def fromstring(self,s,width,height,format=imgformat.macrgb): """Stuff this pixmap with raw pixel data from a string. Supply width, height, and one of the imgformat specifiers.""" # we only support 16- and 32-bit mac rgb... # so convert if necessary if format != imgformat.macrgb and format != imgformat.macrgb16: # (LATER!) raise "NotImplementedError", "conversion to macrgb or macrgb16" self.data = s self.bounds = (0,0,width,height) self.cmpCount = 3 self.pixelType = QuickDraw.RGBDirect if format == imgformat.macrgb: self.pixelSize = 32 self.cmpSize = 8 else: self.pixelSize = 16 self.cmpSize = 5 self.rowBytes = width*self.pixelSize/8
def apply_perspective_surf(self, surf): self.invert_surface(surf) data = pygame.image.tostring(surf, 'RGBA') img = Image.fromstring('RGBA', surf.get_size(), data) img = img.transform(img.size, self.affinestate.proj_type, self.affinestate.sample_transformation(img.size), Image.BICUBIC) img = img.transform(img.size, self.perspectivestate.proj_type, self.perspectivestate.sample_transformation(img.size), Image.BICUBIC) im = n.array(img) # pyplot.imshow(im) # pyplot.show() surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(im[...,0:3].swapaxes(0,1)) self.invert_surface(surf) return surf
def grab(bbox=None): size, data = grabber() im = Image.fromstring( "RGB", size, data, # RGB, 32-bit line padding, origo in lower left corner "raw", "BGR", (size[0]*3 + 3) & -4, -1 ) if bbox: im = im.crop(bbox) return im ## # (New in 1.1.4) Take a snapshot of the clipboard image, if any. # # @return An image, a list of filenames, or None if the clipboard does # not contain image data or filenames. Note that if a list is # returned, the filenames may not represent image files. # @since 1.1.4
def fromImage(self,im): """Initialize this PixMap from a PIL Image object.""" # We need data in ARGB format; PIL can't currently do that, # but it can do RGBA, which we can use by inserting one null # up frontpm = if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') data = chr(0) + im.tostring() self.fromstring(data, im.size[0], im.size[1])
def toImage(self): """Return the contents of this PixMap as a PIL Image object.""" import Image # our tostring() method returns data in ARGB format, # whereas Image uses RGBA; a bit of slicing fixes this... data = self.tostring()[1:] + chr(0) bounds = self.bounds return Image.fromstring('RGBA',(bounds[2]-bounds[0],bounds[3]-bounds[1]),data)
def save_screen_img(pg_surface, fn, quality=100): imgstr = pygame.image.tostring(pg_surface, 'RGB') im = Image.fromstring('RGB', pg_surface.get_size(), imgstr) im.save(fn, quality=quality) print fn
def get_image(self): data = pygame.image.tostring(self.screen, 'RGBA') return n.array(Image.fromstring('RGBA', self.screen.get_size(), data))
def displayframe(self,thearray): """ pyffmpeg callback """ _i = thearray.astype(numpy.uint8).copy('C') _i_height=_i.shape[0] _i_width = _i.shape[1] frame = Image.fromstring("RGB",(_i_width,_i_height),_i.data) frame = frame.resize(self.size) self.screen.set_from_pixbuf(self.image2pixbuf(frame))
def load(self, im): im.fp.seek(0) # rewind return Image.fromstring( "RGB", im.size, Image.core.drawwmf(im.fp.read(), im.size, self.bbox), "raw", "BGR", (im.size[0]*3 + 3) & -4, -1 )
def open(filename): # FIXME: modify to return a WalImageFile instance instead of # plain Image object ? if hasattr(filename, "read"): fp = filename else: import __builtin__ fp = __builtin__.open(filename, "rb") # read header fields header = fp.read(32+24+32+12) size = i32(header, 32), i32(header, 36) offset = i32(header, 40) # load pixel data fp.seek(offset) im = Image.fromstring("P", size, fp.read(size[0] * size[1])) im.putpalette(quake2palette) im.format = "WAL" im.format_description = "Quake2 Texture" # strings are null-terminated im.info["name"] = header[:32].split("\0", 1)[0] next_name = header[56:56+32].split("\0", 1)[0] if next_name: im.info["next_name"] = next_name return im
def getImage(): current_image = [] naoImage = camProxy.getImageRemote(nameId) Width = naoImage[0] Height = naoImage[1] array = naoImage[6] image = Image.fromstring("RGB", (Width, Height), array) current_image = np.array(image) # current_image = cv2.cvtColor(current_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) # current_image = cv2.resize(current_image, (img_size, img_size)) return current_image
def getImage(): current_image = [] naoImage = camProxy.getImageRemote(nameId) Width = naoImage[0] Height = naoImage[1] array = naoImage[6] image = Image.fromstring("RGB", (Width, Height), array) current_image = np.array(image) current_image = cv2.cvtColor(current_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) current_image = cv2.resize(current_image, (img_size, img_size)) return current_image # encode the image using the VAE
def save(self,file=None): self.w.update() # force image on screen to be current before saving it pstring = glReadPixels(0,0,self.xpixels,self.ypixels, GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) snapshot = Image.fromstring("RGBA",(self.xpixels,self.ypixels),pstring) snapshot = snapshot.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if not file: file = self.file snapshot.save(file + ".png") # --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _load_bitmaps(self, metrics): # # bitmap data bitmaps = [] fp, format, i16, i32 = self._getformat(PCF_BITMAPS) nbitmaps = i32(fp.read(4)) if nbitmaps != len(metrics): raise IOError, "Wrong number of bitmaps" offsets = [] for i in range(nbitmaps): offsets.append(i32(fp.read(4))) bitmapSizes = [] for i in range(4): bitmapSizes.append(i32(fp.read(4))) byteorder = format & 4 # non-zero => MSB bitorder = format & 8 # non-zero => MSB padindex = format & 3 bitmapsize = bitmapSizes[padindex] offsets.append(bitmapsize) data = fp.read(bitmapsize) pad = BYTES_PER_ROW[padindex] mode = "1;R" if bitorder: mode = "1" for i in range(nbitmaps): x, y, l, r, w, a, d, f = metrics[i] b, e = offsets[i], offsets[i+1] bitmaps.append( Image.fromstring("1", (x, y), data[b:e], "raw", mode, pad(x)) ) return bitmaps
def bdf_char(f): # skip to STARTCHAR while 1: s = f.readline() if not s: return None if s[:9] == "STARTCHAR": break id = string.strip(s[9:]) # load symbol properties props = {} while 1: s = f.readline() if not s or s[:6] == "BITMAP": break i = string.find(s, " ") props[s[:i]] = s[i+1:-1] # load bitmap bitmap = [] while 1: s = f.readline() if not s or s[:7] == "ENDCHAR": break bitmap.append(s[:-1]) bitmap = string.join(bitmap, "") [x, y, l, d] = map(int, string.split(props["BBX"])) [dx, dy] = map(int, string.split(props["DWIDTH"])) bbox = (dx, dy), (l, -d-y, x+l, -d), (0, 0, x, y) try: im = Image.fromstring("1", (x, y), bitmap, "hex", "1") except ValueError: # deal with zero-width characters im = Image.new("1", (x, y)) return id, int(props["ENCODING"]), bbox, im ## # Font file plugin for the X11 BDF format.