Python __builtin__ 模块,any() 实例源码


项目:fypp    作者:aradi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updatelocals(self, **vardict):
        '''Update variables in the local scope.

        This is a shortcut function to inject variables in the local scope
        without extensive checks (as in define()). Vardict must not contain any
        entries which have been made global via addglobal() before. In order to
        ensure this, updatelocals() should be called immediately after
        openscope(), or with variable names, which are warrantedly not globals
        (e.g variables starting with forbidden prefix)

            **vardict: variable defintions.
        if self._locals is not None:
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iadd__(self, other):
        Add other to self in-place.

        m = getmask(other)
        if self._mask is nomask:
            if m is not nomask and m.any():
                self._mask = make_mask_none(self.shape, self.dtype)
                self._mask += m
            if m is not nomask:
                self._mask += m
        self._data.__iadd__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(0),
        return self
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
        Floor divide self by other in-place.

        other_data = getdata(other)
        dom_mask = _DomainSafeDivide().__call__(self._data, other_data)
        other_mask = getmask(other)
        new_mask = mask_or(other_mask, dom_mask)
        # The following 3 lines control the domain filling
        if dom_mask.any():
            (_, fval) = ufunc_fills[np.floor_divide]
            other_data = np.where(dom_mask, fval, other_data)
        self._mask |= new_mask
        self._data.__ifloordiv__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        return self
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __itruediv__(self, other):
        True divide self by other in-place.

        other_data = getdata(other)
        dom_mask = _DomainSafeDivide().__call__(self._data, other_data)
        other_mask = getmask(other)
        new_mask = mask_or(other_mask, dom_mask)
        # The following 3 lines control the domain filling
        if dom_mask.any():
            (_, fval) = ufunc_fills[np.true_divide]
            other_data = np.where(dom_mask, fval, other_data)
        self._mask |= new_mask
        self._data.__itruediv__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        return self
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __ipow__(self, other):
        Raise self to the power other, in place.

        other_data = getdata(other)
        other_mask = getmask(other)
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            self._data.__ipow__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        invalid = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self._data))
        if invalid.any():
            if self._mask is not nomask:
                self._mask |= invalid
                self._mask = invalid
            np.copyto(self._data, self.fill_value, where=invalid)
        new_mask = mask_or(other_mask, invalid)
        self._mask = mask_or(self._mask, new_mask)
        return self
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iadd__(self, other):
        Add other to self in-place.

        m = getmask(other)
        if self._mask is nomask:
            if m is not nomask and m.any():
                self._mask = make_mask_none(self.shape, self.dtype)
                self._mask += m
            if m is not nomask:
                self._mask += m
        self._data.__iadd__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(0),
        return self
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __idiv__(self, other):
        Divide self by other in-place.

        other_data = getdata(other)
        dom_mask = _DomainSafeDivide().__call__(self._data, other_data)
        other_mask = getmask(other)
        new_mask = mask_or(other_mask, dom_mask)
        # The following 3 lines control the domain filling
        if dom_mask.any():
            (_, fval) = ufunc_fills[np.divide]
            other_data = np.where(dom_mask, fval, other_data)
        self._mask |= new_mask
        self._data.__idiv__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        return self
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
        Floor divide self by other in-place.

        other_data = getdata(other)
        dom_mask = _DomainSafeDivide().__call__(self._data, other_data)
        other_mask = getmask(other)
        new_mask = mask_or(other_mask, dom_mask)
        # The following 3 lines control the domain filling
        if dom_mask.any():
            (_, fval) = ufunc_fills[np.floor_divide]
            other_data = np.where(dom_mask, fval, other_data)
        self._mask |= new_mask
        self._data.__ifloordiv__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        return self
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __ipow__(self, other):
        Raise self to the power other, in place.

        other_data = getdata(other)
        other_mask = getmask(other)
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            self._data.__ipow__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        invalid = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self._data))
        if invalid.any():
            if self._mask is not nomask:
                self._mask |= invalid
                self._mask = invalid
            np.copyto(self._data, self.fill_value, where=invalid)
        new_mask = mask_or(other_mask, invalid)
        self._mask = mask_or(self._mask, new_mask)
        return self
项目:darkc0de-old-stuff    作者:tuwid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def any(items):
        for item in items:
            if item:
                return True
        return False

# ---all() from Python 2.5 ---
项目:fypp    作者:aradi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateglobals(self, **vardict):
        '''Update variables in the global scope.

        This is a shortcut function to inject protected variables in the global
        scope without extensive checks (as in define()). Vardict must not
        contain any global entries which can be shadowed in local scopes
        (e.g. should only contain variables with forbidden prefix).

            **vardict: variable defintions.

        if self._locals is not None:
项目:fypp    作者:aradi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, line):
        '''Returns the entire line without any folding.

            list of str: Components of folded line. They should be
                assembled via ``\\n.join()`` to obtain the string
        return [line]
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_fill_value(a):
    Return the filling value of a, if any.  Otherwise, returns the
    default filling value for that type.

    if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        result = a.fill_value
        result = default_fill_value(a)
    return result
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def common_fill_value(a, b):
    Return the common filling value of two masked arrays, if any.

    If ``a.fill_value == b.fill_value``, return the fill value,
    otherwise return None.

    a, b : MaskedArray
        The masked arrays for which to compare fill values.

    fill_value : scalar or None
        The common fill value, or None.

    >>> x =[0, 1.], fill_value=3)
    >>> y =[0, 1.], fill_value=3)
    >>>, y)

    t1 = get_fill_value(a)
    t2 = get_fill_value(b)
    if t1 == t2:
        return t1
    return None
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= filled(domain(da, db), True)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shrink_mask(self):
        Reduce a mask to nomask when possible.



        >>> x =[[1,2 ], [3, 4]], mask=[0]*4)
        >>> x.mask
        array([[False, False],
               [False, False]], dtype=bool)
        >>> x.shrink_mask()
        >>> x.mask

        m = self._mask
        if m.ndim and not m.any():
            self._mask = nomask
        return self
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __isub__(self, other):
        Subtract other from self in-place.

        m = getmask(other)
        if self._mask is nomask:
            if m is not nomask and m.any():
                self._mask = make_mask_none(self.shape, self.dtype)
                self._mask += m
        elif m is not nomask:
            self._mask += m
        self._data.__isub__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(0),
        return self
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __imul__(self, other):
        Multiply self by other in-place.

        m = getmask(other)
        if self._mask is nomask:
            if m is not nomask and m.any():
                self._mask = make_mask_none(self.shape, self.dtype)
                self._mask += m
        elif m is not nomask:
            self._mask += m
        self._data.__imul__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        return self
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def any(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=np._NoValue):
        Returns True if any of the elements of `a` evaluate to True.

        Masked values are considered as False during computation.

        Refer to `numpy.any` for full documentation.

        See Also
        ndarray.any : corresponding function for ndarrays
        numpy.any : equivalent function

        kwargs = {} if keepdims is np._NoValue else {'keepdims': keepdims}

        mask = _check_mask_axis(self._mask, axis, **kwargs)
        if out is None:
            d = self.filled(False).any(axis=axis, **kwargs).view(type(self))
            if d.ndim:
            elif mask:
                d = masked
            return d
        self.filled(False).any(axis=axis, out=out, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(out, MaskedArray):
            if out.ndim or mask:
        return out
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def append(a, b, axis=None):
    """Append values to the end of an array.

    .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    a : array_like
        Values are appended to a copy of this array.
    b : array_like
        These values are appended to a copy of `a`.  It must be of the
        correct shape (the same shape as `a`, excluding `axis`).  If `axis`
        is not specified, `b` can be any shape and will be flattened
        before use.
    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which `v` are appended.  If `axis` is not given,
        both `a` and `b` are flattened before use.

    append : MaskedArray
        A copy of `a` with `b` appended to `axis`.  Note that `append`
        does not occur in-place: a new array is allocated and filled.  If
        `axis` is None, the result is a flattened array.

    See Also
    numpy.append : Equivalent function in the top-level NumPy module.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = ma.masked_values([1, 2, 3], 2)
    >>> b = ma.masked_values([[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], 7)
    >>> print(ma.append(a, b))
    [1 -- 3 4 5 6 -- 8 9]
    return concatenate([a, b], axis)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _median(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False):
    # can't be reasonably be implemented in terms of percentile as we have to
    # call mean to not break astropy
    a = np.asanyarray(a)

    # Set the partition indexes
    if axis is None:
        sz = a.size
        sz = a.shape[axis]
    if sz % 2 == 0:
        szh = sz // 2
        kth = [szh - 1, szh]
        kth = [(sz - 1) // 2]
    # Check if the array contains any nan's
    if np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.inexact):

    if overwrite_input:
        if axis is None:
            part = a.ravel()
            a.partition(kth, axis=axis)
            part = a
        part = partition(a, kth, axis=axis)

    if part.shape == ():
        # make 0-D arrays work
        return part.item()
    if axis is None:
        axis = 0

    indexer = [slice(None)] * part.ndim
    index = part.shape[axis] // 2
    if part.shape[axis] % 2 == 1:
        # index with slice to allow mean (below) to work
        indexer[axis] = slice(index, index+1)
        indexer[axis] = slice(index-1, index+1)

    # Check if the array contains any nan's
    if np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.inexact) and sz > 0:
        # warn and return nans like mean would
        rout = mean(part[indexer], axis=axis, out=out)
        return np.lib.utils._median_nancheck(part, rout, axis, out)
        # if there are no nans
        # Use mean in odd and even case to coerce data type
        # and check, use out array.
        return mean(part[indexer], axis=axis, out=out)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_fill_value(a):
    Return the filling value of a, if any.  Otherwise, returns the
    default filling value for that type.

    if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        result = a.fill_value
        result = default_fill_value(a)
    return result
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def common_fill_value(a, b):
    Return the common filling value of two masked arrays, if any.

    If ``a.fill_value == b.fill_value``, return the fill value,
    otherwise return None.

    a, b : MaskedArray
        The masked arrays for which to compare fill values.

    fill_value : scalar or None
        The common fill value, or None.

    >>> x =[0, 1.], fill_value=3)
    >>> y =[0, 1.], fill_value=3)
    >>>, y)

    t1 = get_fill_value(a)
    t2 = get_fill_value(b)
    if t1 == t2:
        return t1
    return None
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        "Execute the call behavior."
        # Get the data
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask as a combination of the source masks and invalid
        m = ~umath.isfinite(result)
        m |= getmask(a)
        m |= getmask(b)
        # Apply the domain
        domain = ufunc_domain.get(self.f, None)
        if domain is not None:
            m |= domain(da, db)
        # Take care of the scalar case first
        if (not m.ndim):
            if m:
                return masked
                return result
        # When the mask is True, put back da if possible
        # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
            np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
            # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
            masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
            # only add back if it can be cast safely
            if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shrink_mask(self):
        Reduce a mask to nomask when possible.



        >>> x =[[1,2 ], [3, 4]], mask=[0]*4)
        >>> x.mask
        array([[False, False],
               [False, False]], dtype=bool)
        >>> x.shrink_mask()
        >>> x.mask

        m = self._mask
        if m.ndim and not m.any():
            self._mask = nomask
        return self
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __isub__(self, other):
        Subtract other from self in-place.

        m = getmask(other)
        if self._mask is nomask:
            if m is not nomask and m.any():
                self._mask = make_mask_none(self.shape, self.dtype)
                self._mask += m
        elif m is not nomask:
            self._mask += m
        self._data.__isub__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(0),
        return self
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __imul__(self, other):
        Multiply self by other in-place.

        m = getmask(other)
        if self._mask is nomask:
            if m is not nomask and m.any():
                self._mask = make_mask_none(self.shape, self.dtype)
                self._mask += m
        elif m is not nomask:
            self._mask += m
        self._data.__imul__(np.where(self._mask, self.dtype.type(1),
        return self
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def any(self, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=np._NoValue):
        Returns True if any of the elements of `a` evaluate to True.

        Masked values are considered as False during computation.

        Refer to `numpy.any` for full documentation.

        See Also
        ndarray.any : corresponding function for ndarrays
        numpy.any : equivalent function

        kwargs = {} if keepdims is np._NoValue else {'keepdims': keepdims}

        mask = _check_mask_axis(self._mask, axis, **kwargs)
        if out is None:
            d = self.filled(False).any(axis=axis, **kwargs).view(type(self))
            if d.ndim:
            elif mask:
                d = masked
            return d
        self.filled(False).any(axis=axis, out=out, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(out, MaskedArray):
            if out.ndim or mask:
        return out
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def correlate(a, v, mode='valid', propagate_mask=True):
    Cross-correlation of two 1-dimensional sequences.

    a, v : array_like
        Input sequences.
    mode : {'valid', 'same', 'full'}, optional
        Refer to the `np.convolve` docstring.  Note that the default
        is 'valid', unlike `convolve`, which uses 'full'.
    propagate_mask : bool
        If True, then a result element is masked if any masked element contributes towards it.
        If False, then a result element is only masked if no non-masked element
        contribute towards it

    out : MaskedArray
        Discrete cross-correlation of `a` and `v`.

    See Also
    numpy.correlate : Equivalent function in the top-level NumPy module.
    return _convolve_or_correlate(np.correlate, a, v, mode, propagate_mask)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convolve(a, v, mode='full', propagate_mask=True):
    Returns the discrete, linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences.

    a, v : array_like
        Input sequences.
    mode : {'valid', 'same', 'full'}, optional
        Refer to the `np.convolve` docstring.
    propagate_mask : bool
        If True, then if any masked element is included in the sum for a result
        element, then the result is masked.
        If False, then the result element is only masked if no non-masked cells
        contribute towards it

    out : MaskedArray
        Discrete, linear convolution of `a` and `v`.

    See Also
    numpy.convolve : Equivalent function in the top-level NumPy module.
    return _convolve_or_correlate(np.convolve, a, v, mode, propagate_mask)
项目:watcher    作者:nosmokingbandit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def any(items):
        for item in items:
            if item:
                return True
        return False

# ---all() from Python 2.5 ---
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getdata(a, subok=True):
    Return the data of a masked array as an ndarray.

    Return the data of `a` (if any) as an ndarray if `a` is a ``MaskedArray``,
    else return `a` as a ndarray or subclass (depending on `subok`) if not.

    a : array_like
        Input ``MaskedArray``, alternatively a ndarray or a subclass thereof.
    subok : bool
        Whether to force the output to be a `pure` ndarray (False) or to
        return a subclass of ndarray if appropriate (True, default).

    See Also
    getmask : Return the mask of a masked array, or nomask.
    getmaskarray : Return the mask of a masked array, or full array of False.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = ma.masked_equal([[1,2],[3,4]], 2)
    >>> a
    masked_array(data =
     [[1 --]
     [3 4]],
          mask =
     [[False  True]
     [False False]],
    >>> ma.getdata(a)
    array([[1, 2],
           [3, 4]])

    Equivalently use the ``MaskedArray`` `data` attribute.

    array([[1, 2],
           [3, 4]])

        data = a._data
    except AttributeError:
        data = np.array(a, copy=False, subok=subok)
    if not subok:
        return data.view(ndarray)
    return data
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, 0, casting='unsafe', where=m)
                # avoid using "*" since this may be overlaid
                masked_da = umath.multiply(m, da)
                # only add back if it can be cast safely
                if np.can_cast(masked_da.dtype, result.dtype, casting='safe'):
                    result += masked_da

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        String representation.

        if masked_print_option.enabled():
            f = masked_print_option
            if self is masked:
                return str(f)
            m = self._mask
            if m is nomask:
                res = self._data
                if m.shape == () and m.itemsize==len(m.dtype):
                    if m.dtype.names:
                        m = m.view((bool, len(m.dtype)))
                        if m.any():
                            return str(tuple((f if _m else _d) for _d, _m in
                                             zip(self._data.tolist(), m)))
                            return str(self._data)
                    elif m:
                        return str(f)
                        return str(self._data)
                # convert to object array to make filled work
                names = self.dtype.names
                if names is None:
                    data = self._data
                    mask = m
                    # For big arrays, to avoid a costly conversion to the
                    # object dtype, extract the corners before the conversion.
                    print_width = (self._print_width if self.ndim > 1
                                   else self._print_width_1d)
                    for axis in range(self.ndim):
                        if data.shape[axis] > print_width:
                            ind = print_width // 2
                            arr = np.split(data, (ind, -ind), axis=axis)
                            data = np.concatenate((arr[0], arr[2]), axis=axis)
                            arr = np.split(mask, (ind, -ind), axis=axis)
                            mask = np.concatenate((arr[0], arr[2]), axis=axis)
                    res = data.astype("O")
                    res.view(ndarray)[mask] = f
                    rdtype = _recursive_make_descr(self.dtype, "O")
                    res = self._data.astype(rdtype)
                    _recursive_printoption(res, m, f)
            res = self.filled(self.fill_value)
        return str(res)
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_masked(x):
    Determine whether input has masked values.

    Accepts any object as input, but always returns False unless the
    input is a MaskedArray containing masked values.

    x : array_like
        Array to check for masked values.

    result : bool
        True if `x` is a MaskedArray with masked values, False otherwise.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> x = ma.masked_equal([0, 1, 0, 2, 3], 0)
    >>> x
    masked_array(data = [-- 1 -- 2 3],
          mask = [ True False  True False False],
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)
    >>> x = ma.masked_equal([0, 1, 0, 2, 3], 42)
    >>> x
    masked_array(data = [0 1 0 2 3],
          mask = False,
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)

    Always returns False if `x` isn't a MaskedArray.

    >>> x = [False, True, False]
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)
    >>> x = 'a string'
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)

    m = getmask(x)
    if m is nomask:
        return False
    elif m.any():
        return True
    return False

#                             Extrema functions                              #
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def concatenate(arrays, axis=0):
    Concatenate a sequence of arrays along the given axis.

    arrays : sequence of array_like
        The arrays must have the same shape, except in the dimension
        corresponding to `axis` (the first, by default).
    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which the arrays will be joined. Default is 0.

    result : MaskedArray
        The concatenated array with any masked entries preserved.

    See Also
    numpy.concatenate : Equivalent function in the top-level NumPy module.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = ma.arange(3)
    >>> a[1] = ma.masked
    >>> b = ma.arange(2, 5)
    >>> a
    masked_array(data = [0 -- 2],
                 mask = [False  True False],
           fill_value = 999999)
    >>> b
    masked_array(data = [2 3 4],
                 mask = False,
           fill_value = 999999)
    >>> ma.concatenate([a, b])
    masked_array(data = [0 -- 2 2 3 4],
                 mask = [False  True False False False False],
           fill_value = 999999)

    d = np.concatenate([getdata(a) for a in arrays], axis)
    rcls = get_masked_subclass(*arrays)
    data = d.view(rcls)
    # Check whether one of the arrays has a non-empty mask.
    for x in arrays:
        if getmask(x) is not nomask:
        return data
    # OK, so we have to concatenate the masks
    dm = np.concatenate([getmaskarray(a) for a in arrays], axis)
    # If we decide to keep a '_shrinkmask' option, we want to check that
    # all of them are True, and then check for dm.any()
    if not dm.dtype.fields and not dm.any():
        data._mask = nomask
        data._mask = dm.reshape(d.shape)
    return data
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def allequal(a, b, fill_value=True):
    Return True if all entries of a and b are equal, using
    fill_value as a truth value where either or both are masked.

    a, b : array_like
        Input arrays to compare.
    fill_value : bool, optional
        Whether masked values in a or b are considered equal (True) or not

    y : bool
        Returns True if the two arrays are equal within the given
        tolerance, False otherwise. If either array contains NaN,
        then False is returned.

    See Also
    all, any

    >>> a = ma.array([1e10, 1e-7, 42.0], mask=[0, 0, 1])
    >>> a
    masked_array(data = [10000000000.0 1e-07 --],
          mask = [False False  True],

    >>> b = array([1e10, 1e-7, -42.0])
    >>> b
    array([  1.00000000e+10,   1.00000000e-07,  -4.20000000e+01])
    >>> ma.allequal(a, b, fill_value=False)
    >>> ma.allequal(a, b)

    m = mask_or(getmask(a), getmask(b))
    if m is nomask:
        x = getdata(a)
        y = getdata(b)
        d = umath.equal(x, y)
        return d.all()
    elif fill_value:
        x = getdata(a)
        y = getdata(b)
        d = umath.equal(x, y)
        dm = array(d, mask=m, copy=False)
        return dm.filled(True).all(None)
        return False
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def asarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
    Convert the input to a masked array of the given data-type.

    No copy is performed if the input is already an `ndarray`. If `a` is
    a subclass of `MaskedArray`, a base class `MaskedArray` is returned.

    a : array_like
        Input data, in any form that can be converted to a masked array. This
        includes lists, lists of tuples, tuples, tuples of tuples, tuples
        of lists, ndarrays and masked arrays.
    dtype : dtype, optional
        By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether to use row-major ('C') or column-major ('FORTRAN') memory
        representation.  Default is 'C'.

    out : MaskedArray
        Masked array interpretation of `a`.

    See Also
    asanyarray : Similar to `asarray`, but conserves subclasses.

    >>> x = np.arange(10.).reshape(2, 5)
    >>> x
    array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.],
           [ 5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9.]])
    masked_array(data =
     [[ 0.  1.  2.  3.  4.]
     [ 5.  6.  7.  8.  9.]],
                 mask =
           fill_value = 1e+20)
    >>> type(
    <class ''>

    order = order or 'C'
    return masked_array(a, dtype=dtype, copy=False, keep_mask=True,
                        subok=False, order=order)
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def asanyarray(a, dtype=None):
    Convert the input to a masked array, conserving subclasses.

    If `a` is a subclass of `MaskedArray`, its class is conserved.
    No copy is performed if the input is already an `ndarray`.

    a : array_like
        Input data, in any form that can be converted to an array.
    dtype : dtype, optional
        By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether to use row-major ('C') or column-major ('FORTRAN') memory
        representation.  Default is 'C'.

    out : MaskedArray
        MaskedArray interpretation of `a`.

    See Also
    asarray : Similar to `asanyarray`, but does not conserve subclass.

    >>> x = np.arange(10.).reshape(2, 5)
    >>> x
    array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.],
           [ 5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9.]])
    masked_array(data =
     [[ 0.  1.  2.  3.  4.]
     [ 5.  6.  7.  8.  9.]],
                 mask =
           fill_value = 1e+20)
    >>> type(
    <class ''>

    return masked_array(a, dtype=dtype, copy=False, keep_mask=True, subok=True)

#                               Pickling                                     #
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_ufunc_and_otypes(self, func, args):
        """Return (ufunc, otypes)."""
        # frompyfunc will fail if args is empty
        if not args:
            raise ValueError('args can not be empty')

        if self.otypes is not None:
            otypes = self.otypes
            nout = len(otypes)

            # Note logic here: We only *use* self._ufunc if func is self.pyfunc
            # even though we set self._ufunc regardless.
            if func is self.pyfunc and self._ufunc is not None:
                ufunc = self._ufunc
                ufunc = self._ufunc = frompyfunc(func, len(args), nout)
            # Get number of outputs and output types by calling the function on
            # the first entries of args.  We also cache the result to prevent
            # the subsequent call when the ufunc is evaluated.
            # Assumes that ufunc first evaluates the 0th elements in the input
            # arrays (the input values are not checked to ensure this)
            args = [asarray(arg) for arg in args]
            if builtins.any(arg.size == 0 for arg in args):
                raise ValueError('cannot call `vectorize` on size 0 inputs '
                                 'unless `otypes` is set')

            inputs = [arg.flat[0] for arg in args]
            outputs = func(*inputs)

            # Performance note: profiling indicates that -- for simple
            # functions at least -- this wrapping can almost double the
            # execution time.
            # Hence we make it optional.
            if self.cache:
                _cache = [outputs]

                def _func(*vargs):
                    if _cache:
                        return _cache.pop()
                        return func(*vargs)
                _func = func

            if isinstance(outputs, tuple):
                nout = len(outputs)
                nout = 1
                outputs = (outputs,)

            otypes = ''.join([asarray(outputs[_k]).dtype.char
                              for _k in range(nout)])

            # Performance note: profiling indicates that creating the ufunc is
            # not a significant cost compared with wrapping so it seems not
            # worth trying to cache this.
            ufunc = frompyfunc(_func, len(args), nout)

        return ufunc, otypes
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def append(arr, values, axis=None):
    Append values to the end of an array.

    arr : array_like
        Values are appended to a copy of this array.
    values : array_like
        These values are appended to a copy of `arr`.  It must be of the
        correct shape (the same shape as `arr`, excluding `axis`).  If
        `axis` is not specified, `values` can be any shape and will be
        flattened before use.
    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which `values` are appended.  If `axis` is not
        given, both `arr` and `values` are flattened before use.

    append : ndarray
        A copy of `arr` with `values` appended to `axis`.  Note that
        `append` does not occur in-place: a new array is allocated and
        filled.  If `axis` is None, `out` is a flattened array.

    See Also
    insert : Insert elements into an array.
    delete : Delete elements from an array.

    >>> np.append([1, 2, 3], [[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
    array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

    When `axis` is specified, `values` must have the correct shape.

    >>> np.append([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[7, 8, 9]], axis=0)
    array([[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6],
           [7, 8, 9]])
    >>> np.append([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [7, 8, 9], axis=0)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: arrays must have same number of dimensions

    arr = asanyarray(arr)
    if axis is None:
        if arr.ndim != 1:
            arr = arr.ravel()
        values = ravel(values)
        axis = arr.ndim-1
    return concatenate((arr, values), axis=axis)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the call behavior.

        # Get the data, as ndarray
        (da, db) = (getdata(a), getdata(b))
        # Get the result
        with np.errstate():
            np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
            result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
        # Get the mask for the result
        (ma, mb) = (getmask(a), getmask(b))
        if ma is nomask:
            if mb is nomask:
                m = nomask
                m = umath.logical_or(getmaskarray(a), mb)
        elif mb is nomask:
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, getmaskarray(b))
            m = umath.logical_or(ma, mb)

        # Case 1. : scalar
        if not result.ndim:
            if m:
                return masked
            return result

        # Case 2. : array
        # Revert result to da where masked
        if m is not nomask and m.any():
            # any errors, just abort; impossible to guarantee masked values
                np.copyto(result, da, casting='unsafe', where=m)

        # Transforms to a (subclass of) MaskedArray
        masked_result = result.view(get_masked_subclass(a, b))
        masked_result._mask = m
        if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        elif isinstance(b, MaskedArray):
        return masked_result
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def masked_invalid(a, copy=True):
    Mask an array where invalid values occur (NaNs or infs).

    This function is a shortcut to ``masked_where``, with
    `condition` = ~(np.isfinite(a)). Any pre-existing mask is conserved.
    Only applies to arrays with a dtype where NaNs or infs make sense
    (i.e. floating point types), but accepts any array_like object.

    See Also
    masked_where : Mask where a condition is met.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = np.arange(5, dtype=np.float)
    >>> a[2] = np.NaN
    >>> a[3] = np.PINF
    >>> a
    array([  0.,   1.,  NaN,  Inf,   4.])
    >>> ma.masked_invalid(a)
    masked_array(data = [0.0 1.0 -- -- 4.0],
          mask = [False False  True  True False],

    a = np.array(a, copy=copy, subok=True)
    mask = getattr(a, '_mask', None)
    if mask is not None:
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(getdata(a)))
        if mask is not nomask:
            condition |= mask
        cls = type(a)
        condition = ~(np.isfinite(a))
        cls = MaskedArray
    result = a.view(cls)
    result._mask = condition
    return result

#                            Printing options                                 #
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None):
        Special hook for ufuncs.

        Wraps the numpy array and sets the mask according to context.

        result = obj.view(type(self))

        if context is not None:
            result._mask = result._mask.copy()
            (func, args, _) = context
            m = reduce(mask_or, [getmaskarray(arg) for arg in args])
            # Get the domain mask
            domain = ufunc_domain.get(func, None)
            if domain is not None:
                # Take the domain, and make sure it's a ndarray
                if len(args) > 2:
                    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
                        d = filled(reduce(domain, args), True)
                    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
                        d = filled(domain(*args), True)

                if d.any():
                    # Fill the result where the domain is wrong
                        # Binary domain: take the last value
                        fill_value = ufunc_fills[func][-1]
                    except TypeError:
                        # Unary domain: just use this one
                        fill_value = ufunc_fills[func]
                    except KeyError:
                        # Domain not recognized, use fill_value instead
                        fill_value = self.fill_value
                    result = result.copy()
                    np.copyto(result, fill_value, where=d)

                    # Update the mask
                    if m is nomask:
                        m = d
                        # Don't modify inplace, we risk back-propagation
                        m = (m | d)

            # Make sure the mask has the proper size
            if result.shape == () and m:
                return masked
                result._mask = m
                result._sharedmask = False

        return result
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_masked(x):
    Determine whether input has masked values.

    Accepts any object as input, but always returns False unless the
    input is a MaskedArray containing masked values.

    x : array_like
        Array to check for masked values.

    result : bool
        True if `x` is a MaskedArray with masked values, False otherwise.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> x = ma.masked_equal([0, 1, 0, 2, 3], 0)
    >>> x
    masked_array(data = [-- 1 -- 2 3],
          mask = [ True False  True False False],
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)
    >>> x = ma.masked_equal([0, 1, 0, 2, 3], 42)
    >>> x
    masked_array(data = [0 1 0 2 3],
          mask = False,
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)

    Always returns False if `x` isn't a MaskedArray.

    >>> x = [False, True, False]
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)
    >>> x = 'a string'
    >>> ma.is_masked(x)

    m = getmask(x)
    if m is nomask:
        return False
    elif m.any():
        return True
    return False

#                             Extrema functions                              #
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def power(a, b, third=None):
    Returns element-wise base array raised to power from second array.

    This is the masked array version of `numpy.power`. For details see

    See Also

    The *out* argument to `numpy.power` is not supported, `third` has to be

    if third is not None:
        raise MaskError("3-argument power not supported.")
    # Get the masks
    ma = getmask(a)
    mb = getmask(b)
    m = mask_or(ma, mb)
    # Get the rawdata
    fa = getdata(a)
    fb = getdata(b)
    # Get the type of the result (so that we preserve subclasses)
    if isinstance(a, MaskedArray):
        basetype = type(a)
        basetype = MaskedArray
    # Get the result and view it as a (subclass of) MaskedArray
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        result = np.where(m, fa, umath.power(fa, fb)).view(basetype)
    # Find where we're in trouble w/ NaNs and Infs
    invalid = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(result.view(ndarray)))
    # Add the initial mask
    if m is not nomask:
        if not (result.ndim):
            return masked
        result._mask = np.logical_or(m, invalid)
    # Fix the invalid parts
    if invalid.any():
        if not result.ndim:
            return masked
        elif result._mask is nomask:
            result._mask = invalid
        result._data[invalid] = result.fill_value
    return result
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def concatenate(arrays, axis=0):
    Concatenate a sequence of arrays along the given axis.

    arrays : sequence of array_like
        The arrays must have the same shape, except in the dimension
        corresponding to `axis` (the first, by default).
    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which the arrays will be joined. Default is 0.

    result : MaskedArray
        The concatenated array with any masked entries preserved.

    See Also
    numpy.concatenate : Equivalent function in the top-level NumPy module.

    >>> import as ma
    >>> a = ma.arange(3)
    >>> a[1] = ma.masked
    >>> b = ma.arange(2, 5)
    >>> a
    masked_array(data = [0 -- 2],
                 mask = [False  True False],
           fill_value = 999999)
    >>> b
    masked_array(data = [2 3 4],
                 mask = False,
           fill_value = 999999)
    >>> ma.concatenate([a, b])
    masked_array(data = [0 -- 2 2 3 4],
                 mask = [False  True False False False False],
           fill_value = 999999)

    d = np.concatenate([getdata(a) for a in arrays], axis)
    rcls = get_masked_subclass(*arrays)
    data = d.view(rcls)
    # Check whether one of the arrays has a non-empty mask.
    for x in arrays:
        if getmask(x) is not nomask:
        return data
    # OK, so we have to concatenate the masks
    dm = np.concatenate([getmaskarray(a) for a in arrays], axis)
    # If we decide to keep a '_shrinkmask' option, we want to check that
    # all of them are True, and then check for dm.any()
    if not dm.dtype.fields and not dm.any():
        data._mask = nomask
        data._mask = dm.reshape(d.shape)
    return data
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def allequal(a, b, fill_value=True):
    Return True if all entries of a and b are equal, using
    fill_value as a truth value where either or both are masked.

    a, b : array_like
        Input arrays to compare.
    fill_value : bool, optional
        Whether masked values in a or b are considered equal (True) or not

    y : bool
        Returns True if the two arrays are equal within the given
        tolerance, False otherwise. If either array contains NaN,
        then False is returned.

    See Also
    all, any

    >>> a = ma.array([1e10, 1e-7, 42.0], mask=[0, 0, 1])
    >>> a
    masked_array(data = [10000000000.0 1e-07 --],
          mask = [False False  True],

    >>> b = array([1e10, 1e-7, -42.0])
    >>> b
    array([  1.00000000e+10,   1.00000000e-07,  -4.20000000e+01])
    >>> ma.allequal(a, b, fill_value=False)
    >>> ma.allequal(a, b)

    m = mask_or(getmask(a), getmask(b))
    if m is nomask:
        x = getdata(a)
        y = getdata(b)
        d = umath.equal(x, y)
        return d.all()
    elif fill_value:
        x = getdata(a)
        y = getdata(b)
        d = umath.equal(x, y)
        dm = array(d, mask=m, copy=False)
        return dm.filled(True).all(None)
        return False
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def asarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
    Convert the input to a masked array of the given data-type.

    No copy is performed if the input is already an `ndarray`. If `a` is
    a subclass of `MaskedArray`, a base class `MaskedArray` is returned.

    a : array_like
        Input data, in any form that can be converted to a masked array. This
        includes lists, lists of tuples, tuples, tuples of tuples, tuples
        of lists, ndarrays and masked arrays.
    dtype : dtype, optional
        By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether to use row-major ('C') or column-major ('FORTRAN') memory
        representation.  Default is 'C'.

    out : MaskedArray
        Masked array interpretation of `a`.

    See Also
    asanyarray : Similar to `asarray`, but conserves subclasses.

    >>> x = np.arange(10.).reshape(2, 5)
    >>> x
    array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.],
           [ 5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9.]])
    masked_array(data =
     [[ 0.  1.  2.  3.  4.]
     [ 5.  6.  7.  8.  9.]],
                 mask =
           fill_value = 1e+20)
    >>> type(
    <class ''>

    order = order or 'C'
    return masked_array(a, dtype=dtype, copy=False, keep_mask=True,
                        subok=False, order=order)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def asanyarray(a, dtype=None):
    Convert the input to a masked array, conserving subclasses.

    If `a` is a subclass of `MaskedArray`, its class is conserved.
    No copy is performed if the input is already an `ndarray`.

    a : array_like
        Input data, in any form that can be converted to an array.
    dtype : dtype, optional
        By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether to use row-major ('C') or column-major ('FORTRAN') memory
        representation.  Default is 'C'.

    out : MaskedArray
        MaskedArray interpretation of `a`.

    See Also
    asarray : Similar to `asanyarray`, but does not conserve subclass.

    >>> x = np.arange(10.).reshape(2, 5)
    >>> x
    array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.],
           [ 5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9.]])
    masked_array(data =
     [[ 0.  1.  2.  3.  4.]
     [ 5.  6.  7.  8.  9.]],
                 mask =
           fill_value = 1e+20)
    >>> type(
    <class ''>

    return masked_array(a, dtype=dtype, copy=False, keep_mask=True, subok=True)

#                               Pickling                                     #