Python 模块,getdata() 实例源码


项目:DR1_analysis    作者:GBTAmmoniaSurvey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deblend_cube(region='OrionA',vmin=0.,vmax=20.):
  tex = fits.getdata('{0}/parameterMaps/{0}_Tex_DR1_rebase3_flag.fits'.format(region))
  mom0 = fits.getdata('{0}/{0}_NH3_11_DR1_rebase3_mom0_QA_trim.fits'.format(region))
  vlsr = fits.getdata('{0}/parameterMaps/{0}_Vlsr_DR1_rebase3_flag.fits'.format(region))
  sigv = fits.getdata('{0}/parameterMaps/{0}_Sigma_DR1_rebase3_flag.fits'.format(region))
  nnh3 = fits.getdata('{0}/parameterMaps/{0}_N_NH3_DR1_rebase3_flag.fits'.format(region))
  cube ='{0}/{0}_NH3_11_DR1_rebase3_trim.fits'.format(region))
  cube  = cube.with_spectral_unit(,velocity_convention='radio')

  tpeak = mom0/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigv)


  deblend = np.zeros(cube.shape)
  hdr = cube.wcs.to_header()
  spaxis = cube.spectral_axis.value

  for plane in np.arange(deblend.shape[0]):
      deblend[plane,:,:] = tpeak*np.exp(-(spaxis[plane]-vlsr)**2/(2*sigv**2))

  newcube = SpectralCube(deblend,cube.wcs,header=hdr)
  slab = newcube.spectral_slab(vmin*,vmax*
项目:the-wizz    作者:morriscb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_compute_region_densities_and_weights(self):

        test_rand_ration = [0.0101507, 0.01101003, 0.01151311, 0.01081756,
                            0.01281959, 0.01212378, 0.0128798, 0.01246496]
        test_ave_weight = np.ones_like(test_rand_ration)

        cosmos_data = fits.getdata(
        cosmos_zp_cut = cosmos_data[np.logical_and(
            cosmos_data.zp_best > 0.3, cosmos_data.zp_best <= 0.5)]

        open_hdf5_data_file = h5py.File(self.dummy_args.input_pair_hdf5_file)
        hdf5_data_grp = open_hdf5_data_file['data']

        id_array, rand_ratio, weight_array, ave_weight = \
                cosmos_zp_cut, hdf5_data_grp, self.dummy_args)

        for rand, ave, test_rand, test_ave in \
                zip(rand_ratio, ave_weight, test_rand_ration,
            self.assertAlmostEqual(rand, test_rand)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ave, test_ave)

项目:acronym    作者:kweis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getdark(expt):
    Generate a dark given an exposure time or scale down from longest dark available

    expt : exposure time (in the data frame: df['exp'])

    dark : dark image for that exposure time (numpy array)

        dark = pyfits.getdata(os.path.join(cals_direc,'master_dark_{0}.fits'.format(expt)))
    except IOError:
        scaleto = np.max(df['exp'][df['exp'] != ''])
        dark = pyfits.getdata(os.path.join(cals_direc,'master_dark_{0}.fits'.format(scaleto)))
        dark *= (expt/scaleto)
    return dark

### CREATE MASTER BIAS #######################################
项目:Panacea    作者:grzeimann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fromfits(infilename, hdu = 0, verbose = True):
    Reads a FITS file and returns a 2D numpy array of the data.
    Use hdu to specify which HDU you want (default = primary = 0)

    pixelarray, hdr = fits.getdata(infilename, hdu, header=True)
    pixelarray = np.asarray(pixelarray).transpose()

    pixelarrayshape = pixelarray.shape
    if verbose :
        print "FITS import shape : (%i, %i)" % (pixelarrayshape[0], pixelarrayshape[1])
        print "FITS file BITPIX : %s" % (hdr["BITPIX"])
        print "Internal array type :",

    return pixelarray, hdr
项目:zap    作者:ktsoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _applymask(self, mask):
        """Apply a mask to the input data to provide a cleaner basis set.

        mask is >1 for objects, 0 for sky so that people can use sextractor.
        The file is read with ```` which first tries to
        read the primary extension, then the first extension is no data was
        found before.

        """'Applying Mask for SVD Calculation from %s', mask)
        self.maskfile = mask
        mask = fits.getdata(mask).astype(bool)
        nmasked = np.count_nonzero(mask)'Masking %d pixels (%d%%)', nmasked,
                    nmasked / * 100)
        self.cube[:, mask] = np.nan

    ##################################### Output Functions ####################
项目:VLTPF    作者:avigan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_bad_pixel_map(bpm_files, dtype=np.uint8):
    Compute a combined bad pixel map provided a list of files

    bpm_files : list
        List of names for the bpm files

    dtype : data type
        Data type for the final bpm

    bpm : array_like
        Combined bad pixel map

    # check that we have files
    if len(bpm_files) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No bad pixel map files provided')

    # get shape
    shape = fits.getdata(bpm_files[0]).shape

    # star with empty bpm
    bpm = np.zeros((shape[-2], shape[-1]), dtype=np.uint8)

    # fill if files are provided
    for f in bpm_files:
        data = fits.getdata(f)
        bpm = np.logical_or(bpm, data)

    bpm = bpm.astype(dtype)

    return bpm
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source, frames=None):
        # matplotlib Figure
        if isinstance(source,Figure):
            self.shape = source.canvas.get_width_height()

        # numpy array
        elif isinstance(source,np.ndarray) and source.ndim == 3 and source.shape[2] == 3:
            self.shape = self.darr.shape[0:2]

        # standard image file
        elif isinstance(source,types.StringTypes) and  \
            self.shape = self.dpil.size

        # FITS file
        elif isinstance(source,types.StringTypes) and source.lower().endswith(".fits"):
            try: data = pyfits.getdata(arch.openbinary(os.path.expanduser(source))).T
            except TypeError: raise ValueError("Something is wrong with the FITS file (the file may have been truncated)")
            # the above gives us an array with shape (nx, ny) or (nx, ny, nlambda)
            if data.ndim == 2:
                self.setarr(np.dstack(( data,data,data )))
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                if frames is None:
                    n = data.shape[2]
                    frames = (n-1, n//2, 0)
                self.setarr(np.dstack(( data[:,:,frames[0]],data[:,:,frames[1]],data[:,:,frames[2]] )))
                raise ValueError("Data in FITS file has unsupported shape")
            self.shape = self.darr.shape[0:2]

        # unsupported type
            raise ValueError("Source argument has unsupported type")

    # ---------- Basic attributes -------------------------------------

    ## This function returns the image's shape as a tuple (nx, ny).
    # You can also directly access the \c shape property.
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, source, frames=None):
        # matplotlib Figure
        if isinstance(source,Figure):
            self.shape = source.canvas.get_width_height()

        # numpy array
        elif isinstance(source,np.ndarray) and source.ndim == 3 and source.shape[2] == 3:
            self.shape = self.darr.shape[0:2]

        # standard image file
        elif isinstance(source,types.StringTypes) and  \
            self.shape = self.dpil.size

        # FITS file
        elif isinstance(source,types.StringTypes) and source.lower().endswith(".fits"):
            try: data = pyfits.getdata(arch.openbinary(os.path.expanduser(source))).T
            except TypeError: raise ValueError("Something is wrong with the FITS file (the file may have been truncated)")
            # the above gives us an array with shape (nx, ny) or (nx, ny, nlambda)
            if data.ndim == 2:
                self.setarr(np.dstack(( data,data,data )))
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                if frames is None:
                    n = data.shape[2]
                    frames = (n-1, n//2, 0)
                self.setarr(np.dstack(( data[:,:,frames[0]],data[:,:,frames[1]],data[:,:,frames[2]] )))
                raise ValueError("Data in FITS file has unsupported shape")
            self.shape = self.darr.shape[0:2]

        # unsupported type
            raise ValueError("Source argument has unsupported type")

    # ---------- Basic attributes -------------------------------------

    ## This function returns the image's shape as a tuple (nx, ny).
    # You can also directly access the \c shape property.
项目:sfdmap    作者:kbarbary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getdata(*args, **kwargs):
            raise ImportError("Could not import fitsio or "
                              "Install fitsio or astropy.")
项目:sfdmap    作者:kbarbary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fname, scaling):, header = getdata(fname, header=True) *= scaling
        self.crpix1 = header['CRPIX1']
        self.crpix2 = header['CRPIX2']
        self.lam_scal = header['LAM_SCAL']
        self.sign = header['LAM_NSGP']  # north = 1, south = -1
项目:pytest-arraydiff    作者:astrofrog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(filename):
        from import fits
        return fits.getdata(filename)
项目:zap    作者:ktsoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _externalzlevel(self, extSVD):
        """Remove the zero level from the extSVD file."""'Using external zlevel')
        self.zlsky = fits.getdata(extSVD, 0)
        self.stack -= self.zlsky[:, np.newaxis]
        self.run_zlevel = 'extSVD'
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zoom_fits(fitsfile, scalefactor, preserve_bad_pixels=True, **kwargs):

    This function is used to zoom in on a FITS image by interpolating using scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom.
    It takes the following arguments:
    :param fitsfile: the FITS file name
    :param scalefactor: the zoom factor along all axes
    :param preserve_bad_pixels: try to set NaN pixels to NaN in the zoomed image. Otherwise, bad pixels will be set to
    :param kwargs:

    # Get the data array and the header of the FITS file
    arr = pyfits.getdata(fitsfile)
    h = pyfits.getheader(fitsfile)

    h['CRPIX1'] = (h['CRPIX1']-1)*scalefactor + scalefactor/2. + 0.5
    h['CRPIX2'] = (h['CRPIX2']-1)*scalefactor + scalefactor/2. + 0.5
    if 'CD1_1' in h:
        for ii in (1,2):
            for jj in (1,2):
                k = "CD%i_%i" % (ii,jj)
                if k in h: # allow for CD1_1 but not CD1_2
                    h[k] = h[k]/scalefactor
    elif 'CDELT1' in h:
        h['CDELT1'] = h['CDELT1']/scalefactor
        h['CDELT2'] = h['CDELT2']/scalefactor

    bad_pixels = np.isnan(arr) + np.isinf(arr)

    arr[bad_pixels] = 0

    upscaled = scipy.ndimage.zoom(arr,scalefactor,**kwargs)

    if preserve_bad_pixels:
        bp_up = scipy.ndimage.zoom(bad_pixels,scalefactor,mode='constant',cval=np.nan,order=0)
        upscaled[bp_up] = np.nan

    up_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=upscaled, header=h)

    return up_hdu

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zoom_fits(fitsfile, scalefactor, preserve_bad_pixels=True, **kwargs):

    This function is used to zoom in on a FITS image by interpolating using scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom.
    It takes the following arguments:
    :param fitsfile: the FITS file name
    :param scalefactor: the zoom factor along all axes
    :param preserve_bad_pixels: try to set NaN pixels to NaN in the zoomed image. Otherwise, bad pixels will be set to
    :param kwargs:

    # Get the data array and the header of the FITS file
    arr = pyfits.getdata(fitsfile)
    h = pyfits.getheader(fitsfile)

    h['CRPIX1'] = (h['CRPIX1']-1)*scalefactor + scalefactor/2. + 0.5
    h['CRPIX2'] = (h['CRPIX2']-1)*scalefactor + scalefactor/2. + 0.5
    if 'CD1_1' in h:
        for ii in (1,2):
            for jj in (1,2):
                k = "CD%i_%i" % (ii,jj)
                if k in h: # allow for CD1_1 but not CD1_2
                    h[k] = h[k]/scalefactor
    elif 'CDELT1' in h:
        h['CDELT1'] = h['CDELT1']/scalefactor
        h['CDELT2'] = h['CDELT2']/scalefactor

    bad_pixels = np.isnan(arr) + np.isinf(arr)

    arr[bad_pixels] = 0

    upscaled = scipy.ndimage.zoom(arr,scalefactor,**kwargs)

    if preserve_bad_pixels:
        bp_up = scipy.ndimage.zoom(bad_pixels,scalefactor,mode='constant',cval=np.nan,order=0)
        upscaled[bp_up] = np.nan

    up_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=upscaled, header=h)

    return up_hdu

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:acronym    作者:kweis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trim_image(f, overscan_poly_order = 8):
    trim_image returns a trimmed version of the raw image. The ARCTIC detector is structured in four quadrants which can be read out individually (Quad Mode) or as a whole (Lower Left Mode) and trim_image identifies which readout mode was used and crops the image accordingly.

    f : raw fits image from ARCTIC
    overscan_poly_order : order of polynomial used to fit overscan

    alldat : a list with [the image in a numpy array, the astropy header]


    datfile = pyfits.getdata(f, header=True)
    dat_raw = datfile[0]
    dat_head = datfile[1]

    amp =[0].header['READAMPS']

    if amp == "Quad":
        # ll, ul, lr, ur
        quads = ['DSEC11', 'DSEC21', 'DSEC12', 'DSEC22']

        dat = [[],[],[],[]]
        for i,quad in enumerate(quads):
            idx_string =[0].header[quad]
            idx = re.split('[: ,]',idx_string.rstrip(']').lstrip('['))
            dat[i] = dat_raw[int(idx[2])-1:int(idx[3]),int(idx[0])-1:int(idx[1])]

        sci_lo = np.concatenate((dat[2], dat[3]), axis = 1)
        sci_up = np.concatenate((dat[0], dat[1]), axis = 1)
        sci = np.concatenate((sci_up, sci_lo), axis = 0)

    if amp == 'LL':
        idx_string =[0].header['DSEC11']
        idx = re.split('[: ,]',idx_string.rstrip(']').lstrip('['))
        sci = dat_raw[int(idx[2])-1:int(idx[3]),int(idx[0])-1:int(idx[1])].astype(np.float64)

        idx_over_string =[0].header['BSEC11']
        idx_over = re.split('[: ,]',idx_over_string.rstrip(']').lstrip('['))
        over = dat_raw[int(idx_over[2])-1:int(idx_over[3]),int(idx_over[0])-1:int(idx_over[1])]

        #Average along columns
        avg_overscan = np.mean(over,axis=1)
        #Index array, then fit!
        row_idx = np.arange(len(avg_overscan))
        p = np.polyfit(row_idx,avg_overscan,deg=overscan_poly_order)
        #Calculate array from fit, then transpose into a column
        fit_overscan = np.poly1d(p)(row_idx)
        fit_overscan_col = fit_overscan[:,np.newaxis]
        #Subtract column!
        sci -= fit_overscan_col

    alldat = [sci,dat_head]
    return alldat
项目:goodman    作者:soar-telescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_conflictive_keywords(path, file_list):
    """Removes problematic keywords

    The blue camera has a set of keywords whose comments contain non-ascii
    characters, in particular the degree symbol. Those keywords are not
    needed in any stage of the data reduction therefore they are removed.
    The data will be overwritten with the keywords removed. The user will
    need to have backups of raw data.

        This function solves a problem with old data, new headers are compliant
        with the headers.

        path (str): Path to the folder containing the files
        file_list (list): List of files to remove keywords

    log_ccd.debug('Removing conflictive keywords in Blue Camera Headers')
    log_ccd.warning('Files will be overwritten')
    for blue_file in file_list:
        full_path = os.path.join(path, blue_file)
        log_ccd.debug('Processing file {:s}'.format(blue_file))
            data, header = fits.getdata(full_path,

            keys_to_remove = ['PARAM0',

            if data.ndim == 3:
                header['NAXIS'] = 2
                data = data[0]

                log_ccd.debug('Modified file to be 2D instead of 3D '

            for keyword in keys_to_remove:

                log_ccd.debug('Removed conflictive keyword '

            log_ccd.debug('Updated headers')


        except KeyError as error:

# spectroscopy specific functions