def pyqt5(): import PyQt5.Qt from PyQt5 import QtCore, uic remap(QtCore, "Signal", QtCore.pyqtSignal) remap(QtCore, "Slot", QtCore.pyqtSlot) remap(QtCore, "Property", QtCore.pyqtProperty) add(PyQt5, "__wrapper_version__", __version__) add(PyQt5, "__binding__", "PyQt5") add(PyQt5, "__binding_version__", QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR) add(PyQt5, "__qt_version__", QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR, safe=False) add(PyQt5, "__added__", __added__) add(PyQt5, "__remapped__", __remapped__) add(PyQt5, "__modified__", __modified__) add(PyQt5, "load_ui", lambda fname: uic.loadUi(fname)) return PyQt5
def printBanner(self): self.write(sys.version) self.write(' on ' + sys.platform + '\n') self.write('PyQt4 ' + QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR + '\n') #self.write('PyFrap Version' + pyfrp_version + '\n') #self.write("---------------------------------------"+ '\n') #msg = 'Type !hist for a history view and !hist(n) history index recall' #self.write(msg + '\n') #msg2 = 'To access local variables, type pyfdp.variable. For example, to access the currently selected molecule, type pyfdp.curr_mol. For more details, see the documentation.' #self.write(msg2 + '\n') #msg3 = 'To access functions of the pyfdp modules, type modulename.function(). Available modulenames are "fit", "img" and "misc".' #self.write(msg3 + '\n') #self.write("---------------------------------------" + '\n')
def printBanner(self): self.write(sys.version) self.write(' on ' + sys.platform + '\n') self.write('PyQt4 ' + QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR + '\n') # msg = 'Type !hist for a history view and !hist(n) history index recall' # self.write(msg + '\n') # def get_last_line(self): # for l in reversed(range(self.document().blockCount())): # if str(self.document().findBlockByNumber(l).text()).startswith('>>>'): # return l
def import_pyqt4(version=2): """ Import PyQt4 Parameters ---------- version : 1, 2, or None Which QString/QVariant API to use. Set to None to use the system default ImportErrors rasied within this function are non-recoverable """ # The new-style string API (version=2) automatically # converts QStrings to Unicode Python strings. Also, automatically unpacks # QVariants to their underlying objects. import sip if version is not None: sip.setapi('QString', version) sip.setapi('QVariant', version) from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg if not check_version(QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, '4.7'): raise ImportError("IPython requires PyQt4 >= 4.7, found %s" % QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR) # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility. QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot # query for the API version (in case version == None) version = sip.getapi('QString') api = QT_API_PYQTv1 if version == 1 else QT_API_PYQT return QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, api
def CanvasObject(): if g.config.mode3d: QtVersion = QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR.split(".") if not (int(QtVersion[0]) >= 5 and int(QtVersion[1]) >= 4): raise Exception("For the 3d mode you need a PyQt version that includes a Qt version of at least 5.4.\n" "Set mode3d to False in the config file, or update your PyQt version.\n" "Current version found: PyQt%s (which includes Qt%s)" % (QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR)) from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QOpenGLWidget return QOpenGLWidget else: return QGraphicsView
def import_pyqt4(version=2): """ Import PyQt4 Parameters ---------- version : 1, 2, or None Which QString/QVariant API to use. Set to None to use the system default ImportErrors raised within this function are non-recoverable """ # The new-style string API (version=2) automatically # converts QStrings to Unicode Python strings. Also, automatically unpacks # QVariants to their underlying objects. import sip if version is not None: sip.setapi('QString', version) sip.setapi('QVariant', version) from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg if not check_version(QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, '4.7'): raise ImportError("IPython requires PyQt4 >= 4.7, found %s" % QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR) # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility. QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot # query for the API version (in case version == None) version = sip.getapi('QString') api = QT_API_PYQTv1 if version == 1 else QT_API_PYQT return QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, api
def about(self): QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, "About Feronia", """<b>Feronia</b> v {0} <p>Copyright ©2016 Mauro J. Cavalcanti. <p>This application is an open-source, cross-platform desktop tool for building biodiversity databases by harvesting data across several distributed sources (CoL, EOL, GBIF, NCBI, Wikipedia, Google Scholar), on the basis of a user-provided species checklist. <p>Python {1} - Qt {2} - PyQt {3} on {4}""".format( __version__, platform.python_version(), QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR, QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, platform.system()))
def about(self): import platform if use_pyside: Qt_version = QtCore.__version__ PyQt_version = PySide.__version__ else: Qt_version = QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR PyQt_version = QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR QMessageBox.about( self, "About XAFSmassQt", """<b>XAFSmass(Qt)</b> v {0} <ul> <li>{1[0]} <li>{1[1]} </ul> <p>Open source, {2}. Available at PyPI and GitHub<p> <p>Your system: <ul> <li>{3} <li>Python {4} <li>Qt {5} <li>{6} {7} </ul>""".format( __version__, __author__.split(','), __license__, platform.platform(terse=True), platform.python_version(), Qt_version, QtName, PyQt_version))
def pyqt4(): # Attempt to set sip API v2 (must be done prior to importing PyQt4) import sip try: sip.setapi("QString", 2) sip.setapi("QVariant", 2) sip.setapi("QDate", 2) sip.setapi("QDateTime", 2) sip.setapi("QTextStream", 2) sip.setapi("QTime", 2) sip.setapi("QUrl", 2) except AttributeError: raise ImportError # PyQt4 < v4.6 except ValueError: # API version already set to v1 raise ImportError import PyQt4.Qt from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic remap(PyQt4, "QtWidgets", QtGui) remap(QtCore, "Signal", QtCore.pyqtSignal) remap(QtCore, "Slot", QtCore.pyqtSlot) remap(QtCore, "Property", QtCore.pyqtProperty) remap(QtCore, "QItemSelection", QtGui.QItemSelection) remap(QtCore, "QStringListModel", QtGui.QStringListModel) remap(QtCore, "QItemSelectionModel", QtGui.QItemSelectionModel) remap(QtCore, "QSortFilterProxyModel", QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel) remap(QtCore, "QAbstractProxyModel", QtGui.QAbstractProxyModel) try: from PyQt4 import QtWebKit remap(PyQt4, "QtWebKitWidgets", QtWebKit) except ImportError: # QtWebkit is optional in Qt , therefore might not be available pass add(PyQt4, "__wrapper_version__", __version__) add(PyQt4, "__binding__", "PyQt4") add(PyQt4, "__binding_version__", QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR) add(PyQt4, "__qt_version__", QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR) add(PyQt4, "__added__", __added__) add(PyQt4, "__remapped__", __remapped__) add(PyQt4, "__modified__", __modified__) add(PyQt4, "load_ui", lambda fname: uic.loadUi(fname)) return PyQt4