Python calendar 模块,month_abbr() 实例源码


项目:pyutil    作者:lobnek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def monthlytable(nav):
    Get a table of monthly returns

    :param nav:

    r = nav.pct_change().dropna()
    # Works better in the first month
    # Compute all the intramonth-returns, instead of reapplying some monthly resampling of the NAV
    return_monthly = r.groupby([lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month]).apply(lambda x: (1 + x).prod() - 1.0)
    frame = return_monthly.unstack(level=1).rename(columns=lambda x: calendar.month_abbr[x])
    a = (frame + 1.0).prod(axis=1) - 1.0
    frame["STDev"] = np.sqrt(12) * frame.std(axis=1)
    # make sure that you don't include the column for the STDev in your computation
    frame["YTD"] = a = "year"
    # most recent years on top
    return frame.iloc[::-1]
项目:Githeat    作者:AmmsA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_months(start_date, months, include_year=False):
    Returns a list of months abbreviations starting from start_date
    :param include_year:
    :param start_date:
    :param months: number of previous months to return
    :return: list of months abbr if not include_year, else list of list [year, month]
    result = []
    for i in range(months):
        start_date -= datetime.timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(start_date.year,
        if include_year:
            result.append([start_date.year, calendar.month_abbr[start_date.month]])
    return result
项目:Githeat    作者:AmmsA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_months_with_last_same_as_first(start_date, months, include_year=False):
    Returns a list of months abbreviations starting from start_date, and last month
    is the same is first month (i.e. extra month)
    :param include_year:
    :param start_date:
    :param months: number of previous months to return
    :return: list of months abbr if not include_year, else list of tuple [year, month]
    if include_year:
        months = get_months(, 12, include_year=True)
        #  update last month to have current year
        months = [[start_date.year, calendar.month_abbr[start_date.month]]] + months
        months = get_months(, 12)
        #  append current month to front of list
        months = [months[-1]] + months

    return months
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:mongoaudit    作者:Exploit-install    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_date():
    import time
    import calendar
    local = time.localtime(time.time())
    nth = ["st", "nd", "rd", None][min(3, local.tm_mday % 10 - 1)] or 'th'
    return "%s %d%s %d @ %02d:%02d" % (
        calendar.month_abbr[local.tm_mon], local.tm_mday,
        nth, local.tm_year, local.tm_hour, local.tm_min)
项目:dprr-django    作者:kingsdigitallab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_month_number(self, month):
        names = dict((v, k) for k, v in enumerate(calendar.month_name))
        abbrs = dict((v, k) for k, v in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr))

        month_str = month.title()

            return names[month_str]
        except KeyError:
                return abbrs[month_str]
            except KeyError:
                return 0
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:MKFQ    作者:maojingios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:aws-ops-automator    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_name(self):
        # abbreviations
        for i, name in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr[1:]):
            self.assertEquals(MonthSetBuilder().build(name), {i + 1})
            self.assertEquals(MonthSetBuilder().build(name.lower()), {i + 1})
            self.assertEquals(MonthSetBuilder().build(name.upper()), {i + 1})

        # full names
        for i, name in enumerate(calendar.month_name[1:]):
            self.assertEquals(MonthSetBuilder().build(name), {i + 1})
            self.assertEquals(MonthSetBuilder().build(name.lower()), {i + 1})
            self.assertEquals(MonthSetBuilder().build(name.upper()), {i + 1})
项目:aws-ops-automator    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, wrap=True, ignorecase=True):
        Initializes set builder for month sets
        :param wrap: Set to True to allow wrapping at last month of the year
        :param ignorecase: Set to True to ignore case when mapping month names
项目:python-cookbook-3rd    作者:tuanavu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def change_date(m):
    mon_name = month_abbr[int(]
    return '{} {} {}'.format(, mon_name,
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:mongoaudit    作者:stampery    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_date():
    import time
    import calendar
    local = time.localtime(time.time())
    nth = ["st", "nd", "rd", None][min(3, local.tm_mday % 10 - 1)] or 'th'
    return "%s %d%s %d @ %02d:%02d" % (
        calendar.month_abbr[local.tm_mon], local.tm_mday,
        nth, local.tm_year, local.tm_hour, local.tm_min)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:Wind-Turbine-Design    作者:doublerob7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_file(self, filename):
        """Reads a datafile and returns a dict index
        of the starting lines for each year and lists of starting lines for each
         month over each year.

        import calendar

        _reads = 0
        _return_dict = {}

        with open(filename, 'r') as _data_file:

            _last_year = ''
            _last_month = ''

            for _data_line in _data_file:

                _reads += 1

                    _year = str(_data_line[13:17])
                    _month = calendar.month_abbr[int(_data_line[17:19])]

                    if _year != _last_year:
                        _return_dict[_year] = _reads - 1
                        _last_year = _year

                    if _month != _last_month:
                            _return_dict[_month].append(_reads - 1)
                        except KeyError:
                            _return_dict[_month] = [_reads - 1]
                        _last_month = _month

                except ValueError:

        return _return_dict
项目:Wind-Turbine-Design    作者:doublerob7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_file(filename):
    """Reads a datafile and returns a dict index
    of the starting lines for each year and lists of starting lines for each
     month over each year.

    import calendar

    _reads = 0
    _return_dict = {}

    with open(filename, 'r') as _data_file:

        _last_year = ''
        _last_month = ''

        for _data_line in _data_file:

            _reads += 1

                _year = str(_data_line[13:17])
                _month = calendar.month_abbr[int(_data_line[17:19])]

                if _year != _last_year:
                    _return_dict[_year] = _reads - 1
                    _last_year = _year

                if _month != _last_month:
                        _return_dict[_month].append(_reads - 1)
                    except KeyError:
                        _return_dict[_month] = [_reads - 1]
                    _last_month = _month

            except ValueError:

    return _return_dict
项目:xxNet    作者:drzorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:pmatic    作者:LarsMichelsen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:Docker-XX-Net    作者:kuanghy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calc_month(self):
        # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
        a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
        self.a_month = a_month
        self.f_month = f_month
项目:ProgrammingLanguage    作者:DwyaneTalk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def change_data(m):
        from calendar import month_abbr
        mon_name = month_abbr[int(]
        return '{} {} {}'.format(, mon_name,
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if support.verbose:
            print("strftime test for", time.ctime(now))
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(int(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if support.verbose:
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2]))
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                    print("  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result))
项目    作者:Networks-Learning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def monthly_labels(t1, t2, every=6):
    """Returns labels for the months between two dates.

    The first label corresponds to the starting month, while the last label
    corresponds to the month after the ending month. This is done for better
    bracketing of the plot. By default, only the label every 6 months is

    t1 : datetime object
        Starting date

    t2 : datetime object
        End date

    every : int, default is 6

    # Start from first day of month, for bracketing
    labels = []
    if t2.year > t1.year:
        # append months until the end of the year
        for month in range(t1.month, 13):
        for year in range(t1.year + 1, t2.year):
            for month in range(1, 13):
        for month in range(1, (t2.month % 12) + 1):
        for month in range(t1.month, (t2.month % 12) + 1):

    # append next month for bracketing
    labels.append(calendar.month_abbr[(t2.month % 12) + 1][:3])

    labels = [labels[i]
              if i % every == 0
              else ''
              for i in range(len(labels))]
    return labels
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if test_support.verbose:
            print "strftime test for", time.ctime(now)
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(long(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print msg

            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2])
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                    print "  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if test_support.verbose:
            print "strftime test for", time.ctime(now)
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(long(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print msg

            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2])
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                    print "  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if support.verbose:
            print("strftime test for", time.ctime(now))
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(int(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if support.verbose:
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2]))
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                    print("  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result))
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if test_support.verbose:
            print "strftime test for", time.ctime(now)
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(long(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print msg

            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2])
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                    print "  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if support.verbose:
            print("strftime test for", time.ctime(now))
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(int(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if support.verbose:
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2]))
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                    print("  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result))
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if test_support.verbose:
            print "strftime test for", time.ctime(now)
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(long(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError, result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print msg

            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2])
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                if test_support.verbose:
                    print "Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2])
                    print "  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest1(self, now):
        if support.verbose:
            print("strftime test for", time.ctime(now))
        now =
        # Make sure any characters that could be taken as regex syntax is
        # escaped in escapestr()
        expectations = (
            ('%a', calendar.day_abbr[now[6]], 'abbreviated weekday name'),
            ('%A', calendar.day_name[now[6]], 'full weekday name'),
            ('%b', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%B', calendar.month_name[now[1]], 'full month name'),
            # %c see below
            ('%d', '%02d' % now[2], 'day of month as number (00-31)'),
            ('%H', '%02d' % now[3], 'hour (00-23)'),
            ('%I', '%02d' % self.clock12, 'hour (01-12)'),
            ('%j', '%03d' % now[7], 'julian day (001-366)'),
            ('%m', '%02d' % now[1], 'month as number (01-12)'),
            ('%M', '%02d' % now[4], 'minute, (00-59)'),
            ('%p', self.ampm, 'AM or PM as appropriate'),
            ('%S', '%02d' % now[5], 'seconds of current time (00-60)'),
            ('%U', '%02d' % ((now[7] + self.jan1[6])//7),
             'week number of the year (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%w', '0?%d' % ((1+now[6]) % 7), 'weekday as a number (Sun 1st)'),
            ('%W', '%02d' % ((now[7] + (self.jan1[6] - 1)%7)//7),
            'week number of the year (Mon 1st)'),
            # %x see below
            ('%X', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%y', '%02d' % (now[0]%100), 'year without century'),
            ('%Y', '%d' % now[0], 'year with century'),
            # %Z see below
            ('%%', '%', 'single percent sign'),

        for e in expectations:
            # musn't raise a value error
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as error:
      "strftime '%s' format gave error: %s" % (e[0], error))
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
            if not result or result[0] == '%':
      "strftime does not support standard '%s' format (%s)"
                          % (e[0], e[2]))
      "Conflict for %s (%s): expected %s, but got %s"
                          % (e[0], e[2], e[1], result))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strftest2(self, now):
        nowsecs = str(int(now))[:-1]
        now =

        nonstandard_expectations = (
        # These are standard but don't have predictable output
            ('%c', fixasctime(time.asctime(now)), 'near-asctime() format'),
            ('%x', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)),
            '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'),
            ('%Z', '%s' %, 'time zone name'),

            # These are some platform specific extensions
            ('%D', '%02d/%02d/%02d' % (now[1], now[2], (now[0]%100)), 'mm/dd/yy'),
            ('%e', '%2d' % now[2], 'day of month as number, blank padded ( 0-31)'),
            ('%h', calendar.month_abbr[now[1]], 'abbreviated month name'),
            ('%k', '%2d' % now[3], 'hour, blank padded ( 0-23)'),
            ('%n', '\n', 'newline character'),
            ('%r', '%02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (self.clock12, now[4], now[5], self.ampm),
            '%I:%M:%S %p'),
            ('%R', '%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4]), '%H:%M'),
            ('%s', nowsecs, 'seconds since the Epoch in UCT'),
            ('%t', '\t', 'tab character'),
            ('%T', '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now[3], now[4], now[5]), '%H:%M:%S'),
            ('%3y', '%03d' % (now[0]%100),
            'year without century rendered using fieldwidth'),

        for e in nonstandard_expectations:
                result = time.strftime(e[0], now)
            except ValueError as result:
                msg = "Error for nonstandard '%s' format (%s): %s" % \
                      (e[0], e[2], str(result))
                if support.verbose:
            if re.match(escapestr(e[1], self.ampm), result):
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Supports nonstandard '%s' format (%s)" % (e[0], e[2]))
            elif not result or result[0] == '%':
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Does not appear to support '%s' format (%s)" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                if support.verbose:
                    print("Conflict for nonstandard '%s' format (%s):" % \
                           (e[0], e[2]))
                    print("  Expected %s, but got %s" % (e[1], result))