Python __builtin__ 模块,min() 实例源码


项目:python-application    作者:AGProjects    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def limit(value, min=negative_infinite, max=positive_infinite):
    """Limit a numeric value to the specified range"""
    return maximum(min, minimum(value, max))
项目:ndh-challenges    作者:the-mandarine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_clipfn(size, signed=True):
    maxval = _get_maxval(size, signed)
    minval = _get_minval(size, signed)
    return lambda val: __builtin__.max(min(val, maxval), minval)
项目:ndh-challenges    作者:the-mandarine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def minmax(cp, size):
    _check_params(len(cp), size)

    max_sample, min_sample = 0, 0
    for sample in _get_samples(cp, size):
        max_sample = __builtin__.max(sample, max_sample)
        min_sample = __builtin__.min(sample, min_sample)

    return min_sample, max_sample
项目:fypp    作者:aradi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process_arguments(self, args, keywords):
        argdict = {}
        nargs = min(len(args), len(self._argnames))
        for iarg in range(nargs):
            argdict[self._argnames[iarg]] = args[iarg]
        if nargs < len(args):
            if self._varargs is None:
                msg = "macro '{0}' called with too many positional arguments "\
                      "(expected: {1}, received: {2})"\
                      .format(self._name, len(self._argnames), len(args))
                raise FyppFatalError(msg, self._fname, self._spans[0])
                argdict[self._varargs] = tuple(args[nargs:])
        elif self._varargs is not None:
            argdict[self._varargs] = ()
        for argname in self._argnames[:nargs]:
            if argname in keywords:
                msg = "got multiple values for argument '{0}'".format(argname)
                raise FyppFatalError(msg, self._fname, self._spans[0])
        if self._varargs is not None and self._varargs in keywords:
            msg = "got unexpected keyword argument '{0}'".format(self._varargs)
            raise FyppFatalError(msg, self._fname, self._spans[0])
        if nargs < len(self._argnames):
            for argname in self._argnames[nargs:]:
                if argname in argdict:
                elif argname in self._defaults:
                    argdict[argname] = self._defaults[argname]
                    msg = "macro '{0}' called without mandatory positional "\
                          "argument '{1}'".format(self._name, argname)
                    raise FyppFatalError(msg, self._fname, self._spans[0])
        return argdict
项目:CNNbasedMedicalSegmentation    作者:BRML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tile(a, reps):
 if type(reps) in _numberTypes: reps = (reps,)
 reps = tuple(reps) # for generator expressions
 if type(a) in _numberTypes:
  ret = empty(reps)
  return ret
 a = as_garray(a)
 if len(reps) > a.ndim: a = a._add_axes(len(reps))
 if len(reps) < a.ndim: reps = _extend_shape(reps, a.ndim) # now len(reps)==a.ndim
 retShape = tuple([ a.shape[i] * reps[i] for i in tuple(xrange(len(reps)))])
 if _prodT(retShape)==0: return zeros(retShape)
 if _prodT(reps)==1: return a
 for i in range(a.ndim-1): # merge replication requests on adjacent axes, for efficiency.
  if reps[i]!=1 and reps[i+1]!=1 and a.shape[i]==1: return a.reshape(_deleteT2(a.shape, i)).tile(reps[:i]+(_prodT(reps[i:i+2]),)+reps[i+2:]).reshape(map(operator.mul, a.shape, reps))
 def dataIDone(nextA, i): return nextA.reshape(_modifyT(a.shape, i, a.shape[i]*reps[i])).tile(_modifyT(reps, i, 1))
 if reps[0]!=1: # replicating rows is easy and efficient: just repeat the data a number of times.
  temp = empty((reps[0], a.size)) # shape doesn't matter because dataIDone changes it
  tempCm = temp._base_shaped(1)
  if reps[0]>=1:
   _cm_row_slice_read(tempCm, 0, 1).assign(a._base_as_row())
   nCopiesDone = 1
   while nCopiesDone < reps[0]:
    nNow = __builtin__.min(nCopiesDone, reps[0]-nCopiesDone)
    _cm_row_slice_read(tempCm, nCopiesDone, nCopiesDone + nNow).assign(_cm_row_slice_read(tempCm, 0, nNow))
    nCopiesDone += nNow
  return dataIDone(temp, 0)
 # the general case is repeating a subset (aot the whole array) n times, before moving on to the next subset
 # using a transpose with the right shape, the subsets can become columns. those can be lengthened because that is replicating rows; a second transpose makes them now-lengthened subsets again
 axis = __builtin__.min( i for i in range(a.ndim) if reps[i]!=1)
 return dataIDone(a.reshape_2d(axis).T.tile((reps[axis], 1)).T, axis)
项目:CNNbasedMedicalSegmentation    作者:BRML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def min(x, axis=None):
 """ On numpy arrays this returns a numpy array; on garrays and other array-likes this returns a garray. """
 return _reductor__base(x, axis, garray.min, numpy.min)
项目:CNNbasedMedicalSegmentation    作者:BRML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def min(self, axis=None): return -(-self).max(axis)
项目:CNNbasedMedicalSegmentation    作者:BRML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(self, axis=None): return ( True if self.size==0 else (self.as_bool()).min())
项目:DeepNeuralNet-QSAR    作者:Merck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tile(a, reps):
 if type(reps) in _numberTypes: reps = (reps,)
 reps = tuple(reps) # for generator expressions
 if type(a) in _numberTypes:
  ret = empty(reps)
  return ret
 a = as_garray(a)
 if len(reps) > a.ndim: a = a._add_axes(len(reps))
 if len(reps) < a.ndim: reps = _extend_shape(reps, a.ndim) # now len(reps)==a.ndim
 retShape = tuple([ a.shape[i] * reps[i] for i in tuple(xrange(len(reps)))])
 if _prodT(retShape)==0: return zeros(retShape)
 if _prodT(reps)==1: return a
 for i in range(a.ndim-1): # merge replication requests on adjacent axes, for efficiency.
  if reps[i]!=1 and reps[i+1]!=1 and a.shape[i]==1: return a.reshape(_deleteT2(a.shape, i)).tile(reps[:i]+(_prodT(reps[i:i+2]),)+reps[i+2:]).reshape(map(operator.mul, a.shape, reps))
 def dataIDone(nextA, i): return nextA.reshape(_modifyT(a.shape, i, a.shape[i]*reps[i])).tile(_modifyT(reps, i, 1))
 if reps[0]!=1: # replicating rows is easy and efficient: just repeat the data a number of times.
  temp = empty((reps[0], a.size)) # shape doesn't matter because dataIDone changes it
  tempCm = temp._base_shaped(1)
  if reps[0]>=1:
   _cm_row_slice_read(tempCm, 0, 1).assign(a._base_as_row())
   nCopiesDone = 1
   while nCopiesDone < reps[0]:
    nNow = __builtin__.min(nCopiesDone, reps[0]-nCopiesDone)
    _cm_row_slice_read(tempCm, nCopiesDone, nCopiesDone + nNow).assign(_cm_row_slice_read(tempCm, 0, nNow))
    nCopiesDone += nNow
  return dataIDone(temp, 0)
 # the general case is repeating a subset (aot the whole array) n times, before moving on to the next subset
 # using a transpose with the right shape, the subsets can become columns. those can be lengthened because that is replicating rows; a second transpose makes them now-lengthened subsets again
 axis = __builtin__.min( i for i in range(a.ndim) if reps[i]!=1)
 return dataIDone(a.reshape_2d(axis).T.tile((reps[axis], 1)).T, axis)
项目:DeepNeuralNet-QSAR    作者:Merck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def min(x, axis=None):
 """ On numpy arrays this returns a numpy array; on garrays and other array-likes this returns a garray. """
 return _reductor__base(x, axis, garray.min, numpy.min)
项目:DeepNeuralNet-QSAR    作者:Merck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def min(self, axis=None): return -(-self).max(axis)
项目:DeepNeuralNet-QSAR    作者:Merck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(self, axis=None): return ( True if self.size==0 else (self.as_bool()).min())
项目:wechatvoice    作者:netcharm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_clipfn(size, signed=True):
    maxval = _get_maxval(size, signed)
    minval = _get_minval(size, signed)
    return lambda val: __builtin__.max(min(val, maxval), minval)
项目:wechatvoice    作者:netcharm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def minmax(cp, size):
    _check_params(len(cp), size)

    max_sample, min_sample = 0, 0
    for sample in _get_samples(cp, size):
        max_sample = __builtin__.max(sample, max_sample)
        min_sample = __builtin__.min(sample, min_sample)

    return min_sample, max_sample
项目:CNNbasedMedicalSegmentation    作者:BRML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reduction__base(self, operatorName, axis):
  if axis==None: return self.ravel()._reduction__base(operatorName, 0).item()
  if not type(axis) in _numberTypes: raise TypeError('the value %s is not appropriate for the "axis" parameter.' % str(axis))
  if axis < -self.ndim or axis>=self.ndim: raise ValueError('axis (%d) out of bounds for an array with %d axes.' % (axis, self.ndim))
  axis = int(axis) % self.ndim
  if self.size==0:
   retShape = _deleteT2(self.shape, axis)
   if operatorName=='sum': return zeros(retShape)
   elif operatorName=='max': return tile(-inf, retShape)
   else: assert False
  if operatorName=='max' and axis==0 and cudamatHas('maxAxis0'): # my own fast implementation
   ret = empty(self.shape[1:])
   _ctInt = _cudamat.ct.c_int
   nThreadsPerBlock = 32
   gridX, gridY = ((ret.size+nThreadsPerBlock-1)//nThreadsPerBlock), 1
   while gridX>65535: gridY*=2; gridX = (gridX+1)//2;
   _cudamat._cudamat.maxAxis0.restype = _ctypes.c_int
   assert 0==_cudamat._cudamat.maxAxis0(_ctInt(gridX), _ctInt(gridY), _ctInt(nThreadsPerBlock), self._base.p_mat, ret._base.p_mat, _ctInt(self.shape[0]), _ctInt(ret.size))
   return ret
  if axis==0 and operatorName=='max': # max over rows is not yet supported in cudamat
   return self.reshape_2d(1).T.max(1).reshape(self.shape[1:])
  if axis==0 and self.ndim==1 and self.size>5000 and operatorName=='sum': # optimization. apparently, cudamat is not maximally efficient.
   n = int(numpy.sqrt(self.size-1))
   return self[:n*n].reshape((n, n))._reduction__base(operatorName, 0)._reduction__base(operatorName, 0) + self[n*n:]._reduction__base(operatorName, 0)
  if operatorName=='sum':
   chunkSize = 1024*256 # sum over longer dimensions fails in cudamat
   nChunks = (self.shape[axis] + chunkSize-1) // chunkSize
   if nChunks>1:
    return reduceAdd( self[(slice(None),) * axis + (slice(chunkI*chunkSize, __builtin__.min(self.shape[axis], (chunkI+1)*chunkSize)),)]._reduction__base(operatorName, axis)
                      for chunkI in range(nChunks))
  if operatorName=='max' and self.isnan().any2(): # cudamat bug workaround
   return garray(self.asarray().max(axis))
  operatorInCm = {'sum': _cmType.sum, 'max': _cmType.max}[operatorName]
  if axis==0: return _check_number_types(garray(operatorInCm(self._base_shaped(1), 1, _new_cm(_prodT(self.shape[1:]))), self.shape[1:], None))
  if axis==self.ndim-1:
   if self.ndim!=2: return self.reshape_2d(-1)._reduction__base(operatorName, 1).reshape(self.shape[:-1])
   if self.ndim==2:
    chunkSize = 2**16-1
    nChunks = (len(self) + chunkSize-1) // chunkSize
    if nChunks>1: # cudamat chokes on big arrays, so break it in pieces for cudamat
     chunks = tuple([ self[chunkI*chunkSize : __builtin__.min((chunkI+1)*chunkSize, len(self))]
                      for chunkI in range(nChunks)])
     return concatenate([ chunk._reduction__base(operatorName, 1) for chunk in chunks])
    else: # small array
     return _check_number_types(garray(operatorInCm(self._base_shaped(1), 0, _new_cm((len(self), 1))), (len(self),), None))
  return self.transpose_simple(axis)._reduction__base(operatorName, 0).transpose_simple(-axis)

 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- external misc non-numerical
项目:DeepNeuralNet-QSAR    作者:Merck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reduction__base(self, operatorName, axis):
  if axis==None: return self.ravel()._reduction__base(operatorName, 0).item()
  if not type(axis) in _numberTypes: raise TypeError('the value %s is not appropriate for the "axis" parameter.' % str(axis))
  if axis < -self.ndim or axis>=self.ndim: raise ValueError('axis (%d) out of bounds for an array with %d axes.' % (axis, self.ndim))
  axis = int(axis) % self.ndim
  if self.size==0:
   retShape = _deleteT2(self.shape, axis)
   if operatorName=='sum': return zeros(retShape)
   elif operatorName=='max': return tile(-inf, retShape)
   else: assert False
  if operatorName=='max' and axis==0 and cudamatHas('maxAxis0'): # my own fast implementation
   ret = empty(self.shape[1:])
   _ctInt = _cudamat.ct.c_int
   nThreadsPerBlock = 32
   gridX, gridY = ((ret.size+nThreadsPerBlock-1)//nThreadsPerBlock), 1
   while gridX>65535: gridY*=2; gridX = (gridX+1)//2;
   _cudamat._cudamat.maxAxis0.restype = _ctypes.c_int
   assert 0==_cudamat._cudamat.maxAxis0(_ctInt(gridX), _ctInt(gridY), _ctInt(nThreadsPerBlock), self._base.p_mat, ret._base.p_mat, _ctInt(self.shape[0]), _ctInt(ret.size))
   return ret
  if axis==0 and operatorName=='max': # max over rows is not yet supported in cudamat
   return self.reshape_2d(1).T.max(1).reshape(self.shape[1:])
  if axis==0 and self.ndim==1 and self.size>5000 and operatorName=='sum': # optimization. apparently, cudamat is not maximally efficient.
   n = int(numpy.sqrt(self.size-1))
   return self[:n*n].reshape((n, n))._reduction__base(operatorName, 0)._reduction__base(operatorName, 0) + self[n*n:]._reduction__base(operatorName, 0)
  if operatorName=='sum':
   chunkSize = 1024*256 # sum over longer dimensions fails in cudamat
   nChunks = (self.shape[axis] + chunkSize-1) // chunkSize
   if nChunks>1:
    return reduceAdd( self[(slice(None),) * axis + (slice(chunkI*chunkSize, __builtin__.min(self.shape[axis], (chunkI+1)*chunkSize)),)]._reduction__base(operatorName, axis)
                      for chunkI in range(nChunks))
  if operatorName=='max' and self.isnan().any2(): # cudamat bug workaround
   return garray(self.asarray().max(axis))
  operatorInCm = {'sum': _cmType.sum, 'max': _cmType.max}[operatorName]
  if axis==0: return _check_number_types(garray(operatorInCm(self._base_shaped(1), 1, _new_cm(_prodT(self.shape[1:]))), self.shape[1:], None))
  if axis==self.ndim-1:
   if self.ndim!=2: return self.reshape_2d(-1)._reduction__base(operatorName, 1).reshape(self.shape[:-1])
   if self.ndim==2:
    chunkSize = 2**16-1
    nChunks = (len(self) + chunkSize-1) // chunkSize
    if nChunks>1: # cudamat chokes on big arrays, so break it in pieces for cudamat
     chunks = tuple([ self[chunkI*chunkSize : __builtin__.min((chunkI+1)*chunkSize, len(self))]
                      for chunkI in range(nChunks)])
     return concatenate([ chunk._reduction__base(operatorName, 1) for chunk in chunks])
    else: # small array
     return _check_number_types(garray(operatorInCm(self._base_shaped(1), 0, _new_cm((len(self), 1))), (len(self),), None))
  return self.transpose_simple(axis)._reduction__base(operatorName, 0).transpose_simple(-axis)

 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- external misc non-numerical