Python MySQLdb 模块,insert() 实例源码


项目:birdnet    作者:cyysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _py2sql(self, val):
        Work around a couple of problems in SQLite that maybe pysqlite
        should take care of: give it True and False and it thinks
        they're column names; give it Unicode and it tries to insert
        it in, possibly, ASCII.

            >>> meth = SqliteDB(db='nonexistent')._py2sql
            >>> [meth(x) for x in [True, False, 1, 2, 'foo', u'souffl\xe9']]
            [1, 0, 1, 2, 'foo', 'souffl\xc3\xa9']

        if val is True: return 1
        elif val is False: return 0
        elif isinstance(val, unicode): return val.encode(self.encoding)
        else: return val
项目:CloudPrint    作者:William-An    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, tablename, seqname=None, _test=False, **values): 
        Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
        Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
        if there isn't one.

            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> q = db.insert('foo', name='bob', age=2, created=SQLLiteral('NOW()'), _test=True)
            >>> q
            <sql: "INSERT INTO foo (age, created, name) VALUES (2, NOW(), 'bob')">
            >>> q.query()
            'INSERT INTO foo (age, created, name) VALUES (%s, NOW(), %s)'
            >>> q.values()
            [2, 'bob']
        def q(x): return "(" + x + ")"

        if values:
            #needed for Py3 compatibility with the above doctests
            sorted_values = sorted(values.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]) 

            _keys = SQLQuery.join(map(lambda t: t[0], sorted_values), ', ')
            _values = SQLQuery.join([sqlparam(v) for v in map(lambda t: t[1], sorted_values)], ', ')
            sql_query = "INSERT INTO %s " % tablename + q(_keys) + ' VALUES ' + q(_values)
            sql_query = SQLQuery(self._get_insert_default_values_query(tablename))

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        if seqname is not False: 
            sql_query = self._process_insert_query(sql_query, tablename, seqname)

        if isinstance(sql_query, tuple):
            # for some databases, a separate query has to be made to find 
            # the id of the inserted row.
            q1, q2 = sql_query
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q1)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q2)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

            out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception: 
            out = None

        if not self.ctx.transactions: 

        return out
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, tablename, seqname=None, _test=False, **values): 
        Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
        Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
        if there isn't one.

            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> q = db.insert('foo', name='bob', age=2, created=SQLLiteral('NOW()'), _test=True)
            >>> q
            <sql: "INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (2, 'bob', NOW())">
            >>> q.query()
            'INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())'
            >>> q.values()
            [2, 'bob']
        def q(x): return "(" + x + ")"

        if values:
            _keys = SQLQuery.join(values.keys(), ', ')
            _values = SQLQuery.join([sqlparam(v) for v in values.values()], ', ')
            sql_query = "INSERT INTO %s " % tablename + q(_keys) + ' VALUES ' + q(_values)
            sql_query = SQLQuery(self._get_insert_default_values_query(tablename))

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        if seqname is not False: 
            sql_query = self._process_insert_query(sql_query, tablename, seqname)

        if isinstance(sql_query, tuple):
            # for some databases, a separate query has to be made to find 
            # the id of the inserted row.
            q1, q2 = sql_query
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q1)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q2)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

            out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception: 
            out = None

        if not self.ctx.transactions: 
        return out
项目:py-script    作者:xiaoxiamin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, tablename, seqname=None, _test=False, **values): 
        Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
        Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
        if there isn't one.

            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> q = db.insert('foo', name='bob', age=2, created=SQLLiteral('NOW()'), _test=True)
            >>> q
            <sql: "INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (2, 'bob', NOW())">
            >>> q.query()
            'INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())'
            >>> q.values()
            [2, 'bob']
        def q(x): return "(" + x + ")"

        if values:
            _keys = SQLQuery.join(values.keys(), ', ')
            _values = SQLQuery.join([sqlparam(v) for v in values.values()], ', ')
            sql_query = "INSERT INTO %s " % tablename + q(_keys) + ' VALUES ' + q(_values)
            sql_query = SQLQuery(self._get_insert_default_values_query(tablename))

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        if seqname is not False: 
            sql_query = self._process_insert_query(sql_query, tablename, seqname)

        if isinstance(sql_query, tuple):
            # for some databases, a separate query has to be made to find 
            # the id of the inserted row.
            q1, q2 = sql_query
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q1)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q2)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

            out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception: 
            out = None

        if not self.ctx.transactions: 
        return out
项目:cosa-nostra    作者:joxeankoret    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, tablename, seqname=None, _test=False, **values): 
        Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
        Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
        if there isn't one.

            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> q = db.insert('foo', name='bob', age=2, created=SQLLiteral('NOW()'), _test=True)
            >>> q
            <sql: "INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (2, 'bob', NOW())">
            >>> q.query()
            'INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())'
            >>> q.values()
            [2, 'bob']
        def q(x): return "(" + x + ")"

        if values:
            _keys = SQLQuery.join(values.keys(), ', ')
            _values = SQLQuery.join([sqlparam(v) for v in values.values()], ', ')
            sql_query = "INSERT INTO %s " % tablename + q(_keys) + ' VALUES ' + q(_values)
            sql_query = SQLQuery(self._get_insert_default_values_query(tablename))

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        if seqname is not False: 
            sql_query = self._process_insert_query(sql_query, tablename, seqname)

        if isinstance(sql_query, tuple):
            # for some databases, a separate query has to be made to find 
            # the id of the inserted row.
            q1, q2 = sql_query
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q1)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q2)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

            out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception: 
            out = None

        if not self.ctx.transactions: 
        return out
项目:birdnet    作者:cyysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, tablename, seqname=None, _test=False, **values): 
        Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
        Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
        if there isn't one.

            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> q = db.insert('foo', name='bob', age=2, created=SQLLiteral('NOW()'), _test=True)
            >>> q
            <sql: "INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (2, 'bob', NOW())">
            >>> q.query()
            'INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())'
            >>> q.values()
            [2, 'bob']
        def q(x): return "(" + x + ")"

        if values:
            _keys = SQLQuery.join(values.keys(), ', ')
            _values = SQLQuery.join([sqlparam(v) for v in values.values()], ', ')
            sql_query = "INSERT INTO %s " % tablename + q(_keys) + ' VALUES ' + q(_values)
            sql_query = SQLQuery("INSERT INTO %s DEFAULT VALUES" % tablename)

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        if seqname is not False: 
            sql_query = self._process_insert_query(sql_query, tablename, seqname)

        if isinstance(sql_query, tuple):
            # for some databases, a separate query has to be made to find 
            # the id of the inserted row.
            q1, q2 = sql_query
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q1)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q2)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

            out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception: 
            out = None

        if not self.ctx.transactions: 
        return out
项目:tornadopy    作者:xubigshu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, tablename, seqname=None, _test=False, **values):
        Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
        Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
        if there isn't one.

            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> q = db.insert('foo', name='bob', age=2, created=SQLLiteral('NOW()'), _test=True)
            >>> q
            <sql: "INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (2, 'bob', NOW())">
            >>> q.query()
            'INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())'
            >>> q.values()
            [2, 'bob']

        def q(x):
            return "(" + x + ")"

        if values:
            _keys = SQLQuery.join(values.keys(), ', ')
            _values = SQLQuery.join([sqlparam(v) for v in values.values()], ', ')
            sql_query = "INSERT INTO %s " % tablename + q(_keys) + ' VALUES ' + q(_values)
            sql_query = SQLQuery(self._get_insert_default_values_query(tablename))

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        if seqname is not False:
            sql_query = self._process_insert_query(sql_query, tablename, seqname)

        if isinstance(sql_query, tuple):
            # for some databases, a separate query has to be made to find
            # the id of the inserted row.
            q1, q2 = sql_query
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q1)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q2)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

            out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception:
            out = None

        if not self.ctx.transactions:
        return out
项目:bokken    作者:thestr4ng3r    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert(self, tablename, seqname=None, _test=False, **values): 
        Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
        Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
        if there isn't one.

            >>> db = DB(None, {})
            >>> q = db.insert('foo', name='bob', age=2, created=SQLLiteral('NOW()'), _test=True)
            >>> q
            <sql: "INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (2, 'bob', NOW())">
            >>> q.query()
            'INSERT INTO foo (age, name, created) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())'
            >>> q.values()
            [2, 'bob']
        def q(x): return "(" + x + ")"

        if values:
            _keys = SQLQuery.join(values.keys(), ', ')
            _values = SQLQuery.join([sqlparam(v) for v in values.values()], ', ')
            sql_query = "INSERT INTO %s " % tablename + q(_keys) + ' VALUES ' + q(_values)
            sql_query = SQLQuery(self._get_insert_default_values_query(tablename))

        if _test: return sql_query

        db_cursor = self._db_cursor()
        if seqname is not False: 
            sql_query = self._process_insert_query(sql_query, tablename, seqname)

        if isinstance(sql_query, tuple):
            # for some databases, a separate query has to be made to find 
            # the id of the inserted row.
            q1, q2 = sql_query
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q1)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, q2)
            self._db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query)

            out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
        except Exception: 
            out = None

        if not self.ctx.transactions: 
        return out