def create_db_and_default_roles(): """Create the database and the default roles. This is the command you run when you've deployed for the first time. Warning: This is different from `flask db init`, which is a Flask-Migrate command. """ db.create_all() if not Role.query.first(): # Create the roles and two test users user_datastore.create_role(name='free') user_datastore.create_role(name='university') user_datastore.create_role(name='publisher') db.session.commit() print("Database created and default roles added.") else: print("Roles already exist!")
def init_db(app): db.init_app(app) from .models import BaseModel migrate = Migrate( app, db, directory=os.path.join(SRC_ROOT, 'migrations') ) @app.before_first_request def setup_database(*args, **kwargs): db_data_seed() @app.teardown_request def teardown_request(exception): if exception: db.session.rollback() db.session.remove() db.session.remove() return db
def create_app(config_name): app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config[config_name]) app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') Bootstrap(app) db.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = "You must be logged in to access this page." login_manager.login_view = "auth.login" migrate = Migrate(app, db) from app import models from .admin import admin as admin_blueprint app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin') from .auth import auth as auth_blueprint app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint) from .home import home as home_blueprint app.register_blueprint(home_blueprint) return app
def migrate(): #query.drop_table('alembic_version') query.create_database(config.database_name) migrate = Migrate(app, db) return migrate
def migrate(): #query.drop_table('alembic_version') query.create_database(database_name) migrate = Migrate(app, db) return migrate
def __init__(self, master, app, db): super().__init__(master, app, db) self.migrate = flask_migrate.Migrate(self.app, self.db)
def configure_db(app): """ 0.10 is the first version of ARA that ships with a stable database schema. We can identify a database that originates from before this by checking if there is an alembic revision available. If there is no alembic revision available, assume we are running the first revision which contains the latest state of the database prior to this. """ db.init_app(app) log = logging.getLogger(app.logger_name) if app.config.get('ARA_AUTOCREATE_DATABASE'): with app.app_context(): migrations = app.config['DB_MIGRATIONS'] flask_migrate.Migrate(app, db, directory=migrations) config = app.extensions['migrate'].migrate.get_config(migrations) # Verify if the database tables have been created at all inspector = Inspector.from_engine(db.engine) if len(inspector.get_table_names()) == 0: log.info('Initializing new DB from scratch') flask_migrate.upgrade(directory=migrations) # Get current alembic head revision script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) head = script.get_current_head() # Get current revision, if available connection = db.engine.connect() context = MigrationContext.configure(connection) current = context.get_current_revision() if not current: log.info('Unstable DB schema, stamping original revision') flask_migrate.stamp(directory=migrations, revision='da9459a1f71c') if head != current: log.info('DB schema out of date, upgrading') flask_migrate.upgrade(directory=migrations)
def register(self): """ Register the service provider """ # Enabled? if not self.app.config('app.database.enabled', False): return # Load instances (which binds sql-alchemy) self.app.extensions['edmunds.database'].get(no_instance_error=True) # Assign to extensions migrate = Migrate(self.app, DatabaseManager.get_sql_alchemy_instance()) self.app.extensions['edmunds.database.migrate'] = migrate
def create_application(): sentry = Sentry() app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config.Blacklist') migrate = Migrate(app, db) babel = Babel(app) # sentry = Sentry(app) # Convert decimals to floats in JSON def url_for_other_page(page): args = request.view_args.copy() args['page'] = page return url_for(request.endpoint, **args) app.jinja_env.globals['url_for_other_page'] = url_for_other_page class APIoTJSONEncoder(flask.json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal): # Convert decimal instances to float. return float(obj) return super(APIoTJSONEncoder, self).default(obj) app.json_encoder = APIoTJSONEncoder db.init_app(app) sentry.init_app(app) app.sentry = sentry app.register_blueprint(home) app.register_blueprint(api, url_prefix='/api') app.register_blueprint(user, url_prefix='/user') app.register_blueprint(blacklist, url_prefix='/blacklist') app.register_blueprint(crawl, url_prefix='/crawl') return app
def create_app(config_name): if os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG') == "production": app = Flask(__name__) app.config.update( SECRET_KEY=os.getenv('SECRET_KEY'), SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=os.getenv('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI') ) else: app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config[config_name]) app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') Bootstrap(app) db.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = "You must be logged in to access this page." login_manager.login_view = "auth.login" migrate = Migrate(app, db) from app import models from .admin import admin as admin_blueprint app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin') from .auth import auth as auth_blueprint app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint) from .home import home as home_blueprint app.register_blueprint(home_blueprint) @app.errorhandler(403) def forbidden(error): return render_template('errors/403.html', title='Forbidden'), 403 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template('errors/404.html', title='Page Not Found'), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): return render_template('errors/500.html', title='Server Error'), 500 return app
def create_app(config_name): """ Main app settings """ app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config[config_name]) app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') db.init_app(app) """ LoginManager settings """ login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = "Lutfen uye olunuz." login_manager.login_view = "uye.giris" migrate = Migrate(app, db) Bootstrap(app) from app import models from .admin import admin as admin_blueprint app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin') from .Uye import uye as uye_blueprint app.register_blueprint(uye_blueprint) from .home import home as home_blueprint app.register_blueprint(home_blueprint) @app.errorhandler(403) def forbidden(error): return render_template('errors/Yasak.html', title='Yasak'), 403 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template('errors/404.html', title='Sayfa Bulunamadi'), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): return render_template('errors/500.html', title='Server Hatasi'), 500 return app
def test_register(self): """ Test register :return: void """ # Write config self.write_config([ "from edmunds.database.drivers.mysql import MySql \n", "APP = { \n", " 'database': { \n", " 'enabled': True, \n", " 'instances': [ \n", " { \n", " 'name': 'mysql',\n", " 'driver': MySql,\n", " 'user': 'root',\n", " 'pass': 'root',\n", " 'host': 'localhost',\n", " 'database': 'edmunds',\n", " }, \n", " ], \n", " }, \n", "} \n", ]) # Create app app = self.create_application() # Test extension self.assert_in('edmunds.database', app.extensions) self.assert_is_none(app.extensions['edmunds.database']._instances) self.assert_not_in('edmunds.database.migrate', app.extensions) # Register app.register(MigrateServiceProvider) # Test extension self.assert_in('edmunds.database.migrate', app.extensions) self.assert_is_not_none(app.extensions['edmunds.database.migrate']) self.assert_is_instance(app.extensions['edmunds.database.migrate'], Migrate) self.assert_is_not_none(app.extensions['edmunds.database']._instances)
def create_app(config_name): """ Given a configuration name, loads the correct configuration from the config.py :param config_name: The configuration name to load the configuration :return: The app to be initialized """ app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config[config_name]) app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') db.init_app(app) """ Configurations of the flask-login, in which, if user tries to access a page that they are not authorized to, it will redirect to the specific view and display the message below on the route auth.login """ login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = "You must be logged in to access this page" login_manager.login_view = "auth.login" """ Migrations setting up. This object "migrate" will allow us to run migrations using Flask-Migrate. We also have imported the models from the app package. """ migrate = Migrate(app, db) Bootstrap(app) """ Import the models to be used in the application """ from app import models """ Configuring the blueprints of each package on the app """ from .admin import admin as admin_blueprint # This url_prefix means that all the views for this blueprint will be # accessed in the browser with the url prefix admin. app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin') from .auth import auth as auth_blueprint app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint) from .home import home as home_blueprint app.register_blueprint(home_blueprint) return app
def create_app(config_name): app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config[config_name]) app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') Bootstrap(app) db.init_app(app) login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = "You must be logged in to access this page." login_manager.login_view = "auth.login" migrate = Migrate(app, db) from app import models from .admin import admin as admin_blueprint app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin') from .auth import auth as auth_blueprint app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint) from .home import home as home_blueprint app.register_blueprint(home_blueprint) @app.errorhandler(403) def forbidden(error): return render_template('errors/403.html', title='Forbidden'), 403 @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template('errors/404.html', title='Page Not Found'), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(error): return render_template('errors/500.html', title='Server Error'), 500 @app.route('/500') def error(): abort(500) # @app.route('/') # def hello_world(): # return 'Hello, World!' return app