def display(self, title, content): curses.curs_set(0) self.infowin.clear() y, x = self.infowin.getmaxyx() self.infowin.bkgd(" ", curses.color_pair(6)) self.infowin.box() self.infowin.addstr(0, 0, title + " - 'q' to close", curses.A_UNDERLINE | curses.A_BOLD) for count, line in enumerate(content.split('\n'), start=1): try: self.infowin.addstr(count, 1, line) except: pass self.infopanel.show() curses.panel.update_panels() curses.doupdate() while self.infowin.getch() != ord('q'): pass curses.curs_set(1)
def update(self): for index, item in enumerate(self.employees): mode = self.select_mode(index) try: if item.unlocked_age < 2: mode = mode | curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_UNDERLINE except: pass if self.first_item_index > 0: self.window.addstr(0, 20, self.arrow_up) order = self.first_item_index + index + 1 msg = self.item_message.format(order, item) self.window.addstr(1 + index, 1, msg, mode) if self.last_item_index < len(self.items): self.window.addstr(self.LIST_SIZE + 1, 20, self.arrow_down) self.window.refresh() curses.doupdate()
def _cw_menu_display(cls): x = 0 # Because cls with MENU will add 1 to y in _fix_xy, we need true origin y = -1 # Makes the menu standout menu_attrs = curses.A_REVERSE | curses.A_BOLD saved_pos = cls.getxy() for menu in Menu.ALL: # double check we're not going to write out of bounds if x + len(menu.title) + 2 >= cls.WIDTH: raise CursedSizeError('Menu %s exceeds width of window: x=%d' % (menu.title, x)) y = -1 cls.addstr(menu.title + ' ', x, y, attr=menu_attrs) mxlen = max([len(str(i)) for i in menu.items]) if menu is cls._OPENED_MENU: for item in menu.items: y += 1 itemstr = str(item) wspace = (mxlen - len(itemstr)) * ' ' itemstr = itemstr + wspace if item is menu.selected: attr = curses.A_UNDERLINE else: attr = curses.A_REVERSE cls.addstr(itemstr, x, y, attr=attr) # For the empty space filler x += len(menu.title) + 2 # color the rest of the top of the window extra = 2 if cls.BORDERED else 0 cls.addstr(' ' * (cls.WIDTH - x - extra), x, -1, attr=menu_attrs) cls.move(*saved_pos)
def video_options(self, item, position): if position == self.pos: return curses.color_pair(1) options = 0 options |= curses.A_DIM if item['seen'] else 0 options |= curses.color_pair(3) if item.get('fav') else 0 if item['title'] in self.data: info = self.data[item['title']] options |= curses.A_UNDERLINE if info.get('watch') else 0 if any(item['title'] == i['title'] for i in self.selected): options |= curses.A_REVERSE return options
def _print_header(self): row = 0 self._print_line(row, 0, "TCP Remote TOP", color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 2, " - " + self.config_subtitle) row = 1 self._print_line(row, 2, "Connections", color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 14, "Transport", color=curses.A_BOLD) self._print_line(row, 17, "Pcap", color=curses.A_BOLD) row = 3 self._print_line(row, 0, "Host", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 2, "Syn(/s)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 4, "Syn/Ack(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 6, "Est(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 8, "Rst(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 9, "Fin_O(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 10, "Fin_I(%)", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 11, "Est Rate", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 12, "QoS", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 13, "Lat", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 14, "Out", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 15, "In", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 16, "Rtt", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) self._print_line(row, 17, "Err", color=curses.A_UNDERLINE) row = 4 self._print_line(row, 2, "") return row + 1
def initCurses(): screen = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() # disable the keypress echo to prevent double input curses.cbreak() # disable line buffers to run the keypress immediately curses.curs_set(0) screen.keypad(1) # enable keyboard use screen.addstr(1, 2, "Fuzzing For Worms", curses.A_UNDERLINE) return screen
def _setattr(self, a): if a is None: self.s.attrset(0) return elif not isinstance(a, AttrSpec): p = self._palette.get(a, (AttrSpec('default', 'default'),)) a = p[0] if self.has_color: if a.foreground_basic: if a.foreground_number >= 8: fg = a.foreground_number - 8 else: fg = a.foreground_number else: fg = 7 if a.background_basic: bg = a.background_number else: bg = 0 attr = curses.color_pair(bg * 8 + 7 - fg) else: attr = 0 if a.bold: attr |= curses.A_BOLD if a.standout: attr |= curses.A_STANDOUT if a.underline: attr |= curses.A_UNDERLINE if a.blink: attr |= curses.A_BLINK self.s.attrset(attr)
def _draw_input(self, stdscr, header, message): """ Draw an input window with the provided message. Parameters: stdscr (WindowObject): the screen; handled by curses.wrapper header (str): header message displayed above the text entry box message (str): the message to the user displayed between the header and the text entry Returns: (Textbox): the Textbox's edit() returns a string representing the user's input """ stdscr.clear() # Setup the title stdscr.addstr("ec2rl module configurator", curses.A_REVERSE) stdscr.chgat(-1, curses.A_REVERSE) curses.curs_set(0) num_columns = 30 num_lines = 1 uly = 3 ulx = 3 main_window = curses.newwin(curses.LINES - 1, curses.COLS, 1, 0) screen = main_window.subwin(curses.LINES - 7, curses.COLS - 4, 4, 2) # Setup background colors main_window.bkgd(" ", curses.color_pair(1)) screen.bkgd(" ", curses.color_pair(2)) # Draw borders around the screen subwindow screen.box() input_screen = main_window.subwin(num_lines, num_columns, uly + 5, ulx + 3) ec2rlcore.menu_textpad_mod.rectangle(screen, uly, ulx, uly + 1 + num_lines, ulx + 1 + num_columns) screen.addstr(1, 2, header, curses.A_UNDERLINE) # Truncate the string, if needed display_str = message[:curses.COLS - 10] screen.addstr(2, 5, display_str) # Draw the pieces of the overall screen (order matters) stdscr.refresh() main_window.noutrefresh() screen.noutrefresh() input_screen.noutrefresh() stdscr.noutrefresh() curses.doupdate() return ec2rlcore.menu_textpad_mod.Textbox(input_screen, bkgd_color=curses.color_pair(2)).edit()