def by(**type): """Search through all the enumerations within the database and return the first result. like = glob match regex = regular expression index = particular index identifier or id = internal id number """ searchstring = ', '.join("{:s}={!r}".format(k,v) for k,v in type.iteritems()) res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type)) if len(res) > 1: map(logging.info, ("[{:d}] {:s} & {:#x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), idaapi.get_enum_name(n), mask(n), len(__builtin__.list(members(n))), " // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else '') for i,n in enumerate(res))) logging.warn("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results, returning the first one.".format(__name__, searchstring, len(res))) res = next(iter(res), None) if res is None: raise LookupError("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format(__name__, searchstring)) return res
def list(**type): """List all the enumerations within the database. Search type can be identified by providing a named argument. like = glob match regex = regular expression index = particular index identifier = particular id number pred = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type)) maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(idaapi.get_enum_idx, res)) maxname = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(idaapi.get_enum_name, len), res)) maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(size, res)) cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex or 1)/math.log(10)) cmask = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(mask, math.log, functools.partial(operator.mul, 1.0/math.log(16)), math.ceil), res) or [database.config.bits()/4.0]) for n in res: print("[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} & {:#<{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), int(cindex), idaapi.get_enum_name(n), maxname, mask(n), int(cmask), len(__builtin__.list(members(n))), " // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else '')) return ## members
def search(cls, **type): """Search through all of the functions within the database and return the first result. Please review the help for functions.list for the definition of ``type``. """ query_s = ', '.join("{:s}={!r}".format(k,v) for k,v in type.iteritems()) res = __builtin__.list(cls.iterate(**type)) if len(res) > 1: __builtin__.map(logging.info, (("[{:d}] {:s}".format(i, function.name(ea))) for i,ea in enumerate(res))) f = utils.compose(function.by,function.name) logging.warn("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results, returning the first one. : {!r}".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), query_s, len(res), f(res[0]))) res = __builtin__.next(iter(res), None) if res is None: raise LookupError("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), query_s)) return res
def list(cls, **type): """List all of the names in the database that match ``type``. Search can be constrained by the named argument ``type``. like = glob match against name ea, address = name is at address name = exact name match regex = regular-expression against name index = name at index pred = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(cls.__iterate__(**type)) maxindex = max(res or [1]) maxaddr = max(__builtin__.map(idaapi.get_nlist_ea, res) or [idaapi.BADADDR]) cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex)/math.log(10)) caddr = math.floor(math.log(maxaddr)/math.log(16)) for index in res: print "[{:>{:d}d}] {:0{:d}x} {:s}".format(index, int(cindex), idaapi.get_nlist_ea(index), int(caddr), idaapi.get_nlist_name(index)) return
def search(cls, **type): """Search through all of the names within the database and return the first result. Please review the help for names.list for the definition of ``type``. """ query_s = ', '.join("{:s}={!r}".format(k,v) for k,v in type.iteritems()) res = __builtin__.list(cls.__iterate__(**type)) if len(res) > 1: __builtin__.map(logging.info, (("[{:d}] {:x} {:s}".format(idx, idaapi.get_nlist_ea(idx), idaapi.get_nlist_name(idx))) for idx in res)) f1, f2 = idaapi.get_nlist_ea, idaapi.get_nlist_name logging.warn("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results, returning the first one. : {:x} {!r}".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), query_s, len(res), f1(res[0]), f2(res[0]))) res = __builtin__.next(iter(res), None) if res is None: raise LookupError("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), query_s)) return idaapi.get_nlist_ea(res)
def map(l, *args, **kwds): """Execute provided callback on all functions in database. Synonymous to map(l,db.functions()). ``l`` is defined as a function(address, *args, **kwds). Any other arguments are passed to ``l`` unmodified. """ i,x = 0,here() current = x all = functions() result = [] try: for i,x in enumerate(all): go(x) print("{:x}: processing # {:d} of {:d} : {:s}".format(x, i+1, len(all), name(x))) result.append( l(x, *args, **kwds) ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("{:x}: terminated at # {:d} of {:d} : {:s}".format(x, i+1, len(all), name(x))) go(current) return result
def search(cls, **type): """Search through all of the entry-points within the database and return the first result. Please review the help for entry.list for the definition of ``type``. """ query_s = ', '.join("{:s}={!r}".format(k,v) for k,v in type.iteritems()) res = __builtin__.list(cls.__iterate__(**type)) if len(res) > 1: __builtin__.map(logging.info, (("[{:d}] {:x} : ({:x}) {:s}".format(idx, cls.__address__(idx), cls.__entryordinal__(idx), cls.__entryname__(idx))) for idx in res)) f = utils.compose(idaapi.get_entry_ordinal, idaapi.get_entry) logging.warn("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results, returning the first one. : {:x}".format('.'.join((__name__,cls.__name__)), query_s, len(res), f(res[0]))) res = __builtin__.next(iter(res), None) if res is None: raise LookupError("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format('.'.join((__name__,cls.__name__)), query_s)) return cls.__address__(res)
def list(cls, **type): """List all of the imports in the database that match ``type``. Search can be constrained by the named argument ``type``. like = glob match against import short name ea, address = import is at address fullname = glob match against import long name -> MODULE!function module = glob match against module ordinal = exact match against import ordinal number name = exact match against import name regex = regular-expression against import name index = import name at index pred = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(cls.iterate(**type)) maxaddr = max(__builtin__.map(utils.first, res) or [idaapi.BADADDR]) maxmodule = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(utils.second, utils.first, len), res) or ['']) caddr = math.floor(math.log(maxaddr)/math.log(16)) cordinal = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(utils.second, operator.itemgetter(2), "{:d}".format, len), res) or [1]) for ea,(module,name,ordinal) in res: print "{:0{:d}x} {:s}<{:<d}>{:s} {:s}".format(ea, int(caddr), module, ordinal, ' '*(cordinal-len("{:d}".format(ordinal)) + (maxmodule-len(module))), name) return
def search(cls, **type): """Search through all of the imports within the database and return the first result. Please review the help for imports.list for the definition of ``type``. """ query_s = ', '.join("{:s}={!r}".format(k,v) for k,v in type.iteritems()) res = __builtin__.list(cls.iterate(**type)) if len(res) > 1: __builtin__.map(logging.info, ("{:x} {:s}<{:d}> {:s}".format(ea, module, ordinal, name) for ea,(module,name,ordinal) in res)) f = utils.compose(utils.second, cls.__formatl__) logging.warn("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found {:d} matching results, returning the first one. : {!r}".format('.'.join((__name__,cls.__name__)), query_s, len(res), f(res[0]))) res = __builtin__.next(iter(res), None) if res is None: raise LookupError("{:s}.search({:s}) : Found 0 matching results.".format('.'.join((__name__,cls.__name__)), query_s)) return res[0]
def prev(cls, ea, count): ea = interface.address.within(ea) isStop = lambda ea: _instruction.feature(ea) & idaapi.CF_STOP == idaapi.CF_STOP invalidQ = utils.compose(utils.fap(utils.compose(type.is_code, operator.not_), isStop), any) refs = filter(type.is_code, xref.up(ea)) if len(refs) > 1 and invalidQ(address.prev(ea)): logging.fatal("{:s}.prev({:x}, count={:d}) : Unable to determine previous address due to multiple previous references being available : {:s}".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), ea, count, ', '.join(__builtin__.map("{:x}".format,refs)))) return None try: if invalidQ(address.prev(ea)): res = refs[0] count += 1 else: res = address.prev(ea) except: res = ea return cls.prev(res, count-1) if count > 1 else res
def __start_monitoring(self, stdout, stderr=None): """Start monitoring threads. **used internally**""" program = self.program name = "thread-{:x}".format(program.pid) # create monitoring threads + coroutines if stderr: res = process.monitorPipe(self.taskQueue, (stdout,program.stdout),(stderr,program.stderr), name=name) else: res = process.monitorPipe(self.taskQueue, (stdout,program.stdout), name=name) res = map(None, res) # attach a method for injecting data into a monitor for t,q in res: t.send = q.send threads,senders = zip(*res) # update threads for destruction later self.__threads.update(threads) # set things off for t in threads: t.start()
def monitor(send, pipe, blocksize=1, daemon=True, name=None): """Spawn a thread that reads `blocksize` bytes from `pipe` and dispatches it to `send` For every single byte, `send` is called. The thread is named according to the `name` parameter. Returns the monitoring threading.thread instance """ def shuffle(send, pipe): while not pipe.closed: data = pipe.read(blocksize) if len(data) == 0: # pipe.read syscall was interrupted. so since we can't really # determine why (cause...y'know..python), stop dancing so # the parent will actually be able to terminate us break map(send,data) return if name: monitorThread = threading.Thread(target=shuffle, name=name, args=(send,pipe)) else: monitorThread = threading.Thread(target=shuffle, args=(send,pipe)) monitorThread.daemon = daemon return monitorThread
def list(**type): """List all the structures within the database. Search type can be identified by providing a named argument. like = glob match regex = regular expression index = particular index identifier = particular id number pred = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type)) maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('index'),"{:d}".format,len), res) or [1]) maxname = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('name'),len), res) or [1]) maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('size'),"{:x}".format,len), res) or [1]) for st in res: print("[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} {:<+{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(idaapi.get_struc_idx(st.id), maxindex, st.name, maxname, st.size, maxsize, len(st.members), " // {:s}".format(st.comment) if st.comment else '')) return
def up(self): '''Return all the structures that reference this specific structure.''' x, sid = idaapi.xrefblk_t(), self.id # grab first structure that references this one ok = x.first_to(sid, 0) if not ok: return () # continue collecting all structures that references this one res = [(x.frm,x.iscode,x.type)] while x.next_to(): res.append((x.frm,x.iscode,x.type)) # convert refs into a list of OREFs refs = [ interface.OREF(xrfrom, xriscode, interface.ref_t.of(xrtype)) for xrfrom, xriscode, xrtype in res ] # return as a tuple return map(utils.compose(operator.itemgetter(0), instance), refs)
def down(self): '''Return all the structures that are referenced by this specific structure.''' x, sid = idaapi.xrefblk_t(), self.id # grab structures that this one references ok = x.first_from(sid, 0) if not ok: return [] # continue collecting all structures that this one references res = [(x.to, x.iscode, x.type)] while x.next_from(): res.append((x.to, x.iscode, x.type)) # convert refs into a list of OREFs refs = [ interface.OREF(xrto, xriscode, interface.ref_t.of(xrtype)) for xrto, xriscode, xrtype in res ] # return it as a tuple return map(utils.compose(operator.itemgetter(0), instance), refs)
def list(self, **type): """List all the members within the structure. Search type can be identified by providing a named argument. like = glob match regex = regular expression index = particular index identifier = particular id number predicate = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(self.iterate(**type)) escape = repr maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('index'),"{:d}".format,len), res) or [1]) maxoffset = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('offset'),"{:x}".format,len), res) or [1]) maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('size'),"{:x}".format,len), res) or [1]) maxname = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('name'), escape, len), res) or [1]) maxtype = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(operator.attrgetter('type'), repr, len), res) or [1]) for m in res: print "[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}x}:+{:<{:d}x} {:<{:d}s} {:{:d}s} (flag={:x},dt_type={:x}{:s}){:s}".format(m.index, maxindex, m.offset, int(maxoffset), m.size, maxsize, escape(m.name), int(maxname), m.type, int(maxtype), m.flag, m.dt_type, '' if m.typeid is None else ",typeid={:x}".format(m.typeid), " // {:s}".format(m.comment) if m.comment else '') return
def near_offset(self, offset): '''Return the member near to the specified ``offset``.''' min,max = map(lambda sz: sz + self.baseoffset, (idaapi.get_struc_first_offset(self.owner.ptr),idaapi.get_struc_last_offset(self.owner.ptr))) if (offset < min) or (offset >= max): logging.warn("{:s}.instance({:s}).members.near_offset : Requested offset {:+#x} not within bounds ({:#x},{:#x}). Trying anyways..".format(__name__, self.owner.name, offset, min, max)) res = offset - self.baseoffset mem = idaapi.get_member(self.owner.ptr, res) if mem is None: logging.info("{:s}.instance({:s}).members.near_offset : Unable to locate member at offset {:+#x}. Trying get_best_fit_member instead.".format(__name__, self.owner.name, res)) mem = idaapi.get_best_fit_member(self.owner.ptr, res) if mem is None: raise LookupError("{:s}.instance({:s}).members.near_offset : Unable to find member near offset : {:+#x}".format(__name__, self.owner.name, offset)) index = self.index(mem) return self[index]
def flatmap(f, items): return chain.from_iterable(map(f, items))
def lmap(*args, **kwargs): return list(map(*args, **kwargs))
def list(cls, enum): # FIXME: make this consistent with every other .list eid = by(enum) res = __builtin__.list(cls.iterate(eid)) maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(utils.first, enumerate(res)) or [1]) maxvalue = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(cls.value, "{:x}".format, len), res) or [1]) for i, mid in enumerate(res): print("[{:d}] {:>0{:d}x} {:s}".format(i, cls.value(mid), maxvalue, cls.name(mid))) return
def list(cls, **type): """List all of the entry-points within the database that match ``type`. Search can be constrained by the named argument ``type``. like = glob match against entry-point name ea, address = exact address match name = exact entry-point name match regex = regular-expression against entry-point name index = particular index greater, less = greater-or-equal against address, less-or-equal against address pred = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(cls.__iterate__(**type)) to_address = utils.compose(idaapi.get_entry_ordinal, idaapi.get_entry) to_numlen = utils.compose("{:x}".format, len) maxindex = max(res+[1]) maxaddr = max(__builtin__.map(to_address, res) or [idaapi.BADADDR]) maxordinal = max(__builtin__.map(idaapi.get_entry_ordinal, res) or [1]) cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex)/math.log(10)) caddr = math.floor(math.log(maxaddr)/math.log(16)) cordinal = math.floor(math.log(maxordinal)/math.log(16)) for index in res: print "[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}x} : ({:{:d}x}) {:s}".format(index, int(cindex), to_address(index), int(caddr), cls.__entryordinal__(index), int(cindex), cls.__entryname__(index)) return
def prevreg(cls, ea, reg, *regs, **modifiers): regs = (reg,) + regs count = modifiers.get('count', 1) args = ', '.join(["{:x}".format(ea)] + __builtin__.map("\"{:s}\"".format, regs) + __builtin__.map(utils.unbox("{:s}={!r}".format), modifiers.items())) # generate each helper using the regmatch class iterops = interface.regmatch.modifier(**modifiers) uses_register = interface.regmatch.use(regs) # if within a function, then sure we're within the chunk's bounds. if function.within(ea): (start, _) = function.chunk(ea) fwithin = functools.partial(operator.le, start) # otherwise ensure that we're not in the function and we're a code type. else: fwithin = utils.compose(utils.fap(utils.compose(function.within, operator.not_), type.is_code), all) start = cls.walk(ea, cls.prev, fwithin) start = top() if start == idaapi.BADADDR else start # define a function for cls.walk to continue looping while F = lambda ea: fwithin(ea) and not any(uses_register(ea, opnum) for opnum in iterops(ea)) # skip the current address prevea = cls.prev(ea) if prevea is None: # FIXME: include registers in message logging.fatal("{:s}.prevreg({:s}, ...) : Unable to start walking from previous address. : {:x}".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), args, ea)) return ea # now walk while none of our registers match res = cls.walk(prevea, cls.prev, F) if res == idaapi.BADADDR or (cls == address and res < start): # FIXME: include registers in message raise ValueError("{:s}.prevreg({:s}, ...) : Unable to find register{:s} within chunk. {:x}:{:x} : {:x}".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), args, ('s','')[len(regs)>1], start, ea, res)) # recurse if the user specified it modifiers['count'] = count - 1 return cls.prevreg( cls.prev(res), *regs, **modifiers) if count > 1 else res
def nextreg(cls, ea, reg, *regs, **modifiers): regs = (reg,) + regs count = modifiers.get('count',1) args = ', '.join(["{:x}".format(ea)] + __builtin__.map("\"{:s}\"".format, regs) + __builtin__.map(utils.unbox("{:s}={!r}".format), modifiers.items())) # generate each helper using the regmatch class iterops = interface.regmatch.modifier(**modifiers) uses_register = interface.regmatch.use(regs) # if within a function, then sure we're within the chunk's bounds. if function.within(ea): (_,end) = function.chunk(ea) fwithin = functools.partial(operator.gt, end) # otherwise ensure that we're not in a function and we're a code type. else: fwithin = utils.compose(utils.fap(utils.compose(function.within, operator.not_), type.is_code), all) end = cls.walk(ea, cls.next, fwithin) end = bottom() if end == idaapi.BADADDR else end # define a function for cls.walk to continue looping while F = lambda ea: fwithin(ea) and not any(uses_register(ea, opnum) for opnum in iterops(ea)) # skip the current address nextea = cls.next(ea) if nextea is None: # FIXME: include registers in message logging.fatal("{:s}.nextreg({:s}) : Unable to start walking from next address. : {:x}".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), args, ea)) return ea # now walk while none of our registers match res = cls.walk(nextea, cls.next, F) if res == idaapi.BADADDR or (cls == address and res >= end): # FIXME: include registers in message raise ValueError("{:s}.nextreg({:s}, ...) : Unable to find register{:s} within chunk {:x}:{:x} : {:x}".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), args, ('s','')[len(regs)>1], end, ea, res)) # recurse if the user specified it modifiers['count'] = count - 1 return cls.nextreg(cls.next(res), *regs, **modifiers) if count > 1 else res
def document(cls, name, cache): res = [] for func, types, _ in cache: doc = (func.__doc__ or '').split('\n') if len(doc) > 1: res.append("{:s} ->".format(cls.prototype(func, types))) res.extend("{: >{padding:d}s}".format(n, padding=len(name)+len(n)+1) for n in map(operator.methodcaller('strip'), doc)) elif len(doc) == 1: res.append(cls.prototype(func, types) + (" -> {:s}".format(doc[0]) if len(doc[0]) else '')) continue return '\n'.join(res)
def __stop_monitoring(self): """Cleanup monitoring threads""" P = self.program if P.poll() is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to stop monitoring while process {!r} is still running.".format(P)) # stop the update thread self.eventWorking.clear() # forcefully close pipes that still open, this should terminate the monitor threads # also, this fixes a resource leak since python doesn't do this on subprocess death for p in (P.stdin,P.stdout,P.stderr): while p and not p.closed: try: p.close() except: pass continue # join all monitoring threads map(operator.methodcaller('join'), self.threads) # now spin until none of them are alive while len(self.threads) > 0: for th in self.threads[:]: if not th.is_alive(): self.__threads.discard(th) del(th) continue # join the updater thread, and then remove it self.taskQueue.put(None) self.updater.join() assert not self.updater.is_alive() self.__updater = None return
def __getstate__(self): cmtt,cmtf = map(functools.partial(idaapi.get_struc_cmt,self.id), (True,False)) # FIXME: perhaps we should preserve the get_struc_idx result too return (self.name,(cmtt,cmtf),self.members)
def __getstate__(self): return (self.owner.name,self.baseoffset,map(self.__getitem__,range(len(self))))
def by_offset(self, offset): '''Return the member at the specified ``offset``.''' min,max = map(lambda sz: sz + self.baseoffset, (idaapi.get_struc_first_offset(self.owner.ptr),idaapi.get_struc_last_offset(self.owner.ptr))) mptr = idaapi.get_member(self.owner.ptr, max - self.baseoffset) msize = idaapi.get_member_size(mptr) if (offset < min) or (offset >= max+msize): raise LookupError("{:s}.instance({:s}).members.by_offset : Requested offset {:+#x} not within bounds ({:#x},{:#x})".format(__name__, self.owner.name, offset, min, max+msize)) mem = idaapi.get_member(self.owner.ptr, offset - self.baseoffset) if mem is None: raise LookupError("{:s}.instance({:s}).members.by_offset : Unable to find member at offset : {:+#x}".format(__name__, self.owner.name, offset)) index = self.index(mem) return self[index]
def __repr__(self): '''Display all the fields within the specified structure.''' result = [] mn, ms = 0, 0 for i in xrange(len(self)): m = self[i] name,t,ofs,size,comment = m.name,m.type,m.offset,m.size,m.comment result.append((i,name,t,ofs,size,comment)) mn = max((mn,len(name))) ms = max((ms,len("{:x}".format(size)))) mi = len(str(len(self))) mo = max(map(len,map("{:x}".format, (self.baseoffset,self.baseoffset+self.owner.size)))) return "{!r}\n{:s}".format(self.owner, '\n'.join("[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}x}:+{:<{:d}x} {:<{:d}s} {!r} {:s}".format(i,mi,o,mo,s,ms,"'{:s}'".format(n),mn+2,t," // {:s}".format(c) if c else '') for i,n,t,o,s,c in result))
def iterate(**type): '''Iterate through each segment defined in the database.''' if not type: type = {'predicate':lambda n: True} def newsegment(index): res = idaapi.getnseg(index) res.index = index return res res = __builtin__.map(newsegment, xrange(idaapi.get_segm_qty())) for k,v in type.iteritems(): res = __builtin__.list(__matcher__.match(k, v, res)) for n in res: yield n
def list(**type): """List all the segments defined in the database. Search type can be identified by providing a named argument. like = glob match regex = regular expression selector = segment selector index = particular index name = specific segment name predicate = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type)) maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(operator.attrgetter('index'), res) or [1]) maxaddr = max(__builtin__.map(operator.attrgetter('endEA'), res) or [1]) maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(operator.methodcaller('size'), res) or [1]) maxname = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(idaapi.get_true_segm_name,len), res) or [1]) cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex)/math.log(10)) caddr = math.ceil(math.log(maxaddr)/math.log(16)) csize = math.ceil(math.log(maxsize)/math.log(16)) for seg in res: comment = idaapi.get_segment_cmt(seg, 0) or idaapi.get_segment_cmt(seg, 1) print("[{:{:d}d}] {:0{:d}x}:{:0{:d}x} {:>{:d}s} {:<+#{:d}x} sel:{:04x} flags:{:02x}{:s}".format(seg.index, int(cindex), seg.startEA, int(caddr), seg.endEA, int(caddr), idaapi.get_true_segm_name(seg), maxname, seg.size(), int(csize), seg.sel, seg.flags, "// {:s}".format(comment) if comment else '')) return ## searching
def map(ea, size, newea, **kwds): """Map ``size`` bytes of data from ``ea`` into a new segment at ``newea``. ``name`` can be used to name the segment. """ fpos,data = idaapi.get_fileregion_offset(ea),database.read(ea, size) if len(data) != size: raise ValueError("{:s}.map({:x}, {:#x}, {:x}) : Unable to read {:#x} bytes from {:#x}".format(__name__, ea, size, newea, size, ea)) res = idaapi.mem2base(data, newea, fpos) if not res: raise ValueError("{:s}.map({:x}, {:#x}, {:x}) : Unable to remap {:#x}:{:+#x} to {:#x}".format(__name__, ea, size, newea, ea, size, newea)) return create(newea, size, kwds.get("name', 'map_{:x}".format(ea))) #return create(newea, size, kwds.get("name', 'map_{:s}".format(newea>>4))) # creation/destruction
def __repr__(self): if not self: return '%s()' % self.__class__.__name__ items = ', '.join(map('%r: %r'.__mod__, self.most_common())) return '%s({%s})' % (self.__class__.__name__, items) # Multiset-style mathematical operations discussed in: # Knuth TAOCP Volume II section 4.6.3 exercise 19 # and at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset # # Outputs guaranteed to only include positive counts. # # To strip negative and zero counts, add-in an empty counter: # c += Counter()