def test_connect_ex_error(self): with support.transient_internet(REMOTE_HOST): s = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET), cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=REMOTE_ROOT_CERT) try: rc = s.connect_ex((REMOTE_HOST, 444)) # Issue #19919: Windows machines or VMs hosted on Windows # machines sometimes return EWOULDBLOCK. errors = ( errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.EHOSTUNREACH, errno.ETIMEDOUT, errno.EWOULDBLOCK, ) self.assertIn(rc, errors) finally: s.close()
def __handle_socket_error(self, exception): log.debug("Request failed with %s" % exception) if exception.errno in (errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.EHOSTUNREACH): # if NN is down or machine is not available, pass it: self.namenode.next() # Failover and retry until self.max_failovers was reached elif isinstance(exception, socket.timeout): self.namenode.next() # Failover and retry until self.max_failovers was reached else: raise
def test_connect_timeout(self): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(0.1) gs = greenio.GreenSocket(s) try: expect_socket_timeout(gs.connect, ('', 80)) except socket.error as e: # unreachable is also a valid outcome if not get_errno(e) in (errno.EHOSTUNREACH, errno.ENETUNREACH): raise
def test_connect_ex_timeout(self): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(0.1) gs = greenio.GreenSocket(s) e = gs.connect_ex(('', 80)) if e not in (errno.EHOSTUNREACH, errno.ENETUNREACH): self.assertEqual(e, errno.EAGAIN)
def test__wait_for_port_with_unsupported_errors(self, time_sleep_mock, socket_mock): # GIVEN docker_container = DockerContainer( image='alpine', wait_for_port=1234, ) docker_container._client = mock.MagicMock() docker_container._client.containers.get.return_value.attrs = dict( NetworkSettings=dict(IPAddress='') ) docker_container._container = mock.MagicMock(id='c5f0cad13259') docker_container._container.logs.return_value = b'\n'.join([ b'some container error ...', b'container failed to start' ]) socket_mock.return_value.connect_ex.side_effect = [1, 1, errno.EHOSTUNREACH] # WHEN with self.assertRaises(DockerContainerError) as cm: docker_container._wait_for_port() # THEN expected_message = '\n'.join([ '[alpine] Host cannot be reach. The container may exit abnormally. Container logs :', 'some container error ...', 'container failed to start' ]) self.assertEquals(str(cm.exception), expected_message, 'Message should be explicit: %s' % expected_message) time_sleep_mock.assert_called() socket_mock.assert_called_with(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect_ex_mock = socket_mock.return_value.connect_ex connect_ex_mock.assert_called_with(('', 1234)) docker_container._container.logs.assert_called_once_with(stream=False) self.assertEqual(connect_ex_mock.call_count, 3, 'Should have been called 3 times instead of {call_nb}'.format( call_nb=connect_ex_mock.call_count ))
def _wait_for_port(self): wait_port, image, res = self.p('wait_for_port'), self.p('image'), 1 if wait_port: container_id = self._container.id container_info = self._client.containers.get(container_id) ip_address = container_info.attrs['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] unsupported_errors = [ (errno.EHOSTUNREACH, '[{image}] Host {ip} cannot be reach. The container may exit abnormally. Container logs :\n{logs}') ] with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock: while res != 0: res = sock.connect_ex((ip_address, wait_port)) logger.debug( '[%s] Waiting for port %d to respond (code:%d => %s).', image, wait_port, res, errorcode.get(res, '--') ) unsupported_error = next((e[1] for e in unsupported_errors if e[0] == res), None) if unsupported_error: raise DockerContainerError(unsupported_error.format( image=image, port=wait_port, signal=errorcode.get(res, '--'), ip=ip_address, logs=self._container.logs(stream=False).decode('utf-8') )) time.sleep(0.1 if res != 0 else 0) logger.debug('[%s] Port %d is now responding.', image, wait_port)
def GetVersion(x): verLoc = 19 IP = "10.0.0." + str(x) switch = Server( "https://" + ScriptUser + ":" + ScriptPass + "@" + IP + "/command-api" ) # Results in Host Unreach never happening, but [ . ] means same thing # without waiting socket.setdefaulttimeout(3) try: response = switch.runCmds( 1, [ "show version" ] ) except socket.error,ERR : ErrorCode = ERR[0] if ErrorCode == errno.ECONNREFUSED: win.addstr(x, verLoc -6, " [ Err " + str(ErrorCode) + ": No eAPI ] ") refresh() elif ErrorCode == errno.EHOSTUNREACH: # Never hit with lower socket timeout win.addstr(x, verLoc, "Err " + str(ErrorCode) + ": Pwr off or Aboot ] ") refresh() elif ErrorCode == errno.ECONNRESET: win.addstr(x, verLoc, "Err " + str(ErrorCode) + ": Con RST ] ") refresh() else: win.addstr(x, verLoc, response[0]["version"] + " ]") memTotal = response[0]["memTotal"] memFree = response[0]["memFree"] percentUsed = 100 - round((float(memFree) / float(memTotal)) * 100, 1) win.addstr(x, verLoc+24, str(percentUsed) + "% ]" ) refresh()
def main(): global HOST, PORT, EOF, MAXTRIES global s, tries, loops try: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) while True: # Measure timing using GPIO4 risetime = RCtime(4) # Send to the connected socket # (as we're using UDP, we must # send separate messages) s.sendall('foo %s%s' % (loops, EOF)) s.sendall('bar %s%s' % (risetime, EOF)) # Advance counter loops = loops + 1 except socket.error as err: errcode = err[0] if errcode==errno.ECONNREFUSED: print 'Connection refused by host!' elif errcode==errno.ENETDOWN: print 'No network connection!' elif errcode==errno.ENETUNREACH: print 'Network unreachable!' elif errcode==errno.ENETRESET: print 'Network dropped connection!' elif errcode==errno.ECONNRESET: print 'Connection reset by peer!' elif errcode==errno.EHOSTDOWN: print 'Host is down!' elif errcode==errno.EHOSTUNREACH: print 'No route to host!' else: print 'Caught: %s!' % err if tries >= MAXTRIES: GPIO.cleanup() s.close() print 'No connection. Exiting.' else: print 'Tried %i of %i times.\nWaiting %is...' % (tries, MAXTRIES, tries/10) time.sleep(tries/10) tries = tries + 1 main() except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup() s.close() print '%i loops' % loops
def BaselineEOS(switchNumber): location = 28 IP = "10.0.0." + str(switchNumber) #print "Switch " + str(switchNumber).zfill(2) + ": ", #Connect to Switch via eAPI target = "https://" + ScriptUser + ":" + ScriptPass + "@" + IP + "/command-api" switch = jsonrpclib.Server( target ) # capture Connection problem messages # Map of erronos is here: http://www.python.org/doc//current/library/errno.html try: response = switch.runCmds( 1, [ "enable" , "configure", "delete EOS*.swi", "copy " + FileServer + EOSVer + " flash:", "boot system flash:" + EOSVer, "write erase now", "reload now" ], "text") except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Caught Keyboard Interrupt - Exiting" sys.exit() except socket.error,ERR : # Socket Errors ErrorCode = ERR[0] if ErrorCode == errno.ECONNREFUSED: win.addstr(switchNumber, location -15, " [ Err " + str(ErrorCode) + ": No eAPI ] ") refresh() elif ErrorCode == errno.EHOSTUNREACH: # Never hit with lower socket timeout win.addstr(switchNumber, location -15, " [ Err " + str(ErrorCode) + ": Pwr off | Aboot ] ") refresh() elif ErrorCode == errno.ECONNRESET: win.addstr(switchNumber, location -15, " [ Err " + str(ErrorCode) + ": Con RST ] ") refresh() except jsonrpclib.ProtocolError: # Capture eAPI errors result = jsonrpclib.loads( jsonrpclib.history.response ) print result["error"]["message"] for error in result["error"]["data"][-1]["errors"]: print error except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, xmlrpclib.ResponseError), errormsg: # Capture XML Error (usually bad password) message = str(errormsg) message = message.replace(ScriptUser, "user") message = message.replace(ScriptPass, "pass") print message else: win.addstr(switchNumber, location, "[ Done ]") refresh()
def _make_request( self, loc, headers, data = None, retry = True ): last_e = None utserver_retry = False retries = 0 max_retries = self._retry_max if retry else 1 try: while retries < max_retries or utserver_retry: try: self._request.data = data self._connection.request( self._request.get_method( ), self._request.selector + loc, self._request.data, headers ) resp = self._connection.getresponse( ) if resp.status == 400: last_e = utorrent.uTorrentError( resp.read( ).decode( "utf8" ).strip( ) ) # if uTorrent server alpha is bound to the same port as WebUI then it will respond with "invalid request" to the first request in the connection # apparently this is no longer the case, TODO: remove this hack if ( not self._utorrent or type( self._utorrent ) == utorrent.uTorrent.LinuxServer ) and not utserver_retry: utserver_retry = True continue raise last_e elif resp.status == 404 or resp.status == 401: raise utorrent.uTorrentError( "Request {}: {}".format( loc, resp.reason ) ) elif resp.status != 200 and resp.status != 206: raise utorrent.uTorrentError( "{}: {}".format( resp.reason, resp.status ) ) self._cookies.extract_cookies( resp, self._request ) if len( self._cookies ) > 0: self._request.add_header( "Cookie", "; ".join( ["{}={}".format( utorrent._url_quote( c.name ), utorrent._url_quote( c.value ) ) for c in self._cookies] ) ) return resp # retry when utorrent returns bad data except ( http.client.CannotSendRequest, http.client.BadStatusLine ) as e: last_e = e self._connection.close( ) # name resolution failed except socket.gaierror as e: raise utorrent.uTorrentError( e.strerror ) # socket errors except socket.error as e: # retry on timeout if str( e ) == "timed out": # some peculiar handling for timeout error last_e = utorrent.uTorrentError( "Timeout after {} tries".format( max_retries ) ) self._connection.close( ) # retry after pause on specific windows errors elif e.errno == 10053 or e.errno == 10054: # Windows specific socket errors: # 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine # 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host last_e = e self._connection.close( ) time.sleep( 2 ) elif e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED or e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET or errno == errno.EHOSTUNREACH: raise utorrent.uTorrentError( e.strerror ) else: raise e retries += 1 if last_e: raise last_e except Exception as e: self._connection.close( ) raise e return None