def render(self, request, doneCallback=None): if not getattr(request, 'currentId', 0): request.currentId = 0 request.currentPage = self if self.controller is None: self.controller = controller.Controller(self.model) if doneCallback is not None: self.doneCallback = doneCallback else: self.doneCallback = doSendPage self.setupAllStacks() template = self.getTemplate(request) if template: self.d = microdom.parseString(template, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=0) else: if not self.templateFile: raise AttributeError, "%s does not define self.templateFile to operate on" % self.__class__ self.d = self.lookupTemplate(request) request.d = self.d self.handleDocument(request, self.d) return NOT_DONE_YET
def prepare_spi(self, spi): if spi: new_spi = Controller.Mock() def transfer(pin_ss, address, value = 0x00): response = bytearray(1) pin_ss.low() response.append(spi.xfer2([address, value])[1]) pin_ss.high() return response new_spi.transfer = transfer new_spi.close = spi.close return new_spi
def prepare_spi(self, spi): if spi: new_spi = Controller.Mock() def transfer(pin_ss, address, value = 0x00): response = bytearray(1) pin_ss.low() spi.write(bytes([address])) spi.write_readinto(bytes([value]), response) pin_ss.high() return response new_spi.transfer = transfer new_spi.close = spi.deinit return new_spi
def load_controllers(): controllers=[] path=os.path.split(__file__)[0] for fname in os.listdir(path): mod,ext=os.path.splitext(fname) fname=os.path.join(path,fname) if os.path.isfile(fname) and ext=='.py' and not mod.startswith('_'): try: exec "import "+ mod + " as controller" except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) for c in dir(controller): cls=getattr(controller, c); if not c.startswith('_') and isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, Controller) and Controller != cls: controllers.append(cls) return controllers
def begin_get_report(self): """Begin getting data for the weather report to display it on the main_canvas. The call goes to the Controller first. Then to the Model. Returns: None """ # Do nothing if no location is entered or an active sub thread # is running. if (self.v_link["var_loc"].get() == "") \ or (threading.active_count() > 1): return # Clear any error status message. self.v_link["error_message"] = "" self.v_link["var_status"].set("Gathering data, please wait...") # Request a report using a Mediating Controller in a new thread. report_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.controller.get_report) report_thread.start()
def load_controllers(): controllers = [] path = os.path.split(__file__)[0] for fname in os.listdir(path): mod, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) fname = os.path.join(path, fname) if os.path.isfile(fname) and ext == '.py' and not mod.startswith('_'): try: exec "import " + mod + " as controller" except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) for c in dir(controller): cls = getattr(controller, c) if not c.startswith('_') and isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, Controller) and Controller != cls: controllers.append(cls) return controllers
def __init__(self, fn): self.cfg = json.load(open("target.json")) pprint.pprint(self.cfg) self.tasks = { "active":{}, "finished":{} } self.devices = {} # launch proceses and go into event loop controller.Controller.__init__(self, self.cfg, dh_worker.Worker, self.cfg["devices"])
def prepare_pin(self, pin_id, in_out = GPIO.OUT): if pin_id is not None: GPIO.setup(pin_id, in_out) new_pin = Controller.Mock() new_pin.pin_id = pin_id if in_out == GPIO.OUT: new_pin.low = lambda : GPIO.output(pin_id, GPIO.LOW) new_pin.high = lambda : GPIO.output(pin_id, GPIO.HIGH) else: new_pin.value = lambda : GPIO.input(pin_id) return new_pin
def prepare_pin(self, pin_id, in_out = Pin.OUT): if pin_id is not None: pin = Pin(pin_id, in_out) new_pin = Controller.Mock() new_pin.pin_id = pin_id new_pin.value = pin.value if in_out == Pin.OUT: new_pin.low = lambda : pin.value(0) new_pin.high = lambda : pin.value(1) else: new_pin.irq = pin.irq return new_pin
def call_controller(self): """Create the controller instance """ self.controller = controller.Controller(self)
def __init__(self, master, controller, tip, cnf, **args): """Initialise MyButton. Args: master (tk.widget): Master widget to which MyButton (slave) instance will belong. The master widget is part of the WeatherApp object. controller (Controller): controller object which will store all the data required by each segment of the application. tip (str): Tooltip text to display in the status_bar_label. cnf (dict): Dictionary with the configuration for MyButton. **args: Keyword arguments to further initialise the button. :Attributes: :system (str): Platform on which application is run. :cur_bg (str): Current background color of the button. :tip (str): Text to display in the status_bar_label of the app. :controller (Controller): controller object which will store all the data required by each segment of the application. This has to be the same Controller as for the WeatherApp. :v_link (dict): Link to access variables in controller. """ super().__init__(master, cnf, **args) self.system = platform.system() self.cur_bg = self["bg"] self.controller = controller self.v_link = self.controller.app_data self.tip = tip # Action on entering the button with mouse. self.bind("<Enter>", lambda e: self.enter_button()) # Action on leaving the button with mouse. self.bind("<Leave>", lambda e: self.leave_button())
def app(): """Create WeatherApp and Controller objects.""" _app = WeatherApp() controller = Controller() _app.controller = controller return _app
def __init__(self, master = None): self.controller = controller.Controller() self.current_dir = path.expanduser(self.current_dir) if master is None: master = tk.Tk() master.geometry("400x400") tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) self.master.bind("<Button-1>", self.closeContextMenu) self.createWidgets() self.master.title(self.current_dir + " - Pylemanager") self.master.mainloop()
def run(self): self._logger.debug("main image analysis on images: " + str(self.images) + ": begin") # analyze image and all of its family members success = True toanalyze = OrderedDict() # calculate all images to be analyzed for imageId in self.images: coreimage = self.allimages[imageId] toanalyze.update(self.selection_strategy.evaluate_familytree(coreimage.anchore_familytree, self.allimages)) # execute analyzers self._logger.debug("images to be analyzed: " + str(toanalyze.keys())) for imageId in toanalyze.keys(): image = toanalyze[imageId] success = self.run_analyzers(image) if not success: self._logger.error("analyzer failed to run on image " + str(image.meta['imagename']) + ", skipping the rest") break if not success: self._logger.error("analyzers failed to run on one or more images.") return (False) #if not self.skipgates: # # execute gates # self._logger.debug("running gates post-analysis: begin") # for imageId in toanalyze.keys(): # c = controller.Controller(anchore_config=self.config, imagelist=[imageId], allimages=self.allimages).run_gates(refresh=True) # self._logger.debug("running gates post-analysis: end") self._logger.debug("main image analysis on images: " + str(self.images) + ": end") return (success)
def main(limb_name, reset): """ Parameters ---------- limb : str Which limb to use. Choices are {'left', 'right'} reset : bool Whether to use previously saved picking and placing poses or to save new ones by using 0g mode and the OK cuff buttons. """ # Initialise ros node rospy.init_node("pick_and_place", anonymous=False) #pick_pose = [] #place_pose = [] #for ii in range(3): if reset or not rospy.has_param('~pick_and_place_poses'): rospy.loginfo( 'Saving picking pose for %s limb' % limb_name) pick_pose = limb_pose(limb_name) rospy.sleep(1) place_pose = limb_pose(limb_name) rospy.set_param('~pick_and_place_poses', {'pick': pick_pose.tolist(), 'place': place_pose.tolist()}) #rospy.loginfo('pick_pose is %s' % pick_pose) #rospy.loginfo('place_pose is %s' % place_pose) else: pick_pose = rospy.get_param('~pick_and_place_poses/pick') place_pose = rospy.get_param('~pick_and_place_poses/place') b = Baxter(limb_name) c1 = Controller() f = FilterValues() f.start_recording() #for ii in range(3): b.pick(pick_pose, controller=c1) b.place(place_pose) c1.save_centeringerr() f.stop_recording() f.convertandsave() #convert to numpy and save the recoreded data f.filter() f.plot()
def main(limb_name, reset): """ Parameters ---------- limb : str Which limb to use. Choices are {'left', 'right'} reset : bool Whether to use previously saved picking and placing poses or to save new ones by using 0g mode and the OK cuff buttons. """ # Initialise ros node rospy.init_node("pick_and_place", anonymous=False) # Either load picking and placing poses from the parameter server # or save them using the 0g mode and the circular buttons on # baxter's cuffs if reset or not rospy.has_param('~pick_and_place_poses'): rospy.loginfo( 'Saving picking pose for %s limb' % limb_name) pick_pose = limb_pose(limb_name) rospy.sleep(1) place_pose = limb_pose(limb_name) # Parameter server can't store numpy arrays, so make sure # they're lists of Python floats (specifically not # numpy.float64's). I feel that's a bug in rospy.set_param. rospy.set_param('~pick_and_place_poses', {'pick': pick_pose.tolist(), 'place': place_pose.tolist()}) #rospy.loginfo('pick_pose is %s' % pick_pose) #rospy.loginfo('place_pose is %s' % place_pose) else: pick_pose = rospy.get_param('~pick_and_place_poses/pick') place_pose = rospy.get_param('~pick_and_place_poses/place') b = Baxter(limb_name) c = Controller() c1 = Controller_1() c2 = Controller_2() #f = FilterValues() #f.start_recording() for i in range(20): print ('this iss the intial pick pose') pick_pose[1]= 0.25286245 #change this for every new exp print (pick_pose) #pick_pose[1] = 0.30986200091872873 pick_pose[1] += random.uniform(-1,1)*0.00 ##introduce error in endposition (y axis) print ('ERROR introduced the intial pick pose') print (pick_pose) b.pick(pick_pose, controller=c, controller_1=None, controller_2 = c2) b.place(place_pose) #f.stop_recording() #f.filter() #f.plot() rospy.spin()
def __init__(self): """Initializes WeatherApp class. :Attributes: :system (str): Platform on which application is run. :controller (Controller): Controller class object used for passing data between the View (weather_gui) and the Model (weather_backend). :v_link (dict): Link to access variables in controller. :paper (str): color definition in hex number. :title (str): Main window title displayed when using application. :displays (dict) dictionary storing all displays. """ super().__init__() self.system = platform.system() # Add Controller to the WeatherApp class instance. controller = Controller() self.controller = controller self.v_link = self.controller.app_data # Add main application instance as a View to the Controller. self.controller.add_view(self) # Create a Report object for backend operations. report = Report(self.controller) # Add it as a Model to the Controller class object. self.controller.add_model(report) # Configure main window. self.paper = "#D5D5D5" self.title("The Weather App") self.config(bg=self.paper, bd=2, relief="flat") # Prevent resizing. self.resizable(width=tk.FALSE, height=tk.FALSE) # Create set of displays. self.displays = {} """:type : dict[str, DisplayShort]""" keys = ["title", "metric", "imperial"] for key in keys: self.displays[key] = DisplayShort(self, controller) self.displays[key].grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) self.update_buttons() self.update_geometry() # Application icon. Linux does not display it at all. if self.system == "Windows": self.iconbitmap("Data/Icons/app_icon/app_icon48x48.ico") # img_icon = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="app_icon48x48.ico") # self.tk.call("wm", "iconphoto", self._w, img_icon) self.show_display("title") self.displays["title"].loc_combobox.focus()