def __init__(self, y, x, h, w): self.y = y self.x = x self.h = h self.w = w # Prevent rendering self.hidden = False # Clip children self.clipped = False # One row higher so last character is writable self.pad = curses.newpad(h + 1, w + 1) self.children = []
def _start_ui(self, stdscr): """TODO docs""" rogue_height = 26 rogue_width = 84 # using a pad instead of the default win, it's safer self.stdscr = curses.newpad(rogue_height, rogue_width) self.stdscr.nodelay(True) curses.curs_set(False) self.draw_from_rogue() minlogsize = 4 if curses.LINES - 1 >= rogue_height + minlogsize: # there's enough space to show the logs self.logpad = curses.newpad(curses.LINES - 1, curses.COLS - 1) while True: if self.timer_callback: self.timer_callback() time.sleep(self.sleep_time) if self.keypress_callback: try: key = self.stdscr.getkey() event = Event() event.char = key self.keypress_callback(event) except curses.error: pass
def __init__(self, enable=True): self.enable = enable if not self.enable: return self.logger = logging.getLogger('trader-logger') self.stdscr = curses.initscr() self.pad = curses.newpad(23, 120) self.order_pad = curses.newpad(10, 120) self.timestamp = "" self.last_order_update = 0 curses.start_color() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_GREEN) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_RED) self.stdscr.keypad(1) self.pad.addstr(1, 0, "Waiting for a trade...")
def _wrapped_run(self, stdscr): self.left_width = 60 self.right_width = curses.COLS - self.left_width # Setup windows self.top = curses.newwin(2, curses.COLS, 0, 0) self.left = curses.newpad(curses.LINES * 2, self.left_width) self.right = curses.newwin(curses.LINES - 4, self.right_width, 2, self.left_width) self.bottom = curses.newwin(2, curses.COLS, curses.LINES - 2, 0) Color.setup_palette() # Load some data and redraw self.fetch_next() self.selected = 0 self.full_redraw() self.loop()
def __init__(self, stdscr): self.stdscr = stdscr self.par_height, self.par_width = stdscr.getmaxyx() self.pad = curses.newpad(self.par_height + 200, self.par_width + 200) self.pad.keypad(1)
def init_scr(self): self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) self.stdscr_size = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.task_total = count_file_linenum(self.config.seedfile) self.pgsscr_size = (self.config.proc_num + 2, 40) self.pgsscr = curses.newpad(*self.pgsscr_size) self.cntscr_size = (4, 40) self.cntscr = curses.newpad(*self.cntscr_size) self.optscr_size = (18, 80) self.optscr = curses.newpad(*self.optscr_size)
def _cw_setup_run(cls, app, window): cls.RUNNING = True cls.APP = app height, width = window.getmaxyx() if width < cls.WIDTH: raise CursedSizeError('terminal width is %d and window width is ' '%d' % (width, cls.WIDTH)) if height < cls.HEIGHT: raise CursedSizeError('terminal height is %d and window height ' 'is %d' % (height, cls.HEIGHT)) if cls.PAD: cls.WINDOW = curses.newpad(cls.PAD_HEIGHT, cls.PAD_WIDTH) else: cls.WINDOW = window.subwin(cls.HEIGHT, cls.WIDTH, cls.Y, cls.X) if cls.SCROLL: cls.WINDOW.scrollok(True) cls.WINDOW.idlok(1) if cls.BORDERED: cls.WINDOW.border() for attr in cls._CW_WINDOW_FUNCS: cls._cw_set_window_func(attr) for attr in cls._CW_SCREEN_FUNCS: cls._cw_set_screen_func(attr) for attr in cls._CW_WINDOW_SWAP_FUNCS: cls._cw_swap_window_func(attr) for attr in cls._CW_SCREEN_SWAP_FUNCS: cls._cw_swap_screen_func(attr)
def __init__(self, ticks, silent, debug, compat_debug, debug_lines, autostep_debug, head): super().__init__() self.ticks = ticks self.silent = silent self.debug = debug self.compat_debug = compat_debug self.debug_lines = debug_lines self.autostep_debug = autostep_debug self.head = head self.tick_number = 0 self.output_count = 0 if self.debug and not self.compat_debug: self.logging_loc = 0 self.logging_x = 1 self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(False) self.win_program = curses.newwin(self.debug_lines, curses.COLS - 1, 0, 0) self.logging_pad = curses.newpad(1000, curses.COLS - 1) def signal_handler(signal, frame): self.on_finish() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
def resize(self, h, w): """Resize the drawable and create a new pad.""" self.h = h self.w = w self.pad = curses.newpad(h + 1, w + 1)
def WinConnInfo(self): y = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_CI][1] x = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_CI][2] nlines = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_CI][3] hsize = len(self.Vconndata_head) Ltmp=(self.ID_PAD_CI,y,x,nlines,hsize) self.padrefreshcoord.append(Ltmp) try: self.connIpad = curses.newpad(y+nlines+3,x+hsize+2) self.connIwinbox = curses.newwin( y+nlines+2, hsize+3, y, x) except Exception as err: self.connIpad = -1 self.WinPrintError("WinConnInfo curses Error:"+str(err) ) finally: try: if not self.WinCheckThreadAlive(self.idthconn): self.idthconn = threading.Thread(target=self._WinconninfoshowTH,name='conninfoshowTH') self.idthconn.setDaemon(True) self.thConfig.append((self.ID_PAD_CI,1)) else: self.lockvideo.acquire() self.connIpad.addstr(1,1,self.Vconndata_head,self.CYANONBLACK) self.connIpad.addstr(2,2,"waiting refresh... ",self.GREENONBLACK) self.connIpad.refresh(1,0,y+1,x+1,y+nlines+1,x+hsize) self.lockvideo.release() except Exception as err: self.connIpad = -10 self.WinPrintError("WinConnInfo thrd Error:"+str(err) )
def Windb(self): y = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_DB][1] x = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_DB][2] nlines = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_DB][3] hsize = len(self.Vdbdata_head) Ltmp=(self.ID_PAD_DB,y,x,nlines,hsize) self.padrefreshcoord.append(Ltmp) try: self.dbpad = curses.newpad(y+nlines+3,x+hsize+2) self.dbwinbox = curses.newwin( y+nlines+2, hsize+3, y, x) except Exception as err: self.dbpad =-1 self.WinPrintError("Windb curses Error:"+str(err) ) finally: try: if not self.WinCheckThreadAlive(self.idthdb): self.idthdb = threading.Thread(target=self._WindbshowTH,name='dbshowTH') self.idthdb.setDaemon(True) self.thConfig.append((self.ID_PAD_DB,1)) else: self.lockvideo.acquire() self.dbpad.addstr(1,1,self.Vdbdata_head,self.CYANONBLACK) self.dbpad.addstr(2,2,"waiting refresh... ",self.GREENONBLACK) self.dbpad.refresh(1,0,y+1,x+1,y+nlines+1,x+hsize) self.lockvideo.release() except Exception as err: self.dbpad =-10 self.WinPrintError("Windb thrd Error:"+str(err) )
def Wininst(self): y = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_INST][1] x = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_INST][2] nlines = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_INST][3] hsize = len(self.Vinstdata_head) self.instdata_head = 'Instance info' Ltmp=(self.ID_PAD_INST,y,x,nlines,hsize) self.padrefreshcoord.append(Ltmp) try: self.instpad = curses.newpad(y+nlines+3,x+hsize+2) self.instwinbox = curses.newwin( nlines+3, hsize+3, y, x) except Exception as err: self.instpad =-1 self.WinPrintError("Wininst curses Error:"+str(err) ) finally: try: if not self.WinCheckThreadAlive(self.idthinst): self.idthinst = threading.Thread(target=self._WininstshowTH,name='instshowTH') self.idthinst.setDaemon(True) self.thConfig.append((self.ID_PAD_INST,1)) else: self.lockvideo.acquire() self.instpad.addstr(1,1,self.Vinstdata_head,self.CYANONBLACK) self.instpad.addstr(2,2,"waiting refresh... ",self.GREENONBLACK) self.instpad.refresh(1,0,y+1,x+1,y+nlines+1,x+hsize) self.lockvideo.release() except Exception as err: self.instpad =-10 self.WinPrintError("Wininst thrd Error:"+str(err) )
def Wintbs(self): y = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_TBS][1] x = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_TBS][2] nlines = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_TBS][3] hsize = len(self.Vtbsdata_head) self.tbs_head = 'Tablespace - max five used' Ltmp=(self.ID_PAD_TBS,y,x,nlines,hsize) self.padrefreshcoord.append(Ltmp) try: self.tbspad = curses.newpad(y+nlines+3,x+hsize+2) self.tbswinbox = curses.newwin( nlines+3, hsize+3, y, x) except Exception as err: self.tbspad =-1 self.WinPrintError("Wintbs curses Error:"+str(err) ) finally: try: if not self.WinCheckThreadAlive(self.idthtbs): self.idthtbs = threading.Thread(target=self._WintbsshowTH,name='tbsTH') self.idthtbs.setDaemon(True) self.thConfig.append((self.ID_PAD_TBS,1)) else: self.lockvideo.acquire() self.tbspad.addstr(1,1,self.Vtbsdata_head,self.CYANONBLACK) self.tbspad.addstr(2,2,"waiting refresh..." ,self.GREENONBLACK) self.tbspad.refresh(1,0,y+1,x+1,y+nlines+1,x+hsize) self.lockvideo.release() except Exception as err: self.tbspad =-10 self.WinPrintError("Wintbs thrd Error:"+str(err) )
def Winsess(self): y = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_SESS][1] x = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_SESS][2] nlines = self.WinOtopData[self.ID_PAD_SESS][3] hsize = len(self.Vsessdata_head) self.session_head = 'Active sessions (no sys/system)' virtual_v_size = nlines*self.MAX_SESS_ROWS + y + 3 Ltmp=(self.ID_PAD_SESS,y,x,nlines,hsize) self.padrefreshcoord.append(Ltmp) try: self.sesspad = curses.newpad(virtual_v_size,x+hsize+2) self.sesswinbox = curses.newwin( nlines+3, hsize+3, y, x) except Exception as err: self.sesspad =-1 self.WinPrintError("Winsess curses Error:"+str(err) ) finally: try: if not self.WinCheckThreadAlive(self.idthsess): self.idthsess = threading.Thread(target=self._WinsessshowTH,name='sessshowTH') self.idthsess.setDaemon(True) self.thConfig.append((self.ID_PAD_SESS,1)) else: self.lockvideo.acquire() self.sesspad.addstr(1,1,self.Vsessdata_head,self.CYANONBLACK) self.sesspad.addstr(2,2,"waiting refresh... ",self.GREENONBLACK) self.sesspad.refresh(1,0,y+1,x+1,y+nlines+1,x+hsize) self.lockvideo.release() except Exception as err: self.sesspad =-10 self.WinPrintError("Winsess thrd Error:"+str(err) )
def update_pad_size(self, pad_y): """check pad size and update pad if neccesary""" if self.pad_y != pad_y: self.pad_y = pad_y self.pad = curses.newpad(self.pad_y, self.max_x)
def term_resized(self, new_y, new_x): """handle terminal resize""" self.pad = curses.newpad(new_y, new_x) self.max_y = new_y self.max_x = new_x
def term_resized(self, new_y, new_x): """handle terminal resize""" self.pad = curses.newpad(self.row_count, new_x) self.max_y = new_y self.max_x = new_x
def enable(): # Initialize curses global stdscr global status_pad global usage_win global curses_sighandler global map_track_num global enabled global pad_height, pad_width global had_special global extra_lines if enabled: return had_special = 0 extra_lines = 2 # top + bottom status lines if jack.display.discname: extra_lines = extra_lines + 1 stdscr = initscr() enabled = 1 jack.term.sig_winch_cache = signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_IGN) # Turn off echoing of keys, and enter cbreak mode, # where no buffering is performed on keyboard input noecho() cbreak() # In keypad mode, escape sequences for special keys # (like the cursor keys) will be interpreted and # a special value like KEY_LEFT will be returned stdscr.keypad(1) stdscr.leaveok(0) # build the pad pad_height, pad_width = len( jack.ripstuff.all_tracks_todo_sorted), jack.ripstuff.max_name_len + 72 status_pad = newpad(pad_height, pad_width) usage_win = newwin(usage_win_height, usage_win_width, 0, 0) map_track_num = {} for i in range(len(jack.ripstuff.all_tracks_todo_sorted)): map_track_num[jack.ripstuff.all_tracks_todo_sorted[i][NUM]] = i sig_winch_handler(None, None)
def __init__(self, env, ticks, silent, debug, compat_debug, debug_lines, autostep_debug, output_limit): """ :param dots.environment.Env env: The env of the interpreter :param int ticks: The max number of ticks for the program :param bool silent: True to turn off all outputs :param bool debug: True to show the execution of the program :param bool compat_debug: True to show the debug with only builtin functions :param int debug_lines: The number of lines to show the debug :param float autostep_debug: The timebetween automatic ticks. 0 disables the auto ticks. :param int output_limit: The max number of outputs for the program """ super().__init__(env) # if it is zero or false, we don't want to stop self.ticks_left = ticks or float('inf') self.outputs_left = output_limit or float('inf') self.silent = silent self.debug = debug self.compat_debug = compat_debug self.debug_lines = debug_lines self.debug_cols = terminalsize.get_terminal_size()[0] - 1 self.autostep_debug = autostep_debug self.compat_logging_buffer = '' self.compat_logging_buffer_lines = terminal_lines - debug_lines - 1 self.first_tick = True if self.debug and not self.compat_debug: self.logging_loc = 0 self.logging_x = 1 self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.noecho() # hides the cursor curses.curs_set(False) # defining the two main parts of the screen: the view of the program self.win_program = curses.newwin(self.debug_lines, curses.COLS, 0, 0) # and pad for the output of the prog self.logging_pad = curses.newpad(1000, curses.COLS - 1) def signal_handler(signal, frame): self.on_finish() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)