def file_to_img(width, height, filename): # Do a check for file type im = Image.open(filename).convert('RGBA') im = im.resize((Settings.actualWidth, Settings.height), Image.NEAREST) return im # Takes index as an input at returns all indices for the character that index contains
def create_crt_overlay(self): crt_img = Image.new("RGB", (1, Settings.height*2), (0,0,0)) # Create repeating data for crt overlay imgdata = ((200,200,200),(50,50,50))*Settings.height crt_img.putdata(imgdata) crt_img = crt_img.resize((Settings.width*2, Settings.height*2), Image.NEAREST) return crt_img # Returns the pixels visible at the current zoom level
def preview_putimg(self, ui_img): self.unfilteredPreview = ui_img pil_img = ui_to_pil(ui_img) pil_img = pil_img.resize((Settings.width*2, Settings.height*2), Image.NEAREST) pil_img = pil_img.convert("RGB") pil_img = ImageChops.multiply(pil_img.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH), self.crt_overlay) pil_img = ImageChops.screen(pil_img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(5)), pil_img) ui_img = pil_to_ui(pil_img) self.superview['preview'].image = ui_img return True
def set_background(self, np_array, color = False): """Takes a (numpy) array and sets this as background.""" if color: img = Image.fromarray(np.flipud(np.uint8(np_array)), mode="RGB") else: img = Image.fromarray(np_array) if self.background_image_id: self.world_canvas.delete(self.background_image_id) img = img.resize(self.extents, Image.NEAREST) self.background_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.background_id = self.world_canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=self.background_image, anchor=NW, tag="background") # Make sure drawing order is correct. self.set_display_order()
def expand(image, border=0, fill=0): "Add border to image" left, top, right, bottom = _border(border) width = left + image.size[0] + right height = top + image.size[1] + bottom out = Image.new(image.mode, (width, height), _color(fill, image.mode)) out.paste(image, (left, top)) return out ## # Returns a sized and cropped version of the image, cropped to the # requested aspect ratio and size. # <p> # The <b>fit</b> function was contributed by Kevin Cazabon. # # @param size The requested output size in pixels, given as a # (width, height) tuple. # @param method What resampling method to use. Default is Image.NEAREST. # @param bleed Remove a border around the outside of the image (from all # four edges. The value is a decimal percentage (use 0.01 for one # percent). The default value is 0 (no border). # @param centering Control the cropping position. Use (0.5, 0.5) for # center cropping (e.g. if cropping the width, take 50% off of the # left side, and therefore 50% off the right side). (0.0, 0.0) # will crop from the top left corner (i.e. if cropping the width, # take all of the crop off of the right side, and if cropping the # height, take all of it off the bottom). (1.0, 0.0) will crop # from the bottom left corner, etc. (i.e. if cropping the width, # take all of the crop off the left side, and if cropping the height # take none from the top, and therefore all off the bottom). # @return An image.