def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.width = 5000 self.height = 4000 self.margin = 10 self.keys = { Qt.Key_W: False, Qt.Key_A: False, Qt.Key_S: False, Qt.Key_D: False, } # This will be modified by View, and be read by GuiClient self.mouseDown = False self.mousePos = QPoint() self.decaying = [] self.setSceneRect(5, 5, self.width, self.height) self.polygons = ObjectTracker() self.heroes = ObjectTracker() self.bullets = ObjectTracker() self.experienceBar = ExperienceBar() self.addItem(self.experienceBar) self.scoreboard = Scoreboard() self.addItem(self.scoreboard)
def action(self, **kwds): x = y = 0 if self.scene.keys[Qt.Key_W]: y -= 1 if self.scene.keys[Qt.Key_A]: x -= 1 if self.scene.keys[Qt.Key_S]: y += 1 if self.scene.keys[Qt.Key_D]: x += 1 if x or y: self.accelerate(math.atan2(y, x)) mpos = self.scene.views()[0].mapToScene(self.scene.mousePos) self.shoot_at( mpos.x(), mpos.y(), rotate_only=not self.scene.mouseDown) try: while True: self.level_up(self.to_level_up.pop()) except IndexError: pass
def keyPressEvent(self, event): key_handlers = { Qt.Key_1: self.select_number(1), Qt.Key_2: self.select_number(2), Qt.Key_3: self.select_number(3), Qt.Key_4: self.select_number(4), Qt.Key_5: self.select_number(5), Qt.Key_6: self.select_number(6), Qt.Key_7: self.select_number(7), Qt.Key_8: self.select_number(8), Qt.Key_9: self.select_number(9), Qt.Key_0: self.select_number(0), Qt.Key_A: self.start_edit(self.goals.add, 'Add new goal'), Qt.Key_C: self.with_refresh(self.goals.toggle_close), Qt.Key_D: self.with_refresh(self.goals.delete), Qt.Key_I: self.start_edit(self.goals.insert, 'Insert new goal'), Qt.Key_L: self.with_refresh(self.goals.toggle_link), Qt.Key_Q: self.quit_app.emit, Qt.Key_R: self.start_edit(self.goals.rename, 'Rename goal'), Qt.Key_S: self.with_refresh(self.goals.swap_goals), Qt.Key_V: self.toggle_view, Qt.Key_Z: self.toggle_zoom, Qt.Key_Escape: self.cancel_edit, Qt.Key_Space: self.with_refresh(self.goals.hold_select), } if event.key() in key_handlers: key_handlers[event.key()]() else: super().keyPressEvent(event)
def set_up_keyboard_keys(self): row_1 = [Qt.Key_Q, Qt.Key_W, Qt.Key_E, Qt.Key_R, Qt.Key_T, Qt.Key_Y, Qt.Key_Y, Qt.Key_I, Qt.Key_O, Qt.Key_P, Qt.Key_Backspace] row_2 = [Qt.Key_A, Qt.Key_S, Qt.Key_D, Qt.Key_F, Qt.Key_G, Qt.Key_H, Qt.Key_J, Qt.Key_K, Qt.Key_L, Qt.Key_Ccedilla, Qt.Key_Return] row_3 = [Qt.Key_Aring, Qt.Key_Z, Qt.Key_X, Qt.Key_C, Qt.Key_V, Qt.Key_B, Qt.Key_N, Qt.Key_M, Qt.Key_Comma, Qt.Key_Period, Qt.Key_Question, Qt.Key_Aring] row_4 = [Qt.Key_Aring, Qt.Key_Space, Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right, Qt.Key_Aring] self.keyboard_keys = [row_1, row_2, row_3, row_4]
def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Keyboard press event Effective key: W, A, S, D, ?, ?, ?, ? Press a key on keyboard, the function will get an event, if the condition is met, call the function run_action(). Args: event, this argument will get when an event of keyboard pressed occured """ key_press = event.key() # don't need autorepeat, while haven't released, just run once if not event.isAutoRepeat(): if key_press == Qt.Key_Up: # up run_action('camup') elif key_press == Qt.Key_Right: # right run_action('camright') elif key_press == Qt.Key_Down: # down run_action('camdown') elif key_press == Qt.Key_Left: # left run_action('camleft') elif key_press == Qt.Key_W: # W run_action('forward') elif key_press == Qt.Key_A: # A run_action('fwleft') elif key_press == Qt.Key_S: # S run_action('backward') elif key_press == Qt.Key_D: # D run_action('fwright')
def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): """Keyboard released event Effective key: W,A,S,D, ?, ?, ?, ? Release a key on keyboard, the function will get an event, if the condition is met, call the function run_action(). Args: event, this argument will get when an event of keyboard release occured """ # don't need autorepeat, while haven't pressed, just run once key_release = event.key() if not event.isAutoRepeat(): if key_release == Qt.Key_Up: # up run_action('camready') elif key_release == Qt.Key_Right: # right run_action('camready') elif key_release == Qt.Key_Down: # down run_action('camready') elif key_release == Qt.Key_Left: # left run_action('camready') elif key_release == Qt.Key_W: # W run_action('stop') elif key_release == Qt.Key_A: # A run_action('fwstraight') elif key_release == Qt.Key_S: # S run_action('stop') elif key_release == Qt.Key_D: # D run_action('fwstraight')
def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Keyboard press event Press a key on keyboard, the function will get an event, if the condition is met, call the function run_action(). In camera calibration mode, Effective key: W,A,S,D, ?, ?, ?, ?, ESC In front wheel calibration mode, Effective key: A, D, ?, ?, ESC In back wheel calibration mode, Effective key: A, D, ?, ?, ESC Args: event, this argument will get when an event of keyboard pressed occured """ key_press = event.key() if key_press in (Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_W): # UP if self.calibration_status == 1: cali_action('camcaliup') elif self.calibration_status == 2: pass elif self.calibration_status == 3: pass elif key_press in (Qt.Key_Right, Qt.Key_D): # RIGHT if self.calibration_status == 1: cali_action('camcaliright') elif self.calibration_status == 2: cali_action('fwcaliright') elif self.calibration_status == 3: cali_action('bwcaliright') elif key_press in (Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_S): # DOWN if self.calibration_status == 1: cali_action('camcalidown') elif self.calibration_status == 2: pass elif self.calibration_status == 3: pass elif key_press in (Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_A): # LEFT if self.calibration_status == 1: cali_action('camcalileft') elif self.calibration_status == 2: cali_action('fwcalileft') elif self.calibration_status == 3: cali_action('bwcalileft') cali_action('forward') elif key_press == Qt.Key_Escape: # ESC run_action('stop') self.close()