def compressed_fits_ext(fits_file): ''' Check if a fits file is a compressed FITS file. Return the extension numbers of the compressed image as a list if these exist, otherwise, return None. ''' hdulist = pyfits.open(fits_file) compressed_img_exts = [] for i, ext in enumerate(hdulist): if isinstance(ext,pyfits.hdu.compressed.CompImageHDU): compressed_img_exts.append(i) hdulist.close() if len(compressed_img_exts) < 1: return None else: return compressed_img_exts
def get_header_keyword(fits_file, keyword, ext=0): ''' Get the value of a header keyword in a fits file optionally using an extension. ''' hdulist = pyfits.open(fits_file) if keyword in hdulist[ext].header: val = hdulist[ext].header[keyword] else: val = None hdulist.close() return val
def get_header_keyword_list(fits_file, keyword_list, ext=0): hdulist = pyfits.open(fits_file) out_dict = {} for keyword in keyword_list: if keyword in hdulist[ext].header: out_dict[keyword] = hdulist[ext].header[keyword] else: out_dict[keyword] = None hdulist.close() return out_dict ## IMAGE SCALING FUNCTIONS ##
def __init__(self, infile, fov, e=2.0, k_perp_min=None, k_perp_max=None, k_los_min=None, k_los_max=None): self.infile = infile with fits.open(infile) as f: self.header = f[0].header self.ps2d = f[0].data[0, :, :] self.ps2d_err = f[0].data[1, :, :] self.freqc = self.header["Freq_C"] self.freqmin = self.header["Freq_Min"] self.freqmax = self.header["Freq_Max"] self.bandwidth = self.freqmax - self.freqmin # [MHz] self.zc = self.header["Z_C"] self.pixelsize = self.header["PixSize"] self.unit = self.header["BUNIT"] self.set(fov=fov, e=e, k_perp_min=k_perp_min, k_perp_max=k_perp_max, k_los_min=k_los_min, k_los_max=k_los_max)
def write_gti(self, filename=None, header=True): """ Write generated GTIs to file or screen (default) """ if isinstance(filename, str): outfile = open(filename, 'w') else: outfile = sys.stdout # if header: outfile.write('# TSTART\tTSTOP\n') outfile.write('\n'.join([ '%s\t%s' % (tstart, tstop) \ for tstart, tstop in zip(self.gti_start, self.gti_stop) ])) # if isinstance(filename, str): outfile.close()
def open_image(infile): """ Open the FITS image and return its header and data, but requiring the input image has only ONE frequency. The input FITS image may have following dimensions: * NAXIS=2: [Y, X] * NAXIS=3: [FREQ=1, Y, X] * NAXIS=4: [STOKES, FREQ=1, Y, X] """ with fits.open(infile) as f: header = f[0].header data = f[0].data if ((data.ndim == 3 and data.shape[0] != 1) or (data.ndim == 4 and data.shape[1] != 1)): # NAXIS=3: [FREQ!=1, Y, X] # NAXIS=4: [STOKES, FREQ!=1, Y, X] raise ValueError("input file '{0}' has invalid dimensions: {1}".format( infile, data.shape)) print("Read in FITS image from: %s" % infile) return (header, data)
def __init__(self, filename, regid=None): self.filename = filename self.regid = regid with fits.open(filename) as fitsobj: # "MATRIX" extension ext_matrix = fitsobj["MATRIX"] self.hdr_matrix = ext_matrix.header self.energ_lo = ext_matrix.data["ENERG_LO"] # [keV] self.energ_hi = ext_matrix.data["ENERG_HI"] # [keV] self.n_grp = ext_matrix.data["N_GRP"] self.f_chan = ext_matrix.data["F_CHAN"] self.n_chan = ext_matrix.data["N_CHAN"] self.matrix = ext_matrix.data["MATRIX"] # "EBOUNDS" extension ext_ebounds = fitsobj["EBOUNDS"] self.hdr_ebounds = ext_ebounds.header self.channel = ext_ebounds.data["CHANNEL"] self.e_min = ext_ebounds.data["E_MIN"] # [keV] self.e_max = ext_ebounds.data["E_MAX"] # [keV]
def load_fits(self, file_url): hdu = fits.open(f"{DATA_ROOT}//{file_url}.fits") dat, hdr = hdu[1].data, hdu[0].header z = hdu[2].data['Z'][0] # This is the redshift hdu.close() wav_rest= 10**(dat['loglam'])/(1+z) #convert to rest frame # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift fwav = dat['flux'] # Get flux density, in this case erg/cm^2/s/Angstrom. #xs = np.log(wav[idx]) #ys = np.log(flx[idx]) # Normalize the spectrum for plotting purposes. def find_nearest(array, value): """Quick nearest-value finder.""" return int((np.abs(array - value)).argmin()) norm = fwav[find_nearest(wav_rest, 5100)] fwav = fwav / norm return wav_rest, fwav
def get_notwr_data(idx, spec_dir, filenames): spec_path = spec_dir + filenames[idx] SpecID = spec_path[6:21] hdulist = fits.open(spec_path) # Get wavelength data wav_rest = 10 ** hdulist[1].data['loglam'] # Get flux density, in this case erg/cm^2/s/Angstrom. fwav = hdulist[1].data['flux'] crop_range = [4686 - 250, 4686 + 250] wav_rest, fwav = crop_data(wav_rest, fwav, crop_range) hdulist.close() return wav_rest, fwav, SpecID
def process_file(path, wl_min, wl_max, n_samples, check_he2=False): hdulist = fits.open(path) wls = 10**hdulist[1].data['loglam'] fxs = hdulist[1].data['flux'] z = hdulist[2].data['z'] wls = wls / (1 + z) if wl_min < wls[0] or wl_max > wls[-1]: return None remove_slope(wls, fxs) wls, fxs = gaussian_smooth(wls, fxs) wls, fxs = crop_data(wls, fxs, wl_min, wl_max) wls, fxs = standardize_domain(wls, fxs, wl_min, wl_max, n_samples) if check_he2: if is_he2(wls, fxs): print('including ' + path) return fxs print('excluding ' + path) return None return fxs
def FileReader(file_list,param_list): row_add = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(param_list)+1)) for file in file_list: hdulist = fits.open(file,memmap=True) data_in = hdulist[1].data col_add = np.zeros(shape=(len(data_in),1)) print file for param in param_list: data_now = np.reshape(data_in[param],(len(data_in[param]),1)) col_add = np.append(col_add,data_now,axis=1) row_add = np.append(row_add,col_add,axis=0) del hdulist row_add = np.delete(row_add,0,axis=0) row_add = np.delete(row_add,0,axis=1) return row_add
def write_outputs(self): """Write information of detected streaks.""" if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): os.makedirs(self.output_path) fp = open('%sstreaks.txt' % self.output_path, 'w') fp.writelines('#ID x_center y_center area perimeter shape_factor ' + 'radius_deviation slope_angle intercept connectivity\n') for n, edge in enumerate(self.streaks): line = '%2d %7.2f %7.2f %6.1f %6.1f %6.3f %6.2f %5.2f %7.2f %2d\n' \ % \ ( edge['index'], edge['x_center'], edge['y_center'], edge['area'], edge['perimeter'], edge['shape_factor'], edge['radius_deviation'], edge['slope_angle'], edge['intercept'], edge['connectivity'] ) fp.writelines(line) fp.close()
def read_fits(filename='long.fits'): """ Read an sample fits file and return only image part. Parameters ---------- filename : str Fits filename. Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray Fits image data. """ module_path = dirname(__file__) file_path = join(module_path, 'samples', filename) hdulist = fits.open(file_path) data = hdulist[0].data hdulist.close() return data
def loadFits(filename,noData=False): """ Load in a fits file written by ExoSOFT. Return (header dict, data) """ if os.path.exists(filename): f = pyfits.open(filename,'readonly') head = f[0].header if noData==False: data = f[0].data f.close() else: log.critical("fits file does not exist!!! filename =\n"+str(filename)) head=data=False if noData: return head else: return (head,data)
def read_keyword2(infile, keyword): """ Read the specified header keyword using ``astropy.io.fits`` and return a tuple of ``(value, comment)``. NOTE ---- Header of all extensions (a.k.a. blocks) are combined to locate the keyword. """ with fits.open(infile) as f: h = fits.header.Header() for hdu in f: h.extend(hdu.header) value = h[keyword] comment = h.comments[keyword] return (value, comment)
def load_hdulist_from_fitsfile(self, filename): """ The purpose of wrapping fits.open inside this routine is to put all the warning suppressions, flags, etc in one place. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') max_n_tries = 5 pause_time_between_tries_sec = 1. cur_try = 0 not_yet_successful = True while (cur_try < max_n_tries) and not_yet_successful: try: hdulist = fits.open(filename, ignore_missing_end=True) not_yet_successful = False except: # I've only seen IOerror, but might as well catch for all errors and re-try time.sleep(pause_time_between_tries_sec) cur_try += 1 return hdulist
def regrid_h2(projDir='/media/DATAPART/projects/GAS/testing/', region_list = ['L1688','NGC1333','B18','OrionA'], file_extension='DR1_rebase3', herDir = '/media/DATAPART/projects/GAS/otherData/herschel_ayushi/', herFile_list=['OphL1688','perseus','Tau_B18','orionA-N']): for region_i in range(len(region_list)): region = region_list[region_i] herFilename = herFile_list[region_i] herColFits = herDir+'{0}/Colden_temp/{1}_colden_masked.fits'.format(region,herFilename) nh3ImFits = projDir + '{0}/{0}_NH3_11_{1}_mom0_QA_trim.fits'.format(region,file_extension) h2_hdu = fits.open(herColFits) nh3_hdr = fits.getheader(nh3ImFits) new_h2 = FITS_tools.hcongrid.hcongrid(h2_hdu[0].data,h2_hdu[0].header,nh3_hdr) new_h2_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(new_h2,nh3_hdr) new_h2_hduList = fits.HDUList([new_h2_hdu]) new_h2_hduList.writeto('nh2_regridded/{0}_NH2_regrid.fits',clobber=True)
def _load_rss_from_file(self): """Initialises the RSS object from a file.""" try: self.data = fits.open(self.filename) self.mangaid = self.data[0].header['MANGAID'].strip() self.plateifu = '{0}-{1}'.format( self.data[0].header['PLATEID'], self.data[0].header['IFUDSGN']) except Exception as ee: raise MarvinError('Could not initialize via filename: {0}'.format(ee)) # Checks and populates release. file_drpver = self.data[0].header['VERSDRP3'] file_drpver = 'v1_5_1' if file_drpver == 'v1_5_0' else file_drpver file_ver = marvin.config.lookUpRelease(file_drpver) assert file_ver is not None, 'cannot find file version.' if file_ver != self._release: warnings.warn('mismatch between file version={0} and object release={1}. ' 'Setting object release to {0}'.format(file_ver, self._release), MarvinUserWarning) self._release = file_ver self._drpver, self._dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=self._release)
def get_bparam(ra, dec, psf_path): """ """ #psflist = pyfits.open('mosaic_Week2_freqrange_psf.fits') psflist = pyfits.open(psf_path) w = pywcs.WCS(psflist[0].header, naxis=2) pixcoords = w.wcs_world2pix([[ra, dec]], 0)[0] #pixcoords = w.wcs_world2pix([[ra, dec]], 1)[0] #pixcoords = [int(round(elem)) for elem in pixcoords] pixcoords = [int(elem) for elem in pixcoords] a = pixcoords[1] b = pixcoords[0] a_len = psflist[0].data[0].shape[0] b_len = psflist[0].data[0].shape[1] if (a >= a_len): raise Exception("Cutout centre is out of the PSF map: {0} >= {1}".format(a, a_len)) a = a_len - (a_len - a + 1) # a = a - 1? if (b >= b_len): raise Exception("Cutout centre is out of the PSF map: {0} >= {1}".format(b, b_len)) b = b_len - (b_len - b + 1) bmaj = psflist[0].data[0][a][b] bmin = psflist[0].data[1][a][b] bpa = psflist[0].data[2][a][b] return (bmaj, bmin, bpa)
def load_image(path, height, width, mode='RGB'): """ Load an image from disk Returns an np.ndarray (channels x width x height) Arguments: path -- path to an image on disk width -- resize dimension height -- resize dimension Keyword arguments: mode -- the PIL mode that the image should be converted to (RGB for color or L for grayscale) """ image = PIL.Image.open(path) image = image.convert(mode) image = np.array(image) # squash image = scipy.misc.imresize(image, (height, width), 'bilinear') return image # Forward pass of input through the network
def read_labels(labels_file): """ Returns a list of strings Arguments: labels_file -- path to a .txt file """ if not labels_file: print 'WARNING: No labels file provided. Results will be difficult to interpret.' return None labels = [] with open(labels_file) as infile: for line in infile: label = line.strip() if label: labels.append(label) assert len(labels), 'No labels found' return labels # Decide class based on threshold
def fits2jpg(fname): hdu_list = fits.open(fname) image = hdu_list[0].data image = np.squeeze(image) img = np.copy(image) idx = np.isnan(img) img[idx] = 0 img_clip = np.flipud(img) sigma = 3.0 # Estimate stats mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(img_clip, sigma=sigma, iters=10) # Clip off n sigma points img_clip = clip(img_clip,std*sigma) if img_clip.shape[0] !=150 or img_clip.shape[1] !=150: img_clip = resize(img_clip, (150,150)) #img_clip = rgb2gray(img_clip) outfile = fname[0:-5] +'.png' imsave(outfile, img_clip) return img_clip,outfile # Do the fusion classification
def __init__(self, filepath, verbose=False): ''' Creates an exposure class which has many extensions. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Path to the fits file of a single exposure verbose: bool Print some info to visually inspect ''' self.source_table = Table(names=['aperture_sum','xcenter','ycenter','ra','dec']) # Open the file and print the info self.hdulist = pf.open(filepath) if verbose: self.hdulist.info() # Get the datetime of the exposure from the filename self.date_str = os.path.basename(filepath).replace('_ffi-cal.fits','').replace('kplr','') self.datetime = time.strptime(self.date_str, '%Y%j%H%M%S')
def report(self, pdf, reportPath): '''@brief generate this test's page in the PDF report. @param pdf pyfpdf-compatible PDF object. @param reportPath Path of directory containing the pdf report''' pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 12) pdf.cell(0, 6, "Channel Communications Test", 0, 1, 'L', 1) pdf.cell(0, 6, "", 0, 1, 'L', 0) pdf.columnTable([self.channels, self.vals], colHeaders = ["Channel", "Value"], fontSize = 8) if dump: testPath = reportPath + "/" + self.title os.mkdir(testPath) with open(testPath + "/channels.dat", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self.channels, output) with open(testPath + "/vals.dat", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self.vals, output)
def report(self, pdf, reportPath): '''@brief generate this test's page in the PDF report. @param pdf pyfpdf-compatible PDF object. @param reportPath Path of directory containing the pdf report''' pdf.makeResidualPlotPage("Diverging SCKRails Test %i V" % int(self.startV), "tempFigures/divergingSCKRails %i.jpg" % int(self.startV), self.data, self.residuals, ROI = self.ROI, pltRange = [-12, 12]) pdf.cell(epw, pdf.font_size, self.stats, align = 'C', ln = 1) pdf.passFail(self.passed) pdf.columnTable(self.data + self.residuals, ROI = self.ROI) if dump: testPath = reportPath + "/" + self.title os.mkdir(testPath) with open(testPath + "/data.dat", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self.data, output) with open(testPath + "/residuals.dat", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self.residuals, output)
def report(self, pdf, reportPath): '''@brief generate this test's page in the PDF report. @param pdf pyfpdf-compatible PDF object. @param reportPath Path of directory containing the pdf report''' pdf.makeResidualPlotPage("Diverging RGRails Test %i V" % self.startV, "tempFigures/divergingRGRails %i.jpg" % self.startV, self.data, self.residuals, ROI = self.ROI, pltRange = [-12, 12]) pdf.cell(epw, pdf.font_size, self.stats, align = 'C', ln = 1) pdf.passFail(self.passed) pdf.columnTable(self.data + self.residuals, ROI = self.ROI) if dump: testPath = reportPath + "/" + self.title os.mkdir(testPath) with open(testPath + "/data.dat", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self.data, output) with open(testPath + "/residuals.dat", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self.residuals, output)
def report(self, pdf, reportPath): '''@brief generate this test's page in the PDF report. @param pdf pyfpdf-compatible PDF object. @param reportPath Path of directory containing the pdf report''' onePage = False if onePage: pdf.makePlotPage("Parameter Logging: " + name, name + ".jpg", [(self.data[name], name) for name in self.names]) pdf.cell(0, 6, "Data saved to pickleable object in ParameterLogging.dat with key " + name, 0, 1, 'L') else: for name in self.names: pdf.makePlotPage("Parameter Logging: " + name, name + ".jpg", [(self.data[name], name)]) pdf.cell(0, 6, "Data saved to pickleable object in ParameterLogging.dat with key " + name, 0, 1, 'L') if dump: testPath = reportPath + "/" + self.title os.mkdir(testPath) with open(testPath + "/data.dat", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(self.data, output)
def recordContinuously(self): '''@brief Continuously records the requested parameters while self.recording is set to true.''' count = 0 while self.recording: if self.fnTest is not None: prog = self.fnTest.progress if prog >= 100: self.stopTest() self.status = -prog if prog > 0 else "Working..." else: self.status = "Working..." count += 1 for (subsystem, value), name in zip(self.valuesToRead, self.names): command = '{}.synchCommandLine(1000,"readChannelValue {}").getResult()'.format(subsystem, value) result = jy2.get(command) self.data[name].append(result) if count == self.backup > 0: count = 0 pickle.dump(self.data, open("ParameterLogging.dat", "wb")) time.sleep(self.delay)
def buildtmc(tmcname): from pyraf import iraf from iraf import stsdas,hst_calib,synphot out=open('buildtmc.log','w') f=pyfits.open(tmcname) flist=f[1].data.field('filename') iraf.set(crrefer='./') #work locally for k in range(len(flist)): oldname=iraf.osfn(flist[k]).split('[')[0] newname=fincre(oldname) if os.path.exists(newname): flist[k]=fincre(flist[k]) else: out.write("%s: no change necessary\n"%oldname) f.writeto(tmcname.replace(".fits","_new.fits")) out.close()
def _readFITS(self, filename, fluxname): fs = pyfits.open(filename) # pyfits cannot close the file on .close() if there are still # references to mmapped data self._wavetable = fs[1].data.field('wavelength').copy() if fluxname is None: fluxname = 'flux' self._fluxtable = fs[1].data.field(fluxname).copy() self.waveunits = units.Units(fs[1].header['tunit1'].lower()) self.fluxunits = units.Units(fs[1].header['tunit2'].lower()) # Retain the header information as a convenience for the user. # If duplicate keywords exist, the value in the extension # header will override that in the primary. self.fheader = dict(fs[0].header) self.fheader.update(dict(fs[1].header)) fs.close()
def __init__(self, CFile=None): # None is common for various errors. # the default value of None is not useful; pyfits.open(None) does not work. if CFile is None : raise TypeError('initializing CompTable with CFile=None; possible bad/missing CDBS') cp = pyfits.open(CFile) self.compnames = cp[1].data.field('compname') self.filenames = cp[1].data.field('filename') # Is this necessary? compdict = {} for i in range(len(self.compnames)): compdict[self.compnames[i]] = self.filenames[i] cp.close() self.name=CFile
def get_mini_image(self, center, halfsize=15): """ :param center: tuple of coordinates, in pixels :param size: length of the square around center :return: ndarray which contain the image """ side = 2 * halfsize + 1 image = [[0 for x in range(side)] for y in range(side)] data_white = fits.open(self.filename_white)[1].data center_x = center[0] center_y = center[1] for i in xrange(center_x - halfsize - 1, center_x + halfsize): for j in xrange(center_y - halfsize - 1, center_y + halfsize): i2 = i - (center_x - halfsize) j2 = j - (center_y - halfsize) image[j2][i2] = data_white[j - 1][i - 1] return image
def get_new_2dmask(self, region_string): """Creates a 2D mask for the white image that mask out spaxel that are outside the region defined by region_string""" from pyregion.region_to_filter import as_region_filter im_aux = np.ones_like(self.white_data) hdu_aux = fits.open(self.filename_white)[1] hdu_aux.data = im_aux hdulist = self.hdulist_white r = pyregion.parse(region_string).as_imagecoord(hdulist[1].header) shape = hdu_aux.data.shape region_filter = as_region_filter(r, origin=0) mask_new = region_filter.mask(shape) mask_new_inverse = np.where(~mask_new, True, False) self.draw_pyregion(region_string) return mask_new_inverse
def get_template(redmonster_file, n_template): # n_template puede ser 1,2 o 3 o 4 o 5 hdulist = fits.open(redmonster_file) templates = hdulist[2] table = hdulist[1].data Z = 'Z' + str(n_template) Z_ERR = 'Z_ERR' + str(n_template) MINRCHI2 = 'MINRCHI2' + str(n_template) CLASS = 'CLASS' + str(n_template) z_template = table[Z][0] z_err_template = table[Z_ERR][0] class_template = table[CLASS][0] minchi_template = table[MINRCHI2][0] index_template = n_template - 1 template = hdulist[2].data[0][index_template] n = len(template) COEFF0 = hdulist[0].header['COEFF0'] COEFF1 = hdulist[0].header['COEFF1'] NAXIS1 = n WAVE_END = COEFF0 + (NAXIS1 - 1) * COEFF1 wave_log = np.linspace(COEFF0, WAVE_END, n) wave = 10 ** wave_log return wave, template, z_template, class_template, minchi_template, z_err_template
def BuildRegion(sL,Sources): myreg=open(sL.regFile,'w')#note that this will overwrite previous region files of the same name myreg.write('# Region File format: DS9 version ?')#I don't actually know, but I think it's one of the later ones, need to verify myreg.write('\n# Created by make3FGLxml.py') myreg.write('\nglobal font="roman 10 normal" move =0') for k in Sources.keys(): src=Sources[k] #get color based on if the source is free or not color=('green' if src['free'] else 'magenta') if src['E']:#if the source is extended, always have the point be a "big" box myreg.write('\nJ2000;point(%.3f,%.3f) # point = box 18 color = %s text={%s}'%(src['ra'],src['dec'],color,k)) else:#if the source is a point source, choose the point type based on spectral model ptype=('cross' if src['stype']=='PLSuperExpCutoff' else 'diamond' if src['stype']=='LogParabola' else 'circle') myreg.write('\nJ2000;point(%.3f,%.3f) # point = %s 15 color = %s text={%s}'%(src['ra'],src['dec'],ptype,color,k)) myreg.close() return
def writeConfig(conf): ''' Write config to disk @param conf: configparser.ConfigParser object ''' config_location = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.skdaccess.conf') config_handle = open(config_location, "w") conf.write(config_handle) config_handle.close()
def read_fits(fits_file,ext=0): ''' Shortcut function to get the header and data from a fits file and a given extension. ''' hdulist = pyfits.open(fits_file) img_header = hdulist[ext].header img_data = hdulist[ext].data hdulist.close() return img_data, img_header
def read_fits_header(fits_file, ext=0): ''' Shortcut function to just read the header of the FITS file and return it. ''' hdulist = pyfits.open(fits_file) img_header = hdulist[ext].header hdulist.close() return img_header
def kepler_lcdict_to_pkl(lcdict, outfile=None): '''This simply writes the lcdict to a pickle. ''' if not outfile: outfile = '%s-keplc.pkl' % lcdict['objectid'].replace(' ','-') # we're using pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL here, this will make Py3 pickles # unreadable for Python 2.7 with open(outfile,'wb') as outfd: pickle.dump(lcdict, outfd, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return os.path.abspath(outfile)
def read_kepler_pklc(picklefile): '''This turns the pickled lightcurve back into an lcdict. ''' try: with open(picklefile, 'rb') as infd: lcdict = pickle.load(infd) except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(picklefile,'rb') as infd: lcdict = pickle.load(infd, encoding='latin1') LOGWARNING('pickle %s was probably from Python 2 ' 'and failed to load without using "latin1" encoding. ' 'This is probably a numpy issue: ' 'http://stackoverflow.com/q/11305790' % checkplotpickle) return lcdict ########################## ## KEPLER LC PROCESSING ## ##########################
def __init__(self, lcfile): f = fits.open(lcfile) self.lc_data = f[1].data self.lc_header = f[1].header self.time = self.lc_data['TIME'] self.rate = self.lc_data['RATE'] self.rate_err = self.lc_data['ERROR'] self.TSTART = self.lc_header['TSTART'] self.TSTOP = self.lc_header['TSTOP'] self.TIMEDEL = self.lc_header['TIMEDEL'] self.TIMEPIXR = self.lc_header['TIMEPIXR'] f.close()
def open_image(infile): """ Open the slice image and return its header and 2D image data. NOTE ---- The input slice image may have following dimensions: * NAXIS=2: [Y, X] * NAXIS=3: [FREQ=1, Y, X] * NAXIS=4: [STOKES=1, FREQ=1, Y, X] NOTE ---- Only open slice image that has only ONE frequency and ONE Stokes parameter. Returns ------- header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header` image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D [Y, X] image part of the slice image. """ with fits.open(infile) as f: header = f[0].header data = f[0].data if data.ndim == 2: # NAXIS=2: [Y, X] image = data elif data.ndim == 3 and data.shape[0] == 1: # NAXIS=3: [FREQ=1, Y, X] image = data[0, :, :] elif data.ndim == 4 and data.shape[0] == 1 and data.shape[1] == 1: # NAXIS=4: [STOKES=1, FREQ=1, Y, X] image = data[0, 0, :, :] else: raise ValueError("Slice '{0}' has invalid dimensions: {1}".format( infile, data.shape)) return (header, image)