def __init__(self, username): os.environ.setdefault('ESCDELAY', '25') # shorten esc delay self.username = username # set up IRC self.channel = "##HTP" # set up curses self.scr = curses.initscr() self.disconnect = False curses.start_color() self.scr_height, self.scr_width = self.scr.getmaxyx() self.chatbar = curses.newwin(5, self.scr_height - 1, 5, 10) self.msg_text = '' self.logfile = '../data/irc.txt' self.log_text = [] # curses color config curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_GREEN) # start the client try: curses.wrapper(self.start_loop()) except Exception as e: self.scr.addstr(2, 0, str(e), curses.A_REVERSE) # client game loop
def start(self, name, local_server_ip=None, local_server_port=None, launch_tor=True, tor_socks_port=None, tor_control_port=None, remote_mode=False, local_mode=False): self.help_info = create_help() self.remote_mode = remote_mode if not name: print 'unMessage could not find a name to use' print 'Run unMessage with `-name`' else: curses.wrapper(self.start_main, name, local_server_ip, local_server_port, launch_tor, tor_socks_port, tor_control_port, local_mode)
def initscr(): import _curses, curses # we call setupterm() here because it raises an error # instead of calling exit() in error cases. setupterm(term=_os.environ.get("TERM", "unknown"), fd=_sys.__stdout__.fileno()) stdscr = _curses.initscr() for key, value in _curses.__dict__.items(): if key[0:4] == 'ACS_' or key in ('LINES', 'COLS'): setattr(curses, key, value) return stdscr # This is a similar wrapper for start_color(), which adds the COLORS and # COLOR_PAIRS variables which are only available after start_color() is # called.
def choose_instance(instances, search): labels = [ec2.label(inst) for inst in instances] columns_width = _find_each_column_width(labels) items = [] for i, inst in enumerate(instances): formatted_labels = [label.ljust(columns_width[j]) for j, label in enumerate(labels[i])] items.append(Item(label=' '.join(formatted_labels), value=inst)) if search: search = search.lower() items = [item for item in items if search in item.label.lower()] if len(items) == 1: return items[0].value if not items: return None return curses.wrapper(_display, items)
def run_ci(): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') try: # Reduce the delay waiting for escape sequences. os.environ.setdefault('ESCDELAY', '1') curses.wrapper(wrapped_ci) finally: app.log.flush() app.log.writeToFile('~/.ci_edit/recentLog') # Disable Bracketed Paste Mode. sys.stdout.write('\033[?2004l\n') global userConsoleMessage if userConsoleMessage: fullPath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars( '~/.ci_edit/userConsoleMessage')) with io.open(fullPath, 'w+') as f: f.write(userConsoleMessage) sys.stdout.write(userConsoleMessage + '\n')
def main(): args = parse_args() log.info('Requesting remote shell from {}', args.hostname) with PenguinDomeServerPeer( 'server', local_port=get_setting('local_port'), logger=log, client_hostname=args.hostname) as remote, \ TerminalPeer() as terminal: host = args.hostname script = '#!/bin/bash\npython client/endpoints/shell.py {}\n'.format( remote.pipe_id) patch_hosts('client/commands/shell-{}'.format(remote.pipe_id), patch_content=script.encode('ascii'), hosts=host) broker = InteractionBroker(terminal, remote, poll_interval=0.2) print('Waiting for client to connect (once connected, use "~." to ' 'disconnect)...') remote.poll() curses.wrapper(interact, broker)
def editor(**kwargs): os.environ['ESCDELAY'] = '25' if sys.version_info.major < 3: lc_all = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') else: lc_all = None try: return curses.wrapper(main, **kwargs) finally: if lc_all is not None: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, lc_all)
def start_jam(self): return curses.wrapper(self.switch_jam)
def start_list(self): return curses.wrapper(self.switch_list)
def start_import(self): return curses.wrapper(self.switch_import)
def start_import_file(self): return curses.wrapper(self.switch_import_file)
def wrapper(func, *args, **kwds): """Wrapper function that initializes curses and calls another function, restoring normal keyboard/screen behavior on error. The callable object 'func' is then passed the main window 'stdscr' as its first argument, followed by any other arguments passed to wrapper(). """ try: # Initialize curses stdscr = curses.initscr() # Turn off echoing of keys, and enter cbreak mode, # where no buffering is performed on keyboard input curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() # In keypad mode, escape sequences for special keys # (like the cursor keys) will be interpreted and # a special value like curses.KEY_LEFT will be returned stdscr.keypad(1) # Start color, too. Harmless if the terminal doesn't have # color; user can test with has_color() later on. The try/catch # works around a minor bit of over-conscientiousness in the curses # module -- the error return from C start_color() is ignorable. try: curses.start_color() except: pass return func(stdscr, *args, **kwds) finally: # Set everything back to normal if 'stdscr' in locals(): stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.endwin()
def __init__(self, type="curses", menudata=None): if type == "curses": self.menu = curses.wrapper(CursesMenu,menudata=menudata)
def main(): if os.path.isfile(BASEDIR): sys.exit('Please remove your old configuration file at {}'.format(BASEDIR)) os.makedirs(BASEDIR, exist_ok=True) global CONFIG CONFIG = read_configuration(CONFFILE) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MONETARY, CONFIG['locale'].get('monetary', '')) requests_cache.install_cache(cache_name='api_cache', backend='memory', expire_after=int(CONFIG['api'].get('cache', 10))) curses.wrapper(mainc)
def play_visually(self): curses.wrapper(self.play)
def ana(): curses.wrapper(main)
def start(self): return curses.wrapper (self._start)
def choose_config(names, search): if search: return search elif len(names) > 1: items = [Item(label=name, value=name) for name in names] return curses.wrapper(_display, items) elif names: return names[0] else: return None
def main(server, eventHandler, params): if not os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()): print("FATAL: Unable to run 'ncurses' UI without a TTY.") return ui = NCursesUI() try: curses.wrapper(ui.main, server, eventHandler, params) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
def launch(self): curses.wrapper(self._launch)
def test_menu_textpad_mod_rectangle_exception(self): """Test that curses.error is not raised when drawing outside the bounds of the window.""" def test_function(stdscr): stdscr.clear() stdscr = curses.initscr() ec2rlcore.menu_textpad_mod.rectangle(stdscr, curses.LINES + 1, curses.COLS + 1, 0, 0) curses.wrapper(test_function)
def __call__(self): self.row_right = curses.wrapper(self._draw_input, self.header, self.message).strip()
def __call__(self): while True: curses.wrapper(self.setup) if self.done: return True
def show_item_help(self, menu_item): return curses.wrapper(self._draw_notification, menu_item.helptext)
def start(self): curses.wrapper(self.init)
def start_ui(self): curses.wrapper(self._start_ui)
def start_gui(process): """ A function that takes care of starting the GUI and stops the Scrapy crawler process when exited from program. :param CrawlerProcess process: The scrapy crawler process that is used to scrape the web. The instance is used for stopping the process. """ def create_ui(screen): """ A function passes to curses wrapper for safe execution of terminal GUI. :param screen: The screen parameter to run the GUI. Sent from the curses wrapper. """ GUI.screen = screen # All the statis variables of the GUI class is initialized GUI.strings = [] # the list of songs is empty initially GUI.init_display() # init the variables required for GUI GUI.update_on_key() # Starts a loop that waits for key input and acts accordingly curses.nocbreak() curses.echo() curses.endwin() GUI.gui_stopped = True curses.wrapper(create_ui) process.stop() # Stopping the scrapy crawler process
def main(): module = InputModule(ADDRESS, PORT) curses.wrapper(lambda scr: module.run())
def start(self): if len(self.options) == 0: return "" if len(self.options) == 1: return self.options[0] return curses.wrapper(self._start)
def start_experiment(self): if self.graph_only: return # start pre-configuration commands for vnf_name, cmd_list in self.pre_config_commands.items(): for cmd in cmd_list: self.emu.exec(vnf_name=vnf_name, cmd=cmd) # start overload detection #if len(self.overload_vnf_list) > 0 : self.overload_monitor.start(self.emu) # start the profling loop self.profiling_thread.start() if self.no_display == False: # nicely print values rows, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() # Set the Terminal window size larger than its default # to make sure the profiling results are fitting if int(rows) < 40 or int(columns) < 130: sys.stdout.write("\x1b[8;{rows};{cols}t".format(rows=40, cols=130)) # print something to reset terminal print("") n = os.system("clear") # Add a delay to allow settings to settle... time.sleep(1) curses.wrapper(self.display_loop) else: # wait for profiling thread to end self.profiling_thread.join() # stop overload detection self.overload_monitor.stop(self.emu) # write results to file self.write_results_to_file(self.results_file) #finalize the calculation of the performance profile self.profile_calc.finalize_graph(show_final=self.no_display)
def __init__( self, options, title='Select', arrow="-->", footer="Space = toggle, Enter = accept, q = cancel", more="...", border="||--++++", c_selected="[v]", c_empty="[ ]" ): self.title = title self.arrow = arrow self.footer = footer self.more = more self.border = border self.c_selected = c_selected self.c_empty = c_empty self.all_options = [] for option in options: self.all_options.append({ "label": option, "selected": False }) self.length = len(self.all_options) self.curses_start() curses.wrapper(self.curses_loop) self.curses_stop()
def run(args): curses.wrapper(main,args)
def run(args): chars = parse_chars(args.chars) curses.wrapper(main,args,chars)
def run(args): curses.wrapper(colortest)
def run(self): curses.wrapper(self._wrapped_run)
def start(self): '''Initializes the context and starts the run loop.''' curses.wrapper(self._capture_window)