def cmp_pkgrevno(package, revno, pkgcache=None): """Compare supplied revno with the revno of the installed package * 1 => Installed revno is greater than supplied arg * 0 => Installed revno is the same as supplied arg * -1 => Installed revno is less than supplied arg This function imports apt_cache function from charmhelpers.fetch if the pkgcache argument is None. Be sure to add charmhelpers.fetch if you call this function, or pass an apt_pkg.Cache() instance. """ import apt_pkg if not pkgcache: from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_cache pkgcache = apt_cache() pkg = pkgcache[package] return apt_pkg.version_compare(pkg.current_ver.ver_str, revno)
def cmp_pkgrevno(package, revno, pkgcache=None): """Compare supplied revno with the revno of the installed package. * 1 => Installed revno is greater than supplied arg * 0 => Installed revno is the same as supplied arg * -1 => Installed revno is less than supplied arg This function imports apt_cache function from charmhelpers.fetch if the pkgcache argument is None. Be sure to add charmhelpers.fetch if you call this function, or pass an apt_pkg.Cache() instance. """ import apt_pkg if not pkgcache: from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_cache pkgcache = apt_cache() pkg = pkgcache[package] return apt_pkg.version_compare(pkg.current_ver.ver_str, revno)
def install_maas_cli(self): """Ensure maas-cli is installed Fallback to MAAS stable PPA when needed. """ apt.init() cache = apt.Cache() try: pkg = cache['maas-cli'] except KeyError: cmd = ['add-apt-repository', '-y', MAAS_STABLE_PPA] subprocess.check_call(cmd) cmd = ['apt-get', 'update'] subprocess.check_call(cmd) self.install_maas_cli() return if not pkg.current_ver: apt_install('maas-cli', fatal=True)