Python dis 模块,EXTENDED_ARG 实例源码


项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_opargs(code):
    # enumerate() is not an option, since we sometimes process
    # multiple elements on a single pass through the loop
    extended_arg = 0
    n = len(code)
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        op = ord(code[i])
        offset = i
        i = i+1
        arg = None
        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            arg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
            extended_arg = 0
            i = i+2
            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg*65536
        yield (offset, op, arg)

# Modulefinder does a good job at simulating Python's, but it can not
# handle __path__ modifications packages make at runtime.  Therefore there
# is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths in this map for a
# package, and it will be honored.

# Note this is a mapping is lists of paths.
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_opcodes(self, co,
                     unpack = struct.unpack):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        # Version for Python 2.4 and older
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code)
                  if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
        for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
            if c in STORE_OPS:
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
            if (op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 1
                    and opargs[i-1][0] == LOAD_CONST):
                fromlist = consts[opargs[i-1][1]]
                yield "import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_opcodes_25(self, co):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code)
                  if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
        for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
            if op in STORE_OPS:
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
            if (op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 2
                    and opargs[i-1][0] == opargs[i-2][0] == LOAD_CONST):
                level = consts[opargs[i-2][1]]
                fromlist = consts[opargs[i-1][1]]
                if level == -1: # normal import
                    yield "import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
                elif level == 0: # absolute import
                    yield "absolute_import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
                else: # relative import
                    yield "relative_import", (level, fromlist, names[oparg])
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_opargs(code):
    # enumerate() is not an option, since we sometimes process
    # multiple elements on a single pass through the loop
    extended_arg = 0
    n = len(code)
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        op = ord(code[i])
        offset = i
        i = i+1
        arg = None
        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            arg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
            extended_arg = 0
            i = i+2
            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg*65536
        yield (offset, op, arg)

# Modulefinder does a good job at simulating Python's, but it can not
# handle __path__ modifications packages make at runtime.  Therefore there
# is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths in this map for a
# package, and it will be honored.

# Note this is a mapping is lists of paths.
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_opcodes(self, co,
                     unpack = struct.unpack):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        # Version for Python 2.4 and older
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code)
                  if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
        for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
            if c in STORE_OPS:
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
            if (op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 1
                    and opargs[i-1][0] == LOAD_CONST):
                fromlist = consts[opargs[i-1][1]]
                yield "import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_opcodes_25(self, co):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code)
                  if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
        for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
            if op in STORE_OPS:
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
            if (op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 2
                    and opargs[i-1][0] == opargs[i-2][0] == LOAD_CONST):
                level = consts[opargs[i-2][1]]
                fromlist = consts[opargs[i-1][1]]
                if level == -1: # normal import
                    yield "import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
                elif level == 0: # absolute import
                    yield "absolute_import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
                else: # relative import
                    yield "relative_import", (level, fromlist, names[oparg])
项目:ml-utils    作者:LinxiFan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def op_stream(code, max):
        """Generator function: convert Python bytecode into a sequence of
        opcode-argument pairs."""
        i = [0]
        def next():
            val = itemint(code[i[0]])
            i[0] += 1
            return val

        ext_arg = 0
        while i[0] <= max:
            op, arg = next(), next()
            if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                ext_arg += arg
                ext_arg <<= 8
                yield (op, arg + ext_arg)
                ext_arg = 0
项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        code = self.co_code
        n = len(code)
        while i < n:
            op = code[i]
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = code[i + 1] + code[i + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg * 65536
                    i += 3
                yield i, op, oparg
                i += 3
                yield i, op, None
                i += 1
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_opargs(code):
    # enumerate() is not an option, since we sometimes process
    # multiple elements on a single pass through the loop
    extended_arg = 0
    n = len(code)
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        op = ord(code[i])
        offset = i
        i = i+1
        arg = None
        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            arg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
            extended_arg = 0
            i = i+2
            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg*65536
        yield (offset, op, arg)

# Modulefinder does a good job at simulating Python's, but it can not
# handle __path__ modifications packages make at runtime.  Therefore there
# is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths in this map for a
# package, and it will be honored.

# Note this is a mapping is lists of paths.
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_opcodes(self, co,
                     unpack = struct.unpack):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        # Version for Python 2.4 and older
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code)
                  if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
        for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
            if c in STORE_OPS:
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
            if (op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 1
                    and opargs[i-1][0] == LOAD_CONST):
                fromlist = consts[opargs[i-1][1]]
                yield "import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_opcodes_25(self, co):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code)
                  if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
        for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
            if op in STORE_OPS:
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
            if (op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 2
                    and opargs[i-1][0] == opargs[i-2][0] == LOAD_CONST):
                level = consts[opargs[i-2][1]]
                fromlist = consts[opargs[i-1][1]]
                if level == -1: # normal import
                    yield "import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
                elif level == 0: # absolute import
                    yield "absolute_import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
                else: # relative import
                    yield "relative_import", (level, fromlist, names[oparg])
项目:pywren    作者:pywren    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _walk_global_ops(code):
        Yield (opcode, argument number) tuples for all
        global-referencing instructions in *code*.
        code = getattr(code, 'co_code', b'')
        if not PY3:
            code = map(ord, code)

        n = len(code)
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        while i < n:
            op = code[i]
            i += 1
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = code[i] + code[i + 1] * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                i += 2
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg * 65536
                if op in GLOBAL_OPS:
                    yield op, oparg
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:swjtu-pyscraper    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):
    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b', code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr < eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op, arg
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg * compat.long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg * compat.long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:jira_worklog_scanner    作者:pgarneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:zanph    作者:zanph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:ascii-art-py    作者:blinglnav    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):
    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b', code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr < eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op, arg
项目:MIT-Thesis    作者:alec-heif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_code_globals(co):
        Find all globals names read or written to by codeblock co
        code = co.co_code
        if not PY3:
            code = [ord(c) for c in code]
        names = co.co_names
        out_names = set()

        n = len(code)
        i = 0
        extended_arg = 0
        while i < n:
            op = code[i]

            i += 1
            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                oparg = code[i] + code[i+1] * 256 + extended_arg
                extended_arg = 0
                i += 2
                if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                    extended_arg = oparg*65536
                if op in GLOBAL_OPS:

        # see if nested function have any global refs
        if co.co_consts:
            for const in co.co_consts:
                if type(const) is types.CodeType:
                    out_names |= CloudPickler.extract_code_globals(const)

        return out_names
项目:third_person_im    作者:bstadie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_base_class_names(frame):
    """Get baseclass names from the code object"""
    co, lasti = frame.f_code, frame.f_lasti
    code = co.co_code
    i = 0
    extended_arg = 0
    extends = []
    while i <= lasti:
        c = code[i]
        op = ord(c)
        i += 1
        if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
            extended_arg = 0
            i += 2
            if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = oparg*int(65536)
            if op in dis.hasconst:
                if type(co.co_consts[oparg]) == str:
                    extends = []
            elif op in dis.hasname:
                if dis.opname[op] == 'LOAD_NAME':
                    extends.append(('name', co.co_names[oparg]))
                if dis.opname[op] == 'LOAD_ATTR':
                    extends.append(('attr', co.co_names[oparg]))
    items = []
    previous_item = []
    for t, s in extends:
        if t == 'name':
            if previous_item:
            previous_item = [s]
            previous_item += [s]
    if previous_item:
    return items
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:RPoint    作者:george17-meet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:isni-reconcile    作者:cmh2166    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg * compat.long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:habilitacion    作者:GabrielBD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:rllabplusplus    作者:shaneshixiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_base_class_names(frame):
    """Get baseclass names from the code object"""
    co, lasti = frame.f_code, frame.f_lasti
    code = co.co_code
    i = 0
    extended_arg = 0
    extends = []
    while i <= lasti:
        c = code[i]
        op = ord(c)
        i += 1
        if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
            extended_arg = 0
            i += 2
            if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = oparg*int(65536)
            if op in dis.hasconst:
                if type(co.co_consts[oparg]) == str:
                    extends = []
            elif op in dis.hasname:
                if dis.opname[op] == 'LOAD_NAME':
                    extends.append(('name', co.co_names[oparg]))
                if dis.opname[op] == 'LOAD_ATTR':
                    extends.append(('attr', co.co_names[oparg]))
    items = []
    previous_item = []
    for t, s in extends:
        if t == 'name':
            if previous_item:
            previous_item = [s]
            previous_item += [s]
    if previous_item:
    return items
项目:flickr_downloader    作者:Denisolt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:threatdetectionservice    作者:flyballlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):
    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b', code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr < eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op, arg
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:RealtimePythonChat    作者:quangtqag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:Indushell    作者:SecarmaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:SHAREOpenRefineWkshop    作者:cmh2166    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:Liljimbo-Chatbot    作者:chrisjim316    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):
    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b', code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr < eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op, arg
项目:flask_system    作者:prashasy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):
    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b', code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr < eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op, arg
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_boundaries(self):
        self.assertEqual(dis.opmap["EXTENDED_ARG"], dis.EXTENDED_ARG)
        self.assertEqual(dis.opmap["STORE_NAME"], dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT)
项目:news-for-good    作者:thecodinghub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:CaScale    作者:Thatsillogical    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):

    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b',code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr<eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr+1] + bytes[ptr+2]*256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op==EXTENDED_ARG:
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op,arg
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):
    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b', code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr < eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op, arg
项目:where2live    作者:fbessez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

        bytes = array.array('b', self.code.co_code)
        eof = len(self.code.co_code)

        ptr = 0
        extended_arg = 0

        while ptr < eof:

            op = bytes[ptr]

            if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:

                arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
                ptr += 3

                if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
                    long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                    extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

                arg = None
                ptr += 1

            yield OpArg(op, arg)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_code(code):
    """Yield '(op,arg)' pair for each operation in code object 'code'"""

    from array import array
    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG

    bytes = array('b', code.co_code)
    eof = len(code.co_code)

    ptr = 0
    extended_arg = 0

    while ptr < eof:

        op = bytes[ptr]

        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:

            arg = bytes[ptr + 1] + bytes[ptr + 2] * 256 + extended_arg
            ptr += 3

            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                long_type = six.integer_types[-1]
                extended_arg = arg * long_type(65536)

            arg = None
            ptr += 1

        yield op, arg