def __init__(self): self.hkey={} for key in (k for k in dir(reg) if k.startswith('HKEY_')): try: chk = reg.ConnectRegistry(None, getattr(reg, key)) inf = reg.QueryInfoKey(chk) reg.CloseKey(chk) except WindowsError: pass # some keys may appear in _winreg but can't be reached else: hk = Hkey(key) try: chk=hk.keys except WindowsError: pass # some keys can be accessed but not enumerated else: # some keys work fine ... name=key[5:].lower() self.hkey[name]=hk # for iterating setattr(self, name, hk) # for easy access
def __init__(self, **kwargs): 'Initialize the Key object.' assert kwargs, 'No Keyword Arguments Were Found' self.__repr, key, sub_key, sam, computer_name = '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in kwargs])), kwargs.pop('key', None), kwargs.pop('sub_key', None), kwargs.pop('sam', None), kwargs.pop('computer_name', None) assert not kwargs, 'Invalid Keyword Arguments Were Found' if isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and sub_key is None and sam is None and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key, '') elif isinstance(key, Key) and sub_key is None and sam is None and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__self, '') elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and isinstance(sub_key, str) and sam is None and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key, sub_key) elif isinstance(key, Key) and isinstance(sub_key, str) and sam is None and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__self, sub_key) elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and sub_key is None and isinstance(sam, int) and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key, '', 0, sam) elif isinstance(key, Key) and sub_key is None and isinstance(sam, int) and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__self, '', 0, sam) elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and isinstance(sub_key, str) and isinstance(sam, int) and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key, sub_key, 0, sam) elif isinstance(key, Key) and isinstance(sub_key, str) and isinstance(sam, int) and computer_name is None: self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__self, sub_key, 0, sam) elif isinstance(key, int) and sub_key is None and sam is None and isinstance(computer_name, str): self.__self = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer_name, key) elif isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(sub_key, str) and sam is None and isinstance(computer_name, str): self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer_name, key), sub_key) elif isinstance(key, int) and sub_key is None and isinstance(sam, int) and isinstance(computer_name, str): self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer_name, key), '', 0, sam) elif isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(sub_key, str) and isinstance(sam, int) and isinstance(computer_name, str): self.__self = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer_name, key), sub_key, 0, sam) else: raise TypeError, 'Key Could Not Be Initialized'
def __init__(self, name): self.parent=None self.level=0 self.name=name self.wrk=reg.ConnectRegistry(None, getattr(reg, name)) self._keys=None self._vals=None
def __init__(self, key, subkey=None, mode=None, computer=None): 'Initialize the Key object.' if isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and subkey is None and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, '') elif isinstance(key, Key) and subkey is None and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, '') elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and isinstance(subkey, str) and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey) elif isinstance(key, Key) and isinstance(subkey, str) and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, subkey) elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and subkey is None and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, '', 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, Key) and subkey is None and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, '', 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and isinstance(subkey, str) and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey, 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, Key) and isinstance(subkey, str) and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, subkey, 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, int) and subkey is None and mode is None and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key) elif isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(subkey, str) and mode is None and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key), subkey) elif isinstance(key, int) and subkey is None and isinstance(mode, int) and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key), '', 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(subkey, str) and isinstance(mode, int) and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key), subkey, 0, mode) else: raise TypeError, 'Please check documentation.' self.__keys = Keys(self.__key) self.__values = Values(self.__key) self.__info = Info(self.__key) self.__repr = 'Key(%s)' % ', '.join([repr(key)] + ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in zip(('subkey', 'mode', 'computer'), (subkey, mode, computer)) if value is not None])
def __init__(self, key, subkey=None, mode=None, computer=None): 'Initialize the Key object.' if isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and subkey is None and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, '') elif isinstance(key, Key) and subkey is None and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, '') elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and isinstance(subkey, str) and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey) elif isinstance(key, Key) and isinstance(subkey, str) and mode is None and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, subkey) elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and subkey is None and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, '', 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, Key) and subkey is None and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, '', 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, (int, _winreg.HKEYType)) and isinstance(subkey, str) and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key, subkey, 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, Key) and isinstance(subkey, str) and isinstance(mode, int) and computer is None: self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(key.__key, subkey, 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, int) and subkey is None and mode is None and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key) elif isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(subkey, str) and mode is None and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key), subkey) elif isinstance(key, int) and subkey is None and isinstance(mode, int) and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key), '', 0, mode) elif isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(subkey, str) and isinstance(mode, int) and isinstance(computer, str): self.__key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.ConnectRegistry(computer, key), subkey, 0, mode) else: raise TypeError, 'Please check documentation.' self.__keys = Keys(self.__key) self.__values = Values(self.__key) self.__repr = 'Key(%s)' % ', '.join([repr(key)] + ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in zip(('subkey', 'mode', 'computer'), (subkey, mode, computer)) if value is not None])
def read_subkeys(self, regKey): self._log("Reading subkeys for registry key: %s" % regKey) registryHandles = [] subkeys = [] path = regKey.split("/") hiveName = path.pop(0) hive = reg.ConnectRegistry(None, self.regKeys[hiveName][0]) registryHandle = reg.OpenKey(hive, self.regKeys[hiveName][1]) registryHandles.append(hive) self._log("Connected to registry at location: %s" % hiveName) for step in path: registryHandles.append(registryHandle) registryHandle = reg.OpenKey(registryHandle, step) i = 0 while True: try: subkey = reg.EnumKey(registryHandle, i) self._log("Found subkey: %s" % subkey) subkeys.append(subkey) i += 1 except EnvironmentError: break self._log("Found %d subkeys." % len(subkeys)) self._log("Closing %d registry handles..." % len(registryHandles)) for handle in registryHandles: reg.CloseKey(handle) self._log("Done. Subkey enumeration completed.") return subkeys
def remove_certificate(self, certificate): CONTAINS_SUBKEYS = 0 registryHandles = [] returnValue = False path = certificate["RegPath"].split("/") hiveName = path.pop(0) keyName = path.pop(-1) hive = reg.ConnectRegistry(None, self.regKeys[hiveName][0]) registryHandle = reg.OpenKey(hive, self.regKeys[hiveName][1]) self._log("Connected to registry at location: %s" % hiveName) for step in path: registryHandles.append(registryHandle) registryHandle = reg.OpenKey(registryHandle, step) try: deletionCandidate = reg.OpenKey(registryHandle, keyName) self._log("Querying deletion canditate: %s" % certificate["RegPath"]) if not reg.QueryInfoKey(deletionCandidate)[CONTAINS_SUBKEYS]: self._log("Attempting to delete key: %s" % certificate["RegPath"]) reg.CloseKey(deletionCandidate) reg.DeleteKey(registryHandle, keyName) self._log("Deleted key: %s" % certificate["RegPath"]) returnValue = True else: self._error_log("Unable to delete key: %s. Key contains subkeys." % certificate["RegPath"]) registryHandles.append(deletionCandidate) raise WindowsError except WindowsError as e: self._error_log("Unable to delete key: %s. Windows error." % certificate["RegPath"]) self._error_log("%s: %s" % (certificate["RegPath"], str(e))) pass self._log("Closing registry handles...") for handle in registryHandles: reg.CloseKey(handle) reg.CloseKey(hive) self._log("Registry handles closed.") return returnValue
def _get_awvs_console_path(self): """Return """ try: conn = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) wvs_path = _winreg.QueryValue(conn, 'SOFTWARE\Classes\Acunetix_WVS_Scan\Shell\Open\Command') _winreg.CloseKey(conn) wvs_path = re.search('"([^"]*)"', wvs_path).group(1) wvs_dir = os.path.dirname(wvs_path) return os.path.join(wvs_dir, 'wvs_console.exe') except Exception, e: LOG.error(e, exc_info=True)
def _settzkeyname(): global TZKEYNAME handle = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) try: _winreg.OpenKey(handle, TZKEYNAMENT).Close() TZKEYNAME = TZKEYNAMENT except WindowsError: TZKEYNAME = TZKEYNAME9X handle.Close()
def list(): """Return a list of all time zones known to the system.""" handle = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) tzkey = _winreg.OpenKey(handle, TZKEYNAME) result = [_winreg.EnumKey(tzkey, i) for i in range(_winreg.QueryInfoKey(tzkey)[0])] tzkey.Close() handle.Close() return result
def __init__(self, name): self._name = name handle = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) tzkey = _winreg.OpenKey(handle, "%s\%s" % (TZKEYNAME, name)) keydict = valuestodict(tzkey) tzkey.Close() handle.Close() self._stdname = keydict["Std"].encode("iso-8859-1") self._dstname = keydict["Dlt"].encode("iso-8859-1") self._display = keydict["Display"] # See http://ww_winreg.jsiinc.com/SUBA/tip0300/rh0398.htm tup = struct.unpack("=3l16h", keydict["TZI"]) self._stdoffset = -tup[0]-tup[1] # Bias + StandardBias * -1 self._dstoffset = self._stdoffset-tup[2] # + DaylightBias * -1 (self._stdmonth, self._stddayofweek, # Sunday = 0 self._stdweeknumber, # Last = 5 self._stdhour, self._stdminute) = tup[4:9] (self._dstmonth, self._dstdayofweek, # Sunday = 0 self._dstweeknumber, # Last = 5 self._dsthour, self._dstminute) = tup[12:17]
def __init__(self): handle = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) tzlocalkey = _winreg.OpenKey(handle, TZLOCALKEYNAME) keydict = valuestodict(tzlocalkey) tzlocalkey.Close() self._stdname = keydict["StandardName"].encode("iso-8859-1") self._dstname = keydict["DaylightName"].encode("iso-8859-1") try: tzkey = _winreg.OpenKey(handle, "%s\%s"%(TZKEYNAME, self._stdname)) _keydict = valuestodict(tzkey) self._display = _keydict["Display"] tzkey.Close() except OSError: self._display = None handle.Close() self._stdoffset = -keydict["Bias"]-keydict["StandardBias"] self._dstoffset = self._stdoffset-keydict["DaylightBias"] # See http://ww_winreg.jsiinc.com/SUBA/tip0300/rh0398.htm tup = struct.unpack("=8h", keydict["StandardStart"]) (self._stdmonth, self._stddayofweek, # Sunday = 0 self._stdweeknumber, # Last = 5 self._stdhour, self._stdminute) = tup[1:6] tup = struct.unpack("=8h", keydict["DaylightStart"]) (self._dstmonth, self._dstdayofweek, # Sunday = 0 self._dstweeknumber, # Last = 5 self._dsthour, self._dstminute) = tup[1:6]
def get_localzone_name(): # Windows is special. It has unique time zone names (in several # meanings of the word) available, but unfortunately, they can be # translated to the language of the operating system, so we need to # do a backwards lookup, by going through all time zones and see which # one matches. handle = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) TZLOCALKEYNAME = r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation' localtz = winreg.OpenKey(handle, TZLOCALKEYNAME) keyvalues = valuestodict(localtz) localtz.Close() if 'TimeZoneKeyName' in keyvalues: # Windows 7 (and Vista?) # For some reason this returns a string with loads of NUL bytes at # least on some systems. I don't know if this is a bug somewhere, I # just work around it. tzkeyname = keyvalues['TimeZoneKeyName'].split('\x00', 1)[0] else: # Windows 2000 or XP # This is the localized name: tzwin = keyvalues['StandardName'] # Open the list of timezones to look up the real name: TZKEYNAME = r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' tzkey = winreg.OpenKey(handle, TZKEYNAME) # Now, match this value to Time Zone information tzkeyname = None for i in range(winreg.QueryInfoKey(tzkey)[0]): subkey = winreg.EnumKey(tzkey, i) sub = winreg.OpenKey(tzkey, subkey) data = valuestodict(sub) sub.Close() if data['Std'] == tzwin: tzkeyname = subkey break tzkey.Close() handle.Close() if tzkeyname is None: raise LookupError('Can not find Windows timezone configuration') timezone = tz_names.get(tzkeyname) if timezone is None: # Nope, that didn't work. Try adding 'Standard Time', # it seems to work a lot of times: timezone = tz_names.get(tzkeyname + ' Standard Time') # Return what we have. if timezone is None: raise pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError('Can not find timezone ' + tzkeyname) return timezone
def read_registry(self): """Extract resolver configuration from the Windows registry.""" lm = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) want_scan = False try: try: # XP, 2000 tcp_params = _winreg.OpenKey(lm, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet' r'\Services\Tcpip\Parameters') want_scan = True except EnvironmentError: # ME tcp_params = _winreg.OpenKey(lm, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet' r'\Services\VxD\MSTCP') try: self._config_win32_fromkey(tcp_params) finally: tcp_params.Close() if want_scan: interfaces = _winreg.OpenKey(lm, r'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet' r'\Services\Tcpip\Parameters' r'\Interfaces') try: i = 0 while True: try: guid = _winreg.EnumKey(interfaces, i) i += 1 key = _winreg.OpenKey(interfaces, guid) if not self._win32_is_nic_enabled(lm, guid, key): continue try: self._config_win32_fromkey(key) finally: key.Close() except EnvironmentError: break finally: interfaces.Close() finally: lm.Close()
def get_local_data(): tmp_list = [] out_list = [] global g_verbose try: import _winreg as reg except ImportError: print "[-] \'winreg.py\' not found... Is this a Windows system?" sys.exit(1) hReg = reg.ConnectRegistry(None, reg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) hSystem = reg.OpenKey(hReg, r'SYSTEM') for i in xrange(1024): try: control_name = reg.EnumKey(hSystem, i) if 'controlset' in control_name.lower(): hSessionMan = reg.OpenKey(hReg, 'SYSTEM\\%s\\Control\\Session Manager' % control_name) for i in xrange(1024): try: subkey_name = reg.EnumKey(hSessionMan, i) if ('appcompatibility' in subkey_name.lower() or 'appcompatcache' in subkey_name.lower()): appcompat_key = reg.OpenKey(hSessionMan, subkey_name) bin_data = reg.QueryValueEx(appcompat_key, 'AppCompatCache')[0] tmp_list = read_cache(bin_data) if tmp_list: path_name = 'SYSTEM\\%s\\Control\\Session Manager\\%s' % (control_name, subkey_name) for row in tmp_list: if g_verbose: row.append(path_name) if row not in out_list: out_list.append(row) except EnvironmentError: break except EnvironmentError: break if len(out_list) == 0: return None else: #Add the header and return the list. if g_verbose: out_list.insert(0, output_header + ['Key Path']) return out_list else: #Only return unique entries. out_list = unique_list(out_list) out_list.insert(0, output_header) return out_list # Read a MIR XML zip archive.
def set_mac_address(new_mac): """ set the device's MAC address """ # Locate adapter's registry and update network address (mac) reg_hdl = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) key = winreg.OpenKey(reg_hdl, WIN_REGISTRY_PATH) info = winreg.QueryInfoKey(key) # Find adapter key based on sub keys adapter_key = None adapter_path = None target_index = -1 for index in range(info[0]): subkey = winreg.EnumKey(key, index) path = WIN_REGISTRY_PATH + "\\" + subkey if subkey == 'Properties': break # Check for adapter match for appropriate interface new_key = winreg.OpenKey(reg_hdl, path) try: adapterDesc = winreg.QueryValueEx(new_key, "DriverDesc") if adapterDesc[0] == target_device: adapter_path = path target_index = index break else: winreg.CloseKey(new_key) except (WindowsError) as err: if err.errno == 2: # register value not found, ok to ignore pass else: raise err if adapter_path is None: print 'Device not found.' winreg.CloseKey(key) winreg.CloseKey(reg_hdl) return # Registry path found update mac addr adapter_key = winreg.OpenKey(reg_hdl, adapter_path, 0, winreg.KEY_WRITE) winreg.SetValueEx(adapter_key, "NetworkAddress", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, new_mac) winreg.CloseKey(adapter_key) winreg.CloseKey(key) winreg.CloseKey(reg_hdl) # Adapter must be restarted in order for change to take affect # print 'Now you should restart your netsh' restart_adapter(target_index) # regex to MAC address like 00-00-00-00-00-00 or 00:00:00:00:00:00 or # 000000000000