc = int(round(scale * width_in)) height_sc = int(round(scale * height_in)) # resize the image using resize; if using .thumbnail and the image is # already smaller than max_width, max_height, then this won't scale up # at all (maybe could be an option someday...) img = img.resize((width_sc, height_sc), Image.BICUBIC) # img.thumbnail((width_sc, height_sc), Image.BICUBIC) # width_sc, height_sc = img.size # necessary if using thumbnail # insert centered thumb = Image.new('RGB', (max_width, max_height), (255, 255, 255)) pos_insert = ((max_width - width_sc) // 2, (max_height - height_sc) // 2) thumb.paste(img, pos_insert) thumb.save(out_fname) # Use optipng to perform lossless compression on the resized image if # software is installed if os.environ.get('SKLEARN_DOC_OPTIPNG', False): try: subprocess.call(["optipng", "-quiet", "-o", "9", out_fname]) except Exception: logger.warning( 'Install optipng to reduce the size of the generated images')
def create_ns (tmp_imgpath, cnt_ns ) : global pyramids tmp_img = Image.open("%s/%s" %(coco_path, tmp_imgpath), 'r' ) pyramids = list( pyramid_gaussian( tmp_img, downscale=math.sqrt(2) ) ) for i in range ( len(pyramids) ): if min( pyramids[i].shape[0], pyramids[i].shape[1] ) < MinFace : del pyramids[i:] break # for j in range(4) : for j in range(36) : # creating random index img_index = random.randint(0, len(pyramids)-1 ) tmp_patch_num = ( pyramids[img_index].shape[0] - 12 + 1) * ( pyramids[img_index].shape[1] - 12 + 1) rand_index = random.randint(0, tmp_patch_num) # x, y position decoding row_max = pyramids[img_index].shape[0] col_max = pyramids[img_index].shape[1] row = 0 col = rand_index while ( col >= col_max - 12 +1 ) : row = row + 1 col = col - (col_max-12+1) flag = 0 # Rejecting Black and White image tmp_ns = pyramids[img_index][row:row+12, col:col+12] if not len(tmp_ns.shape)==3 : print " Gray Image. Skip " return 0 # Rejecting Positive Samples scale_factor = math.sqrt(2)**img_index tmp_ns = pyramids[img_index][row:row+12, col:col+12] tmp_ns = Image.fromarray((tmp_ns*255.0).astype(np.uint8) ) # tmp_ns = tmp_ns.resize( (12,12), Image.BICUBIC ) tmp_ns = tmp_ns.resize( (12,12), Image.BILINEAR ) tmp_ns.save("%s/ns-%s.jpg" %(ns_path, cnt_ns+j) ) return 1 # -----------------------------------------