def init(): height_term, width_term = get_terminal_size() height_min = COL_HEIGHT * HEIGHT + 2 + 9 width_min = COL_WIDTH * WIDTH + 2 + 5 if height_term < height_min or width_term < width_min: # resize the terminal to fit the minimum size to display the connect4 before exit stdout.write("\x1b[8;{h};{w}t".format(h=max(height_min, height_term), w=max(width_min, width_term))) exit('\033[91m' + 'The terminal was too small, you can now restart ' + '\033[1m' + 'Connect4' + '\033[0m') stdscr = curses.initscr() height,width = stdscr.getmaxyx() if height < height_min or width < width_min: # abort the program if the terminal can't be resized curses.endwin() exit('Please resize your terminal [%d%s%d] (minimum required %d%s%d)' %(width, 'x', height, width_min, 'x', height_min)) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) stdscr.keypad(1) #define the different colors if curses.can_change_color(): defineColors() #return stdscr, width stdscr.clear() stdscr.border(0) return stdscr, width, height
def addString(y, x, string, string_color=color.BLACK, bold=False): if x == position.CENTER: x = width/2 - len(string)/2 options = 0 if curses.can_change_color(): # tokens special cases color if string == 'X': options = curses.color_pair(color.RED) if not bold else curses.color_pair(color.RED_H) | curses.A_BOLD elif string == 'O': options = curses.color_pair(color.YELLOW) if not bold else curses.color_pair(color.YELLOW_H) | curses.A_BOLD else: options = curses.color_pair(string_color) if bold: options |= curses.A_BOLD stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, options) stdscr.refresh() # main display
def gray(self, scale): if curses.can_change_color(): return curses.color_pair(self.GRAY_BASE + int(round(scale * (self.GRAYS - 1)))) else: return curses.color_pair(self.WHITE)
def init_colors(self): if curses.has_colors() and curses.can_change_color(): curses.init_color(self.COLOR_BLACK, 0, 0, 0) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_WHITE, 1000, 1000, 1000) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_BLUE, 0, 0, 1000) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_RED, 1000, 0, 0) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_GREEN, 0, 1000, 0) for i in xrange(0, self.GRAYS): curses.init_color( self.GRAY_BASE + i, i * 1000 / (self.GRAYS - 1), i * 1000 / (self.GRAYS - 1), i * 1000 / (self.GRAYS - 1) ) curses.init_pair( self.GRAY_BASE + i, self.GRAY_BASE + i, self.COLOR_BLACK ) else: self.COLOR_BLACK = curses.COLOR_BLACK self.COLOR_WHITE = curses.COLOR_WHITE self.COLOR_BLUE = curses.COLOR_BLUE self.COLOR_RED = curses.COLOR_RED self.COLOR_GREEN = curses.COLOR_GREEN for i in xrange(0, self.GRAYS): curses.init_pair( self.GRAY_BASE + i, self.COLOR_WHITE, self.COLOR_BLACK ) curses.init_pair(self.BLACK, self.COLOR_BLACK, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.WHITE, self.COLOR_WHITE, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.BLUE, self.COLOR_BLUE, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.RED, self.COLOR_RED, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.GREEN, self.COLOR_GREEN, self.COLOR_BLACK)
def main(screen): """ Main entry point :param screen: :return: """ logging.info("Supports color: {}".format(curses.can_change_color())) logging.info("Colors: {}".format(curses.COLORS)) logging.info("Color Pairs: {}".format(curses.COLOR_PAIRS)) logging.info("Loading config") with open("ascii_qgis.config") as f: global config config = json.load(f) init_colors() screen.refresh() global scr, pad, aboutwindow, legendwindow, mapwindow, modeline scr = screen pad = EditPad() modeline = ModeLine() mapwindow = Map() legendwindow = Legend() aboutwindow = AboutWindow() legendwindow.render_legend() mapwindow.render_map() screen.addstr(0, 0, "ASCII") screen.addstr(0, 5, " QGIS Enterprise", curses.color_pair(4)) screen.refresh() if config.get('showhelp', True): show_help() pad.focus()
def start(screen): curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() screen.keypad(True) curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.curs_set(0) if curses.can_change_color(): curses.init_color(COLOR_DARKBLACK, 0, 0, 0) curses.init_color(COLOR_SUPERWHITE, 1000, 1000, 1000) curses.init_pair(PAIR_ACTIVE_TAB, COLOR_SUPERWHITE, COLOR_DARKBLACK) curses.init_pair(PAIR_TABBAR_BG, COLOR_DARKBLACK, COLOR_SUPERWHITE) else: curses.init_pair(PAIR_ACTIVE_TAB, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(PAIR_TABBAR_BG, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(PAIR_INACTIVE_TAB, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(PAIR_ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_SEL, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(PAIR_INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_SEL, curses.COLOR_WHITE, -1) curses.init_pair(PAIR_POSITIVE_VALUE, curses.COLOR_GREEN, -1) curses.init_pair(PAIR_NEGATIVE_VALUE, curses.COLOR_RED, -1) websockets_path = "ws://localhost:8888" async with api.WebSocket(websockets_path) as ws: app = Application(screen, ws) await app.start()
def main(screen): screen.clear() screen.keypad(True) curses.curs_set(False) width = curses.COLS height = curses.LINES if(height < 20 or width < 50): raise RuntimeError("This terminal is too damn small!") if not (curses.has_colors()): raise RuntimeError("This terminal does not support colors!") if not (curses.can_change_color()): raise RuntimeError("This terminal does not support changing color definitions!") conf = configs.nice_conf menu.confmenu(conf, screen) screen.nodelay(True) screen.clear() screen.refresh() mainwin = curses.newwin(height-7, width, 0, 0) statuswin = curses.newwin(7, width, height-7, 0) while(1): world = World(mainwin, conf) activeplayer = 0 n_turns = 1 for p in itertools.cycle(world.players): if(p.isdead): continue world.wind = randint(max(-conf['wind_max'], world.wind-conf['wind_change']), min( conf['wind_max'], world.wind+conf['wind_change'])) p.isactive = True p.active_shots = 0 while ((p.isactive or p.active_shots > 0) and not len([p for p in world.players if not p.isdead]) <= 1 ): gamestep(screen, mainwin, statuswin, p, world, conf, n_turns) if (len([p for p in world.players if not p.isdead]) == 1): gameover(screen, [p for p in world.players if not p.isdead][0]) break if (len([p for p in world.players if not p.isdead]) == 0): gameover(screen, None) break n_turns += 1
def init_colors(self): if curses.has_colors() and curses.can_change_color(): curses.init_color(self.COLOR_BLACK, 0, 0, 0) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_WHITE, 1000, 1000, 1000) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_BLUE, 0, 0, 1000) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_RED, 1000, 0, 0) curses.init_color(self.COLOR_GREEN, 0, 1000, 0) # this will remove flicker, but gives boring colors ''' self.COLOR_BLACK = curses.COLOR_BLACK self.COLOR_WHITE = curses.COLOR_WHITE self.COLOR_BLUE = curses.COLOR_BLUE self.COLOR_RED = curses.COLOR_RED self.COLOR_GREEN = curses.COLOR_GREEN ''' for i in xrange(0, self.GRAYS): curses.init_color( self.GRAY_BASE + i, i * 1000 / (self.GRAYS - 1), i * 1000 / (self.GRAYS - 1), i * 1000 / (self.GRAYS - 1) ) curses.init_pair( self.GRAY_BASE + i, self.GRAY_BASE + i, self.COLOR_BLACK ) else: self.COLOR_BLACK = curses.COLOR_BLACK self.COLOR_WHITE = curses.COLOR_WHITE self.COLOR_BLUE = curses.COLOR_BLUE self.COLOR_RED = curses.COLOR_RED self.COLOR_GREEN = curses.COLOR_GREEN for i in xrange(0, self.GRAYS): curses.init_pair( self.GRAY_BASE + i, self.COLOR_WHITE, self.COLOR_BLACK ) curses.init_pair(self.BLACK, self.COLOR_BLACK, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.WHITE, self.COLOR_WHITE, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.BLUE, self.COLOR_BLUE, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.RED, self.COLOR_RED, self.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(self.GREEN, self.COLOR_GREEN, self.COLOR_BLACK)
def __init__(self, cursesScreen): self.clicks = 0 self.debugMouseEvent = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.exiting = False self.modalUi = None self.modeStack = [] self.priorClick = 0 self.savedMouseButton1Down = False self.savedMouseWindow = None self.savedMouseX = -1 self.savedMouseY = -1 self.cursesScreen = cursesScreen self.ch = 0 curses.mousemask(-1) curses.mouseinterval(0) # Enable mouse tracking in xterm. sys.stdout.write('\033[?1002;h\n') #sys.stdout.write('\033[?1005;h\n') curses.meta(1) # Access ^c before shell does. curses.raw() # Enable Bracketed Paste Mode. sys.stdout.write('\033[?2004;h\n') #curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() if 0: assert(curses.COLORS == 256) assert(curses.can_change_color() == 1) assert(curses.has_colors() == 1) app.log.detail("color_content:") for i in range(0, curses.COLORS): app.log.detail("color", i, ": ", curses.color_content(i)) for i in range(16, curses.COLORS): curses.init_color(i, 500, 500, i * 787 % 1000) app.log.detail("color_content, after:") for i in range(0, curses.COLORS): app.log.detail("color", i, ": ", curses.color_content(i)) self.setUpPalette() if 1: #rows, cols = self.cursesScreen.getmaxyx() cursesWindow = self.cursesScreen cursesWindow.leaveok(1) # Don't update cursor position. cursesWindow.scrollok(0) cursesWindow.timeout(10) cursesWindow.keypad(1) self.top, self.left = cursesWindow.getyx() self.rows, self.cols = cursesWindow.getmaxyx() app.window.mainCursesWindow = cursesWindow self.zOrder = []
def debugDraw(self, win): """Draw real-time debug information to the screen.""" if not self.debugWindow: return textBuffer = win.textBuffer y, x = win.top, win.left maxRow, maxCol = win.rows, win.cols self.debugWindow.writeLineRow = 0 intent = "noIntent" try: intent = win.userIntent except: pass color = app.color.get('debug_window') self.debugWindow.writeLine( " cRow %3d cCol %2d goalCol %2d %s" %(win.textBuffer.penRow, win.textBuffer.penCol, win.textBuffer.goalCol, intent), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine( " pRow %3d pCol %2d chRow %4d" %(textBuffer.penRow, textBuffer.penCol, textBuffer.debugUpperChangedRow), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine( " mkrRow %3d mkrCol %2d sm %d" %(textBuffer.markerRow, textBuffer.markerCol, textBuffer.selectionMode), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine( "scrlRow %3d scrlCol %2d lines %3d" %(win.scrollRow, win.scrollCol, len(textBuffer.lines)), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine( "y %2d x %2d maxRow %d maxCol %d baud %d color %d" %(y, x, maxRow, maxCol, curses.baudrate(), curses.can_change_color()), color) screenRows, screenCols = self.cursesScreen.getmaxyx() self.debugWindow.writeLine( "scr rows %d cols %d mlt %f/%f pt %f" %(screenRows, screenCols, self.mainLoopTime, self.mainLoopTimePeak, textBuffer.parserTime), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine( "ch %3s %s" %(self.ch, app.curses_util.cursesKeyName(self.ch) or 'UNKNOWN'), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine("win %r"%(win,), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine("win %r"%(self.focusedWindow,), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine("tb %r"%(textBuffer,), color) (id, mouseCol, mouseRow, mouseZ, bState) = self.debugMouseEvent self.debugWindow.writeLine( "mouse id %d, mouseCol %d, mouseRow %d, mouseZ %d" %(id, mouseCol, mouseRow, mouseZ), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine( "bState %s %d" %(app.curses_util.mouseButtonName(bState), bState), color) self.debugWindow.writeLine( "startAndEnd %r" %(textBuffer.startAndEnd(),), color)