def from_current_timezone(value): """ When time zone support is enabled, convert naive datetimes entered in the current time zone to aware datetimes. """ if settings.USE_TZ and value is not None and timezone.is_naive(value): current_timezone = timezone.get_current_timezone() try: return timezone.make_aware(value, current_timezone) except Exception: message = _( '%(datetime)s couldn\'t be interpreted ' 'in time zone %(current_timezone)s; it ' 'may be ambiguous or it may not exist.' ) params = {'datetime': value, 'current_timezone': current_timezone} six.reraise(ValidationError, ValidationError( message, code='ambiguous_timezone', params=params, ), sys.exc_info()[2]) return value
def Deserializer(stream_or_string, **options): """ Deserialize a stream or string of JSON data. """ if not isinstance(stream_or_string, (bytes, six.string_types)): stream_or_string = stream_or_string.read() if isinstance(stream_or_string, bytes): stream_or_string = stream_or_string.decode('utf-8') try: objects = json.loads(stream_or_string) for obj in PythonDeserializer(objects, **options): yield obj except GeneratorExit: raise except Exception as e: # Map to deserializer error six.reraise(DeserializationError, DeserializationError(e), sys.exc_info()[2])
def Deserializer(stream_or_string, **options): """ Deserialize a stream or string of YAML data. """ if isinstance(stream_or_string, bytes): stream_or_string = stream_or_string.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(stream_or_string, six.string_types): stream = StringIO(stream_or_string) else: stream = stream_or_string try: for obj in PythonDeserializer(yaml.load(stream, Loader=SafeLoader), **options): yield obj except GeneratorExit: raise except Exception as e: # Map to deserializer error six.reraise(DeserializationError, DeserializationError(e), sys.exc_info()[2])
def popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=CommandError, universal_newlines=True): """ Friendly wrapper around Popen. Returns stdout output, stderr output and OS status code. """ try: p = Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=os.name != 'nt', universal_newlines=universal_newlines) except OSError as e: strerror = force_text(e.strerror, DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING, strings_only=True) six.reraise(os_err_exc_type, os_err_exc_type('Error executing %s: %s' % (args[0], strerror)), sys.exc_info()[2]) output, errors = p.communicate() return ( output, force_text(errors, DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING, strings_only=True), p.returncode )
def get_new_connection(self, conn_params): conn = super(DatabaseWrapper, self).get_new_connection(conn_params) # Enabling extension loading on the SQLite connection. try: conn.enable_load_extension(True) except AttributeError: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'The pysqlite library does not support C extension loading. ' 'Both SQLite and pysqlite must be configured to allow ' 'the loading of extensions to use SpatiaLite.') # Loading the SpatiaLite library extension on the connection, and returning # the created cursor. cur = conn.cursor(factory=SQLiteCursorWrapper) try: cur.execute("SELECT load_extension(%s)", (self.spatialite_lib,)) except Exception as msg: new_msg = ( 'Unable to load the SpatiaLite library extension ' '"%s" because: %s') % (self.spatialite_lib, msg) six.reraise(ImproperlyConfigured, ImproperlyConfigured(new_msg), sys.exc_info()[2]) cur.close() return conn
def _commit(self): if self.connection is not None: try: return self.connection.commit() except Database.DatabaseError as e: # cx_Oracle 5.0.4 raises a cx_Oracle.DatabaseError exception # with the following attributes and values: # code = 2091 # message = 'ORA-02091: transaction rolled back # 'ORA-02291: integrity constraint (TEST_DJANGOTEST.SYS # _C00102056) violated - parent key not found' # We convert that particular case to our IntegrityError exception x = e.args[0] if hasattr(x, 'code') and hasattr(x, 'message') \ and x.code == 2091 and 'ORA-02291' in x.message: six.reraise(utils.IntegrityError, utils.IntegrityError(*tuple(e.args)), sys.exc_info()[2]) raise # Oracle doesn't support releasing savepoints. But we fake them when query # logging is enabled to keep query counts consistent with other backends.
def executemany(self, query, params=None): if not params: # No params given, nothing to do return None # uniform treatment for sequences and iterables params_iter = iter(params) query, firstparams = self._fix_for_params(query, next(params_iter)) # we build a list of formatted params; as we're going to traverse it # more than once, we can't make it lazy by using a generator formatted = [firstparams] + [self._format_params(p) for p in params_iter] self._guess_input_sizes(formatted) try: return self.cursor.executemany(query, [self._param_generator(p) for p in formatted]) except Database.DatabaseError as e: # cx_Oracle <= 4.4.0 wrongly raises a DatabaseError for ORA-01400. if hasattr(e.args[0], 'code') and e.args[0].code == 1400 and not isinstance(e, IntegrityError): six.reraise(utils.IntegrityError, utils.IntegrityError(*tuple(e.args)), sys.exc_info()[2]) raise
def _create_object_from_params(self, lookup, params): """ Tries to create an object using passed params. Used by get_or_create and update_or_create """ try: with transaction.atomic(using=self.db): obj = self.create(**params) return obj, True except IntegrityError: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self.get(**lookup), False except self.model.DoesNotExist: pass six.reraise(*exc_info)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type is None: return for dj_exc_type in ( DataError, OperationalError, IntegrityError, InternalError, ProgrammingError, NotSupportedError, DatabaseError, InterfaceError, Error, ): db_exc_type = getattr(self.wrapper.Database, dj_exc_type.__name__) if issubclass(exc_type, db_exc_type): dj_exc_value = dj_exc_type(*exc_value.args) dj_exc_value.__cause__ = exc_value # Only set the 'errors_occurred' flag for errors that may make # the connection unusable. if dj_exc_type not in (DataError, IntegrityError): self.wrapper.errors_occurred = True six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
def import_string(dotted_path): """ Import a dotted module path and return the attribute/class designated by the last name in the path. Raise ImportError if the import failed. """ try: module_path, class_name = dotted_path.rsplit('.', 1) except ValueError: msg = "%s doesn't look like a module path" % dotted_path six.reraise(ImportError, ImportError(msg), sys.exc_info()[2]) module = import_module(module_path) try: return getattr(module, class_name) except AttributeError: msg = 'Module "%s" does not define a "%s" attribute/class' % ( module_path, class_name) six.reraise(ImportError, ImportError(msg), sys.exc_info()[2])
def popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=CommandError, stdout_encoding='utf-8'): """ Friendly wrapper around Popen. Returns stdout output, stderr output and OS status code. """ try: p = Popen(args, shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=os.name != 'nt') except OSError as e: strerror = force_text(e.strerror, DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING, strings_only=True) six.reraise(os_err_exc_type, os_err_exc_type('Error executing %s: %s' % (args[0], strerror)), sys.exc_info()[2]) output, errors = p.communicate() return ( force_text(output, stdout_encoding, strings_only=True, errors='strict'), force_text(errors, DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING, strings_only=True, errors='replace'), p.returncode )
def handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, exc_info): """ Processing for any otherwise uncaught exceptions (those that will generate HTTP 500 responses). """ if settings.DEBUG_PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS: raise logger.error( 'Internal Server Error: %s', request.path, exc_info=exc_info, extra={'status_code': 500, 'request': request}, ) if settings.DEBUG: return debug.technical_500_response(request, *exc_info) # If Http500 handler is not installed, reraise the last exception. if resolver.urlconf_module is None: six.reraise(*exc_info) # Return an HttpResponse that displays a friendly error message. callback, param_dict = resolver.resolve_error_handler(500) return callback(request, **param_dict)
def import_backend(dotted_path): """ Theres two formats for the dotted_path. One with the backend class (old) and one without (new) eg: old: wagtail.wagtailsearch.backends.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSearchBackend new: wagtail.wagtailsearch.backends.elasticsearch If a new style dotted path was specified, this function would look for a backend class from the "SearchBackend" attribute. """ try: # New backend_module = import_module(dotted_path) return backend_module.SearchBackend except ImportError as e: try: # Old return import_string(dotted_path) except ImportError: six.reraise(ImportError, e, sys.exc_info()[2])