def set_rollback(): if hasattr(transaction, 'set_rollback'): if connection.settings_dict.get('ATOMIC_REQUESTS', False): # If running in >=1.6 then mark a rollback as required, # and allow it to be handled by Django. if connection.in_atomic_block: transaction.set_rollback(True) elif transaction.is_managed(): # Otherwise handle it explicitly if in managed mode. if transaction.is_dirty(): transaction.rollback() transaction.leave_transaction_management() else: # transaction not managed pass
def managed_transaction(func): """ This decorator wraps a function so that all sql executions in the function are atomic It's used instead of django.db.transaction.commit_on_success in cases where reporting exceptions is necessary as commit_on_success swallows exceptions """ @wraps(func) @transaction.commit_manually def _inner(*args, **kwargs): try: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: transaction.rollback() raise else: transaction.commit() return ret return _inner
def parse(self, fqdn, message): hit = find_one_in_many(message['message'], self.selectors.keys()) if hit: h = self.get_host(fqdn) if h is None: return fn = self.selectors[hit] with transaction.commit_manually(): try: fn(message['message'], h) except Exception, e: syslog_events_log.error("Failed to parse log line '%s' using handler %s: %s" % (message['message'], fn, e)) transaction.rollback() else: transaction.commit()
def process_response(selfself, request, response): if transaction.is_managed(): if transaction.is_dirty(): successful = not isinstance(response, http.HttpApplicationError) if successful: transaction.commit() else: transaction.rollback() transaction.leave_transaction_management() return response
def test_unique_users(self): """ there should not be two users with the same user_type and user_id """ for auth_system, auth_system_module in AUTH_SYSTEMS.iteritems(): models.User.objects.create(user_type = auth_system, user_id = 'foobar', info={'name':'Foo Bar'}) def double_insert(): models.User.objects.create(user_type = auth_system, user_id = 'foobar', info={'name': 'Foo2 Bar'}) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, double_insert) transaction.rollback()
def publish_form(callback): try: return callback() except (PyXFormError, XLSFormError) as e: return { 'type': 'alert-error', 'text': unicode(e) } except IntegrityError as e: transaction.rollback() return { 'type': 'alert-error', 'text': _(u'Form with this id or SMS-keyword already exists.'), } except ValidationError as e: # on clone invalid URL return { 'type': 'alert-error', 'text': _(u'Invalid URL format.'), } except AttributeError as e: # form.publish returned None, not sure why... return { 'type': 'alert-error', 'text': unicode(e) } except ProcessTimedOut as e: # catch timeout errors return { 'type': 'alert-error', 'text': _(u'Form validation timeout, please try again.'), } except Exception as e: transaction.rollback() # error in the XLS file; show an error to the user return { 'type': 'alert-error', 'text': unicode(e) }
def create(body): """ Create a new preset """ try: body['codename'] = body['name'].strip().lower().replace(' ', '_') existing = TicketWorkflowPreset.objects.filter( codename=body['codename'], name=body['name'] ).count() if existing: transaction.rollback() raise BadRequest('Preset with same codename/name exists') preset = TicketWorkflowPreset.objects.create(codename=body['codename'], name=body['name']) except (AttributeError, FieldError, ValueError) as ex: raise BadRequest(ex) try: preset.config = __get_preset_config(body) except (AttributeError, KeyError, ObjectDoesNotExist, TypeError, ValueError): raise BadRequest('Invalid or missing params in action') if body.get('templates') is not None: for template_id in body['templates']: try: template = MailTemplate.objects.get(id=template_id) preset.templates.add(template) except (AttributeError, KeyError, ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError): raise BadRequest('Invalid template id') preset.roles.clear() for role_codename in body['roles']: try: role = Role.objects.get(codename=role_codename) preset.roles.add(role) except (AttributeError, KeyError, ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError): raise BadRequest('Invalid role codename') preset.save() return {'message': 'Preset successfully updated'}
def create_instance(username, xml_file, media_files, status=u'submitted_via_web', uuid=None, date_created_override=None, request=None): """ I used to check if this file had been submitted already, I've taken this out because it was too slow. Now we're going to create a way for an admin to mark duplicate instances. This should simplify things a bit. Submission cases: If there is a username and no uuid, submitting an old ODK form. If there is a username and a uuid, submitting a new ODK form. """ try: instance = None submitted_by = request.user \ if request and request.user.is_authenticated() else None if username: username = username.lower() xml = xml_file.read() xform = get_xform_from_submission(xml, username, uuid) check_submission_permissions(request, xform) existing_instance_count = Instance.objects.filter( xml=xml, xform__user=xform.user).count() if existing_instance_count > 0: existing_instance = Instance.objects.filter( xml=xml, xform__user=xform.user)[0] if not existing_instance.xform or\ existing_instance.xform.has_start_time: # Ignore submission as a duplicate IFF # * a submission's XForm collects start time # * the submitted XML is an exact match with one that # has already been submitted for that user. raise DuplicateInstance() # get new and depracated uuid's new_uuid = get_uuid_from_xml(xml) duplicate_instances = Instance.objects.filter(uuid=new_uuid) if duplicate_instances: for f in media_files: Attachment.objects.get_or_create( instance=duplicate_instances[0], media_file=f, mimetype=f.content_type) # ensure we have saved the extra attachments transaction.commit() raise DuplicateInstance() instance = save_submission(xform, xml, media_files, new_uuid, submitted_by, status, date_created_override) # commit all changes transaction.commit() return instance except Exception: transaction.rollback() raise