def colors_init(): """ Initializes all color pairs possible into the dictionary CURSES_COLORPAIRS. Thus, getting an attribute for a black foreground and a green background would look like: >>> curses_color.colors_init() >>> green_black_attr = curses_color.CURSES_COLORPAIRS['black-green'] >>> stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "test", curses.color_pair(green_black_attr)) """ if len(CURSES_COLORPAIRS): return assert curses.has_colors( ), "Curses wasn't configured to support colors. Call curses.start_color()" start_number = 120 for fg in BASE_CURSES_COLORS.keys(): for bg in BASE_CURSES_COLORS.keys(): pair_num = len(CURSES_COLORPAIRS) + start_number curses.init_pair(pair_num, BASE_CURSES_COLORS[fg], BASE_CURSES_COLORS[bg]) pair_name = "{}-{}".format(fg, bg) CURSES_COLORPAIRS[pair_name] = pair_num
def _test(stdscr): import time colors_init() label_width = max([len(k) for k in CURSES_COLORPAIRS.keys()]) cols = 4 for idx, k in enumerate(CURSES_COLORPAIRS.keys()): label = "{{:<{}}}".format(label_width).format(k) x = (idx % cols) * (label_width + 1) y = idx // cols pair = curses.color_pair(CURSES_COLORPAIRS[k]) stdscr.addstr(y, x, label, pair) time.sleep(0.1) stdscr.refresh() stdscr.getch()
def __display_body_line(self, lineNum, station): col = curses.color_pair(5) # if the cursor is on the highligted chat/group is_current = self.selection == self.showing if lineNum + self.startPos == self.selection and is_current: col = curses.color_pair(9) self.body_win.hline(lineNum + 1, 1, ' ', self.bodyMaxX - 2, col) elif lineNum + self.startPos == self.selection: col = curses.color_pair(6) self.body_win.hline(lineNum + 1, 1, ' ', self.bodyMaxX - 2, col) elif lineNum + self.startPos == self.showing: col = curses.color_pair(4) self.body_win.hline(lineNum + 1, 1, ' ', self.bodyMaxX - 2, col) line = "{0}. {1}".format(lineNum + self.startPos + 1, station) self.body_win.addstr(lineNum + 1, 1, line, col)
def init_layout(self): """Initialize the each windows with their size and shape""" self.height, self.width = self.window.getmaxyx() # Title section self.window.addstr(0, 0, '[awesome-{}] Find awesome things!'.format(self.awesome_title), curses.color_pair(1)) self.window.hline(1, 0, curses.ACS_HLINE, self.width) # Search result section self.result_window = curses.newwin(self.height - 4, self.width, 2, 0) self.result_window.keypad(True) # Search bar section self.window.hline(self.height - 2, 0, curses.ACS_HLINE, self.width) self.window.addch(self.height - 1, 0, '>') self.search_window = curses.newwin(1, self.width - 1, self.height - 1, 2) self.search_window.keypad(True) self.window.refresh()
def display(self): """Display the found awesome content on result window""" self.result_window.erase() for idx, val in enumerate(self.matched_blocks[self.top:self.top + self.max_lines]): if val['type'] == 'category': if idx == self.current: self.result_window.addstr(idx, 0, shorten(val['line'], self.width, placeholder='...'), curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.result_window.addstr(idx, 0, shorten(val['line'], self.width, placeholder='...'), curses.color_pair(1)) elif val['type'] == 'awesome': if idx == self.current: self.result_window.addstr(idx, 2, shorten(val['line'], self.width - 3, placeholder='...'), curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.result_window.addstr(idx, 2, shorten(val['line'], self.width - 3, placeholder='...')) self.result_window.refresh()
def initcolors(): """ initialize color pallet """ curses.start_color() if not curses.has_colors(): raise RuntimeError("Sorry. Terminal does not support colors") # setup colors on black background for i in range(1,9): curses.init_pair(i,i,BLACK) CPS[i] = curses.color_pair(i) # have to individually set up special cases curses.init_pair(BUTTON,WHITE,GRAY) # white on gray for buttons CPS[BUTTON] = curses.color_pair(BUTTON) curses.init_pair(HLITE,BLACK,GREEN) # black on Green for highlight aps,stas CPS[HLITE] = curses.color_pair(HLITE) curses.init_pair(ERR,WHITE,RED) # white on red CPS[ERR] = curses.color_pair(ERR) curses.init_pair(WARN,BLACK,YELLOW) # white on yellow CPS[WARN] = curses.color_pair(WARN) curses.init_pair(NOTE,WHITE,GREEN) # white on red CPS[NOTE] = curses.color_pair(NOTE)
def get_option_lines(self): lines = [] for index, option in enumerate (self.options): if index == self.index: prefix = self.indicator else: prefix = len (self.indicator) * ' ' if self.multi_select and index in self.all_selected: format = curses.color_pair (1) line = ('{0} {1}'.format (prefix, option), format) else: line = '{0} {1}'.format (prefix, option) lines.append (line) return lines
def main(stdscr): curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() for i in range(0, curses.COLORS): curses.init_pair(i + 1, i, -1) try: for i in range(0, 255): stdscr.addstr(str(i), curses.color_pair(i)) stdscr.addstr(" ") except curses.ERR: # End of screen reached pass stdscr.getch()
def tick(self, scr, steps): height, width = scr.getmaxyx() if self.advances(steps): # if window was resized and char is out of bounds, reset self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height) # make previous char curses.A_NORMAL if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_NORMAL)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_NORMAL) # choose new char and draw it A_REVERSE if not out of bounds self.char = random.choice(FallingChar.matrixchr).encode(encoding) self.y += 1 if not self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height): if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_HIGHLIGHT)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_REVERSE)
def draw_frame(self, scr, x1, y1, x2, y2, attrs, clear_char=None): if USE_COLORS: if attrs == curses.A_REVERSE: attrs = curses.color_pair(COLOR_WINDOW) h, w = scr.getmaxyx() for y in (y1, y2): for x in range(x1, x2+1): if x < 0 or x > w-1 or y < 0 or y > h-2: continue if clear_char is None: scr.chgat(y, x, 1, attrs) else: scr.addstr(y, x, clear_char, attrs) for x in (x1, x2): for y in range(y1, y2+1): if x < 0 or x > w-1 or y < 0 or y > h-2: continue if clear_char is None: scr.chgat(y, x, 1, attrs) else: scr.addstr(y, x, clear_char, attrs) # we don't need a good PRNG, just something that looks a bit random.
def _add_line(y, x, window, line): # split but \033 which stands for a color change color_split = line.split('\033') # Print the first part of the line without color change default_color_pair = _get_color(curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) window.addstr(y, x, color_split[0], curses.color_pair(default_color_pair)) x += len(color_split[0]) # Iterate over the rest of the line-parts and print them with their colors for substring in color_split[1:]: color_str = substring.split('m')[0] substring = substring[len(color_str)+1:] color_pair = _color_str_to_color_pair(color_str) window.addstr(y, x, substring, curses.color_pair(color_pair)) x += len(substring)
def status(self): """ Draw `Status` frame and `Hosts File` frame in the TUI window. """ screen = self._stdscr.subwin(11, 25, 10, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(4)) # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL green = curses.color_pair(7) red = curses.color_pair(9) # Status info for i, stat in enumerate(self.statusinfo): screen.addstr(2 + i, 2, stat[0], normal) stat_str = ''.join(['[', stat[1], ']']).ljust(9) screen.addstr(2 + i, 15, stat_str, green if stat[2] == "GREEN" else red) # Hosts file info i = 0 for key, info in self.hostsinfo.items(): screen.addstr(7 + i, 2, key, normal) screen.addstr(7 + i, 15, info, normal) i += 1 screen.refresh()
def __init__(self): self._colors = { 'white': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['white']), 'black': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['white']) | curses.A_REVERSE, 'red': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['red']), 'blue': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['blue']), 'green': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['green']), 'green_reverse': (curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['green']) | curses.A_REVERSE), 'cyan': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['cyan']), 'cyan_reverse': (curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['cyan']) | curses.A_REVERSE), 'yellow': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['yellow']), 'yellow_reverse': (curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['yellow']) | curses.A_REVERSE), 'magenta': curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['magenta']), 'magenta_reverse': (curses.color_pair(self.PAIRS['magenta']) | curses.A_REVERSE), } curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() for definition, (color, background) in self.DEFINITION.items(): curses.init_pair(definition, color, background)
def _draw_footer(self, footer_window): """ Given a footer window and a list of items, draw the items in the footer and highlight the selected item. Parameters: footer_window (WindowObject): the window the footer will be drawn in """ for item in self.footer_items: if self.footer_items.index(item) == self.current_column: # Highlight the item that is currently selected footer_window.addstr(1, self.footer_items.index(item) * 10 + 1, item, curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) else: footer_window.addstr(1, self.footer_items.index(item) * 10 + 1, item)
def __getitem__(self, pair): fg, bg = pair assert isinstance(fg, int) and -1 <= fg < 256 assert isinstance(bg, int) and -1 <= bg < 256 if pair in self.pair_numbers: # If pair is stored, retrieve it. return curses.color_pair(self.pair_numbers[pair]) elif self.counter < MAX_PAIRS: # If we still haven't filled our queue, add the new pair. curses.init_pair(self.counter, fg, bg) self.pair_numbers[pair] = self.counter self.counter += 1 return curses.color_pair(self.counter - 1) else: # If the queue is full, pop the oldest one out # and use its pair number to create the new one. _, oldest = self.pair_numbers.popitem(last=False) curses.init_pair(oldest, fg, bg) self.pair_numbers[pair] = oldest return curses.color_pair(oldest)
def display(self, title, content): curses.curs_set(0) self.infowin.clear() y, x = self.infowin.getmaxyx() self.infowin.bkgd(" ", curses.color_pair(6)) self.infowin.box() self.infowin.addstr(0, 0, title + " - 'q' to close", curses.A_UNDERLINE | curses.A_BOLD) for count, line in enumerate(content.split('\n'), start=1): try: self.infowin.addstr(count, 1, line) except: pass self.infopanel.show() curses.panel.update_panels() curses.doupdate() while self.infowin.getch() != ord('q'): pass curses.curs_set(1)
def get_curses_colour_enum_closest_to_cpair(cpair): if cpair in MAP_CONST_COLOURS_TO_CPAIR: return curses.color_pair(MAP_CONST_COLOURS_TO_CPAIR[cpair])|curses.A_BOLD else: choice_cpair = None for (avail_cpair, curses_pair_id) in MAP_CONST_COLOURS_TO_CPAIR.items(): if choice_cpair == None: choice_cpair = avail_cpair continue # Locate the closest to the desired cpair that is not larger than # it if avail_cpair > cpair: continue elif avail_cpair > choice_cpair: choice_cpair = avail_cpair return avail_cpair|curses.A_BOLD
def getinstr(self,prompt): self.scr.nodelay(0) self.scr.addstr(self.y+2,self.x+1,' '*(self.w-2),curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) self.scr.addstr(self.y+2,self.x+1,prompt,curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) self.scr.refresh() curses.curs_set(1) curses.echo() self.scr.attron(curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) retval = self.scr.getstr(self.y+2,self.x+len(prompt)+1,8) self.scr.addstr(self.y+2,self.x+len(prompt)+1,str(retval),curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) self.scr.attroff(curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) self.scr.refresh() curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) self.scr.nodelay(1) return retval
def tick(self, scr, steps, padding_rows, padding_cols, output_rows, output_cols): height, width = scr.getmaxyx() in_picture_frame = self.y >= padding_rows and self.y <= padding_rows + output_rows and self.x >= padding_cols and self.x <= padding_cols + output_cols if self.advances(steps): # if window was resized and char is out of bounds, reset self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height) # make previous char curses.A_NORMAL if not in_picture_frame: if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_NORMAL)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_NORMAL) # choose new char and draw it A_REVERSE if not out of bounds self.char = random.choice(FallingChar.matrixchr).encode(encoding) self.y += 1 in_picture_frame = self.y >= padding_rows and self.y <= padding_rows + output_rows and self.x >= padding_cols and self.x <= padding_cols + output_cols if not self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height) and not in_picture_frame: if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_HIGHLIGHT)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_REVERSE)
def setup(self): curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.cbreak() curses.echo() lines, cols = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.logwin = self.stdscr.subwin(lines - 2, cols, 0, 0) self.sepwin = self.stdscr.subwin(1, cols, lines - 2, 0) self.cmdwin = self.stdscr.subwin(1, cols, lines - 1, 0) self.logwin.scrollok(True) self.sepwin.bkgd(curses.color_pair(1)) self.sepwin.refresh()
def getUserAgentColor(subver): ''' userAgent = subver.lower() if "classic" in userAgent: color = COLOR_GOLD elif "unlimited" in userAgent: color = COLOR_LTBLUE elif "xt" in userAgent: color = COLOR_GREEN elif "satoshi" not in userAgent: color = COLOR_RED else: color = COLOR_WHITE return color ''' hash = hashlib.sha256(subver).hexdigest() return curses.color_pair((int(hash[10:20], 16) % 7) + 1) # turn any arbitrary string into a (r, g, b) color via hash
def countdown(stdscr, end_time, font, fg_color, bg_color, msg=None): stdscr.clear() curses.curs_set(False) curses.init_pair(1, fg_color, bg_color) now = datetime.datetime.now() timefmt = '%I:%M %p' if now.day == end_time.day else '%I:%M %p, %d %b' stdscr.addstr(0, 0, 'Alarm set for: ' + end_time.strftime(timefmt)) stdscr.refresh() win = None while now < end_time: time_left = str(end_time - now).split('.')[0] win = center(stdscr, time_left, font, curses.color_pair(1), win) sleep(1) now = datetime.datetime.now() alert(stdscr, args, win)
def start_bottom_window(window, chat_sender): window.bkgd(curses.A_NORMAL, curses.color_pair(2)) window.clear() window.box() window.refresh() while True: window.clear() window.box() window.refresh() s = window.getstr(1, 1).decode('utf-8') if s is not None and s != "": chat_sender.send_string(s) # need to do sleep here... # if bottom window gets down to `window.getstr...` while top window is setting up, # it registers a bunch of control characters as the user's input time.sleep(0.005)
def printc(self, c, x, y): char = c color = None if isinstance(c, tuple): char = c[0] color = c[1] elif isinstance(c, dict): char = c['txt'] color = c['color'] cmap = self.chars[char] h = len(cmap) w = len(cmap[0]) for i in range(0, h): for j in range(0, w): if color is not None: self.scr.addstr(y + i, x + j, cmap[i][j], color_pair(color), ) else: self.scr.addstr(y + i, x + j, cmap[i][j]) return (w, h)
def print_random_chars(scr, lock, n, tx, ty, sx, sy, sw, sh): lock.acquire() try: for i in range(0, n): x = randint(1, tx-2) y = randint(1, ty-2) if (x > sx and x < (sx + sw) )\ and (y > sy and y < (sy + sh)): continue color = randint(100, 199) c = '%x' % randint(0, 15) if randint(0,100) % 2 == 0: c = ' ' scr.addstr(y, x, c, color_pair(color)) scr.refresh() finally: lock.release()
def addString(y, x, string, string_color=color.BLACK, bold=False): if x == position.CENTER: x = width/2 - len(string)/2 options = 0 if curses.can_change_color(): # tokens special cases color if string == 'X': options = curses.color_pair(color.RED) if not bold else curses.color_pair(color.RED_H) | curses.A_BOLD elif string == 'O': options = curses.color_pair(color.YELLOW) if not bold else curses.color_pair(color.YELLOW_H) | curses.A_BOLD else: options = curses.color_pair(string_color) if bold: options |= curses.A_BOLD stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, options) stdscr.refresh() # main display
def get(colorType, delta=0): global cache__ if type(colorType) == type(0): colorIndex = colorType else: colorIndex = app.prefs.color[colorType] colorIndex = min(colors - 1, colorIndex + delta) #colorIndex = colorIndex % colors r = cache__.get(colorIndex) if r is not None: return r color = curses.color_pair(colorIndex) if colorType in ('error', 'misspelling'): color |= curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_REVERSE cache__[colorIndex] = color return color
def get_option_lines(self): lines = [] for index, option in enumerate(self.options): if index == self.index: prefix = self.indicator else: prefix = len(self.indicator) * ' ' if self.multi_select and index in self.all_selected: format = curses.color_pair(1) line = ('{0} {1}'.format(prefix, option), format) else: line = '{0} {1}'.format(prefix, option) lines.append(line) return lines
def print_char(self, char, color_code, row=None, col=None): """ Print one char to the screen with coloration. In compat_debug this will just append the char to stdout. This checks for silent mode :param char: The character to print :param color_code: The colorcode 1234 = RGYB :param row: The y pos used with curses :param col: The x pos used with curses """ if self.silent: return 42 if self.compat_debug: if not color_code: # Zero is the regular print, but the code 33 will draw black over black and we dont want that print(char, end='') else: print('\033[0;3', color_code, 'm', char, '\033[0m', sep='', end='') else: self.win_program.addstr(row, col, char, curses.color_pair(color_code))
def color_attr(): idx = [0] def next_color(): possible = sorted(curses_colors.CURSES_COLORPAIRS.keys()) key = possible[idx[0]] val = curses_colors.CURSES_COLORPAIRS[key] cp = curses.color_pair(val) idx[0] = (idx[0] + 1) % len(possible) return cp return next_color
def get_colorpair(pair_name): val = curses_colors.CURSES_COLORPAIRS[pair_name] return curses.color_pair(val)
def get_colorpair(pair_name): ''' Returns the color attribute for the given foreground-background attribute, ready for use in a call to addstr. ''' val = CURSES_COLORPAIRS[pair_name] return curses.color_pair(val)
def display_time(scr): t = time.ctime().split() write(scr, 0, 0, t[0], curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 0, 4, t[1], curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 0, 8, t[2], curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 0, 11, t[3], curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 0, 20, t[4], curses.color_pair(9))
def display_loadavg(scr): lavg = os.getloadavg() write(scr, 1, 0, 'System', curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 1, 7, 'Load:', curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 1, 13, '%.02f' % lavg[0], curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 1, 20, '%.02f' % lavg[1], curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, 1, 27, '%.02f' % lavg[2], curses.color_pair(9))
def __init__(self, this_plant, this_data): '''Initialization''' self.initialized = False self.screen = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.raw() curses.start_color() try: curses.curs_set(0) except curses.error: # Not all terminals support this functionality. # When the error is ignored the screen will look a little uglier, but that's not terrible # So in order to keep botany as accesible as possible to everyone, it should be safe to ignore the error. pass self.screen.keypad(1) self.plant = this_plant self.user_data = this_data self.plant_string = self.plant.parse_plant() self.plant_ticks = str(self.plant.ticks) self.exit = False self.infotoggle = 0 self.maxy, self.maxx = self.screen.getmaxyx() # Highlighted and Normal line definitions self.define_colors() self.highlighted = curses.color_pair(1) self.normal = curses.A_NORMAL # Threaded screen update for live changes screen_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.update_plant_live, args=()) screen_thread.daemon = True screen_thread.start() self.screen.clear() self.show(["water","look","garden","instructions"], title=' botany ', subtitle='options')
def init_head(self): name = "Slacky (github.com/mathiasbc)" middle_pos = int(self.maxX/2 - len(name)/2) self.head_win.addstr(0, middle_pos, name, curses.color_pair(2)) self.head_win.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(7)) self.head_win.noutrefresh()
def push_chat(self, username, chat): """ write the given string at the correct position in the chatarea """ # FIXME: fails when text goes beyond window limit # highlight username col = curses.color_pair(8) self.chatarea.addstr(self.chat_at, 0, username + ':', col) # write the actual chat content self.chatarea.addstr(chat) # update cursor self.chat_at, _ = self.chatarea.getyx() self.chat_at += 1 self.chatarea.refresh()
def enter_edit_mode(self, value=None): if self.items[self.position]['field'] == 'Comments': editwin = curses.newwin(10, 60, self.position+2, 27) rectangle(self.window, self.position + 1, 26, self.position + 12, 26 + 61) else: editwin = curses.newwin(1, 30, self.position+2, 27) editwin.attron(curses.color_pair(2)) curses.curs_set(1) if value: box = _Textbox(editwin, True, text=value) else: box = _Textbox(editwin, True, text=self.items[self.position]['value']) _Textbox.stripspaces = True self.window.refresh() while True: edit_field = box.edit() if not edit_field is None: result = self.validate(edit_field.strip()) if result: self.navigate(1) break else: break curses.curs_set(0) self.window.clear()
def ShowError(self, error): self.window.addstr(self.position + 2, 60, ' -> ' + error, curses.color_pair(2)) self.window.refresh()
def init_curses(self): """Setup the curses""" self.window = curses.initscr() self.window.keypad(True) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_CYAN) self.current = curses.color_pair(2)
def write_scr(stdscr, wallet, y, x): '''Write text and formatting to screen''' first_pad = '{:>{}}'.format('', CONFIG['theme'].getint('dec_places', 2) + 10 - 3) second_pad = ' ' * (CONFIG['theme'].getint('field_length', 13) - 2) third_pad = ' ' * (CONFIG['theme'].getint('field_length', 13) - 3) if y >= 1: stdscr.addnstr(0, 0, 'cryptop v0.2.0', x, curses.color_pair(2)) if y >= 2: header = ' COIN{}PRICE{}HELD {}VAL{}HIGH {}LOW '.format(first_pad, second_pad, third_pad, first_pad, first_pad) stdscr.addnstr(1, 0, header, x, curses.color_pair(3)) total = 0 coinl = list(wallet.keys()) heldl = list(wallet.values()) if coinl: coinvl = get_price(','.join(coinl)) if y > 3: s = sorted(list(zip(coinl, coinvl, heldl)), key=SORT_FNS[SORTS[COLUMN]], reverse=ORDER) coinl = list(x[0] for x in s) coinvl = list(x[1] for x in s) heldl = list(x[2] for x in s) for coin, val, held in zip(coinl, coinvl, heldl): if coinl.index(coin) + 2 < y: stdscr.addnstr(coinl.index(coin) + 2, 0, str_formatter(coin, val, held), x, curses.color_pair(2)) total += float(held) * val[0] if y > len(coinl) + 3: stdscr.addnstr(y - 2, 0, 'Total Holdings: {:10} ' .format(locale.currency(total, grouping=True)), x, curses.color_pair(3)) stdscr.addnstr(y - 1, 0, '[A] Add/update coin [R] Remove coin [S] Sort [C] Cycle sort [0\Q]Exit', x, curses.color_pair(2))
def get_string(stdscr, prompt): '''Requests and string from the user''' curses.echo() stdscr.clear() stdscr.addnstr(0, 0, prompt, -1, curses.color_pair(2)) curses.curs_set(1) stdscr.refresh() in_str = stdscr.getstr(1, 0, 20).decode() curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) stdscr.clear() curses.halfdelay(10) return in_str
def draw(self, win): h, w = win.getmaxyx() win.bkgdset(' ', self.skycolor) # Draw Particles parttype = self.conf['particles_type'] for part in self.particles: part[0] = part[0]%w part[1] = part[1]%h try: if(parttype == 'Snow'): if(part[2] > 60): win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '?') else: win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '·') elif(parttype == 'Rain'): win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '|', curses.color_pair(2)) elif(parttype == 'Stars'): if(randint(0, 200) == 0): if(part[2] > 60): win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '?') else: win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '?') else: if(part[2] > 60): win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '?') elif(part[2] > 40): win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '·') else: win.addstr(int(part[1]), int(part[0]), '?') except curses.error: pass # Draw Ground try: for x, col in enumerate(self.ground): for y, cell in enumerate(col): if(cell): win.addstr(y, x, self.groundchars[x][y], self.groundcolor) except curses.error: # The very last character will error so except only once pass
def draw(self, win): for p in self.laser_points: try: win.addch(p.y, p.x, ['?', '?', '?', '?', ' '][int(self.age/5)], curses.color_pair(self.owner.colors)) except curses.error: pass
def tetris_print(array, reward, screen): curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) screen.erase() for y, row in reversed(list(enumerate(array[0]))): for x, value in enumerate(row): character = "\u2588" if value else "." color = curses.color_pair(value) screen.addch(len(array[0]) - y, 3*x, character, color) screen.addch(len(array[0]) - y, 3*x + 1, character, color) screen.addstr(len(array[0]) + 5, 0, 'Reward: {}'.format(reward)) screen.refresh()
def __init__(self, arena_size): self.arena_size = arena_size self.max_moves = int(25*(2*arena_size*COLORS)/(28*6)) self.screen = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() try: curses.curs_set(False) except curses.error: pass self.screen.nodelay(True) self.window_size = self.screen.getmaxyx() if self.window_size[0] < self.arena_size+4 or self.window_size[1] < self.arena_size*2: print('Your screen is too short!') exit() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_GREEN) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_RED) curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA) curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_WHITE) self.offset_x = int((self.window_size[1]-2*self.arena_size)/2) self.offset_y = int((self.window_size[0]-self.arena_size)/2) self.moves_position=[ self.offset_y+self.arena_size+1, self.offset_x+self.arena_size-5 ] self.arena_initialize() self.screen.addstr( self.offset_y-2, self.offset_x, self.title, curses.color_pair(0)) self.screen.addstr( self.offset_y-2, self.offset_x+2*self.arena_size-17, "Press '?' to help", curses.color_pair(0))
def check_game(self): if self.moves > self.max_moves: self.status='lose' self.screen.addstr( self.moves_position[0], self.offset_x, "YOU LOSE!", curses.color_pair(4)) else: self.status='win' color = self.arena[0][0] for y in range(self.arena_size): for x in range(self.arena_size): if self.arena[y][x] != color: self.status='play' break; if self.status=='win' and self.moves<=self.max_moves: self.screen.addstr( self.moves_position[0], self.offset_x, "YOU WIN!", curses.color_pair(2))
def display_help(self): for y in range(len(self.helper)): x = int((self.arena_size*2-WINDOW)/2) self.screen.addstr( self.offset_y + 1 + y, self.offset_x + x, " "*WINDOW, curses.color_pair(0)) x = int((self.arena_size*2-len(self.helper[y]))/2) self.screen.addstr( self.offset_y + 1 + y, self.offset_x + x, self.helper[y], curses.color_pair(0)) while self.screen.getch()!=27: pass
def refresh_screen(self): for y in range(self.arena_size): for x in range(self.arena_size): try: self.screen.addstr( self.offset_y + y, self.offset_x + x*2, " ", curses.color_pair( self.arena[y][x] )) except curses.error: pass self.screen.addstr( self.moves_position[0], self.moves_position[1], "Moves {}/{} ".format(self.moves,self.max_moves), curses.color_pair(0)) self.screen.refresh()
def show_notification_state(self, uuid_store): self.notification_count += 1 col = curses.color_pair(3) self.window.addstr(self.screen_height - 1, 30, str(self.notification_count), col) key_list = UuidStoreKeys.get_key_and_setting() y = 3 col = curses.color_pair(3) for k in key_list: if k[1] is True: self.window.addstr(1 + y, 1, "{0}".format(k[0]), col) y += 1 columns = len(uuid_store.uuid) self.window.addstr(0, 50, "columns = {0}".format(columns), col) x = 1 xw = 30 current_time = time.time() for dummy, item in uuid_store.uuid.items(): self.window.addstr(1, x*xw, "{0}".format(item.rf_type)) self.window.addstr(2, x*xw, "{0}".format(item.name)) y = 3 for k in key_list: if k[1] is True: self.window.addstr(1 + y, x * xw, "-" * (xw - 1), curses.color_pair(3)) if k[0] in item.itemMap: deltatime = current_time - item.itemMap[k[0]].timeChanged if deltatime > 5: col = curses.color_pair(3) else: col = curses.color_pair(4) self.window.addstr(1+y, x*xw, "{0}".format(item.itemMap[k[0]].value), col) y += 1 x += 1 self.window.move(1, 1) self.window.refresh()