def import_pyqt5(): """ Import PyQt5 ImportErrors rasied within this function are non-recoverable """ import sip from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtSvg, QtWidgets, QtGui # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility. QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot # Join QtGui and QtWidgets for Qt4 compatibility. QtGuiCompat = types.ModuleType('QtGuiCompat') QtGuiCompat.__dict__.update(QtGui.__dict__) QtGuiCompat.__dict__.update(QtWidgets.__dict__) api = QT_API_PYQT5 return QtCore, QtGuiCompat, QtSvg, api
def import_pyqt5(): """ Import PyQt5 ImportErrors raised within this function are non-recoverable """ from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility. QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot return QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QT_API_PYQT5
def load_pyqt4(): """Sets up PyQt4 nicely to be PySide-compatible as much as possible.""" # Kill off QString and QVariant to make it act properly like PySide import sip sip.setapi('QString', 2) sip.setapi('QVariant', 2) from PyQt4 import QtCore QtCore._QT_ENGINE = 'PyQt4' # Also rename the pyqt things for compatibility. QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot QtCore.Property = QtCore.pyqtProperty global IS_PYQT4 IS_PYQT4 = True
def import_pyqt4(version=2): """ Import PyQt4 Parameters ---------- version : 1, 2, or None Which QString/QVariant API to use. Set to None to use the system default ImportErrors rasied within this function are non-recoverable """ # The new-style string API (version=2) automatically # converts QStrings to Unicode Python strings. Also, automatically unpacks # QVariants to their underlying objects. import sip if version is not None: sip.setapi('QString', version) sip.setapi('QVariant', version) from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg if not check_version(QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, '4.7'): raise ImportError("IPython requires PyQt4 >= 4.7, found %s" % QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR) # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility. QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot # query for the API version (in case version == None) version = sip.getapi('QString') api = QT_API_PYQTv1 if version == 1 else QT_API_PYQT return QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, api
def import_pyqt4(version=2): """ Import PyQt4 Parameters ---------- version : 1, 2, or None Which QString/QVariant API to use. Set to None to use the system default ImportErrors raised within this function are non-recoverable """ # The new-style string API (version=2) automatically # converts QStrings to Unicode Python strings. Also, automatically unpacks # QVariants to their underlying objects. import sip if version is not None: sip.setapi('QString', version) sip.setapi('QVariant', version) from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg if not check_version(QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, '4.7'): raise ImportError("IPython requires PyQt4 >= 4.7, found %s" % QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR) # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility. QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot # query for the API version (in case version == None) version = sip.getapi('QString') api = QT_API_PYQTv1 if version == 1 else QT_API_PYQT return QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, api
def clearSig (self, o) : def print_signals_and_slots(obj): for i in xrange(obj.metaObject().methodCount()): m = obj.metaObject().method(i) if m.methodType() == QtCore.QMetaMethod.MethodType.Signal: print "SIGNAL: sig=", m.signature(), "hooked to nslots=",obj.receivers(QtCore.SIGNAL(m.signature())) elif m.methodType() == QtCore.QMetaMethod.MethodType.Slot: print "SLOT: sig=", m.signature() print_signals_and_slots (o)
def apply (self) : # #print "Apply" self.settings['linesView'] = int (self.viewLines.value ()) self.settings['colSep'] = str (self.fieldSeparator.currentText ()) self.settings['outFormat'] = str (self.outfileFormat.currentText ()) self.settings['linesSkip'] = int (self.skipLines.value ()) self.settings['inFormat'] = str (self.inputFileType.currentText ()) #print "Emit" #self.emit (QtCore.Signal ("changed")) self.changed.emit () #print "Emitted"
def __init__ (self, settings, parent = None) : super (SetupDialog, self).__init__ (parent) self.setAttribute (QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) inputFileTypeLabel = QtGui.QLabel ("Input Type") self.inputFileType = QtGui.QComboBox () inputFileTypeLabel.setBuddy (self.inputFileType) self.inputFileType.addItems (['receiver', 'event']) self.inputFileType.setCurrentIndex (self.inputFileType.findText (settings['inFormat'])) outfileFormatLabel = QtGui.QLabel ("Output Format") self.outfileFormat = QtGui.QComboBox () outfileFormatLabel.setBuddy(self.outfileFormat) self.outfileFormat.addItems(["kef", "kef"]) self.outfileFormat.setCurrentIndex (self.outfileFormat.findText (settings['outFormat'])) fieldSeparatorLabel = QtGui.QLabel ("Column Separator") self.fieldSeparator = QtGui.QComboBox () fieldSeparatorLabel.setBuddy (self.fieldSeparator) self.fieldSeparator.addItems (["comma", "semi-colon", "colon", "tab", "space"]) self.fieldSeparator.setCurrentIndex (self.fieldSeparator.findText (settings['colSep'])) skipLinesLabel = QtGui.QLabel ("Skip Lines") self.skipLines = QtGui.QSpinBox () skipLinesLabel.setBuddy (self.skipLines) self.skipLines.setRange (0, 12) self.skipLines.setValue (settings['linesSkip']) viewLinesLabel = QtGui.QLabel ("View Lines") self.viewLines = QtGui.QSpinBox () viewLinesLabel.setBuddy (self.viewLines) self.viewLines.setRange (1, 60) self.viewLines.setValue (settings['linesView']) self.settings = settings buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox (QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Apply | QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Close) grid = QtGui.QGridLayout () # grid.addWidget (inputFileTypeLabel, 0, 0); grid.addWidget (self.inputFileType, 0, 1) grid.addWidget (outfileFormatLabel, 1, 0); grid.addWidget (self.outfileFormat, 1, 1) grid.addWidget (fieldSeparatorLabel, 2, 0); grid.addWidget (self.fieldSeparator, 2, 1) grid.addWidget (skipLinesLabel, 3, 0); grid.addWidget (self.skipLines, 3, 1) grid.addWidget (viewLinesLabel, 4, 0); grid.addWidget (self.viewLines, 4, 1) grid.addWidget (buttonBox, 5, 0, 2, -1) self.setLayout (grid) self.connect (buttonBox.button (QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Apply), QtCore.SIGNAL ("clicked ()"), self.apply) self.connect (buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL ("rejected ()"), self, QtCore.SLOT ("reject ()")) self.setWindowTitle ("Configure") #self.changed = QtCore.Signal ()