def refresh(self): prior, (cursr_y, cursr_x) = curses.curs_set(0), curses.getsyx() for idx, item in enumerate(self.items): fmt = '{{: <{}}}'.format(self.width-1) s = fmt.format(str(item))[:self.width-1] # s = str(item)[:self.width-1] if len(str(item)) > self.width-1 else str(item) color = colors.get_colorpair(self.default_color) if self.current == idx: if self.is_selected: color = colors.get_colorpair('black-white') else: color = colors.get_colorpair(self.highlight_color) self.textinpt.addstr(idx, 0, s, color) if self.is_selected: self.borderbox.bkgd(' ', curses.A_BOLD) else: self.borderbox.bkgd(' ', curses.A_DIM) self.borderbox.border() self.borderbox.refresh() self.textinpt.refresh() curses.curs_set(prior) curses.setsyx(cursr_y, cursr_x) curses.doupdate()
def box_init(self): """Clear the main screen and redraw the box and/or title """ # Touchwin seems to save the underlying screen and refreshes it (for # example when the help popup is drawn and cleared again) self.scr.touchwin() self.scr.refresh() self.stdscr.clear() self.stdscr.refresh() if self.box is True: self.boxscr.clear() self.boxscr.box() if self.title: addstr(self.boxscr, 1, 1, self.title, curses.A_BOLD) addstr(self.boxscr, self.title_help, curses.A_STANDOUT) self.boxscr.refresh() elif self.title: self.boxscr.clear() addstr(self.boxscr, 0, 0, self.title, curses.A_BOLD) addstr(self.boxscr, self.title_help, curses.A_STANDOUT) self.boxscr.refresh()
def sub_selection_dialog_items(self, pos, i_pos, screen): """ Draw items in `Selection Dialog`. :param pos: Index of selected item in `Configure Setting` frame. :type pos: int :param i_pos: Index of selected item in `Selection Dialog`. :type i_pos: int :param screen: A **WindowObject** which represents the selection dialog. :type screen: WindowObject """ # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL select = normal + curses.A_BOLD for p, item in enumerate(self.settings[pos][2]): item_str = item if pos else item["tag"] screen.addstr(1 + p, 2, item_str, select if p == i_pos else normal) screen.refresh()
def setTitle( self, title ): self.decoration.setText( 1, 1, title.center( self.dimensions[WIDTH]-2 ), curses.A_BOLD ) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # class TitleWindow( Window ): #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # """Title Window""" # def __init__( self, x, y, width, height ): # NCursesUI.Window.__init__( self, x, y, width, height ) # version = bb.__version__ # title = "BitBake %s" % version # credit = "(C) 2003-2007 Team BitBake" # #self.win.hline( 2, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, width-2 ) # self.win.border() # self.setText( 1, 1, title.center( self.dimensions[WIDTH]-2 ), curses.A_BOLD ) # self.setText( 1, 2, credit.center( self.dimensions[WIDTH]-2 ), curses.A_BOLD ) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------#
def _draw_footer(self, footer_window): """ Given a footer window and a list of items, draw the items in the footer and highlight the selected item. Parameters: footer_window (WindowObject): the window the footer will be drawn in """ for item in self.footer_items: if self.footer_items.index(item) == self.current_column: # Highlight the item that is currently selected footer_window.addstr(1, self.footer_items.index(item) * 10 + 1, item, curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) else: footer_window.addstr(1, self.footer_items.index(item) * 10 + 1, item)
def depict_workspace_object(self, w, row, column, o, maxImportance, description_structures): if maxImportance != 0.0 and o.relativeImportance == maxImportance: attr = curses.A_BOLD else: attr = curses.A_NORMAL w.addstr(row, column, str(o), attr) column += len(str(o)) if o.descriptions: w.addstr(row, column, ' (', curses.A_NORMAL) column += 2 for i, d in enumerate(o.descriptions): if i != 0: w.addstr(row, column, ', ', curses.A_NORMAL) column += 2 s, attr = self.slipnode_name_and_attr(d.descriptor) if d not in description_structures: s = '[%s]' % s w.addstr(row, column, s, attr) column += len(s) w.addstr(row, column, ')', curses.A_NORMAL) column += 1 return column
def strng2(): treescrn2.attrset(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) set_color(treescrn2, curses.COLOR_WHITE) treescrn2.addch(5, 14, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(5, 13, ord(':')) treescrn2.addch(5, 12, ord('.')) treescrn2.addch(5, 11, ord(',')) treescrn2.addch(6, 10, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(6, 9, ord(':')) treescrn2.attroff(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) unset_color(treescrn2) treescrn2.refresh() w_del_msg.refresh() return
def strng3(): treescrn2.attrset(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) set_color(treescrn2, curses.COLOR_WHITE) treescrn2.addch(7, 16, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(7, 15, ord(':')) treescrn2.addch(7, 14, ord('.')) treescrn2.addch(7, 13, ord(',')) treescrn2.addch(8, 12, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(8, 11, ord(':')) treescrn2.addch(8, 10, ord('.')) treescrn2.addch(8, 9, ord(',')) treescrn2.attroff(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) unset_color(treescrn2) treescrn2.refresh() w_del_msg.refresh() return
def strng4(): treescrn2.attrset(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) set_color(treescrn2, curses.COLOR_WHITE) treescrn2.addch(9, 17, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(9, 16, ord(':')) treescrn2.addch(9, 15, ord('.')) treescrn2.addch(9, 14, ord(',')) treescrn2.addch(10, 13, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(10, 12, ord(':')) treescrn2.addch(10, 11, ord('.')) treescrn2.addch(10, 10, ord(',')) treescrn2.addch(11, 9, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(11, 8, ord(':')) treescrn2.addch(11, 7, ord('.')) treescrn2.addch(11, 6, ord(',')) treescrn2.addch(12, 5, ord('\'')) treescrn2.attroff(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) unset_color(treescrn2) treescrn2.refresh() w_del_msg.refresh() return
def display(self, title, content): curses.curs_set(0) self.infowin.clear() y, x = self.infowin.getmaxyx() self.infowin.bkgd(" ", curses.color_pair(6)) self.infowin.box() self.infowin.addstr(0, 0, title + " - 'q' to close", curses.A_UNDERLINE | curses.A_BOLD) for count, line in enumerate(content.split('\n'), start=1): try: self.infowin.addstr(count, 1, line) except: pass self.infopanel.show() curses.panel.update_panels() curses.doupdate() while self.infowin.getch() != ord('q'): pass curses.curs_set(1)
def get_curses_colour_enum_closest_to_cpair(cpair): if cpair in MAP_CONST_COLOURS_TO_CPAIR: return curses.color_pair(MAP_CONST_COLOURS_TO_CPAIR[cpair])|curses.A_BOLD else: choice_cpair = None for (avail_cpair, curses_pair_id) in MAP_CONST_COLOURS_TO_CPAIR.items(): if choice_cpair == None: choice_cpair = avail_cpair continue # Locate the closest to the desired cpair that is not larger than # it if avail_cpair > cpair: continue elif avail_cpair > choice_cpair: choice_cpair = avail_cpair return avail_cpair|curses.A_BOLD
def addString(y, x, string, string_color=color.BLACK, bold=False): if x == position.CENTER: x = width/2 - len(string)/2 options = 0 if curses.can_change_color(): # tokens special cases color if string == 'X': options = curses.color_pair(color.RED) if not bold else curses.color_pair(color.RED_H) | curses.A_BOLD elif string == 'O': options = curses.color_pair(color.YELLOW) if not bold else curses.color_pair(color.YELLOW_H) | curses.A_BOLD else: options = curses.color_pair(string_color) if bold: options |= curses.A_BOLD stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, options) stdscr.refresh() # main display
def get(colorType, delta=0): global cache__ if type(colorType) == type(0): colorIndex = colorType else: colorIndex = app.prefs.color[colorType] colorIndex = min(colors - 1, colorIndex + delta) #colorIndex = colorIndex % colors r = cache__.get(colorIndex) if r is not None: return r color = curses.color_pair(colorIndex) if colorType in ('error', 'misspelling'): color |= curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_REVERSE cache__[colorIndex] = color return color
def set_title(self, args): if len(args) > 2: args[2] = args[2].ljust(15) str_arg = ' -> '.join(args[:-1])+' -> ' color_arg = args[-1] width_margin = int(0.3*self.width) text_width = self.width - width_margin - 3 if len(str_arg+color_arg) > text_width: left_width = text_width-len(color_arg) str_arg = '~'+str_arg[-left_width:] self.win.erase() self.win.addstr(self.height//2, width_margin+1, str_arg) self.win.addstr(self.height//2, width_margin+len(str_arg)+1, color_arg, curses.A_BOLD) self.win.refresh()
def update(self): for index, item in enumerate(self.employees): mode = self.select_mode(index) try: if item.unlocked_age < 2: mode = mode | curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_UNDERLINE except: pass if self.first_item_index > 0: self.window.addstr(0, 20, self.arrow_up) order = self.first_item_index + index + 1 msg = self.item_message.format(order, item) self.window.addstr(1 + index, 1, msg, mode) if self.last_item_index < len(self.items): self.window.addstr(self.LIST_SIZE + 1, 20, self.arrow_down) self.window.refresh() curses.doupdate()
def select(self): self.borderbox.bkgd(' ', curses.A_BOLD) self.textinpt.bkgd(' ', colors.get_colorpair('black-white')) self.refresh()
def select(self): ''' Not only selects this textbox, but turns on the cursor and moves it to the correct possition within this textbox. ''' self.borderbox.bkgd(' ', curses.A_BOLD) self.textinpt.bkgd(' ', colors.get_colorpair(self.default_color)) curses.curs_set(1) self.textinpt.move(0, self.keypos) self.refresh()
def display_header(scr): write(scr, 3, 0, 'Slot', curses.A_BOLD) write(scr, 3, 5, 'Host', curses.A_BOLD) write(scr, 3, 25, 'State', curses.A_BOLD) write(scr, 3, 45, 'Filename', curses.A_BOLD) #'%-4s %-20s %-15s %-40s%s' % ('Slot', 'Remote Host', 'State', 'Filename', ' '*(maxX-83)), curses.A_BOLD)
def draw_default(self): # draws default menu clear_bar = " " * (int(self.maxx*2/3)) self.screen.addstr(2, 2, self.title, curses.A_STANDOUT) # Title for this menu self.screen.addstr(4, 2, self.subtitle, curses.A_BOLD) #Subtitle for this menu # clear menu on screen for index in range(len(self.options)+1): self.screen.addstr(5+index, 4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) # display all the menu items, showing the 'pos' item highlighted for index in range(len(self.options)): textstyle = self.normal if index == self.selected: textstyle = self.highlighted self.screen.addstr(5+index ,4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(5+index ,4, "%d - %s" % (index+1, self.options[index]), textstyle) self.screen.addstr(11, 2, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(12, 2, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(11, 2, "plant: ", curses.A_DIM) self.screen.addstr(11, 9, self.plant_string, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(12, 2, "score: ", curses.A_DIM) self.screen.addstr(12, 9, self.plant_ticks, curses.A_NORMAL) # display fancy water gauge if not self.plant.dead: water_gauge_str = self.water_gauge() self.screen.addstr(5,14, water_gauge_str, curses.A_NORMAL) else: self.screen.addstr(5,13, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(5,13, " ( RIP )", curses.A_NORMAL) # draw cute ascii from files self.draw_plant_ascii(self.plant)
def refresh_status(self, *, no_refresh = False): max_y, max_x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.stdscr.hline(max_y - 2, 0, "=", max_x) self.display_time(no_refresh=True) self.display_line(no_refresh=True) self.stdscr.chgat(max_y - 2, 0, curses.A_BOLD) if not no_refresh: self.stdscr.refresh()
def display_time(self, text = None, *, no_refresh=False): if text == self.time and not no_refresh: return max_y, max_x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if text is not None: self.time = "[{}]".format(text) if self.time is not None: self.stdscr.addstr(max_y - 2, max_x - len(self.time), self.time) if not no_refresh: self.stdscr.chgat(max_y - 2, max_x - len(self.time), curses.A_BOLD) self.stdscr.refresh()
def display_line(self, text = None, *, no_refresh=False): if text == self.line and not no_refresh: return max_y, max_x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if text is not None: self.line = "@{}".format(text) if self.line is not None: self.stdscr.addstr(max_y - 2, max_x - len(self.line) - len(self.time) - 1, self.line) if not no_refresh: self.stdscr.chgat(max_y - 2, max_x - len(self.line) - len(self.time) - 1, curses.A_BOLD) self.stdscr.refresh()
def paint(self): self.stdscr.erase() self.stdscr.addstr(0, 0, time.ctime()) all_procs = [] for host in self.hosts: all_procs.extend(host.procs.itervalues()) all_procs.sort(key=(lambda proc: -proc.pcpu)) self.stdscr.addstr(1, 0, self.format % { 'hostname': 'HOST', 'pid': 'PID', 'ppid': 'PPID', 'pcpu': '%CPU', 'rss': 'RSS', 'command': 'COMMAND', }) for i, proc in enumerate(all_procs): if (i+3) >= self.height: break if proc.new: self.stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD) else: self.stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD) self.stdscr.addstr(2+i, 0, self.format % dict( vars(proc), command=proc.command[:self.width-36] )) self.stdscr.refresh()
def main(screen): screen.clear() screen_y, screen_x = screen.getmaxyx() screen.addstr(0, 0, str(screen.getmaxyx())) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) global DIR DIR = dir(screen) while True: c = screen.getch() screen.addstr(2, 2, str(c) + ' ', curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BLINK | curses.A_BOLD) if c == 'q' or c == ord('q'): break
def main(screen): screen.clear() screen_y, screen_x = screen.getmaxyx() screen.move(1, 1) screen.addstr(str(screen.getmaxyx())) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) while True: c = screen.getch() screen.move(2, 2) # screen.addstr(str(c), curses.A_BLINK | curses.A_BOLD) # screen.addstr(str(c), curses.color_pair(1)) screen.addstr(str(c), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BLINK) if c == 'q' or c == ord('q'): break
def banner(self): """ Draw the banner in the TUI window. """ screen = self._stdscr.subwin(2, 80, 0, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) # Set local variable title = curses.A_NORMAL title += curses.A_BOLD normal = curses.color_pair(4) # Print title screen.addstr(0, 0, self.__title.center(79), title) screen.addstr(1, 0, "Setup".center(10), normal) screen.refresh()
def configure_settings_frame(self, pos=None): """ Draw `Configure Setting` frame with a index number (`pos`) of the item selected. :param pos: Index of selected item in `Configure Setting` frame. The default value of `pos` is `None`. :type pos: int or None .. note:: None of the items in `Configure Setting` frame would be selected if pos is `None`. """ self._stdscr.keypad(1) screen = self._stdscr.subwin(8, 25, 2, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(4)) # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL select = curses.color_pair(5) select += curses.A_BOLD for p, item in enumerate(self.settings): item_str = item[0].ljust(12) screen.addstr(3 + p, 2, item_str, select if p == pos else normal) if p: choice = "[%s]" % item[2][item[1]] else: choice = "[%s]" % item[2][item[1]]["label"] screen.addstr(3 + p, 15, ''.ljust(10), normal) screen.addstr(3 + p, 15, choice, select if p == pos else normal) screen.refresh()
def _cw_menu_display(cls): x = 0 # Because cls with MENU will add 1 to y in _fix_xy, we need true origin y = -1 # Makes the menu standout menu_attrs = curses.A_REVERSE | curses.A_BOLD saved_pos = cls.getxy() for menu in Menu.ALL: # double check we're not going to write out of bounds if x + len(menu.title) + 2 >= cls.WIDTH: raise CursedSizeError('Menu %s exceeds width of window: x=%d' % (menu.title, x)) y = -1 cls.addstr(menu.title + ' ', x, y, attr=menu_attrs) mxlen = max([len(str(i)) for i in menu.items]) if menu is cls._OPENED_MENU: for item in menu.items: y += 1 itemstr = str(item) wspace = (mxlen - len(itemstr)) * ' ' itemstr = itemstr + wspace if item is menu.selected: attr = curses.A_UNDERLINE else: attr = curses.A_REVERSE cls.addstr(itemstr, x, y, attr=attr) # For the empty space filler x += len(menu.title) + 2 # color the rest of the top of the window extra = 2 if cls.BORDERED else 0 cls.addstr(' ' * (cls.WIDTH - x - extra), x, -1, attr=menu_attrs) cls.move(*saved_pos)
def __init__( self, x, y, width, height, fg=curses.COLOR_BLACK, bg=curses.COLOR_WHITE ): self.win = curses.newwin( height, width, y, x ) self.dimensions = ( x, y, width, height ) """ if curses.has_colors(): color = 1 curses.init_pair( color, fg, bg ) self.win.bkgdset( ord(' '), curses.color_pair(color) ) else: self.win.bkgdset( ord(' '), curses.A_BOLD ) """ self.erase() self.setScrolling() self.win.noutrefresh()
def setTitle( self, title ): title = "BitBake %s" % bb.__version__ self.decoration.setText( 2, 1, title, curses.A_BOLD ) self.decoration.setText( self.StatusPosition - 8, 1, "Status:", curses.A_BOLD )
def setStatus(self, status): while len(status) < MAXSTATUSLENGTH: status = status + " " self.decoration.setText( self.StatusPosition, 1, status, curses.A_BOLD ) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------#
def render(self, strong=False): addstr_params = [self.row, self.col, '[{}]'.format(self.label)] if strong: addstr_params.append(curses.A_BOLD) self.window.addstr(*addstr_params)
def render(self, strong=False): (y, x) = self.window.getmaxyx() label_str = " {} ".format(self._label) addstr_params = [ self.row, self.label_col, " {} ".format(self._label), curses.color_pair(self.color_index) if curses.has_colors() else 0 ] # heading attributes attrs = curses.color_pair(self.color_index) if curses.has_colors() else 0 if strong: attrs |= curses.A_BOLD self.window.hline(0, 0, curses.ACS_HLINE, x) self.window.addstr(self.row, self.label_col, " {} ".format(self._label), attrs)
def _draw_menu(self, screen): """ Given a menu window, draw the rows including the header and the scrollable rows representing menu items. Parameters: screen (WindowObject): the window that will be drawn to """ # Add the header screen.addstr(0, int((curses.COLS - 6) / 2 - len(self.header) / 2), self.header, curses.A_BOLD) # Add each item to the menu for row in range(1 + (self.max_displayed_rows * (self.current_page - 1)), self.max_displayed_rows + 1 + (self.max_displayed_rows * (self.current_page - 1))): # Pad or truncate the module name to 40 characters row_item_name = "{:40}".format(str(self._items[row - 1])[:40]) # Truncate the row's string to the drawable width display_str = str(row_item_name + " " + self._items[row - 1].row_right)[:curses.COLS - 6] # Draw the row if row + (self.max_displayed_rows * (self.current_page - 1)) == \ self.current_row + \ (self.max_displayed_rows * (self.current_page - 1)): # Highlight the item that is currently selected screen.addstr(row - (self.max_displayed_rows * (self.current_page - 1)), 1, display_str.rstrip(), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) else: screen.addstr(row - (self.max_displayed_rows * (self.current_page - 1)), 1, display_str) # Stop printing items when the end of the drawable space is reached if row == self.num_rows: break
def slipnode_name_and_attr(self, slipnode): if slipnode.activation == 100: return (slipnode.name.upper(), curses.A_STANDOUT) if slipnode.activation > 50: return (slipnode.name.upper(), curses.A_BOLD) else: return (slipnode.name.lower(), curses.A_NORMAL)
def star(): treescrn2.attrset(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) set_color(treescrn2, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) treescrn2.addch(0, 12, ord('*')) treescrn2.standend() unset_color(treescrn2) treescrn2.refresh() w_del_msg.refresh() return
def strng1(): treescrn2.attrset(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) set_color(treescrn2, curses.COLOR_WHITE) treescrn2.addch(3, 13, ord('\'')) treescrn2.addch(3, 12, ord(':')) treescrn2.addch(3, 11, ord('.')) treescrn2.attroff(curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_BLINK) unset_color(treescrn2) treescrn2.refresh() w_del_msg.refresh() return
def mkpanel(color, rows, cols, tly, tlx): win = curses.newwin(rows, cols, tly, tlx) pan = panel.new_panel(win) if curses.has_colors(): if color == curses.COLOR_BLUE: fg = curses.COLOR_WHITE else: fg = curses.COLOR_BLACK bg = color curses.init_pair(color, fg, bg) win.bkgdset(ord(' '), curses.color_pair(color)) else: win.bkgdset(ord(' '), curses.A_BOLD) return pan
def next_j(j): if j == 0: j = 4 else: j -= 1 if curses.has_colors(): z = randrange(0, 3) color = curses.color_pair(z) if z: color = color | curses.A_BOLD stdscr.attrset(color) return j
def render_map(self): y, x = scr.getmaxyx() x -= 30 self.mapwin.clear() self.mapwin.box() self.mapwin.addstr(0, 2, self.title, curses.A_BOLD) height, width = self.mapwin.getmaxyx() # Only render the image if we have a open project if not self.settings and project: self.settings = project.map_settings if project: settings = self.settings data = generate_layers_ascii(self.settings, width, height) for row, rowdata in enumerate(data, start=1): if row >= height: break for col, celldata in enumerate(rowdata, start=1): if col >= width - 1: break value, color = celldata[0], celldata[1] if value == ' ': color = 8 if not ascii_mode_enabled: value = ' ' if not color_mode_enabled: color = 0 self.mapwin.addstr(row, col, value, curses.color_pair(color)) self.mapwin.refresh()
def create_list(self, get_input=True): self.screen.clear() self.height, self.width = self.screen.getmaxyx() self.screen.addstr(self.title.center(self.width), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) self.screen.addstr(self.comment.center(self.width)) self.draw_items() if not get_input: return None return self.screen.getch()
def _print_header(self): row = 0 self._print_line(row, 0, "TCP Remote TOP", color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 2, " - " + self.config_subtitle) row = 1 self._print_line(row, 2, "Connections", color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 14, "Transport", color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 17, "Pcap", color=curses.A_BOLD) row = 3 self._print_line(row, 0, "Host", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 2, "Syn(/s)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 4, "Syn/Ack(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 6, "Est(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 8, "Rst(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 9, "Fin_O(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 10, "Fin_I(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 11, "Est Rate", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 12, "QoS", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 13, "Lat", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 14, "Out", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 15, "In", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 16, "Rtt", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 17, "Err", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) row = 4 self._print_line(row, 2, "") return row + 1
def _print_totals(self, totals, row): row += 1 self._print_line(row, 0, 'Totals:', color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 2, "{0} ({1:.2f})".format(totals['syn_count'], totals['syn_rate']), color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 6, "{0} ({1:.2f})".format(totals['est_count'], totals['est_rate']), color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 8, str(totals['rst_count']), color=curses.A_BOLD) row += 1 self._print_line(row, 0, "") return row + 1
def draw_status(self): self.scr.addstr(self.y+1,self.x+1,' '*(self.w-2),curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) self.scr.addstr(self.y+2,self.x+1,' '*(self.w-2),curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) self.scr.addstr(self.y+1,self.x+2,'Connection status: ',curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) if self.client.is_connected(): self.scr.addstr(self.y+1,self.x+21,'Online ',curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS_ONLINE)|curses.A_BOLD) self.scr.addstr(self.y+1,self.x+28,'Status: %s' % self.get_status_str(),curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)|curses.A_BOLD) self.scr.addstr(self.y+2,self.x+2,'[Q quit] [V voxel view] [L log view] [H health view] [I inventory view] [/ enter command] [wasd manual move]',curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS)) else: self.scr.addstr(self.y+1,self.x+21,'Offline',curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS_OFFLINE)|curses.A_BOLD) self.scr.addstr(self.y+2,self.x+2,'Press C to connect and Q to quit',curses.color_pair(TOPSTATUS))
def add_cq(self, the_text, colour, loc, country, info): self.main_win.addstr("CQ CALLED BY ") self.main_win.addstr("{}".format(the_text), curses.color_pair(colour)|curses.A_BOLD) self.main_win.addstr(" [{}] {}\n".format(loc, country)) self.main_win.addstr(" [Call:{}, & Band:{}, Country:{}, & Band:{}]\n".format( self.convert(info["call"]), self.convert(info["call_band"]), self.convert(info["country"]), self.convert(info["country_band"]) )) self.main_win.refresh() self.stdscr.refresh()
def _setattr(self, a): if a is None: self.s.attrset(0) return elif not isinstance(a, AttrSpec): p = self._palette.get(a, (AttrSpec('default', 'default'),)) a = p[0] if self.has_color: if a.foreground_basic: if a.foreground_number >= 8: fg = a.foreground_number - 8 else: fg = a.foreground_number else: fg = 7 if a.background_basic: bg = a.background_number else: bg = 0 attr = curses.color_pair(bg * 8 + 7 - fg) else: attr = 0 if a.bold: attr |= curses.A_BOLD if a.standout: attr |= curses.A_STANDOUT if a.underline: attr |= curses.A_UNDERLINE if a.blink: attr |= curses.A_BLINK self.s.attrset(attr)
def render_chat(users, history, screen, x, y, w, h): for (i, a) in enumerate(history[-h:]): buffer = [] if 'user' in a: if a['user'] in users: user_attr = curses.A_BOLD else: user_attr = curses.A_NORMAL if a['message'].startswith('/me '): text = '* {0} {1}'.format(a['user'], a['message'][4:]) buffer = [ ('* ', curses.A_NORMAL), (a['user'], user_attr), (u' {0}'.format(a['message'][4:]), curses.A_NORMAL)] else: buffer = [ (a['user'], user_attr), (u'> {0}'.format(a['message']), curses.A_NORMAL)] else: buffer = [(u'* {0}'.format(a), curses.A_NORMAL)] x_ = x + 1 for (text, attr) in buffer: if not isinstance(text, six.binary_type): text = text.encode('utf8') screen.addstr(y + 1 + i, x_, text, attr) x_ += len(text.decode('utf8'))
def getStats(scr): curses.init_pair(9, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(10, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(11, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(12, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) (maxY, maxX) = scr.getmaxyx() while 1: try: display_time(scr) display_loadavg(scr) display_header(scr) #write(scr, 3, 0, '%-4s %-20s %-15s %-40s%s' % ('Slot', 'Remote Host', 'State', 'Filename', ' '*(maxX-83)), curses.A_BOLD) cnt = 5 try: for i in os.listdir(DISTCC_DIR+'/state'): data = struct.unpack('@iLL128s128siiP', open(DISTCC_DIR+'/state/'+i).readline().strip()) file = data[3].split('\x00')[0] or 'None' host = data[4].split('\x00')[0] or 'None' slot = int(data[5]) stte = states[int(data[6])] scr.move(cnt,0) scr.clrtoeol() if 'None' not in (file, host): write(scr, cnt, 0, '%s' % slot, curses.color_pair(9)) write(scr, cnt, 5, '%s' % host, curses.color_pair(9)) if int(data[6]) in (2,3): write(scr, cnt, 25, '%s ' % (stte), curses.color_pair(10)) elif int(data[6]) in (0,1): write(scr, cnt, 25, '%s ' % (stte), curses.color_pair(11)) elif int(data[6]) in (4,5): write(scr, cnt, 25, '%s ' % (stte), curses.color_pair(12)) elif int(data[6]) in (6,7): write(scr, cnt, 25, '%s ' % (stte), curses.color_pair(12)|curses.A_BOLD) else: write(scr, cnt, 25, '%s ' % (stte)) write(scr, cnt, 45, '%s' % file, curses.color_pair(9)) cnt += 1 except struct.error: pass except IOError: pass scr.refresh() time.sleep(0.75) scr.erase() scr.move(0,0) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(-1)
def create(liste): screen = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) s = curses.color_pair(1) h = curses.A_NORMAL pos = 0 while 1: curses.noecho() screen.clear() screen.border(0) screen.keypad(True) screen.addstr(1,2,"(w)Yukari/Up (s)Asagi/Down (e)Sec", curses.A_BOLD) a = 0 b = 4 c = 3 for oge in liste: if int(a/15)<1: if pos == a: screen.addstr(b, 4, "".join(liste[a]), s) else: screen.addstr(b, 4, "".join(liste[a]), h) else: c = c + 1 if pos == a: screen.addstr(c, 23, "".join(liste[a]), s) else: screen.addstr(c, 23, "".join(liste[a]), h) a = a + 1 b = b + 1 screen.refresh() try: inp = screen.getkey(1,1) if inp == 'e': screen.refresh() curses.echo() screen.keypad(False) curses.endwin() break if inp == 'w': if pos > 0: pos = pos - 1 else: pos = len(liste)-1 if inp== 's': if pos < len(liste)-1: pos = pos + 1 else: pos=0 except Exception as e: pass return pos
def update_ui_worker(): global main_start, total_seconds, _timeout, hits, workers, status, test_number, total_seconds, test_start, \ test_stop, requests_handled, test_seconds, _tolerance, _url, break_out while True: rc = utils.render_result_codes(result_codes, timeout_count, connection_error_count) if not q.empty() and main_start: total_seconds = time.time()-main_start screen.addstr(1, 2, 'PAIN TOLERANCE on %s' % _url, curses.color_pair(3)|curses.A_BOLD) screen.addstr(3, 2, 'Status: %s ' % status) screen.addstr(5, 2, 'Trying %s hits with %s workers ' % (hits, workers)) screen.addstr(6, 2, 'Timeout: %s seconds ' % (_timeout,)) screen.addstr(6, 40, 'Tolerance: %s errors ' % (_tolerance,)) screen.addstr(7, 2, 'Active Workers: %s ' % (threading.active_count() - 2)) screen.addstr(7, 40, 'Queue: %s ' % q.qsize()) if test_start is None: test_seconds = 0 else: if test_stop is None: test_seconds = time.time() - test_start else: test_seconds = test_stop - test_start screen.addstr(9, 2, 'Test Seconds: %.2f ' % test_seconds) screen.addstr(9, 40, 'Requests handled: %s ' % requests_handled) if result_codes and test_seconds and '200 OK' in result_codes: screen.addstr(10, 2, 'Requests per second: %.2f ' % (int(result_codes['200 OK']) / test_seconds), ) if durations: screen.addstr(10, 40, 'Average Request: %.2f seconds ' % (reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, durations) / len(durations))) screen.addstr(12, 2, rc) screen.refresh() time.sleep(0.1)