def doCompare(op, left, right): """Perform the given AST comparison on the values""" top = type(op) if top == ast.Eq: return left == right elif top == ast.NotEq: return left != right elif top == ast.Lt: return left < right elif top == ast.LtE: return left <= right elif top == ast.Gt: return left > right elif top == ast.GtE: return left >= right elif top == ast.Is: return left is right elif top == ast.IsNot: return left is not right elif top == ast.In: return left in right elif top == ast.NotIn: return left not in right
def visit_Compare(self, node): """ Compare(expr left, cmpop* ops, expr* comparators) """ assert len(node.ops) == len(node.comparators) def compare_pair(left, comp, op): if (left == '__name__') and (comp == '"__main__"') or \ (left == '"__main__"') and (comp == '__name__'): """ <Python> __name__ == '__main__': <Ruby> __FILE__ == $0 """ left = '__FILE__' comp = '$0' if isinstance(op, ast.In): return "%s.include?(%s)" % (comp, left) elif isinstance(op, ast.NotIn): return "!%s.include?(%s)" % (comp, left) elif isinstance(op, ast.Eq): return "%s == %s" % (left, comp) elif isinstance(op, ast.NotEq): return "%s != %s" % (left, comp) elif isinstance(op, ast.IsNot): return "!%s.equal?(%s)" % (left, comp) else: return "%s %s %s" % (left, self.get_comparison_op(op), comp) compare_list = [] for i in range(len(node.ops)): if i == 0: left = self.visit(node.left) else: left = comp comp = self.visit(node.comparators[i]) op = node.ops[i] pair = compare_pair(left, comp, op) if len(node.ops) == 1: return pair compare_list.append('(' + pair + ')') return ' and '.join(compare_list) # python 3
def compare_cst(self, node): node_op = node.ops[0].__class__ eval_op = EVAL_COMPARE.get(node_op) if eval_op is None: return if node_op in (ast.In, ast.NotIn): left_hashable = True right_types = ITERABLE_TYPES else: left_hashable = False right_types = None if left_hashable: left = get_constant(node.left) else: left = get_literal(node.left) if left is UNSET: return right = get_literal(node.comparators[0], types=right_types) if right is UNSET: return if (node_op in (ast.Eq, ast.NotEq) and ((isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, bytes)) or (isinstance(left, bytes) and isinstance(right, str)))): # comparison between bytes and str can raise BytesWarning depending # on runtime option return try: result = eval_op(left, right) except TypeError: return return self.new_constant(node, result)
def NotIn(): return _notin
def whereeval(str_, get=None): """Evaluate a set operation string, where each Name is fetched""" if get is None: import redbiom config = redbiom.get_config() get = redbiom._requests.make_get(config) # Load is subject to indirection to simplify testing globals()['Load'] = make_Load(get) formed = ast.parse(str_, mode='eval') node_types = (ast.Compare, ast.In, ast.NotIn, ast.BoolOp, ast.And, ast.Name, ast.Or, ast.Eq, ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE, ast.NotEq, ast.Str, ast.Num, ast.Load, ast.Expression, ast.Tuple, ast.Is, ast.IsNot) for node in ast.walk(formed): if not isinstance(node, node_types): raise TypeError("Unsupported node type: %s" % ast.dump(node)) result = eval(ast.dump(formed)) # clean up global Load del Load return result
def NotIn(self, key, *right): c = criteria_class.instance(Const.NotIn, key, *right) self._push(c) return self
def __init__(self, key, *right): super(NotIn, self).__init__(key, *right)
def eval(self, ctx): (obj, err) = super(NotIn, self).eval(ctx) return not obj if obj in (True, False,) else obj, err
def mutate_In(self, node): return ast.NotIn()
def Compare_in(t, x): if not isinstance(x.ops[0], (ast.NotIn, ast.In)): return if t.enable_snippets: from ..snippets import _in, in_es6 if t.enable_es6: t.add_snippet(in_es6) sname = 'in_es6' else: t.add_snippet(_in) sname = '_in' result = JSCall(JSAttribute('_pj', sname), [x.left, x.comparators[0]]) if isinstance(x.ops[0], ast.NotIn): result = JSUnaryOp(JSOpNot(), result) return result
def syn_Compare(self, ctx, e): left, ops, comparators = e.left, e.ops, e.comparators for op in ops: if not isinstance(op, (ast.Eq, ast.NotEq, ast.Is, ast.IsNot, ast.In, ast.NotIn)): raise _errors.TyError("Invalid comparison operator on strings.", e) for e_ in _util.tpl_cons(left, comparators): if hasattr(e_, 'match'): continue # already synthesized ctx.ana(e_, self) return _boolean.boolean
def syn_Compare(self, ctx, e): left, ops, comparators = e.left, e.ops, e.comparators for op in ops: if isinstance(op, (ast.In, ast.NotIn)): raise _errors.TyError("Type num does not support this operator.", op) for e_ in _util.tpl_cons(left, comparators): if hasattr(e_, 'match'): continue # already synthesized ctx.ana(e_, self) return _boolean.boolean
def syn_Compare(self, ctx, e): left, ops, comparators = e.left, e.ops, e.comparators for op in ops: if isinstance(op, (ast.In, ast.NotIn)): raise _errors.TyError("Type ieee does not support this operator.", op) for e_ in _util.tpl_cons(left, comparators): if hasattr(e_, 'match'): continue # already synthesized ctx.ana(e_, self) return _boolean.boolean
def syn_Compare(self, ctx, e): left, ops, comparators = e.left, e.ops, e.comparators for op in ops: if isinstance(op, (ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE)): raise _errors.TyError("No ordering relation on complex numbers.", e) elif isinstance(op, (ast.In, ast.NotIn)): raise _errors.TyError("Type complex does not support this operator.", op) for e_ in _util.tpl_cons(left, comparators): if hasattr(e_, 'match'): continue # already synthesized ctx.ana(e_, self) return _boolean.boolean
def areDisjoint(a, b): """Are the sets of values that satisfy these two boolean constraints disjoint?""" # The easiest way to be disjoint is to have comparisons that cover different areas if type(a) == type(b) == ast.Compare: aop = a.ops[0] bop = b.ops[0] aLeft = a.left aRight = a.comparators[0] bLeft = b.left bRight = b.comparators[0] alblComp = compareASTs(aLeft, bLeft, checkEquality=True) albrComp = compareASTs(aLeft, bRight, checkEquality=True) arblComp = compareASTs(aRight, bLeft, checkEquality=True) arbrComp = compareASTs(aRight, bRight, checkEquality=True) altype = type(aLeft) in [ast.Num, ast.Str] artype = type(aRight) in [ast.Num, ast.Str] bltype = type(bLeft) in [ast.Num, ast.Str] brtype = type(bRight) in [ast.Num, ast.Str] if (type(aop) == ast.Eq and type(bop) == ast.NotEq) or \ (type(bop) == ast.Eq and type(aop) == ast.NotEq): # x == y, x != y if (alblComp == 0 and arbrComp == 0) or (albrComp == 0 and arblComp == 0): return True elif type(aop) == type(bop) == ast.Eq: if (alblComp == 0 and arbrComp == 0) or (albrComp == 0 and arblComp == 0): return False # x = num1, x = num2 elif alblComp == 0 and artype and brtype: return True elif albrComp == 0 and artype and bltype: return True elif arblComp == 0 and altype and brtype: return True elif arbrComp == 0 and altype and bltype: return True elif (type(aop) == ast.Lt and type(bop) == ast.GtE) or \ (type(aop) == ast.Gt and type(bop) == ast.LtE) or \ (type(aop) == ast.LtE and type(bop) == ast.Gt) or \ (type(aop) == ast.GtE and type(bop) == ast.Lt) or \ (type(aop) == ast.Is and type(bop) == ast.IsNot) or \ (type(aop) == ast.IsNot and type(bop) == ast.Is) or \ (type(aop) == ast.In and type(bop) == ast.NotIn) or \ (type(aop) == ast.NotIn and type(bop) == ast.In): if alblComp == 0 and arbrComp == 0: return True elif (type(aop) == ast.Lt and type(bop) == ast.LtE) or \ (type(aop) == ast.Gt and type(bop) == ast.GtE) or \ (type(aop) == ast.LtE and type(bop) == ast.Lt) or \ (type(aop) == ast.GtE and type(bop) == ast.Gt): if albrComp == 0 and arblComp == 0: return True elif type(a) == type(b) == ast.BoolOp: return False # for now- TODO: when is this not true? elif type(a) == ast.UnaryOp and type(a.op) == ast.Not: if compareASTs(a.operand, b, checkEquality=True) == 0: return True elif type(b) == ast.UnaryOp and type(b.op) == ast.Not: if compareASTs(b.operand, a, checkEquality=True) == 0: return True return False
def negate(op): """Return the negation of the provided operator""" if op == None: return None top = type(op) neg = not op.negated if hasattr(op, "negated") else True if top == ast.And: newOp = ast.Or() elif top == ast.Or: newOp = ast.And() elif top == ast.Eq: newOp = ast.NotEq() elif top == ast.NotEq: newOp = ast.Eq() elif top == ast.Lt: newOp = ast.GtE() elif top == ast.GtE: newOp = ast.Lt() elif top == ast.Gt: newOp = ast.LtE() elif top == ast.LtE: newOp = ast.Gt() elif top == ast.Is: newOp = ast.IsNot() elif top == ast.IsNot: newOp = ast.Is() elif top == ast.In: newOp = ast.NotIn() elif top == ast.NotIn: newOp = ast.In() elif top == ast.NameConstant and op.value in [True, False]: op.value = not op.value op.negated = neg return op elif top == ast.Compare: if len(op.ops) == 1: op.ops[0] = negate(op.ops[0]) op.negated = neg return op else: values = [] allOperands = [op.left] + op.comparators for i in range(len(op.ops)): values.append(ast.Compare(allOperands[i], [negate(op.ops[i])], [allOperands[i+1]], multiCompPart=True)) newOp = ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(multiCompOp=True), values, multiComp=True) elif top == ast.UnaryOp and type(op.op) == ast.Not and \ eventualType(op.operand) == bool: # this can mess things up type-wise return op.operand else: # this is a normal value, so put a not around it newOp = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(addedNot=True), op) transferMetaData(op, newOp) newOp.negated = neg return newOp
def _translate_compare(self, left, ops, comparators, location): if isinstance(ops[0], ast.In) or isinstance(ops[0], ast.NotIn): if len(comparators) != 1: raise translation_error('only <element> [not] in <sequence> supported', location, self.lines[location[0]], suggestion='2 in [2] in [[2]] is cute, but it\'s not supported') else: in_node = self._translate_in(left, comparators[0], location) if isinstance(ops[0], ast.In): return in_node else: return {'type': 'unary_op', 'op': 'not', 'value': in_node, 'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'} op = PSEUDO_OPS[type(ops[0])] right_node = self._translate_node(comparators[0]) left_node = self._translate_node(left) self._confirm_comparable(op, left_node['pseudo_type'], right_node['pseudo_type'], location) result = { 'type': 'comparison', 'op': op, 'left': left_node, 'right': right_node, 'pseudo_type': 'Boolean' } if len(comparators) == 1: return result else: for r in comparators[1:]: left_node, right_node = right_node, self._translate_node(r) self._confirm_comparable(op, left_node['pseudo_type'], right_node['pseudo_type'], location) result = { 'type': 'binary_op', 'op': 'and', 'left': result, 'right': { 'type': 'comparison', 'op': op, 'left': left_node, 'right': right_node, 'pseudo_type': 'Boolean' }, 'pseudo_type': 'Boolean' } return result