def insert_pagelength(self, source_article_id, screen_positions_1920_1080, zip_file_path): data={} data['source_article_id'] = source_article_id if screen_positions_1920_1080 is not None: data['page_length_1920_1080'] = screen_positions_1920_1080 else: data['page_length_1920_1080'] = None #print data sql = "INSERT INTO page_length (id, page_length_1920_1080) VALUES" \ "(%(source_article_id)s, %(page_length_1920_1080)s);" try: self.cursor.execute(sql, data) except (MySQLdb.Error, MySQLdb.Warning), e: print ('FAIL: Data caused warning or error "%s" for source_article_id: "%s"', data, source_article_id) print 'FAIL: EXCEPTION:', e print zip_file_path
def insert_pagelength(self, source_article_id, screen_positions_1920_1080, zip_file_path): data={} data['source_article_id'] = source_article_id if screen_positions_1920_1080 is not None: data['page_length_1920_1080'] = screen_positions_1920_1080 else: data['page_length_1920_1080'] = None #print data sql = "INSERT INTO redirects_candidates_page_length (id, page_length_1920_1080) VALUES" \ "(%(source_article_id)s, %(page_length_1920_1080)s);" try: self.cursor.execute(sql, data) except (MySQLdb.Error, MySQLdb.Warning), e: print ('FAIL: Data caused warning or error "%s" for source_article_id: "%s"', data, source_article_id) print 'FAIL: EXCEPTION:', e print zip_file_path
def ChangeMaster(self,host,port): '''????''' repluser,replpassword,ssl_ca,ssl_cert,ssl_key = GetConf().GetReplAcount() try: sql = 'reset slave all;' print self.host try: self.mysql_cur.execute(sql) except: self.mysql_cur.execute('stop slave') self.mysql_cur.execute(sql) change_sql = 'change master to master_host="%s",master_port=%s,master_user="%s",master_password="%s",master_auto_position=1 for channel "default"' % (host,int(port),repluser,replpassword) self.mysql_cur.execute(change_sql) return True except MySQLdb.Warning,e: start_sql = 'start slave' self.mysql_cur.execute(start_sql) self.mysql_cur.execute('set global read_only=1;') logging.warning('Change master to %s state : Warning' % host) logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) return True except MySQLdb.Error,e: logging.error('Change master to %s state : Error' % host) logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False
def query_database(self, query): """ Perform a database query Args: query (str): The SQL query Returns: list: Mysql Rows """ try: self.cursor.execute(query) return self.cursor.fetchall() except MySQLdb.Error as err: # print("Failed executing query: {}".format(err)) return 0 except MySQLdb.Warning as wrn: return 0
def __execute_query(self, sql): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('error', MySQLdb.Warning) try: self.__cur.execute(sql) return True except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "An Error occured running query. %s" %e #print sql; return False except MySQLdb.Warning, e: print "An Warning occured running query. %s" %e return True except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError, e: print "A ProgrammingError occured running query. %s" %e exit(1) return False
def ConnecttoDB(self, params): try: conn = \ MySQLdb.connect(host = params[0], \ user = params[1], \ passwd = params[2], \ db = params[3], \ port = params[4], \ charset = params[5], \ cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) return conn except MySQLdb.Warning, w: print "Warning:%s" % str(w) return None except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "Error:%s" % str(e) return None
def queryDB(self): sql = """ show variables like 'max_connections'; """ try: cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchall() for row in results: print row except MySQLdb.Warning, w: print "Warning:%s" % str(w) self.close() except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "Error:%s" % str(e) self.close()
def insert_into_non_ip(sourceName,db): cursor = db.cursor() print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print "STEP 5 : insert into non_ip_camera table" sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO non_ip_camera (camera_id, snapshot_url) SELECT id, camera_key FROM camera WHERE source ="+"'"+sourceName+"'" print sql print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' isSuccess =True try: print "inserting into non_ip_camera table" cursor.execute(sql) num_record = cursor.rowcount print "%d row affected"%(int(num_record)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) isSuccess = False except MySQLdb.Warning,e: print "MYSQL Warning : %s"%e #print "MySQL Warning[%d]: %s"% (e.args[0], e.args[1]) isSuccess = False return isSuccess
def update_camera_id(db): print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print "STEP 6 : update camera IDs in info_source, camera table" cursor= db.cursor() sql = "UPDATE info_source, camera SET camera_id = id WHERE camera_key = snapshot_url" print sql print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' isSuccess =True try: print "Updating IDs.." cursor.execute(sql) num_record = cursor.rowcount print "%d row affected"%(int(num_record)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) isSuccess = False except MySQLdb.Warning,e: print "MYSQL Warning : %s"%e isSuccess = False return isSuccess
def __init__(self, db): warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=MySQLdb.Warning) try: self.name = db host = configuration.get('mysql_host') port = configuration.get('mysql_port') if str(port).startswith(''): # Thanks Docker :/ port = int(port[8:]) user = configuration.get('mysql_user') passwd = configuration.get('mysql_passwd') self.connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passwd, use_unicode=True, charset='utf8', autocommit=True) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) self.execute('SET NAMES utf8mb4') try: self.execute("USE {db}".format(db=db)) except DatabaseException: print('Creating database {db}'.format(db=db)) self.execute('CREATE DATABASE {db} CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci'.format(db=db)) self.execute('USE {db}'.format(db=db)) except MySQLdb.Error as e: raise DatabaseException('Failed to initialize database in `{location}`'.format(location=db)) from e
def execute(self, sql, args=None): sql = sql.replace('COLLATE NOCASE', '') # Needed for case insensitivity in SQLite which is default in MySQL. if args is None: args = [] if args: # eww sql = sql.replace('?', '%s') try: p = perf.start() self.cursor.execute(sql, args) perf.check(p, 'slow_query', (sql, args), 'mysql') return self.cursor.fetchall() except MySQLdb.Warning as e: if e.args[0] == 1050 or e.args[0] == 1051: pass # we don't care if a CREATE IF NOT EXISTS raises an "already exists" warning or DROP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS raises an "unknown table" warning. elif e.args[0] == 1062: pass # We don't care if an INSERT IGNORE INTO didn't do anything. else: raise except MySQLdb.Error as e: raise DatabaseException('Failed to execute `{sql}` with `{args}` because of `{e}`'.format(sql=sql, args=args, e=e)) from e
def execute(self, sql, args=None): """ Execute the given sql against current open connection without caring about the result output """ # Turning MySQLdb.Warning into exception, so that we can catch it # and maintain the same log output format with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=MySQLdb.Warning) try: cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("%s %s" % (self.query_header, sql), args) except Warning as db_warning: log.warning( "MySQL warning: {}, when executing sql: {}, args: {}" .format(db_warning, sql, args)) return cursor.rowcount
def create_db(instance, db): """ Create a database if it does not already exist Args: instance - a hostAddr object db - the name of the to be created """ conn = connect_mysql(instance) cursor = conn.cursor() sql = ('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' '`{db}`;'.format(db=db)) log.info(sql) # We don't care if the db already exists and this was a no-op warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=MySQLdb.Warning) cursor.execute(sql) warnings.resetwarnings()
def f_print_log_error(conn,perfor_or_infor,save_as): title = "Log file Statistics" style = {1: 'start & shutdown:,l'} rows =[] WarnLog = 0 ErrLog = 0 query = "SELECT variable_value FROM " + perfor_or_infor + ".global_variables where variable_name ='log_error'" filename = f_get_query_value(conn, query) if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: if ('ready for connections' in line or 'Shutdown completed' in line): rows.append([line]) if ('Warning' in line): WarnLog += 1 if ('error' in line): ErrLog += 1 else: rows.append([filename + " not exists"]) rows.append(['Warning & Error Statistics:']) rows.append([filename + ' contains ' + str(WarnLog) + ' warning(s).']) rows.append([filename + ' contains ' + str(ErrLog) + ' error(s).']) f_print_table(rows, title, style,save_as)
def insert_link(self, source_article_id, target_article_name, data, position, zip_file_path): target_article_id = self.db_build_view._resolve_title(target_article_name.split('-----##$$$##-----')[0].replace('_', ' ')) if target_article_id is not None: data['source_article_id'] = source_article_id data['target_article_id'] = target_article_id if position is not None: data['target_x_coord_1920_1080'] = position[0] data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] = position[1] if data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] < 0: data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] = 0 else: data['target_x_coord_1920_1080'] = None data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] = None #print data sql = "INSERT INTO links (source_article_id, target_article_id," \ "target_position_in_text, target_position_in_text_only, target_position_in_section, " \ "target_position_in_section_in_text_only, section_name," \ " section_number, target_position_in_table, table_number, table_css_class, table_css_style," \ " target_x_coord_1920_1080, target_y_coord_1920_1080) VALUES" \ "(%(source_article_id)s, %(target_article_id)s, %(target_position_in_text)s," \ "%(target_position_in_text_only)s, %(target_position_in_section)s, %(target_position_in_section_in_text_only)s, " \ "%(section_name)s, %(section_number)s, %(target_position_in_table)s, %(table_number)s, " \ "%(table_css_class)s, %(table_css_style)s," \ "%(target_x_coord_1920_1080)s, %(target_y_coord_1920_1080)s);" try: self.cursor.execute(sql, data) #logging.info('DB Insert Success for target article id: "%s" ' % target_article_id) except (MySQLdb.Error, MySQLdb.Warning), e: #print sql print ('FAIL: Data caused warning or error "%s" for target_article_id: "%s" in for source_article_id: "%s"', data, target_article_id, source_article_id) print 'FAIL: EXCEPTION:', e print zip_file_path #print('DB Insert Error target article id: "%s" ' % target_article_id) return target_article_id
def insert_link(self, source_article_id, target_article_name, data, position, zip_file_path): target_article_id = self.db_build_view._resolve_title(target_article_name.split('-----##$$$##-----')[0].replace('_', ' ')) data['target_article_name'] = target_article_name.split('-----##$$$##-----')[0].replace('_', ' ') data['source_article_id'] = source_article_id data['target_article_id'] = target_article_id if position is not None: data['target_x_coord_1920_1080'] = position[0] data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] = position[1] if data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] < 0: data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] = 0 else: data['target_x_coord_1920_1080'] = None data['target_y_coord_1920_1080'] = None #print data sql = "INSERT INTO redirects_candidates (source_article_id, target_article_id, target_article_name," \ "target_position_in_text, target_position_in_text_only, target_position_in_section, " \ "target_position_in_section_in_text_only, section_name," \ " section_number, target_position_in_table, table_number, table_css_class, table_css_style," \ " target_x_coord_1920_1080, target_y_coord_1920_1080) VALUES" \ "(%(source_article_id)s, %(target_article_id)s, %(target_article_name)s, %(target_position_in_text)s," \ "%(target_position_in_text_only)s, %(target_position_in_section)s, %(target_position_in_section_in_text_only)s, " \ "%(section_name)s, %(section_number)s, %(target_position_in_table)s, %(table_number)s, " \ "%(table_css_class)s, %(table_css_style)s," \ "%(target_x_coord_1920_1080)s, %(target_y_coord_1920_1080)s);" try: self.cursor.execute(sql, data) #logging.info('DB Insert Success for target article id: "%s" ' % target_article_id) except (MySQLdb.Error, MySQLdb.Warning), e: #print sql print ('FAIL: Data caused warning or error "%s" for target_article_id: "%s" in for source_article_id: "%s"', data, target_article_id, source_article_id) print 'FAIL: EXCEPTION:', e print zip_file_path #print('DB Insert Error target article id: "%s" ' % target_article_id) return target_article_id
def __init__(self,host="",user="root", passwd="",dbname="mysql",port=3306): self.conn = None self.cursor = None self.host = host self.user = user self.passwd = passwd self.dbname = dbname self.port = port warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',category=MySQLdb.Warning)
def Change(self, region, host_content): repluser, replpassword, ssl_ca, ssl_cert, ssl_key = GetConf().GetReplAcount(rg=True) master_host, master_port = host_content['host'], int(host_content['port']) if host_content['ssl']: sql = 'change master to master_host="%s",master_port=%d,master_user="%s",master_password="%s",master_ssl=1,' \ 'master_ssl_ca="%s",' \ 'master_ssl_cert="%s",master_ssl_key="%s",master_auto_position=1 for channel "%s" ' % ( master_host, master_port, repluser, replpassword, ssl_ca, ssl_cert, ssl_key, region) else: sql = 'change master to master_host="%s",master_port=%d,master_user="%s",master_password="%s",' \ 'master_auto_position=1 for channel "%s" ' % (master_host, master_port, repluser, replpassword, region) with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cur: try: cur.execute('stop slave for channel "%s"' % region) cur.execute('reset slave for channel "%s"' % region) except: pass try: cur.execute(sql) self.__set_group_region(region,host_content) except MySQLdb.Warning,e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) cur.execute('start slave;') self.__set_group_region(region, host_content) except MySQLdb.Error,e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) logging.error('addition task for %s failed,master to %s in region %s ! ! !' % (self.host, host_content['host'], region)) return False return True
def ResetMaster(self,groupname): try: '''????binlog????''' master_log_file,read_master_log_pos,master_host = self.CheckPos(get_host=True) if master_host: readbinlog_status = str([groupname,master_log_file,read_master_log_pos]) from zk_handle.zkHandler import zkHander from contextlib import closing with closing(zkHander()) as zkhander: zkhander.SetReadBinlog(master_host,readbinlog_status) '''''' #self.mysql_cur.execute('set global read_only=0;') self.mysql_cur.execute('stop slave') self.mysql_cur.execute('reset slave all;') except MySQLdb.Warning,e: logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) except MySQLdb.Error,e: logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) """????,????????????????zk????????""" import AdditionTask addition = AdditionTask.Addition(self.host) addition_master = addition.GetRepl() if addition_master: exe_addition = AdditionTask.ExecuteAdditionTask(self.host,self.port) for region in addition_master: exe_addition.Change(region,addition_master[region]) """"""
def initialize(self): """Initialize SQL database in the correct state""" for name, ddl in self.DROP.iteritems(): try: print "Drop table {}:".format(name), self.cursor.execute(ddl) except MySQLdb.Error as err: print err except MySQLdb.Warning as wrn: pass finally: print 'OK' for name, ddl in self.TABLES.iteritems(): try: print "Creating table {}:".format(name), self.cursor.execute(ddl) except MySQLdb.Error as err: print err except MySQLdb.Warning as wrn: pass finally: print 'OK' for name, ddl in self.INSERT.iteritems(): try: print "Inserting into table {}:".format(name), self.cursor.execute(ddl) except MySQLdb.Error as err: print err except MySQLdb.Warning as wrn: pass finally: print 'OK'
def insertDB(self, sql, params): try: print params cursor = self.conn.cursor() print cursor.execute(sql, params) except MySQLdb.Warning, w: print "Warning:%s" % str(w) print traceback.print_exc() pass except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "Error:%s" % str(e) print traceback.print_exc() pass
def insert_into_camera(sourceName,cameraType,db): print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print "STEP 4 : Load camera table from info_source where source = '%s'"%sourceName print "Is this camera traffic camera? (y/n) if it is traffic camera, is_safe will be 1" print "otherwise, 0" print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' isSuccess = True cursor = db.cursor() yn = raw_input() if yn == 'y' or 'Y': sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO camera (camera_key, encrypted_camera_key, type, source, latitude, longitude, country, state, city, resolution_width, resolution_height, frame_rate, is_video, is_active, is_safe, is_high_load, is_analysis_restricted, utc_offset, timezone_id, timezone_name, reference_logo, reference_url,multiple_cameras,is_located,weather_wind_speed,weather_temperature_faren,weather_humidity,weather_code) SELECT snapshot_url, null, %s, source, latitude, longitude, country, state, city, null, null, null, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, null, null, null, null FROM info_source WHERE source=%s"%(("'"+cameraType+"'","'"+sourceName+"'")) else: sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO camera (camera_key, encrypted_camera_key, type, source, latitude, longitude, country, state, city, resolution_width, resolution_height, frame_rate, is_video, is_active, is_safe, is_high_load, is_analysis_restricted, utc_offset, timezone_id, timezone_name, reference_logo, reference_url,multiple_cameras,is_located,weather_wind_speed,weather_temperature_faren,weather_humidity,weather_code) SELECT snapshot_url, null, %s, source, latitude, longitude, country, state, city, null, null, null, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, null, null, null, null FROM info_source WHERE source=%s"%(("'"+cameraType+"'","'"+sourceName+"'")) try: print "Inserting into camera table from info_source" cursor.execute(sql) cursor.execute("select * from info_source where source = "+"'"+sourceName+"'") num_record=cursor.rowcount cursor.execute("select * from camera where source = "+"'"+sourceName+"'") num_table = cursor.rowcount print "%d recorded in camera out of %d from info_source"%(int(num_table),int(num_record)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) isSuccess = False except MySQLdb.Warning,e: print "MYSQL Warning : %s"%e isSuccess = False return isSuccess
def _executeSQL(self, cur, sql): try: cur.execute(sql) except MySQLdb.Warning: if not self.setting('IgnoreSQLWarnings', False): raise
def stop_replication(instance, thread_type=REPLICATION_THREAD_ALL): """ Stop replication, if running Args: instance - A hostAddr object thread - Which thread to stop. Options are in REPLICATION_THREAD_TYPES. """ if thread_type not in REPLICATION_THREAD_TYPES: raise Exception('Invalid input for arg thread: {thread}' ''.format(thread=thread_type)) conn = connect_mysql(instance) cursor = conn.cursor() ss = get_slave_status(instance) if (ss['Slave_IO_Running'] != 'No' and ss['Slave_SQL_Running'] != 'No' and thread_type == REPLICATION_THREAD_ALL): cmd = 'STOP SLAVE' elif ss['Slave_IO_Running'] != 'No' and thread_type != REPLICATION_THREAD_SQL: cmd = 'STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD' elif ss['Slave_SQL_Running'] != 'No' and thread_type != REPLICATION_THREAD_IO: cmd = 'STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD' else: log.info('Replication already stopped') return warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=MySQLdb.Warning) log.info(cmd) cursor.execute(cmd) warnings.resetwarnings()
def start_replication(instance, thread_type=REPLICATION_THREAD_ALL): """ Start replication, if not running Args: instance - A hostAddr object thread - Which thread to start. Options are in REPLICATION_THREAD_TYPES. """ if thread_type not in REPLICATION_THREAD_TYPES: raise Exception('Invalid input for arg thread: {thread}' ''.format(thread=thread_type)) conn = connect_mysql(instance) cursor = conn.cursor() ss = get_slave_status(instance) if (ss['Slave_IO_Running'] != 'Yes' and ss['Slave_SQL_Running'] != 'Yes' and thread_type == REPLICATION_THREAD_ALL): cmd = 'START SLAVE' elif ss['Slave_IO_Running'] != 'Yes' and thread_type != REPLICATION_THREAD_SQL: cmd = 'START SLAVE IO_THREAD' elif ss['Slave_SQL_Running'] != 'Yes' and thread_type != REPLICATION_THREAD_IO: cmd = 'START SLAVE SQL_THREAD' else: log.info('Replication already running') return warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=MySQLdb.Warning) log.info(cmd) cursor.execute(cmd) warnings.resetwarnings() time.sleep(1)
def run(self): print "normal POS firmware running..." with open("/home/ubuntu/payment-server/pos_firmware.py", "r") as firmware: m = hashlib.md5(firmware.read()) old_checksum = m.digest() # keep opening nc listening port to receive firmware update #with open("/home/ubuntu/payment-server/pos_firmware.py", "w+") as firmware: # if subprocess.Popen(["nc", "-l", "-p", str(self.port)], stdout=firmware, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0: # print "received firmware update, exiting..." # exit(0) while True: skip = 0 with open("/home/ubuntu/payment-server/pos_firmware.py", "r") as firmware: m = hashlib.md5(firmware.read()) new_checksum = m.digest() if new_checksum != old_checksum: print "detected firmware update, restarting..." exit(0) transac_id = ''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for _ in range(8)) datetime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') content = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(8)) amount = random.uniform(1, 10000) credit_card_no = ''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for _ in range(16)) rd_credit_card_no = NormalPOS.redact_info(credit_card_no) sql = "INSERT INTO transactions(transac_id, \ datetime, content, amount, credit_card_no) \ VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%.2f', '%s')" % \ (transac_id, datetime, content, amount, rd_credit_card_no) try: # Execute the SQL command self.cursor.execute(sql) except (MySQLdb.Error, MySQLdb.Warning) as e: print(e) skip = 1 if skip == 0: try: # Commit your changes in the database self.db.commit() print "one record inserted." except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(e) # Rollback in case there is any error self.db.rollback() # assume interval is drawn from exp distribution interval = random.expovariate(0.1) # insert one record every interval seconds time.sleep(interval)
def load_file_to_temp_table(fileName,tableName,db): print "STEP 2 : Load your file into temp table you created" print "ALL warning will be raised as error except for duplicates in the file " print "table will be dropped if loading failed" print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print "Loading your file to %s"%tableName print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------' isSuccess = True cursor = db.cursor() #set warning to error warnings.simplefilter("error",MySQLdb.Warning) fields_in_table = desc_table(db,tableName) fields_in_file = list_field(fileName) sql = 'insert ignore into '+tableName+'(' i =0 field_type=[] for member in fields_in_file: if i == len(fields_in_file)-1: sql = sql+member+') VALUES (' else: sql = sql+member+',' i = i+1 field_type.append([item[1] for item in fields_in_table if member in item[0] and exact_match(member,item[0])][0]) f = open(fileName,'rb') skipfirstLine = True for line in f: if(skipfirstLine): skipfirstLine =False continue members = line.replace('\n','').split('#') i=0 cmd = sql for member in members: types = field_type[i] if 'char' in types: if i == len(members)-1: cmd = cmd +"'"+member+"'"+')' else: cmd = cmd +"'"+member+"'"+',' else: if i == len(members)-1: cmd = cmd +member+')' else: cmd = cmd +member+',' i = i+1 try: cursor.execute(cmd) except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) isSuccess = False except MySQLdb.Warning,e: print "MYSQL Warning : %s"%e isSuccess = False f.close() return isSuccess
def swap_master_and_slave(instance, dry_run): """ Swap a master and slave in zk. Warning: this does not sanity checks and does nothing more than update zk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Args: instance - An instance in the replica set. This function will figure everything else out. dry_run - If set, do not modify configuration. """ zk_local = MysqlZookeeper() kazoo_client = get_kazoo_client() if not kazoo_client: raise Exception('Could not get a zk connection') log.info('Instance is {inst}'.format(inst=instance)) (replica_set, version) = zk_local.get_replica_set_from_instance(instance) log.info('Detected replica_set as ' '{replica_set}'.format(replica_set=replica_set)) (zk_node, parsed_data, version) = get_zk_node_for_replica_set(kazoo_client, replica_set) log.info('Replica set {replica_set} is held in zk_node ' '{zk_node}'.format( zk_node=zk_node, replica_set=replica_set)) log.info('Existing config:') log.info(pprint.pformat(remove_auth(parsed_data[replica_set]))) new_data = copy.deepcopy(parsed_data) new_data[replica_set][REPLICA_ROLE_MASTER] = \ parsed_data[replica_set][REPLICA_ROLE_SLAVE] new_data[replica_set][REPLICA_ROLE_SLAVE] = \ parsed_data[replica_set][REPLICA_ROLE_MASTER] log.info('New config:') log.info(pprint.pformat(remove_auth(new_data[replica_set]))) if new_data == parsed_data: raise Exception('No change would be made to zk, ' 'will not write new config') elif dry_run: log.info('dry_run is set, therefore not modifying zk') else: log.info('Pushing new configuration for ' '{replica_set}:'.format(replica_set=replica_set)) kazoo_client.set(zk_node, simplejson.dumps(new_data), version)
def change_master(slave_hostaddr, master_hostaddr, master_log_file, master_log_pos, no_start=False): """ Setup MySQL replication on new replica Args: slave_hostaddr - hostaddr object for the new replica hostaddr - A hostaddr object for the master db master_log_file - Replication log file to begin streaming master_log_pos - Position in master_log_file no_start - Don't run START SLAVE after CHANGE MASTER """ conn = connect_mysql(slave_hostaddr) cursor = conn.cursor() set_global_variable(slave_hostaddr, 'read_only', True) reset_slave(slave_hostaddr) master_user, master_password = get_mysql_user_for_role('replication') parameters = { 'master_user': master_user, 'master_password': master_password, 'master_host': master_hostaddr.hostname, 'master_port': master_hostaddr.port, 'master_log_file': master_log_file, 'master_log_pos': master_log_pos } sql = ''.join(("CHANGE MASTER TO " "MASTER_USER=%(master_user)s, " "MASTER_PASSWORD=%(master_password)s, " "MASTER_HOST=%(master_host)s, " "MASTER_PORT=%(master_port)s, " "MASTER_LOG_FILE=%(master_log_file)s, " "MASTER_LOG_POS=%(master_log_pos)s ")) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=MySQLdb.Warning) cursor.execute(sql, parameters) warnings.resetwarnings() log.info(cursor._executed) if not no_start: start_replication(slave_hostaddr) # Replication reporting is wonky for the first second time.sleep(1) # Avoid race conditions for zk update monitor assert_replication_sanity(slave_hostaddr, set([CHECK_SQL_THREAD, CHECK_IO_THREAD]))