def draw_menu(self): # Actually draws the menu and handles branching request = "" try: while request is not "exit": self.draw() request = self.get_user_input() self.handle_request(request) self.__exit__() # Also calls __exit__, but adds traceback after except Exception as exception: self.screen.clear() self.screen.addstr(0, 0, "Enlarge terminal!", curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.refresh() self.__exit__() #traceback.print_exc()
def refresh_line(self, line, *, no_refresh=False): if self.invalidate: self.refresh() return if len(self.logic.get_order()) == 0: return max_y, max_x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() row = line - self.top if row < 0 or row >= max_y: return bit = self.logic.get_order()[line] if hasattr(self.logic, "get_line"): title = self.logic.get_line(bit, max_x - _INDICATOR_OFFSET * 2) else: title = bit[:max_x - _INDICATOR_OFFSET * 2] if line == self.active: self.stdscr.addstr(row, 0, "> ", curses.A_REVERSE) self.stdscr.addstr(row, _INDICATOR_OFFSET, title, curses.A_REVERSE) self.stdscr.chgat(row, 0, curses.A_REVERSE) else: self.stdscr.addstr(row, _INDICATOR_OFFSET, title) self.stdscr.chgat(row, 0, curses.A_NORMAL) if not no_refresh: self.stdscr.refresh()
def tick(self, scr, steps): height, width = scr.getmaxyx() if self.advances(steps): # if window was resized and char is out of bounds, reset self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height) # make previous char curses.A_NORMAL if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_NORMAL)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_NORMAL) # choose new char and draw it A_REVERSE if not out of bounds self.char = random.choice(FallingChar.matrixchr).encode(encoding) self.y += 1 if not self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height): if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_HIGHLIGHT)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_REVERSE)
def status(self): """ Draw `Status` frame and `Hosts File` frame in the TUI window. """ screen = self._stdscr.subwin(11, 25, 10, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(4)) # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL green = curses.color_pair(7) red = curses.color_pair(9) # Status info for i, stat in enumerate(self.statusinfo): screen.addstr(2 + i, 2, stat[0], normal) stat_str = ''.join(['[', stat[1], ']']).ljust(9) screen.addstr(2 + i, 15, stat_str, green if stat[2] == "GREEN" else red) # Hosts file info i = 0 for key, info in self.hostsinfo.items(): screen.addstr(7 + i, 2, key, normal) screen.addstr(7 + i, 15, info, normal) i += 1 screen.refresh()
def sub_selection_dialog_items(self, pos, i_pos, screen): """ Draw items in `Selection Dialog`. :param pos: Index of selected item in `Configure Setting` frame. :type pos: int :param i_pos: Index of selected item in `Selection Dialog`. :type i_pos: int :param screen: A **WindowObject** which represents the selection dialog. :type screen: WindowObject """ # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL select = normal + curses.A_BOLD for p, item in enumerate(self.settings[pos][2]): item_str = item if pos else item["tag"] screen.addstr(1 + p, 2, item_str, select if p == i_pos else normal) screen.refresh()
def depict_fps(self): w = self.fpsWindow now = time.time() elapsed = now - self.fpsSince fps = self.fpsTicks / elapsed if self.fpsGoal is not None: seconds_of_work_per_frame = (elapsed / self.fpsTicks) - self.fpsDelay desired_time_working_per_second = self.fpsGoal * seconds_of_work_per_frame if desired_time_working_per_second < 1.0: self.fpsDelay = (1.0 - desired_time_working_per_second) / fps else: self.fpsDelay = 0 w.addstr(1, 1, 'FPS:%3d' % fps, curses.A_NORMAL) w.refresh() self.fpsSince = now self.fpsTicks = 0 self.fpsMeasured = fps
def depict_workspace_object(self, w, row, column, o, maxImportance, description_structures): if maxImportance != 0.0 and o.relativeImportance == maxImportance: attr = curses.A_BOLD else: attr = curses.A_NORMAL w.addstr(row, column, str(o), attr) column += len(str(o)) if o.descriptions: w.addstr(row, column, ' (', curses.A_NORMAL) column += 2 for i, d in enumerate(o.descriptions): if i != 0: w.addstr(row, column, ', ', curses.A_NORMAL) column += 2 s, attr = self.slipnode_name_and_attr(d.descriptor) if d not in description_structures: s = '[%s]' % s w.addstr(row, column, s, attr) column += len(s) w.addstr(row, column, ')', curses.A_NORMAL) column += 1 return column
def tick(self, scr, steps, padding_rows, padding_cols, output_rows, output_cols): height, width = scr.getmaxyx() in_picture_frame = self.y >= padding_rows and self.y <= padding_rows + output_rows and self.x >= padding_cols and self.x <= padding_cols + output_cols if self.advances(steps): # if window was resized and char is out of bounds, reset self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height) # make previous char curses.A_NORMAL if not in_picture_frame: if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_NORMAL)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_NORMAL) # choose new char and draw it A_REVERSE if not out of bounds self.char = random.choice(FallingChar.matrixchr).encode(encoding) self.y += 1 in_picture_frame = self.y >= padding_rows and self.y <= padding_rows + output_rows and self.x >= padding_cols and self.x <= padding_cols + output_cols if not self.out_of_bounds_reset(width, height) and not in_picture_frame: if USE_COLORS: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.color_pair(COLOR_CHAR_HIGHLIGHT)) else: scr.addstr(self.y, self.x, self.char, curses.A_REVERSE)
def start_bottom_window(window, chat_sender): window.bkgd(curses.A_NORMAL, curses.color_pair(2)) window.clear() window.box() window.refresh() while True: window.clear() window.box() window.refresh() s = window.getstr(1, 1).decode('utf-8') if s is not None and s != "": chat_sender.send_string(s) # need to do sleep here... # if bottom window gets down to `window.getstr...` while top window is setting up, # it registers a bunch of control characters as the user's input time.sleep(0.005)
def deselect(self): self.borderbox.bkgd(' ', curses.A_NORMAL) self.textinpt.bkgd(' ', colors.get_colorpair(self.default_color)) self.refresh()
def deselect(self): ''' Deselects this Textbox and turns off cursor visiblity. ''' self.borderbox.bkgd(' ', curses.A_NORMAL) self.textinpt.bkgd(' ', colors.get_colorpair(self.default_color)) curses.curs_set(0) self.refresh()
def draw_state(stdscr, state, me): """ draw_state draws the state of a MineField onto a curses window. """ startx, starty = 1, 1 stdscr.erase() xoffset = 0 players = state['players'] for idx, pname in enumerate(sorted(players.keys())): player = players[pname] field = player['minefield'] width, height = board_termsize(field['width'], field['height']) namey = starty + height middlefmt = "{{: ^{}}}" disp_name = middlefmt.format(width).format(pname)[:width] if pname == me: attr = curses_colors.get_colorpair('green-black') else: attr = curses.A_NORMAL for cell in field['cells']: glyphs = display.assemble_glyphs(cell, player) for g in glyphs: stdscr.addstr(g.y + starty, g.x + startx + xoffset, g.strng, g.attr) # If a user has died, draw a big 'you're dead' message in the middle of # their board if not state['players'][pname]['living']: dead = middlefmt.format(width).format('WASTED') h = height // 2 stdscr.addstr(h, startx+xoffset, dead, curses_colors.get_colorpair('yellow-red')) stdscr.addstr(namey, startx + xoffset, disp_name, attr) xoffset += width
def __init__(self, this_plant, this_data): '''Initialization''' self.initialized = False self.screen = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.raw() curses.start_color() try: curses.curs_set(0) except curses.error: # Not all terminals support this functionality. # When the error is ignored the screen will look a little uglier, but that's not terrible # So in order to keep botany as accesible as possible to everyone, it should be safe to ignore the error. pass self.screen.keypad(1) self.plant = this_plant self.user_data = this_data self.plant_string = self.plant.parse_plant() self.plant_ticks = str(self.plant.ticks) self.exit = False self.infotoggle = 0 self.maxy, self.maxx = self.screen.getmaxyx() # Highlighted and Normal line definitions self.define_colors() self.highlighted = curses.color_pair(1) self.normal = curses.A_NORMAL # Threaded screen update for live changes screen_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.update_plant_live, args=()) screen_thread.daemon = True screen_thread.start() self.screen.clear() self.show(["water","look","garden","instructions"], title=' botany ', subtitle='options')
def draw(self): # Draw the menu and lines self.screen.refresh() try: self.draw_default() self.screen.refresh() except Exception as exception: # Makes sure data is saved in event of a crash due to window resizing self.screen.clear() self.screen.addstr(0, 0, "Enlarge terminal!", curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.refresh() self.__exit__() traceback.print_exc()
def ascii_render(self, filename, ypos, xpos): # Prints ASCII art from file at given coordinates this_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),"art") this_filename = os.path.join(this_dir,filename) this_file = open(this_filename,"r") this_string = this_file.readlines() this_file.close() for y, line in enumerate(this_string, 2): self.screen.addstr(ypos+y, xpos, line, curses.A_NORMAL) # self.screen.refresh()
def draw_default(self): # draws default menu clear_bar = " " * (int(self.maxx*2/3)) self.screen.addstr(2, 2, self.title, curses.A_STANDOUT) # Title for this menu self.screen.addstr(4, 2, self.subtitle, curses.A_BOLD) #Subtitle for this menu # clear menu on screen for index in range(len(self.options)+1): self.screen.addstr(5+index, 4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) # display all the menu items, showing the 'pos' item highlighted for index in range(len(self.options)): textstyle = self.normal if index == self.selected: textstyle = self.highlighted self.screen.addstr(5+index ,4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(5+index ,4, "%d - %s" % (index+1, self.options[index]), textstyle) self.screen.addstr(11, 2, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(12, 2, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(11, 2, "plant: ", curses.A_DIM) self.screen.addstr(11, 9, self.plant_string, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(12, 2, "score: ", curses.A_DIM) self.screen.addstr(12, 9, self.plant_ticks, curses.A_NORMAL) # display fancy water gauge if not self.plant.dead: water_gauge_str = self.water_gauge() self.screen.addstr(5,14, water_gauge_str, curses.A_NORMAL) else: self.screen.addstr(5,13, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.addstr(5,13, " ( RIP )", curses.A_NORMAL) # draw cute ascii from files self.draw_plant_ascii(self.plant)
def clear_info_pane(self): # Clears bottom part of screen clear_bar = " " * (self.maxx-2) + "\n" clear_block = clear_bar * (self.maxy - 15) for y, line in enumerate(clear_block.splitlines(), 2): self.screen.addstr(y+12, 2, line, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.refresh()
def draw_info_text(self, info_text): # print lines of text to info pane at bottom of screen if type(info_text) is str: info_text = info_text.splitlines() for y, line in enumerate(info_text, 2): self.screen.addstr(y+12, 2, line, curses.A_NORMAL) self.screen.refresh()
def move(self, x = None): if x is not None: if x < self.x1 or x >= self.x2: return self.stdscr.chgat(self.y, self.cursor, 1, curses.A_NORMAL) self.cursor = x self.stdscr.chgat(self.y, self.cursor, 1, curses.A_REVERSE)
def display(self): self.panel.top() self.panel.show() self.window.clear() while True: self.window.refresh() curses.doupdate() for index, item in enumerate(self.items): if index == self.position: mode = curses.A_REVERSE else: mode = curses.A_NORMAL msg = '%d. %s' % (index, item[0]) self.window.addstr(1+index, 1, msg, mode) key = self.window.getch() if key in [curses.KEY_ENTER, ord('\n')]: # Handle exit from menu if self.position == len(self.items)-1 or str(self.items[self.position][1]) == "exit": break else: if self.rootmenu.set_selection(self.items[self.position][1]): break elif key == curses.KEY_UP: self.navigate(-1) elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.navigate(1) self.window.clear() self.panel.hide() panel.update_panels() curses.doupdate()
def tick(self, scr, steps): if self.step > WINDOW_SIZE: #stop window animation after some steps self.draw_frame(scr, self.x - self.step, self.y - self.step, self.x + self.step, self.y + self.step, curses.A_NORMAL) return False # clear all characters covered by the window frame for i in range(WINDOW_ANIMATION_SPEED): anistep = self.step + i self.draw_frame(scr, self.x - anistep, self.y - anistep, self.x + anistep, self.y + anistep, curses.A_NORMAL, ' ') #cancel last animation self.draw_frame(scr, self.x - self.step, self.y - self.step, self.x + self.step, self.y + self.step, curses.A_NORMAL) #next step self.step += WINDOW_ANIMATION_SPEED #draw outer frame self.draw_frame(scr, self.x - self.step, self.y - self.step, self.x + self.step, self.y + self.step, curses.A_REVERSE) return True
def banner(self): """ Draw the banner in the TUI window. """ screen = self._stdscr.subwin(2, 80, 0, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) # Set local variable title = curses.A_NORMAL title += curses.A_BOLD normal = curses.color_pair(4) # Print title screen.addstr(0, 0, self.__title.center(79), title) screen.addstr(1, 0, "Setup".center(10), normal) screen.refresh()
def footer(self): """ Draw the footer in the TUI window. """ screen = self._stdscr.subwin(1, 80, 23, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL # Copyright info copyleft = self.__copyleft screen.addstr(0, 0, copyleft.center(79), normal) screen.refresh()
def configure_settings_frame(self, pos=None): """ Draw `Configure Setting` frame with a index number (`pos`) of the item selected. :param pos: Index of selected item in `Configure Setting` frame. The default value of `pos` is `None`. :type pos: int or None .. note:: None of the items in `Configure Setting` frame would be selected if pos is `None`. """ self._stdscr.keypad(1) screen = self._stdscr.subwin(8, 25, 2, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(4)) # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL select = curses.color_pair(5) select += curses.A_BOLD for p, item in enumerate(self.settings): item_str = item[0].ljust(12) screen.addstr(3 + p, 2, item_str, select if p == pos else normal) if p: choice = "[%s]" % item[2][item[1]] else: choice = "[%s]" % item[2][item[1]]["label"] screen.addstr(3 + p, 15, ''.ljust(10), normal) screen.addstr(3 + p, 15, choice, select if p == pos else normal) screen.refresh()
def sub_selection_dialog(self, pos): """ Draw a `Selection Dialog` on screen used to make configurations. :param pos: Index of selected item in `Configure Setting` frame. :type pos: int .. warning:: The value of `pos` MUST NOT be `None`. :return: A **WindowObject** which represents the selection dialog. :rtype: WindowObject """ i_len = len(self.settings[pos][2]) # Draw Shadow shadow = curses.newwin(i_len + 2, 18, 13 - i_len / 2, 31) shadow.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(8)) shadow.refresh() # Draw Subwindow screen = curses.newwin(i_len + 2, 18, 12 - i_len / 2, 30) screen.box() screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) screen.keypad(1) # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL # Title of Subwindow screen.addstr(0, 3, self.settings[pos][0].center(12), normal) return screen
def cpprint(self, print_string, finish=False, reverse=False): if self.use_curses: try: attr = curses.A_NORMAL if reverse: attr = curses.A_REVERSE if self.start: self.scrn.erase() self.start = False hw = self.scrn.getmaxyx() pos = self.scrn.getyx() if pos[0] < hw[0] and pos[1] == 0: print_string = print_string[:hw[1] - 1] self.scrn.addstr(print_string, attr) if pos[0] + 1 < hw[0]: self.scrn.move(pos[0] + 1, 0) if finish: self.scrn.refresh() self.start = True except curses.CursesError as e: # show curses errors at top of screen for easier debugging self.scrn.move(0, 0) self.scrn.addstr("{} {} {} {}\n".format(type(e), e, pos, hw), attr) self.scrn.addstr(print_string + "\n", attr) else: print print_string
def addstr(self, y, x, s, attr=curses.A_NORMAL): try: self.w.addstr(y, x, s, attr) except Exception as e: if str(e) != 'addstr() returned ERR': raise
def slipnode_name_and_attr(self, slipnode): if slipnode.activation == 100: return (slipnode.name.upper(), curses.A_STANDOUT) if slipnode.activation > 50: return (slipnode.name.upper(), curses.A_BOLD) else: return (slipnode.name.lower(), curses.A_NORMAL)
def depict_bond(self, w, row, column, bond): slipnet = bond.ctx.slipnet if bond.directionCategory == slipnet.right: s = '-- %s -->' % bond.category.name elif bond.directionCategory == slipnet.left: s = '<-- %s --' % bond.category.name elif bond.directionCategory is None: s = '<-- %s -->' % bond.category.name if isinstance(bond.leftObject, Group): s = 'G' + s if isinstance(bond.rightObject, Group): s = s + 'G' w.addstr(row, column, s, curses.A_NORMAL) return column + len(s)
def ignore_error_add_str(win, y, x, s, attr=curses.A_NORMAL): """???????????????????????????????????????""" try: win.addstr(y, x, s, attr) except curses.error: pass
def open_menu(stdscr, items): """Opens a menu containing items and returns the selected item. Blocks until the user selected an item. """ width = max(map(len, items)) + 20 height = len(items*2)-1 + 4 # +2 for frame, +2 for padding curses.curs_set(False) selected = 0 while True: center = (curses.COLS//2, curses.LINES//2) menu_rect = Rect(center[0]-width//2, center[1]-height//2, width, height) menu_rect = draw_frame(stdscr, menu_rect, thick_border=True) for i, item in enumerate(items): attr = curses.A_NORMAL if i == selected: attr = curses.A_STANDOUT stdscr.addstr(menu_rect.y + 1 + i*2, center[0] - len(item)//2, item, attr) c = stdscr.getch() if c == curses.KEY_UP: selected -= 1 if c == curses.KEY_DOWN: selected += 1 if c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10: break selected = clamp(selected, 0, len(items)-1) curses.curs_set(True) return items[selected]
def init_display(): """ Inits the display GUI """ if not GUI.gui_stopped: curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() GUI.screen.keypad(1) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_CYAN) GUI.high_light_text = curses.color_pair(1) GUI.normal_text = curses.A_NORMAL curses.curs_set(0) GUI.refresh_values() GUI.position = 1 GUI.page = 1 GUI.box = curses.newwin(GUI.max_row + 3, curses.COLS, 0, 0) GUI.box.addstr(1, 1, GUI.status, GUI.high_light_text) GUI.add_bottom_menus() GUI.screen.refresh() GUI.box.refresh()
def draw_form(self): super().draw_form() menu_advert = " " + self.__class__.MENU_KEY + ": Menu " x, y = self.display_menu_advert_at() if isinstance(menu_advert, bytes): menu_advert = menu_advert.decode('utf-8', 'replace') self.add_line( y, x, menu_advert, self.make_attributes_list(menu_advert, curses.A_NORMAL), self.columns - x )
def WinCprint(self,y,x,msg,color=curses.A_NORMAL): self.lockvideo.acquire() try: #self.VWscreen.addstr(y,x,msg[:msg.find('\n')],color) self.VWscreen.addstr(y,x,msg,color) self.VWscreen.refresh() except: pass self.lockvideo.release()
def start_top_window(window, display): window_lines, window_cols = window.getmaxyx() bottom_line = window_lines - 1 window.bkgd(curses.A_NORMAL, curses.color_pair(2)) window.scrollok(1) while True: # alternate color pair used to visually check how frequently this loop runs # to tell when user input is blocking window.addstr(bottom_line, 1, display.recv_string()) window.move(bottom_line, 1) window.scroll(1) window.refresh()
def runCheck(initType, scrn): if initType == "systemd": try: getStatus = subprocess.Popen(['systemctl', 'status', 'cgroup_py'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: eMsg = "Unable to get status of cgroup_py daemon. Exiting!" scrn.addstr(1,1,eMsg) time.sleep(2) sys.exit(2) statlines = getStatus.communicate()[0].splitlines() for l in statlines: if "Active:" in l: status = l.split(':')[1] if 'active' in status and not 'inactive' in status: pass else: eMsg = "Cgroup_py daemon does not appear to be active. Exiting." scrn.erase() scrn.addstr(1,1,eMsg) scrn.refresh() time.sleep(2) sys.exit(2) elif initType == "sysV": try: getStatus = subprocess.Popen(['/etc/init.d/cgroup_py', 'status'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: eMsg = "Unable to get status of cgroup_py daemon. Exiting!" scrn.addstr(1,1, eMsg) time.sleep(2) sys.exit(2) if not "running" in getStatus.communicate()[0]: eMsg = "Cgroup_py daemon doesn't appear to be running. Exiting." scrn.addstr(1,1, eMsg, curses.A_NORMAL) scrn.refresh() time.sleep(2) sys.exit(2) else: print "Cgroup_py daemon found."
def render_chat(users, history, screen, x, y, w, h): for (i, a) in enumerate(history[-h:]): buffer = [] if 'user' in a: if a['user'] in users: user_attr = curses.A_BOLD else: user_attr = curses.A_NORMAL if a['message'].startswith('/me '): text = '* {0} {1}'.format(a['user'], a['message'][4:]) buffer = [ ('* ', curses.A_NORMAL), (a['user'], user_attr), (u' {0}'.format(a['message'][4:]), curses.A_NORMAL)] else: buffer = [ (a['user'], user_attr), (u'> {0}'.format(a['message']), curses.A_NORMAL)] else: buffer = [(u'* {0}'.format(a), curses.A_NORMAL)] x_ = x + 1 for (text, attr) in buffer: if not isinstance(text, six.binary_type): text = text.encode('utf8') screen.addstr(y + 1 + i, x_, text, attr) x_ += len(text.decode('utf8'))
def select_mode(self, index): if self.has_focus: if self.first_item_index == 0 and index == self.position: mode = curses.A_REVERSE elif (self.position - self.first_item_index) == index: mode = curses.A_REVERSE elif (self.position + 1 == self.last_item_index) and (index == len(self.employees) - 1): mode = curses.A_REVERSE else: mode = curses.A_NORMAL else: mode = curses.A_NORMAL return mode
def display(self): self.window.clear() while True: self.window.refresh() curses.doupdate() for index, item in enumerate(self.items): if index == self.position: mode = curses.A_REVERSE else: mode = curses.A_NORMAL msg = '- %s\n (Features: %s, Design: %s)' % (item, item.features, item.design_need) self.window.addstr(1+index*2, 2, msg, mode) key = self.window.getch() if key in [curses.KEY_ENTER, ord('\n')]: if self.position == len(self.items)-1: return None else: return self.position if key == curses.KEY_UP: self.navigate(-1) elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.navigate(1)
def create(liste): screen = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) s = curses.color_pair(1) h = curses.A_NORMAL pos = 0 while 1: curses.noecho() screen.clear() screen.border(0) screen.keypad(True) screen.addstr(1,2,"(w)Yukari/Up (s)Asagi/Down (e)Sec", curses.A_BOLD) a = 0 b = 4 c = 3 for oge in liste: if int(a/15)<1: if pos == a: screen.addstr(b, 4, "".join(liste[a]), s) else: screen.addstr(b, 4, "".join(liste[a]), h) else: c = c + 1 if pos == a: screen.addstr(c, 23, "".join(liste[a]), s) else: screen.addstr(c, 23, "".join(liste[a]), h) a = a + 1 b = b + 1 screen.refresh() try: inp = screen.getkey(1,1) if inp == 'e': screen.refresh() curses.echo() screen.keypad(False) curses.endwin() break if inp == 'w': if pos > 0: pos = pos - 1 else: pos = len(liste)-1 if inp== 's': if pos < len(liste)-1: pos = pos + 1 else: pos=0 except Exception as e: pass return pos
def addline(self, y, string, attr): """ Displays a string on the screen. Handles truncation and borders. """ if y >= self.max_y: return # Display the left blank border. self.addstr( y=y, x=0, string=' ' * self.offset_x, attr=curses.A_NORMAL, ) # Remove trailing spaces so the truncate logic works correctly. string = string.rstrip() # Truncate the string if it is too long. if self.offset_x + len(string) + self.offset_x > self.max_x: string = string[:self.max_x - self.offset_x - self.offset_x - 2] + '..' # Add whitespace between the end of the string and the edge of the # screen. This is required when scrolling, to blank out characters # from other lines that had been displayed here previously. string += ' ' * (self.max_x - self.offset_x - len(string) - self.offset_x) # Display the string. self.addstr( y=y, x=self.offset_x, string=string, attr=attr, ) # Display the right blank border. self.addstr( y=y, x=self.max_x - self.offset_x, string=' ' * self.offset_x, attr=curses.A_NORMAL, )
def show_funclist(self, pos, item_sup, item_inf): """ Draw `function selection list` frame with a index number of the item selected and the range of items to be displayed. :param pos: Index of selected item in `function selection list`. :type pos: int or None :param item_sup: Upper bound of item index from `function selection list`. :type item_sup: int :param item_inf: Lower bound of item index from `function selection list`. :type item_inf: int """ # Set UI variable screen = self._stdscr.subwin(18, 26, 2, 26) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(4)) normal = curses.A_NORMAL select = curses.color_pair(5) select += curses.A_BOLD list_height = 15 # Set local variable ip = self.settings[1][1] item_len = len(self.choice[ip]) # Function list items_show = self.choice[ip][item_sup:item_inf] items_selec = self._funcs[ip][item_sup:item_inf] for p, item in enumerate(items_show): sel_ch = '+' if items_selec[p] else ' ' item_str = ("[%s] %s" % (sel_ch, item[3])).ljust(23) item_pos = pos - item_sup if pos is not None else None highlight = select if p == item_pos else normal if item_len > list_height: if item_inf - item_sup == list_height - 2: screen.addstr(4 + p, 2, item_str, highlight) elif item_inf == item_len: screen.addstr(4 + p, 2, item_str, highlight) elif item_sup == 0: screen.addstr(3 + p, 2, item_str, highlight) else: screen.addstr(3 + p, 2, item_str, highlight) if item_len > list_height: if item_inf - item_sup == list_height - 2: screen.addstr(3, 2, " More ".center(23, '.'), normal) screen.addch(3, 15, curses.ACS_UARROW) screen.addstr(17, 2, " More ".center(23, '.'), normal) screen.addch(17, 15, curses.ACS_DARROW) elif item_inf == item_len: screen.addstr(3, 2, " More ".center(23, '.'), normal) screen.addch(3, 15, curses.ACS_UARROW) elif item_sup == 0: screen.addstr(17, 2, " More ".center(23, '.'), normal) screen.addch(17, 15, curses.ACS_DARROW) else: for line_i in range(list_height - item_len): screen.addstr(17 - line_i, 2, ' ' * 23, normal) if not items_show: screen.addstr(4, 2, "No data file!".center(23), normal) screen.refresh() self._item_sup, self._item_inf = item_sup, item_inf
def process_bar(self, done, block, total, mode=1): """ Draw `Process Bar` at the bottom which is used to indicate progress of downloading operation. .. note:: This method is a callback function responses to :meth:`urllib.urlretrieve` method while fetching hosts data file. :param done: Block count of packaged retrieved. :type done: int :param block: Block size of the data pack retrieved. :type block: int :param total: Total size of the hosts data file. :type total: int :param mode: A flag indicating the status of `Process Bar`. The default value of `mode` is `1`. ==== ==================================== mode `Process Bar` status ==== ==================================== 1 Downloading operation is processing. 0 Not downloading. ==== ==================================== :type mode: int """ screen = self._stdscr.subwin(2, 80, 20, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(4)) normal = curses.A_NORMAL line_width = 76 prog_len = line_width - 20 # Progress Bar if mode: done *= block prog = 1.0 * prog_len * done / total progress = ''.join(['=' * int(prog), '-' * int(2 * prog % 2)]) progress = progress.ljust(prog_len) total = CommonUtil.convert_size(total).ljust(7) done = CommonUtil.convert_size(done).rjust(7) else: progress = ' ' * prog_len done = total = 'N/A'.center(7) # Show Progress prog_bar = "[%s] %s | %s" % (progress, done, total) screen.addstr(1, 2, prog_bar, normal) screen.refresh()
def main(): """ The entry point for the app. Called when music-scraper is typed in terminal. Starts the GUI and starts the scraping process after the input is given """ curses.initscr() if curses.COLS < 80 or curses.LINES < 5: curses.endwin() print('Terminal\'s dimensions are too small') return process = CrawlerProcess({'LOG_ENABLED': False}) def gui_input(screen): GUI.screen = screen curses.start_color() GUI.screen.keypad(1) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_CYAN) GUI.high_light_text = curses.color_pair(1) GUI.normal_text = curses.A_NORMAL GUI.box = curses.newwin(curses.LINES, curses.COLS, 0, 0) GUI.message = GUI.get_input() curses.wrapper(gui_input) s = request.quote(GUI.message) MusicSpider.start_urls = [ "http://www.google.com/search?q=" + s, ] process.crawl(MusicSpider) thread = GUIThread(process, start_gui) thread.start() process.start() if not GUI.gui_stopped: if len(GUI.strings) == 0: GUI.box.erase() GUI.box.addstr(1, 1, "No Results Found... Try with Some other keywords.", GUI.high_light_text) GUI.add_bottom_menus() GUI.screen.refresh() GUI.box.refresh() else: GUI.box.addstr(curses.LINES - 2, 1, "Completed Scraping !!", GUI.high_light_text) GUI.add_bottom_menus() GUI.screen.refresh() GUI.box.refresh()
def set_list(self, node): self.win.erase() highlighted = node.highlighted if not node.item_list: no_data_str = "no VPN data" self.win.addstr(self.height//2,(self.width-len(no_data_str))//2, no_data_str) self.win.refresh() return list_len = len(node.item_list) half_win_height = self.height//2 if highlighted < half_win_height or list_len < self.height: left = 0 right = min(list_len, self.height) elif highlighted + half_win_height < list_len: left = highlighted - half_win_height right = highlighted + half_win_height else: left = list_len - self.height right = min(highlighted + half_win_height, list_len) for index in range(left, right): try: item = node.item_list[index] except IndexError: self.win.addstr("Index out of range!") break text_atr = curses.A_REVERSE if index == highlighted else curses.A_NORMAL left_str = str(item[0]) if isinstance(item[1], int): right_str = str(item[1]) else: right_str = "{:.2f}".format(item[1]) left_str = left_str if len(left_str)+len(right_str) < self.width else left_str[:self.width-len(right_str)-3]+'~' left_str = left_str.ljust(self.width-len(right_str)-1) item_str = "{}{}".format(left_str, right_str) self.win.addstr(index-left, 0, item_str, text_atr) self.win.refresh()