Python builtins 模块,type() 实例源码


项目:fypp    作者:aradi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, maxlen=132, indent=4, method='smart', prefix='&',
        # Line length should be long enough that contintuation lines can host at
        # east one character apart of indentation and two continuation signs
        minmaxlen = indent + len(prefix) + len(suffix) + 1
        if maxlen < minmaxlen:
            msg = 'Maximal line length less than {0} when using an indentation'\
                  ' of {1}'.format(minmaxlen, indent)
            raise FyppFatalError(msg)
        self._maxlen = maxlen
        self._indent = indent
        self._prefix = ' ' * self._indent + prefix
        self._suffix = suffix
        if method not in ['brute', 'smart', 'simple']:
            raise FyppFatalError('invalid folding type')
        if method == 'brute':
            self._inherit_indent = False
            self._fold_position_finder = self._get_maximal_fold_pos
        elif method == 'simple':
            self._inherit_indent = True
            self._fold_position_finder = self._get_maximal_fold_pos
        elif method == 'smart':
            self._inherit_indent = True
            self._fold_position_finder = self._get_smart_fold_pos
项目:fypp    作者:aradi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_callable_argspec_py3(func):
    sig = inspect.signature(func)
    args = []
    defaults = {}
    vararg = None
    for param in sig.parameters.values():
        if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
            if param.default != param.empty:
                defaults[] = param.default
        elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            vararg =
            msg = "argument '{0}' has invalid argument type".format(
            raise FyppFatalError(msg)
    return args, defaults, vararg

# Signature objects are available from Python 3.3 (and deprecated from 3.5)
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, val) :
        if self.code.value in DBUS.int_convert :
            val = DBUS.int_convert[self.code.value](val)
        elif self.code == TYPE.DOUBLE :
            if not isinstance(val, float) :
                raise TypeError("expecting a float, not %s: %s" % (type(val).__name__, repr(val)))
            #end if
        elif self.code == TYPE.UNIX_FD :
            val = DBUS.subtype_uint32(val)
        elif DBUS.basic_to_ctypes[self.code.value] == ct.c_char_p :
            if not isinstance(val, str) :
                raise TypeError("expecting a string, not %s: %s" % (type(val).__name__, repr(val)))
            #end if
        else :
            raise RuntimError("unknown basic type %s" % repr(self.code))
        #end if
        return \
    #end validate

#end BasicType
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bus_get_unix_user_async(self, name, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
        message = Message.new_method_call \
            destination = DBUS.SERVICE_DBUS,
            path = DBUS.PATH_DBUS,
            iface = DBUS.INTERFACE_DBUS,
            method = "GetConnectionUnixUser"
        message.append_objects("s", name)
        reply = await self.send_await_reply(message, timeout = timeout)
        if error != None and reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
            result = None
        else :
            result = reply.expect_return_objects("u")[0]
        #end if
        return \
    #end bus_get_unix_user_async
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bus_request_name_async(self, name, flags, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
        "asks the D-Bus daemon to register the specified bus name on your behalf. flags is" \
        " a combination of NAME_FLAG_xxx bits. Result will be a REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_xxx value" \
        " or None on error."
        message = Message.new_method_call \
            destination = DBUS.SERVICE_DBUS,
            path = DBUS.PATH_DBUS,
            iface = DBUS.INTERFACE_DBUS,
            method = "RequestName"
        message.append_objects("su", name, flags)
        reply = await self.send_await_reply(message, timeout = timeout)
        if error != None and reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
            result = None
        else :
            result = reply.expect_return_objects("u")[0]
        #end if
        return \
    #end bus_request_name_async
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bus_release_name_async(self, name, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
        "asks the D-Bus daemon to release your registration of the specified bus name."
        message = Message.new_method_call \
            destination = DBUS.SERVICE_DBUS,
            path = DBUS.PATH_DBUS,
            iface = DBUS.INTERFACE_DBUS,
            method = "ReleaseName"
        message.append_objects("s", name)
        reply = await self.send_await_reply(message, timeout = timeout)
        if error != None and reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
            result = None
        else :
            result = reply.expect_return_objects("u")[0]
        #end if
        return \
    #end bus_release_name_async
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bus_name_has_owner_async(self, name, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
        "asks the D-Bus daemon if anybody has claimed the specified bus name."
        message = Message.new_method_call \
            destination = DBUS.SERVICE_DBUS,
            path = DBUS.PATH_DBUS,
            iface = DBUS.INTERFACE_DBUS,
            method = "NameHasOwner"
        message.append_objects("s", name)
        reply = await self.send_await_reply(message, timeout = timeout)
        if error != None and reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
            result = None
        else :
            result = reply.expect_return_objects("b")[0]
        #end if
        return \
    #end bus_name_has_owner_async
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bus_start_service_by_name_async(self, name, flags = 0, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
        message = Message.new_method_call \
            destination = DBUS.SERVICE_DBUS,
            path = DBUS.PATH_DBUS,
            iface = DBUS.INTERFACE_DBUS,
            method = "StartServiceByName"
        message.append_objects("su", name, flags)
        reply = await self.send_await_reply(message, timeout = timeout)
        if error != None and reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
            result = None
        else :
            result = reply.expect_return_objects("u")[0]
        #end if
        return \
    #end bus_start_service_by_name
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bus_remove_match_async(self, rule, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
        "removes a previously-added match rule for messages you previously wanted" \
        " to receive."
        message = Message.new_method_call \
            destination = DBUS.SERVICE_DBUS,
            path = DBUS.PATH_DBUS,
            iface = DBUS.INTERFACE_DBUS,
            method = "RemoveMatch"
        message.append_objects("s", rule)
        reply = await self.send_await_reply(message, timeout = timeout)
        if error != None and reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
        else :
        #end if
    #end bus_remove_match_async
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def basic(self) :
            "returns the argument value, assuming it is of a non-container type."
            argtype = self.arg_type
            c_result_type = DBUS.basic_to_ctypes[argtype]
            c_result = c_result_type()
            dbus.dbus_message_iter_get_basic(self._dbobj, ct.byref(c_result))
            if c_result_type == ct.c_char_p :
                result = c_result.value.decode()
            else :
                result = c_result.value
            #end if
            if argtype in DBUS.basic_subclasses :
                result = DBUS.basic_subclasses[argtype](result)
            #end if
            return \
        #end basic
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fixed_array(self) :
            "returns the array elements, assuming the current argument is an array" \
            " with a non-container element type."
            c_element_type = DBUS.basic_to_ctypes[self.element_type]
            c_result = ct.POINTER(c_element_type)()
            c_nr_elts = ct.c_int()
            dbus.dbus_message_iter_get_fixed_array(self._dbobj, ct.byref(c_result), ct.byref(c_nr_elts))
            result = []
            for i in range(c_nr_elts.value) :
                elt = c_result[i]
                if c_element_type == ct.c_char_p :
                    elt = elt.value.decode()
                else :
                    elt = elt.value
                #end if
            #end for
            return \
        #end fixed_array

    #end ExtractIter
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def append_basic(self, type, value) :
            "appends a single value of a non-container type."
            if type in DBUS.int_convert :
                value = DBUS.int_convert[type](value)
            #end if
            c_type = DBUS.basic_to_ctypes[type]
            if c_type == ct.c_char_p :
                if not isinstance(value, str) :
                    raise TypeError \
                        "expecting type %s, got %s" % (TYPE(type), builtins.type(value).__name__)
                #end if
                value = value.encode()
            #end if
            c_value = c_type(value)
            if not dbus.dbus_message_iter_append_basic(self._dbobj, type, ct.byref(c_value)) :
                raise CallFailed("dbus_message_iter_append_basic")
            #end if
            return \
        #end append_basic
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def append_fixed_array(self, element_type, values) :
            "appends an array of elements of a non-container type."
            c_elt_type = DBUS.basic_to_ctypes[element_type]
            nr_elts = len(values)
            c_arr = (nr_elts * c_elt_type)()
            for i in range(nr_elts) :
                if c_elt_type == ct.c_char_p :
                    c_arr[i] = values[i].encode()
                else :
                    c_arr[i] = values[i]
                #end if
            #end for
            c_arr_ptr = ct.pointer(c_arr)
            if not dbus.dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array(self._dbobj, element_type, ct.byref(c_arr_ptr), nr_elts) :
                raise CallFailed("dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array")
            #end if
            return \
        #end append_fixed_array
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def open_container(self, type, contained_signature) :
            "starts appending an argument of a container type, returning a sub-iterator" \
            " for appending the contents of the argument. Can be called recursively for" \
            " containers of containers etc."
            if contained_signature != None :
                c_sig = contained_signature.encode()
            else :
                c_sig = None
            #end if
            subiter = builtins.type(self)(self)
            if not dbus.dbus_message_iter_open_container(self._dbobj, type, c_sig, subiter._dbobj) :
                raise CallFailed("dbus_message_iter_open_container")
            #end if
            return \
        #end open_container
项目:easypy    作者:weka-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_conversion(self, predicate, conversion):
        Add a validation on values assigned to the field

            predicate: Only perform the conversion if this returns True.
            conversion: A conversion function. The returned value must be of
                        the type of the field.

        Calling this method will modify the preprocess function.
        if isinstance(predicate, type):
            typ = predicate

            def predicate(obj):
                return isinstance(obj, typ)

        orig_preprocess = self.preprocess

        def new_preprocess(obj):
            if predicate(obj):
                obj = conversion(obj)
                assert isinstance(obj, self.type), 'Conversion %s converted to %s - expected %s' % (
                    conversion, type(obj), self.type)
            return orig_preprocess(obj)
        self.preprocess = new_preprocess
项目:easypy    作者:weka-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for field in self._fields:
            if field.collection_type is not None:
                value = field.collection_type(self, field)
                    raw_value = kwargs.pop(
                except KeyError:
                    if field.default is not MANDATORY:
                    value = kwargs.pop(
                except KeyError:
                    if field.default is MANDATORY:
                        raise MissingField(typed_struct=type(self),
                                           field=field) from None
                    value = deepcopy(field.default)

            field.__set__(self, value)
        if kwargs:
            raise NotFields(typed_struct=type(self), field_names=', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
项目:EXsimple    作者:a386881    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def empty_here(self, path):
        print('EMPTY here:', path);
        RETURNED_MESSAGE = '''
                       <h3>No file nor folder here.Here 's empty.Click [new-folder] to creat a folder here:<br/>%s</h3>
                ''' % (self.path);

        ENC_RETURNED_MESSAGE = RETURNED_MESSAGE.encode(DEFAULT_ENC, 'surrogateescape')

        f = io.BytesIO();
        self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html; charset=%s" % DEFAULT_ENC);
        self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(ENC_RETURNED_MESSAGE)));
        return f;
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_basic(self) :
        "does this code represent a basic (non-container) type."
        return \
            self.value in DBUS.basic_to_ctypes
    #end is_basic

#end TYPE
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self) :
        return \
            "%s(sig = %s)" % (type(self).__name__, repr(self.signature))
    #end __repr__

#end Type
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self) :
        return \
            "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, repr(self.code))
    #end __repr__
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self) :
        return \
            "%s()" % type(self).__name__
    #end __repr__
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *types) :
        if len(types) == 0 :
            raise TypeError("must have at least one element type")
        #end if
        if not all(isinstance(t, Type) for t in types) :
            raise TypeError("struct elements must be Types")
        #end if
        self.elttypes = tuple(types)
    #end __init__
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self) :
        return \
            "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, repr(self.elttypes))
    #end __repr__
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, val) :
        if not isinstance(val, (tuple, list)) or len(val) != len(self.elttypes) :
            raise TypeError \
                "need a list or tuple of %d elements, not %s" % (len(self.elttypes), repr(val))
        #end if
        return \
            type(val)(elttype.validate(elt) for elttype, elt in zip(self.elttypes, val))
    #end validate

#end StructType
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, elttype) :
        if not isinstance(elttype, Type) :
            raise TypeError("invalid array element type")
        #end if
        self.elttype = elttype
    #end __init__
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self) :
        return \
            "%s[%s]" % (type(self).__name__, repr(self.elttype))
    #end __repr__
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, keytype, valuetype) :
        if not isinstance(keytype, BasicType) or not isinstance(valuetype, Type) :
            raise TypeError("invalid dict key/value type")
        #end if
        self.keytype = keytype
        self.valuetype = valuetype
    #end keytype
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self) :
        return \
            "%s[%s : %s]" % (type(self).__name__, repr(self.keytype), repr(self.valuetype))
    #end __repr__
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, val) :
        if not isinstance(val, dict) :
            raise TypeError("need a dict, not %s: %s" % (type(val).__name__, repr(val)))
        #end if
        return \
            type(val) \
                (self.keytype.validate(key), self.valuetype.validate(val[key]))
                for key in val
    #end validate

#end DictType
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bus_get(celf, type, private, error = None) :
        "returns a Connection to one of the predefined D-Bus buses; type is a BUS_xxx value."
        error, my_error = _get_error(error)
        result = (dbus.dbus_bus_get, dbus.dbus_bus_get_private)[private](type, error._dbobj)
        if result != None :
            result = celf(result)
        #end if
        return \
    #end bus_get
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new(celf, type) :
        "type is one of the DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_xxx codes. Using one of the type-specific" \
        " calls--new_error, new_method_call, new_method_return, new_signal--is probably" \
        " more convenient."
        result = dbus.dbus_message_new(type)
        if result == None :
            raise CallFailed("dbus_message_new")
        #end if
        return \
    #end new
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_error(self, name, message) :
        "creates a new DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR message that is a reply to this Message."
        result = dbus.dbus_message_new_error(self._dbobj, name.encode(), (lambda : None, lambda : message.encode())[message != None]())
        if result == None :
            raise CallFailed("dbus_message_new_error")
        #end if
        return \
    #end new_error

    # probably not much point trying to use new_error_printf
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_method_return(self) :
        "creates a new DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN that is a reply to this Message."
        result = dbus.dbus_message_new_method_return(self._dbobj)
        if result == None :
            raise CallFailed("dbus_message_new_method_return")
        #end if
        return \
    #end new_method_return
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copy(self) :
        "creates a copy of this Message."
        result = dbus.dbus_message_copy(self._dbobj)
        if result == None :
            raise CallFailed("dbus_message_copy")
        #end if
        return \
    #end copy
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arg_type(self) :
            "the type code for this argument."
            return \
        #end arg_type
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def element_type(self) :
            "the contained element type of this argument, assuming it is of a container type."
            return \
        #end element_type
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recurse(self) :
            "creates a sub-iterator for recursing into a container argument."
            subiter = type(self)(self)
            dbus.dbus_message_iter_recurse(self._dbobj, subiter._dbobj)
            return \
        #end recurse
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def object(self) :
            "returns the current iterator item as a Python object. Will recursively" \
            " process container objects."
            argtype = self.arg_type
            if argtype in DBUS.basic_to_ctypes :
                result = self.basic
            elif argtype == DBUS.TYPE_ARRAY :
                if self.element_type == DBUS.TYPE_DICT_ENTRY :
                    result = {}
                    subiter = self.recurse()
                    while True :
                        entry = next(subiter, None)
                        if entry == None or entry.arg_type == DBUS.TYPE_INVALID :
                          # TYPE_INVALID can be returned for an empty dict
                        assert entry.arg_type == DBUS.TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, "invalid dict entry type %d" % entry.arg_type
                        key, value = tuple(x.object for x in entry.recurse())
                        result[key] = value
                    #end while
                else :
                    result = list(x.object for x in self.recurse())
                    if len(result) != 0 and result[-1] == None :
                        # fudge for iterating into an empty array
                        result = result[:-1]
                    #end if
                #end if
            elif argtype == DBUS.TYPE_STRUCT :
                result = list(x.object for x in self.recurse())
            elif argtype == DBUS.TYPE_VARIANT :
                subiter = self.recurse()
                subiter = next(subiter)
                result = (DBUS.Signature(subiter.signature), subiter.object)
            elif argtype == DBUS.TYPE_INVALID :
                # fudge for iterating into an empty array
                result = None
            else :
                raise RuntimeError("unrecognized argtype %d" % argtype)
            #end if
            return \
        #end object
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expect_return_objects(self, signature) :
        "expects the Message to be of type DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN and its" \
        " arguments to conform to the given signature. Raises the appropriate DBusError" \
        " if the Message is of type DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR."
        if self.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN :
            result = self.expect_objects(signature)
        elif self.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
            raise DBusError(self.error_name, self.expect_objects("s")[0])
        else :
            raise ValueError("unexpected message type %d" % self.type)
        #end if
        return \
    #end expect_return_objects
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, index) :
        if not isinstance(index, int) or index < 0 or index >= self._nrelts :
            raise IndexError("AddressEntries[%d] out of range" % index)
        #end if
        return \
            type(self).Entry(self, index)
    #end __getitem__

#end AddressEntries
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recurse(self) :
        subiter = type(self)()
        dbus.dbus_signature_iter_recurse(self._dbobj, subiter._dbobj)
        return \
    #end recurse
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_single_signature(signature) :
    result = parse_signature(signature)
    if len(result) != 1 :
        raise ValueError("only single type expected")
    #end if
    return \
#end parse_single_signature
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def signature_validate_single(signature, error = None) :
    "is signature a single valid type."
    error, my_error = _get_error(error)
    result = dbus.dbus_signature_validate_single(signature.encode(), error._dbobj) != 0
    return \
#end signature_validate_single
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *, name = None, type, direction, annotations = ()) :
                    if not isinstance(direction, Introspection.DIRECTION) :
                        raise TypeError("direction must be an enum")
                    #end if
           = name
                    self.type = parse_single_signature(type)
                    self.direction = direction
                    self.annotations = Introspection._get_annotations(annotations)
                #end __init__

            #end Arg
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def in_signature(self) :
                return \
                    list(a.type for a in self.args if a.direction == Introspection.DIRECTION.IN)
            #end in_signature
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def out_signature(self) :
                return \
                    list \
                      (a.type for a in self.args if a.direction == Introspection.DIRECTION.OUT)
            #end out_signature
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *, name = None, type, direction = None, annotations = ()) :
                    if direction != None and direction != Introspection.DIRECTION.OUT :
                        raise ValueError("direction can only be Introspection.DIRECTION.OUT")
                    #end if
           = name
                    self.type = parse_single_signature(type)
                    self.direction = direction
                    self.annotations = Introspection._get_annotations(annotations)
                #end __init__

            #end Arg
项目:dbussy    作者:ldo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def in_signature(self) :
                return \
                    list(a.type for a in self.args)
            #end in_signature

        #end Signal
项目:easypy    作者:weka-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate_type(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, self.type):
            raise FieldTypeMismatch(field=self,
                                    received_type=type(value)) from None
        return value
项目:easypy    作者:weka-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process_new_key(self, key):
        if not isinstance(key, self._field.key_type):
            raise FieldKeyTypeMismatch(field=self._field,
        return key