def dump_to_csv(self, output_csv, input_fields, write_header=True, top_level=False, mode='a', encoding='utf-8', compression=None): if compression == 'bz2': mode = binary_mode(mode) filehandle = bz2.open(output_csv, mode) elif compression == 'gzip': mode = binary_mode(mode) filehandle = gzip.open(output_csv, mode) else: filehandle = open(output_csv, mode) writer = csv.writer(filehandle) if write_header: writer.writerow(input_fields) tweet_parser = TweetParser() for tweet in self.get_iterator(): if top_level: ret = list(zip(input_fields, [tweet.get(field) for field in input_fields])) else: ret = tweet_parser.parse_columns_from_tweet(tweet,input_fields) ret_values = [col_val[1] for col_val in ret] writer.writerow(ret_values) filehandle.close()
def get_iterator(self): tweet_parser = TweetParser() if self.compression == 'bz2': self.mode = binary_mode(self.mode) csv_handle = bz2.open(self.filepath, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) elif self.compression == 'gzip': self.mode = binary_mode(self.mode) csv_handle = gzip.open(self.filepath, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) else: csv_handle = open(self.filepath, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) for count, tweet in enumerate(csv.DictReader(csv_handle)): if self.limit < count+1 and self.limit != 0: csv_handle.close() return elif tweet_parser.tweet_passes_filter(self.filter, tweet) \ and tweet_parser.tweet_passes_custom_filter_list(self.custom_filters, tweet): if self.should_strip: yield tweet_parser.strip_tweet(self.keep_fields, tweet) else: yield dict(tweet) csv_handle.close()
def _token_to_filenames(token): if token[0] == '!': pattern = token[1:] filenames = glob.glob(pattern) if not filenames: raise RuntimeError('No filenames matched "%s" pattern' % pattern) elif token[0] == '@': filelist_name = sys.stdin if token == '@-' else token[1:] with open(filelist_name) as filelist: filenames = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in filelist] directory = os.path.dirname(token[1:]) if directory != '.': filenames = [f if f[0] != '/' else directory + '/' + f for f in filenames] else: filenames = token return filenames
def next_filehandle(self): """Go to the next file and retrun its filehandle or None (meaning no more files).""" filename = self.next_filename() if filename is None: fhandle = None elif filename == '-': fhandle = sys.stdin else: filename_extension = filename.split('.')[-1] if filename_extension == 'gz': myopen = gzip.open elif filename_extension == 'xz': myopen = lzma.open elif filename_extension == 'bz2': myopen = bz2.open else: myopen = open fhandle = myopen(filename, 'rt', encoding=self.encoding) self.filehandle = fhandle return fhandle
def get_data(self, save_directory): """ Retrieves data from remote location saves data in: save_directory TODO: figure out how to handle local file paths consider directory downloads from html pages with hyperlinks ** Impliment custom URL schemes -- Now needs to be done in lasubway.py How does raw data fit into this function? """ url = urlunparse(self) file_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.path)) save_path = os.path.join(save_directory, file_name) with closing(urlopen(url)) as request: with open(save_path, 'wb') as sfile: shutil.copyfileobj(request, sfile)
def find(cls: Type['Game'], name: str, *, gamedb: Path = SUPPORTED_GAMES) -> 'Game': """Find and create instance of a supported game. Keyword arguments: name: Name of the game to instantiate. gamedb: Path to the YAML dictionary of supported games. Returns: Instance of the supported game. Raises: UnsupportedGameError: When the name is not found among supported games. """ with gamedb.open(encoding='utf-8') as gamestream: games = yaml.load(gamestream) defaults = games.get(name.lower(), None) if defaults is None: msg = _("Game not supported: '{name}'").format_map(locals()) raise UnsupportedGameError(msg) return cls(name=name.capitalize(), **defaults)
def test_decompress_file(self): path = self.root.make_file() gzfile = path + '.gz' with gzip.open(gzfile, 'wt') as o: o.write('foo') path2 = decompress_file(gzfile, keep=True) self.assertEqual(path, path2) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(gzfile)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) with open(path, 'rt') as i: self.assertEqual(i.read(), 'foo') with open(gzfile, 'rb') as i: path2 = decompress_file(i, keep=True) self.assertEqual(path, path2) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(gzfile)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) with open(path, 'rt') as i: self.assertEqual(i.read(), 'foo')
def test_pending(self): file1 = self.root.make_file(suffix='.gz') with gzip.open(file1, 'wt') as o: o.write('foo\nbar\n') f = FileInput(char_mode=TextMode) self.assertTrue(f._pending) f.add(file1) list(f) self.assertTrue(f.finished) self.assertFalse(f._pending) file2 = self.root.make_file(suffix='.gz') with gzip.open(file2, 'wt') as o: o.write('baz\n') f.add(file2) self.assertTrue(f._pending) self.assertFalse(f.finished) self.assertEqual('baz\n', f.readline()) self.assertEqual('', f.readline()) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(f) self.assertTrue(f.finished) self.assertFalse(f._pending)
def test_rolling_fileoutput_write(self): path = self.root.make_file() with textoutput( path + '{index}.txt', file_output_type=RollingFileOutput, lines_per_file=3) as out: for i in range(6): out.write(i, False) for ch in ('a', 'b', 'c'): out.write(ch, False) out.write("d\ne\nf") with open(path + '0.txt', 'rt') as infile: self.assertEqual('0\n1\n2\n', infile.read()) with open(path + '1.txt', 'rt') as infile: self.assertEqual('3\n4\n5\n', infile.read()) with open(path + '2.txt', 'rt') as infile: self.assertEqual('a\nb\nc\n', infile.read()) with open(path + '3.txt', 'rt') as infile: self.assertEqual('d\ne\nf\n', infile.read())
def clear_local_caches(): files = [] roots = set() for window in sublime.windows(): # All views in a window share the same settings. view = window.views()[0] cwd = s_cwd(view) local_root = File.local_root_for_cwd(cwd) roots.add(local_root) for root in roots: log('Deleting local cache directory [{0}]...'.format(root)) if os.path.exists(root): shutil.rmtree(root) for file in files: log("Refreshing open file [{0}]...".format(file.remote_path())) download_file(file)
def on_text_command(self, view, command_name, args): # log('cmd={cmd} args={args}'.format(cmd=command_name, args=args)) if RemoteCppListFilesCommand.owns_view(view) and \ command_name == 'insert' and args['characters'] == '\n': all_lines = get_multiple_sel_lines(view) paths = [] for line in all_lines: if self._is_valid_path(line): paths.append(line) def run_in_background(): for path in paths: file = File(cwd=s_cwd(), path=path) Commands.open_file(view, file.to_args()) if len(paths) > 10: msg = ('This will open {0} files which could be slow. \n' 'Are you sure you want to do that?').format(len(paths),) button_text = 'Open {0} Files'.format(len(paths)) if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(msg, button_text): return None THREAD_POOL.run(run_in_background) return None
def get_iterator(self): tweet_parser = TweetParser() if self.compression == 'bz2': self.mode = binary_mode(self.mode) json_handle = bz2.open(self.filepath, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) elif self.compression == 'gzip': self.mode = binary_mode(self.mode) json_handle = gzip.open(self.filepath, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) else: json_handle = open(self.filepath, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding) bad_lines = 0 for count, tweet in enumerate(json_handle): if not self.throw_error: try: tweet = json_util.loads(tweet) except: bad_lines += 1 else: tweet = json_util.loads(tweet) if self.limit != 0 and self.limit <= count: return elif tweet_parser.tweet_passes_filter(self.filter, tweet) \ and tweet_parser.tweet_passes_custom_filter_list(self.custom_filters, tweet): if self.should_strip: yield tweet_parser.strip_tweet(self.keep_fields, tweet) else: yield tweet if self.verbose: print("{} rows are ok.".format(count - bad_lines)) print("{} rows are corrupt.".format(bad_lines)) json_handle.close()
def dump_to_bson(self, output_bson): filehandle = open(output_bson, 'ab+') for tweet in self.get_iterator(): filehandle.write(BSON.encode(tweet)) filehandle.close()
def dump_to_json(self, output_json, compression=None, mode='a'): if compression == 'bz2': mode = binary_mode(mode) filehandle = bz2.open(output_json, mode) elif compression == 'gzip': mode = binary_mode(mode) filehandle = gzip.open(output_json, mode) else: filehandle = open(output_json, mode) for tweet in self.get_iterator(): filehandle.write(json_util.dumps(tweet)+'\n') filehandle.close()
def load_evaluations(filename): d = {} if filename.endswith(".bz2"): fp = bz2.open(filename, "rt") else: fp = open(filename) for line in fp: key = fen2key(line) l = line.strip().split() fen = " ".join(l[:6]) score_type = l[6] score = l[7] pv = " ".join(l[8:]) d[key] = (fen, score_type, score, pv) return d
def init_log(logname): global log_fp if log_fp==None and logname: log_fp = open(logname, "a")
def load_data(self): """Open the serialized parameters from a pre-trained network, and load them into the model created. """ vgg19_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'vgg19_conv.pkl.bz2') if not os.path.exists(vgg19_file): error("Model file with pre-trained convolution layers not found. Download here...", "https://github.com/alexjc/neural-doodle/releases/download/v0.0/vgg19_conv.pkl.bz2") data = pickle.load(bz2.open(vgg19_file, 'rb')) params = lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(self.network['main']) lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(self.network['main'], data[:len(params)])
def get_raw(filename): with open(filename) as infile: raw = infile.read() # the next line needs rewriting as soon as the zenodo-dump conforms to 'records'-format # [{k:v}, {k:v},...] rawfacts = pd.read_json('[%s]' % ','.join(raw.splitlines()), orient='records') return rawfacts ### functions for ingesting from CProject ### functions for preprocessing
def get_preprocessed_df(cacheddatapath=None, rawdatapath=None): try: with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "preprocessed_df.pklz"), "rb") as infile: df = pickle.load(infile) except: df = preprocess(rawdatapath) if rawdatapath is None: pass # needs an io error for missing rawdatapath with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "preprocessed_df.pklz"), "wb") as outfile: pickle.dump(df, outfile, protocol=4) return df
def get_wikidata_dict(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath): try: with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "wikidata_dict.pklz"), "rb") as infile: wikidataIDs = pickle.load(infile) except: wikidataIDs = make_wikidata_dict(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath) with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "wikidata_dict.pklz"), "wb") as outfile: pickle.dump(wikidataIDs, outfile, protocol=4) return wikidataIDs ## functions to extract features
def get_series(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath, column): try: with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, column+"_series.pklz"), "rb") as infile: series = pickle.load(infile) except: df = get_preprocessed_df(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath) series = make_series(df, column) with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, column+"_series.pklz"), "wb") as outfile: pickle.dump(series, outfile, protocol=4) return series
def get_coocc_features(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath): try: with bz2.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "coocc_features.pklz2"), "r") as infile: coocc_features = pickle.load(infile) except: df = get_preprocessed_df(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath) coocc_features = count_cooccurrences(df) with bz2.BZ2File(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "coocc_features.pklz2"), "w") as outfile: pickle.dump(coocc_features, outfile, protocol=4) return coocc_features
def get_timeseries_features(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath): try: with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "timeseries_features.pklz"), "rb") as infile: ts_features = pickle.load(infile) except: df = get_preprocessed_df(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath) ts_features = make_timeseries(df) with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "timeseries_features.pklz"), "wb") as outfile: pickle.dump(ts_features, outfile, protocol=4) return ts_features
def get_journal_features(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath): try: with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "journal_features.pklz"), "rb") as infile: journ_raw = pickle.load(infile) except: df = get_preprocessed_df(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath) journ_raw = make_journal_features(df) with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "journal_features.pklz"), "wb") as outfile: pickle.dump(journ_raw, outfile, protocol=4) return journ_raw
def get_distribution_features(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath): try: with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "dist_features.pklz"), "rb") as infile: dist_features = pickle.load(infile) except: df = get_preprocessed_df(cacheddatapath, rawdatapath) dist_features = make_distribution_features(df) with gzip.open(os.path.join(cacheddatapath, "dist_features.pklz"), "wb") as outfile: pickle.dump(dist_features, outfile, protocol=4) return dist_features
def load_perceptual(self): """Open the serialized parameters from a pre-trained network, and load them into the model created. """ vgg19_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'vgg19_conv.pkl.bz2') if not os.path.exists(vgg19_file): error("Model file with pre-trained convolution layers not found. Download here...", "https://github.com/alexjc/neural-doodle/releases/download/v0.0/vgg19_conv.pkl.bz2") data = pickle.load(bz2.open(vgg19_file, 'rb')) layers = lasagne.layers.get_all_layers(self.last_layer(), treat_as_input=[self.network['percept']]) for p, d in zip(itertools.chain(*[l.get_params() for l in layers]), data): p.set_value(d)
def save_generator(self): def cast(p): return p.get_value().astype(np.float16) params = {k: [cast(p) for p in l.get_params()] for (k, l) in self.list_generator_layers()} config = {k: getattr(args, k) for k in ['generator_blocks', 'generator_residual', 'generator_filters'] + \ ['generator_upscale', 'generator_downscale']} pickle.dump((config, params), bz2.open(self.get_filename(absolute=True), 'wb')) print(' - Saved model as `{}` after training.'.format(self.get_filename()))
def load_model(self): if not os.path.exists(self.get_filename(absolute=True)): if args.train: return {}, {} error("Model file with pre-trained convolution layers not found. Download it here...", "https://github.com/alexjc/neural-enhance/releases/download/v%s/%s"%(__version__, self.get_filename())) print(' - Loaded file `{}` with trained model.'.format(self.get_filename())) return pickle.load(bz2.open(self.get_filename(absolute=True), 'rb'))
def gen_opener(filenames): ''' Open a sequence of filenames one at a time producing a file object. The file is closed immediately when proceeding to the next iteration. ''' for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.gz'): f = gzip.open(filename, 'rt') elif filename.endswith('.bz2'): f = bz2.open(filename, 'rt') else: f = open(filename, 'rt') yield f f.close()
def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.accessor = self.open()
def decompress(self): with gzip.open(self.path, 'rb') as gfile: return gfile.read()
def decompress(self, outpath): with bz2.open(self.path, 'rb') as bfile: return bfile.read()
def _open_file(self, mode, encoding=None): """ Opens the next current file. :param str mode: The mode for opening the file. :param str encoding: The encoding of the file. """ if self._filename[-4:] == '.bz2': self._file = bz2.open(self._filename, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) else: self._file = open(self._filename, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_sample(self, mode, encoding): """ Get a sample from the next current input file. :param str mode: The mode for opening the file. :param str|None encoding: The encoding of the file. None for open the file in binary mode. """ self._open_file(mode, encoding) self._sample = self._file.read(UniversalCsvReader.sample_size) self._file.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def load_perceptual(self): vgg19_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'vgg19_conv.pkl.bz2') if not os.path.exists(vgg19_file): error("MOdel was not found", "Reformat model directory") data = pickle.load(bz2.open(vgg19_file, 'rb')) layers = lasagne.layers.get_all_layers(self.last_layer(), treat_as_input=[self.network['percept']]) for p, d in zip(itertools.chain(*[l.get_params() for l in layers]), data): p.set_value(d)
def save_generator(self): def cast(p): return p.get_value().astype(np.float16) params = {k: [cast(p) for p in l.get_params()] for (k, l) in self.list_generator_layers()} config = {k: getattr(args, k) for k in ['generator_blocks', 'generator_residual', 'generator_filters'] + \ ['generator_upscale', 'generator_downscale']} pickle.dump((config, params), bz2.open(self.get_filename(), 'wb')) print(' - Saved model as `{}` after training.'.format(self.get_filename()))
def load_model(self): if not os.path.exists(self.get_filename()): if args.train: return {}, {} error("Model Xfile with pre-trained convolution layers not found. Download it here...") print(' - Loaded file `{}`.'.format(self.get_filename())) return pickle.load(bz2.open(self.get_filename(), 'rb'))
def open_f(filename): if filename.endswith('.bz2'): return bz2.open(filename, 'r') else: # assume it's normal tzt return open(filename, 'r') # prints to stdout for piping into kenlm
def __enter__(self): if self.compression == 'gzip': self.f = gzip.open(self.filename, 'rt' if self.read else 'wt') elif self.compression == 'bzip2': self.f = bz2.open(self.filename, 'rt' if self.read else 'wt') else: self.f = open(self.filename, 'r' if self.read else 'w') return self.f
def load_pickle(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
def save_pickle(filename, obj): with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f)
def save_json(filename, obj): with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(obj, f)
def load(self, metadata_filename): global logger self.__ext = [] try: with bz2.open(metadata_filename, "r") as f: logger.debug("Retrieving metadata state from `%s`" % metadata_filename) for e in json.load(f): self.__ext.append(Extension(e)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("No metadata state stored in `%s`" % metadata_filename)
def save(self): global logger logger.debug("Writing metadata state to `%s`" % self.__filename) with bz2.open(self.__filename, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.__ext).encode("utf-8"))
def detect_archive_format_and_open(path): if path.endswith(".bz2"): return bz2.open(path) if path.endswith(".gz"): return gzip.open(path, mode='rt') return open(path)
def save_json(data, path): # if not os.path.isdir(path): # os.makedirs(path) s = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=True) f = open(path, 'w') f.write(s) f.close()
def load_json(path): f = open(path) s_data = f.read() data = json.loads(s_data) f.close() return data
def _wrap_compressed(f, compression, encoding=None): """wraps compressed fileobject in a decompressing fileobject NOTE: For all files in Python 3.2 and for bzip'd files under all Python versions, this means reading in the entire file and then re-wrapping it in StringIO. """ compression = compression.lower() encoding = encoding or get_option('display.encoding') if compression == 'gzip': import gzip f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) if compat.PY3: from io import TextIOWrapper f = TextIOWrapper(f) return f elif compression == 'bz2': import bz2 if compat.PY3: f = bz2.open(f, 'rt', encoding=encoding) else: # Python 2's bz2 module can't take file objects, so have to # run through decompress manually data = bz2.decompress(f.read()) f = StringIO(data) return f else: raise ValueError('do not recognize compression method %s' % compression)
def __next__(self): if self.buffer is not None: try: line = next(self.buffer) except StopIteration: self.buffer = None line = next(self.f) else: line = next(self.f) # Note: 'colspecs' is a sequence of half-open intervals. return [line[fromm:to].strip(self.delimiter) for (fromm, to) in self.colspecs]
def load_cached_storage(cache_file, default_size=1000): if cache_file is not None and os.path.exists(cache_file): print("Loading cache: {0}".format(cache_file)) with bz2.open(cache_file, "rb") as file: try: cache = pickle.load(file) return cache except pickle.PickleError and EOFError: return None return ThingCache(cache_size=default_size, file=cache_file)