def get_onboard_button_events(self, btn, bcc_key, on_single_click, on_double_click): import gc from machine import Timer if btn.value() == 0: self.button_click_counter[bcc_key] += 1 if self.button_click_counter[bcc_key] == 1: log.info("single-click registered (mem free: " + str(gc.mem_free()) + ")") sc = getattr(tk, on_single_click) sc() elif self.button_click_counter[bcc_key] == 2: log.info("double click registered (mem free: " + str(gc.mem_free()) + ")") sc = getattr(tk, on_double_click) sc() else: pass gtim = Timer(1) gtim.init(period=300, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=lambda t:self.reset_onboard_button_event_counter(bcc_key)) # @timed_function
def show_display(self): """The function that will show the display. First clean the display then show all data. For network names if the name is longer than the display it split in two and shown on row 1,2. When all the data is written the esp will sleep for 10000 ms""" self.oled.fill(0) self.oled.show() if len(self.name) > 15: self.oled.text(self.name[0:15],0,0) self.oled.text(self.name[15:int(len(self.name))],0,10) else: self.oled.text(self.name,0,0) self.oled.text(self.strengt,30,20) self.oled.text(self.status,30,30) self.oled.text(self.kanaal, 30,40) self.oled.text((str(gc.mem_free())+ " B"), 30,50) self.oled.show() utime.sleep_ms(10000)
def start_server(): print("Starting web server") sock = socket.socket() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind( ('', 80) ); sock.listen(1) sock.settimeout(5.0) print("Synchronous web server running...") gc.collect() print("gc.mem_free=", gc.mem_free()) t0 = time.ticks_ms() try: while True: accept_conn(sock) now = time.ticks_ms() if (now - t0) > 8000: periodic_tasks() t0 = now finally: sock.close()
def timed_function(f, *args, **kwargs): import time myname = str(f).split(' ')[1] def new_func(*args, **kwargs): t = time.ticks_us() result = f(*args, **kwargs) delta = time.ticks_diff(t, time.ticks_us()) log.debug('GC: {} Function {} Time = {:6.3f}ms'.format(str(gc.mem_free()), myname, delta/1000)) return result return new_func # @timed_function
def mem_cleanup(self): import gc log.debug("Invoking garbage collection ...") gc.collect() mem = gc.mem_free() if 6001 <= mem <= 10000: log.warn("Memory is low: " + str(mem)) elif 4001 <= mem <= 6000: log.warn("Memory is very low: " + str(mem)) elif mem < 4000: log.critical("Memory is extremely low: {}".format(str(mem))) else: log.debug("Memory is currently: " + str(mem))
def process_input(self, s, cl, addr): print('client connected from', addr) cl.settimeout(None) if not hasattr(cl, 'readline'): # CPython client_stream = cl.makefile("rwb") else: # MicroPython client_stream = cl req = client_stream.readline() print(req) while True: data = client_stream.readline() if not data or data == b'\r\n': break method, path, protocol = req.split(b' ') if method.lower() == b'get': if path == b'/': self.send(cl, 200, filename='index.html', content_type='text/html; charset=utf-8') elif path == b'/commands': commands = ', '.join('"' + c + '"' for c in sorted(WebApp.commands)) self.send(cl, 200, '[' + commands + ']', content_type='application/json') else: self.send(cl, 404) elif method.lower() == b'post': try: func = WebApp.commands[path.lstrip(b'/').decode('ascii')] except KeyError: self.send(cl, 404) return self.send(cl, 200) return func else: self.send(cl, 400) #mem = gc.mem_alloc() #gc.collect() #print("Freeing", mem - gc.mem_alloc(), "now free", gc.mem_free())
def heap(): yield while True: cpuload = (10000 - asyncio.sched.idlecount) / 100 asyncio.sched.idlecount = 0 log.info ("Memory free: %d cpu load: %d %% " , gc.mem_free() , cpuload ) yield
def heap(): yield while True: cpuload = (10000 - asyncio.sched.idlecount) / 100 cpuidle = asyncio.sched.idlecount / 10 asyncio.sched.idlecount = 0 log.info ("Memory free: %d cpu idlecount/sec: %d %% time:%s" , gc.mem_free() , cpuidle, klok.toString() ) yield
def collect_garbage(self): gc.collect() if config_lora.IS_MICROPYTHON: print('[Memory - free: {} allocated: {}]'.format(gc.mem_free(), gc.mem_alloc()))
def show_free(): print("free ram:", gc.mem_free())
def loop_dht(o): global d global oled global CLIENT_ID global client global a1 global a2 global a3 delay = o topic = 'micro/{0}/temperature'.format(CLIENT_ID.decode("utf-8")) while True: try: d.measure() oled.fill(0) soils = [{'id': 1, 'value': read_soil(a1)}, {'id': 2, 'value': read_soil(a2)}, {'id': 3, 'value': read_soil(a3)}] oled.text('SOIL SENSOR', 20, 5) oled.text('T: {0:.1f}C,{1:.1f}%'.format(d.temperature(), d.humidity()), 3, 20) oled.text('A1:{0} A2:{1}'.format(soils[0]['value']['msg'],soils[1]['value']['msg']), 3, 35) oled.text('A3:{0}'.format(soils[2]['value']['msg']), 3, 50) oled.show() msg = json.dumps({ 'Id': CLIENT_ID, 'heap': gc.mem_free(), 'temperature': '{0:.2f}'.format(d.temperature()), 'humidity': '{0:.2f}'.format(d.humidity()), 'soils': soils }) print(msg) client.publish(topic, msg) except OSError as e: if e.args[0] == errno.ETIMEDOUT: print('error dht: ', e) time.sleep(delay)
def dth_read(): global client global d global oled global CLIENT_ID global loop topic = 'micro/{0}/temperature'.format(CLIENT_ID.decode("utf-8")) while True: try: d.measure() oled.fill(0) oled.text('ESP32', 45, 5) oled.text('MicroPython', 20, 20) oled.text('T:{0:.2f} C'.format(d.temperature()), 3, 35) oled.text('H:{0:.2f} %'.format(d.humidity()), 3, 50) oled.show() msg = json.dumps({ 'heap': gc.mem_free(), 'Type':7, 'Id': CLIENT_ID, 'temperature': '{0:.2f}'.format(d.temperature()), 'humidity': '{0:.2f}'.format(d.humidity()) }) print(topic, msg) client.publish(topic, msg) except OSError as e: if e.args[0] == errno.ETIMEDOUT: print('error dht: ', e) else: loop.stop() print('error mqtt client: ', e) print('restart mqtt client') cfg = load_config() mqtt_cfg = cfg['mqtt'] print('restart mqtt client: ', mqtt_cfg) loop.run_until_complete(mqtt_connection(mqtt_cfg)) loop.run_forever() continue await asyncio.sleep(5)
def run(): global oled global CLIENT_ID while True: try: t, h = get_temperature() msg = json.dumps({ 'Heap': gc.mem_free(), 'Type':7, 'id': CLIENT_ID, 'temperature': '{0:.2f}'.format(t), 'humidity': '{0:.2f}'.format(h)}) print(msg) client.publish('micro/{0}/temperature'.format(CLIENT_ID.decode("utf-8")), msg) except OSError as e: if e.args[0] == errno.ETIMEDOUT: print('error dht: ', e) time.sleep(5)
def mem(level=None): import gc mem_alloc = gc.mem_alloc() mem_free = gc.mem_free() capacity = mem_alloc + mem_free print(" capacity\tfree\tusage") print(" {}\t{}\t{}%".format(capacity, mem_free, int( ((capacity - mem_free) / capacity) * 100.0))) if level: import micropython micropython.mem_info(level)
def get_memory_stats(self): mem_alloc = gc.mem_alloc() mem_free = gc.mem_free() return { 'mem_alloc': mem_alloc, 'mem_free': mem_free }
def get_gc_stats(self): import gc return { 'mem_alloc': gc.mem_alloc(), 'mem_free': gc.mem_free() }
def handle_command(self, args): import gc mem_alloc = gc.mem_alloc() mem_free = gc.mem_free() capacity = mem_alloc + mem_free print(" capacity\tfree\tusage") print(" {}\t{}\t{}%".format(capacity, mem_free, int( ((capacity - mem_free) / capacity) * 100.0))) if "-i" in args: import micropython micropython.mem_info(1)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): def callback(): log.info("memory free %d", gc.mem_free()) super(Discovery, self).run(callback=callback, callback_time=self.discovery_time)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ run """ def callback(): """ callback """ log.debug("memory free %d", gc.mem_free()) super(Eddystone, self).run(callback=callback, callback_time=1000)
def main(self): loop.create_task(self.led_ctrl()) sta_if = WLAN(STA_IF) conn = False while not conn: while not sta_if.isconnected(): await asyncio.sleep(1) self.dprint('Awaiting WiFi.') # Repeats forever if no stored connection. await asyncio.sleep(3) try: await self.connect() conn = True except OSError: self.close() # Close socket self.dprint('Awaiting broker.') self.dprint('Starting.') self.outage = False n = 0 while True: await asyncio.sleep(60) gc.collect() # For RAM stats. msg = 'Mins: {} repubs: {} outages: {} RAM free: {} alloc: {} Longest outage: {}s'.format( n, self.REPUB_COUNT, self.outages, gc.mem_free(), gc.mem_alloc(), self.max_outage) self.pub_msg('debug', msg) n += 1 # Topic names in dict enables multiple Sonoff units to run this code. Only main.py differs.
def from_pyboard(self): client = self.client while True: istr = await self.await_obj(20) # wait for string (poll interval 20ms) s = istr.split(SEP) command = s[0] if command == PUBLISH: await client.publish(s[1], s[2], bool(s[3]), int(s[4])) # If qos == 1 only returns once PUBACK received. self.send(argformat(STATUS, PUBOK)) elif command == SUBSCRIBE: await client.subscribe(s[1], int(s[2])) client.subscriptions[s[1]] = int(s[2]) # re-subscribe after outage elif command == MEM: gc.collect() gc.threshold(gc.mem_free() // 4 + gc.mem_alloc()) self.send(argformat(MEM, gc.mem_free(), gc.mem_alloc())) elif command == TIME: t = await client.get_time() self.send(argformat(TIME, t)) else: self.send(argformat(STATUS, UNKNOWN, 'Unknown command:', istr)) # Runs when channel has synchronised. No return: Pyboard resets ESP on fail. # Get parameters from Pyboard. Process them. Connect. Instantiate client. Start # from_pyboard() task. Wait forever, updating connected status.
def _memory(self): count = 0 while self.isconnected(): # Ensure just one instance. await asyncio.sleep(1) # Quick response to outage. count += 1 count %= 20 if not count: gc.collect() print('RAM free {} alloc {}'.format(gc.mem_free(), gc.mem_alloc()))
def cb_status(): datetime = datenow() chipid = config.get_config('chipid') macaddr = config.get_config('mac') address = config.get_config('address') starttime = config.get_config('starttime') conf = json.dumps(config.get_config(None)) return '<h2>Device %s</h2>' \ '<p>MacAddr: %s' \ '<p>Address: %s' \ '<p>Free Mem: %d (alloc %d)' \ '<p>Date Time: %s' \ '<p>Start Time: %s' \ '</div>' % (chipid, macaddr, address, gc.mem_free(), gc.mem_alloc(), datetime, starttime)