def validate_scene_name(value): """Validator for the scene_name field of PastSceneDownload Model.""" try: Scene.objects.get(name=value) raise ValidationError( _('The scene you want is already on our database.') ) except Scene.DoesNotExist: if len(value) != 21: raise ValidationError( _('The scene name needs to have 21 characters.') ) elif not value.startswith('L') or value[2] not in ['5', '7', '8']: raise ValidationError( _('Wrong scene name. Please check it.') )
def post_delete_scene(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): """Overwrites post_delete method of Scene Model to delete also the folder fisically in the disk. """ if exists(instance.dir()): rmtree(instance.dir())
def post_delete_image(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): """Overwrites post_delete method of Image Model to delete also the file fisically in the disk. """ if instance.file_exists(): remove(instance.file_path())