def parse_rgba(col): """ Parses color specified by #RRGGBBAA string. '#' and 'AA' is optional. """ # Because GTK can parse everything but theese :( alpha = "FF" if not col.startswith("#"): col = "#" + col if len(col) > 7: col, alpha = col[0:7], col[7:] rgba = Gdk.RGBA() if not rgba.parse(col): log.warning("Failed to parse RGBA color: %s", col) rgba.alpha = float(int(alpha, 16)) / 255.0 return rgba
def set_fullscreen(self, active): if active: self._change_tracklist_size(TracklistSize.HIDDEN, False, False) self._cover_box.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)) GObject.idle_add(self._resize_image) # Hide curser self._appwindow.get_window().set_cursor( Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(Gdk.Display.get_default(), "none") ) else: self._change_tracklist_size(self._tracklist_size, False, False) self._cover_box.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) GObject.idle_add(self._resize_image) # Reset cursor self._appwindow.get_window().set_cursor( Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(Gdk.Display.get_default(), "default") )
def onVirtKeyClick(self, eventbox, eventbtn): key = self.rkb.getKey(eventbox.keyx, eventbox.keyy) if not key.isGhost: if self.pipetteTBtn.get_active(): color = key.color self.customColorPicker.set_rgba(color) self.pipetteTBtn.set_active(False) elif self.clearTBtn.get_active(): key.color = Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0) black_rgba = Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0) eventbox.override_background_color( Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, black_rgba ) else: key.color = self.customColorPicker.get_rgba() eventbox.override_background_color( Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, self.customColorPicker.get_rgba() )
def build_keyrow_box(row, colors, signal_handler, prof_index): box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) for key in row.keylist: if not key.isGhost: k_col = Gdk.RGBA( colors[prof_index][0], colors[prof_index][1], colors[prof_index][2] ) else: k_col = Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0) keybox = build_key_box( key, k_col, signal_handler ) if not key.isGhost: prof_index += 1 box.pack_start(keybox, True, True, 0) return {'row': box, 'prof_index': prof_index}
def cell_in_translation_table_changed(self, text_buffer_object, segment_index): if not self.REC_button.get_active(): self.save_post_editing_changes_button.show() elif segment_index != self.last_segment_changed: self.save_function() self.last_segment_changed = segment_index def fix_text(text): #in case the user deleted the endline character at the end of the text segment new_line_index = text.rfind("\n") if new_line_index == -1: text += "\n" return text text = fix_text(text_buffer_object.get_text(text_buffer_object.get_start_iter(),text_buffer_object.get_end_iter(),True) ) self.tables_content[self.reference_text_lines][segment_index] = text self.translation_reference_text_TextViews_modified_flag[segment_index] = text self.tables_content[self.reference_text_views][segment_index].override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0.7, 249, 249, 240))
def create_cell(self, text_line_type, text_view_type, row_index, editable): cell = Gtk.TextView() cell.set_editable(editable) cell.set_cursor_visible(editable) cellTextBuffer = cell.get_buffer() index = row_index + self.tables_content[self.table_index] text = textwrap.fill(self.tables_content[text_line_type][index].rstrip('\n'), width=40) cellTextBuffer.set_text(text) cellTextBuffer.create_tag("#F8CBCB",background="#F8CBCB") cellTextBuffer.create_tag("#A6F3A6",background="#A6F3A6") self.tables_content[text_view_type][index] = cell if self.table_type == "translation_table": cellTextBuffer.connect("changed", self.cell_in_translation_table_changed, index) cell.connect("button-press-event", self.cell_in_translation_table_is_being_focused, index) if index in self.translation_reference_text_TextViews_modified_flag: self.tables_content[self.reference_text_views][index].override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0.7, 249, 249, 240)) cell.set_right_margin(20) cell.show() self.table.attach( cell, text_line_type + 1, text_line_type + 2, row_index + 1, row_index + 2)
def mix(fgcolor, bgcolor, mix_alpha): """ Creates a composite rgb of a foreground rgba and a background rgb. - fgcolor: an rgb of floats - bgcolor: an rgb of floats - mix_alpha: (0.0 - 1.0) the proportion of fgcolor mixed into bgcolor """ src_r, src_g, src_b = fgcolor.red, fgcolor.green, fgcolor.blue bg_r, bg_g, bg_b = bgcolor.red, bgcolor.green, bgcolor.blue # Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing r = ((1 - mix_alpha) * bg_r) + (mix_alpha * src_r) g = ((1 - mix_alpha) * bg_g) + (mix_alpha * src_g) b = ((1 - mix_alpha) * bg_b) + (mix_alpha * src_b) return Gdk.RGBA(red=r, green=g, blue=b)
def parse_goglib_colors(self): self.goglib_include_rgba = Gdk.RGBA() self.goglib_include_rgba.parse(self.goglib_include_color) self.goglib_exclude_rgba = Gdk.RGBA() self.goglib_exclude_rgba.parse(self.goglib_exclude_color)
def parse_mylib_colors(self): self.mylib_include_rgba = Gdk.RGBA() self.mylib_include_rgba.parse(self.mylib_include_color) self.mylib_exclude_rgba = Gdk.RGBA() self.mylib_exclude_rgba.parse(self.mylib_exclude_color)
def hex_from_rgba(rgba): """Translate color from Gdk.RGBA to html hex format""" return "#%02X%02X%02X" % tuple([int(getattr(rgba, name) * 255) for name in ("red", "green", "blue")])
def rgba_from_hex(hex_): """Translate color from html hex to Gdk.RGBA""" color = Gdk.RGBA() color.parse(hex_) return color
def set_date(self): self.headerbar.set_subtitle(self.adate.strftime('%B - %Y')) fdom = first_day_of_month(self.adate) adate = self.adate.replace(day=1) for row in range(1, 7): wd = adate + datetime.timedelta(days=7 * (row - 1)) self.week_days[row].set_text(str(wd.isocalendar()[1])) max = {'position': -1, 'value': 0} med = {'position': -1, 'value': 1} min = {'position': -1, 'value': 1} for contador in range(0, 42): if contador < fdom: tadate = adate - datetime.timedelta(days=(fdom - contador)) else: tadate = adate + datetime.timedelta(days=(contador - fdom)) self.days[contador].set_date(tadate) if tadate.month != adate.month: self.days[contador].override_background_color( Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(.5, .5, .5, 1)) elif tadate.date() == datetime.datetime.today().date(): self.days[contador].override_background_color( Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)) else: self.days[contador].override_background_color( Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(1., 1., 1., 1)) if tadate.month == adate.month: if self.days[contador].get_position() >= max['value']: max['position'] = contador max['value'] = self.days[contador].get_position() if self.days[contador].get_position() <= min['value']: min['position'] = contador min['value'] = self.days[contador].get_position() if abs(float(self.days[contador].get_position()) - .5) <=\ (med['value']): med['position'] = contador med['value'] = abs(float( self.days[contador].get_position()) - 0.5) self.days[med['position']].override_background_color( Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1)) self.days[min['position']].override_background_color( Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1))
def update_color(self, bg_color: str, is_dark: bool): """Updates the widget's background color and theme. :bg_color: string representing the color, or 'None'. :is_dark: whether the background is dark, see `:h background`. """ self.get_settings().props.gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme = is_dark if bg_color != 'None': rgba = Gdk.RGBA() rgba.parse(bg_color) self.set_color_background(rgba) else: GLib.idle_add(self.reset_color)
def __init__(self, builder): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self._current_album = None self._cover_pixbuf = None self._timer = None self._properties = {} self._tracklist_size = TracklistSize.LARGE self._icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default() # Widgets self._appwindow = builder.get_object('appwindow') self._panel = builder.get_object('cover-panel') self._toolbar = builder.get_object('cover-toolbar') # Toolbar menu self._toolbar_tracklist = builder.get_object('cover-toolbar-tracklist') self._toolbar_tracklist_buttons = { TracklistSize.LARGE: builder.get_object('cover-toolbar-tracklist-large'), TracklistSize.SMALL: builder.get_object('cover-toolbar-tracklist-small'), TracklistSize.HIDDEN: builder.get_object('cover-toolbar-tracklist-hidden') } # Cover self._cover_stack = builder.get_object('cover-stack') self._cover_spinner = builder.get_object('cover-spinner') self._cover_scroll = builder.get_object('cover-scroll') self._cover_box = builder.get_object('cover-box') self._cover_image = builder.get_object('cover-image') self._cover_stack.set_visible_child(self._cover_scroll) self._cover_pixbuf = self._get_default_image() # Album Infos self._info_revealer = builder.get_object('cover-info-revealer') self._info_box = builder.get_object('cover-info-box') self._album_title_label = builder.get_object('cover-album') self._album_date_label = builder.get_object('cover-date') self._album_artist_label = builder.get_object('cover-artist') # Songs self._songs_scale = builder.get_object('cover-songs') self._songs_scale.override_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)) # Initial actions GObject.idle_add(self._enable_tracklist)
def load_color_schema(): if not os.path.exists(COLOR_SCHEMA): return [] with open(COLOR_SCHEMA) as fh: color_list = json.load(fh) schema = [] for color in color_list: rgba = Gdk.RGBA() rgba.red = int(color[:2], base=16) / 255 rgba.green = int(color[2:4], base=16) / 255 rgba.blue = int(color[4:6], base=16) / 255 rgba.alpha = int(color[6:], base=16) / 255 schema.append(rgba) return schema
def hsv_to_gdk_rgb(hue, sat, bri): rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb( hue / 65535, sat / 255, bri / 255 ) return Gdk.RGBA(red=rgb[0], green=rgb[1], blue=rgb[2])
def __init__(self): Gtk.ColorButton.__init__(self) self.set_rgba(Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)) self.connect('color-set', self.color_set)
def __init__(self): Gtk.ColorButton.__init__(self) self.set_rgba(Gdk.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 1)) self.connect('color-set', self.color_set)
def color_setup(self, conn, flag): """Read data from resent calculation and transform it to rgba color""" if flag == GLib.IO_IN: color_values = conn.recv() rgba = Gdk.RGBA(*color_values, self.config["color"]["autofg"].alpha) self.emit("ac-update", rgba) return True else: logger.error("Autocolor multiprocessing error: connection was unexpectedy terminated") self.watcher = None
def _set_bgpaint(self, value): """Use solid color or transparent background""" self.config["window"]["bgpaint"] = value rgba = self.config["color"]["bg"] if value else Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0) self.set_bg_rgba(rgba)
def str_to_rgba(hex_): """Translate color from hex string to Gdk.RGBA""" purehex = hex_.lstrip("#") nums = [int(purehex[i:i + 2], 16) / 255.0 for i in range(0, 7, 2)] return Gdk.RGBA(*nums)
def rgba_to_str(rgba): """Translate color from Gdk.RGBA to hex format""" return "#%02X%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(int(getattr(rgba, name) * 255) for name in ("red", "green", "blue", "alpha"))
def __init__(self, name, pattern={}): self.name = name self.pattern = pattern self.is_fallback = False # read functions self.reader = { int: lambda section, option: self.parser.getint(section, option), bool: lambda section, option: self.parser.getboolean(section, option), str: lambda section, option: self.parser.get(section, option), float: lambda section, option: self.parser.getfloat(section, option), "ilist": lambda section, option: [int(v.strip()) for v in self.parser.get(section, option).split(";")], "hint": lambda section, option: getattr(Gdk.WindowTypeHint, self.parser.get(section, option)), Gdk.RGBA: lambda section, option: str_to_rgba(self.parser.get(section, option)), } # write functions self.writer = { int: lambda value: str(value), bool: lambda value: str(int(value)), str: lambda value: value, float: lambda value: "{:.2f}".format(value), "ilist": lambda value: ";".join(str(i) for i in value), "hint": lambda value: value.value_nick.upper(), Gdk.RGBA: lambda value: rgba_to_str(value), } # init self._init_config_file() self._load_config_file()
def _get_color(self): color = Gdk.RGBA() color.parse(self._color) return color
def build_data_stores(self): """Build stores for GUI dataviews""" self.store = dict() # custom icons self.ied = {'Name': 0, 'State': 1} self.store['custom_icons'] = Gtk.ListStore(str, bool) self.store['custom_icons'].append(["Simple Icon Group", False]) renderer_toggle = Gtk.CellRendererToggle() renderer_toggle.connect("toggled", self.on_custom_icon_toggled) self.gui['custom_icons_treeview'].append_column(Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Name", Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)) self.gui['custom_icons_treeview'].append_column(Gtk.TreeViewColumn("State", renderer_toggle, active=1)) self.gui['custom_icons_treeview'].set_model(self.store['custom_icons']) # color list self.ced = {'Color': 0, 'Alpha': 1, 'Offset': 2, 'RGBA': 3} colorstore_visible_keys = [k for k in self.ced.keys() if k != 'RGBA'] self.store['colorlist'] = Gtk.ListStore(str, float, int, str) for key in sorted(colorstore_visible_keys, key=lambda k: self.ced[k]): self.gui['colorlist_treeview'].append_column( Gtk.TreeViewColumn(key, Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=self.ced[key]) ) self.gui['colorlist_treeview'].set_model(self.store['colorlist']) # gradient direction self.ded = {'Coord': 0, 'Value': 1} self.store['direction'] = Gtk.ListStore(str, int) self.gui['renderer_spin'] = Gtk.CellRendererSpin(editable=True, adjustment=Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 100, 5, 0, 0)) self.signals['direction_edited'] = self.gui['renderer_spin'].connect("edited", self.on_direction_edited) self.gui['direction_treeview'].append_column(Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Coord", Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)) self.gui['direction_treeview'].append_column(Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Value", self.gui['renderer_spin'], text=1)) self.gui['direction_treeview'].set_model(self.store['direction'])
def on_color_selection_changed(self, selection): model, sel = selection.get_selected() if sel is not None: self.color_selected = sel rgba = Gdk.RGBA() rgba.parse(model[sel][self.ced['RGBA']]) rgba.alpha = model[sel][self.ced['Alpha']] self.gui['color_selector'].set_current_rgba(rgba) offset = model[sel][self.ced['Offset']] self.gui['offset_scale'].set_value(offset)
def on_color_change(self, *args): rgba = self.gui['color_selector'].get_current_rgba() self.store['colorlist'].set_value(self.color_selected, self.ced['Color'], hex_from_rgba(rgba)) self.store['colorlist'].set_value(self.color_selected, self.ced['Alpha'], rgba.alpha) self.store['colorlist'].set_value(self.color_selected, self.ced['RGBA'], rgba.to_string()) self.refresh()
def gui_settler_color(self, button, color, alpha=None): """GUI setup helper - color""" rgba = Gdk.RGBA() rgba.parse(self.param[color].match()) if alpha is not None: rgba.alpha = float(self.param[alpha].match()) self.gui[button].set_rgba(rgba) # Handler generators
def cell_in_translation_table_is_being_focused(self, a, b, segment_index): if self.last_cell_focused is not None: if self.last_cell_focused_index in self.translation_reference_text_TextViews_modified_flag.keys(): self.last_cell_focused.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0.7, 249, 249, 240)) else: self.last_cell_focused.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) self.last_cell_focused = self.tables_content[self.reference_text_views][segment_index] self.last_cell_focused.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0.9, 1, 1, 1)) self.last_cell_focused_index = segment_index
def __init__(self, keyfile, settings, key): self.key = key self.keyfile = keyfile try: self.value = keyfile.get_string(GROUP_NAME, key) except: self.value = settings.get_string(key) Gtk.ColorButton.__init__(self) rgba = Gdk.RGBA() rgba.parse(self.value) self.set_rgba(rgba) self.connect("color-set", self.on_color_set)
def color_floats(spec): rgba = Gdk.RGBA() rgba.parse(spec) return rgba.red, rgba.green, rgba.blue
def __init__(self, url, posx, posy, width, height, transparent): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL, title='') self.transparent = transparent self.move(posx, posy) self.set_default_size(width, height) self.set_decorated(False) self.webview = WebKit2.WebView() settings = self.webview.get_settings() settings.set_allow_file_access_from_file_urls(True) settings.set_allow_universal_access_from_file_urls(True) settings.set_enable_webgl(True) self.webview.set_settings(settings) self.add(self.webview) if (self.transparent): self.webview.set_background_color(Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.installTransparency(self) self.installTransparency(self.webview) self.connect("delete_event", self.close_application) self.webview.connect("context-menu", self.context_menu) self.webview.connect("decide-policy", self.navigation_requested) self.webview.connect("resource-load-started", self.resource_load_started) self.webview.load_uri(url) inject_libraries(self.webview)
def installTransparency(self, component): component.set_visual(component.get_screen().get_rgba_visual()) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.ACTIVE, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.BACKDROP, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.DIR_LTR, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.DIR_RTL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.FOCUSED, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.INCONSISTENT, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.PRELIGHT, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)) component.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0))
def bindGSettingsValueToWidget( self, settings, setting_type, key, widget, changeEvent, setter, getter ): settings.notifyAdd( key, self.callSetter, args = [ setting_type, setter ] ) if setting_type == "color": color = Gdk.RGBA() color.parse( settings.get( setting_type, key ) ) setter( color ) else: setter( settings.get( setting_type, key ) ) widget.connect( changeEvent, lambda *args: self.callGetter( settings, setting_type, key, getter ) )
def callSetter( self, settings, key, args ): if args[0] == "bool": args[1]( settings.get_boolean(key) ) elif args[0] == "string": args[1]( settings.get_string(key) ) elif args[0] == "int": args[1]( settings.get_int(key) ) elif args[0] == "color": color = Gdk.RGBA() color.parse( settings.get_string(key) ) args[1]( color )
def SetPaneColors( self, items, color = None ): for item in items: context = item.get_style_context() if self.usecustomcolor: bgColor = Gdk.RGBA() bgColor.parse( self.customcolor ) item.override_background_color( context.get_state(), bgColor ) elif color is not None: item.override_background_color( context.get_state(), color )
def onWindowDraw(self, widget, cr): if self.usecustomcolor: borderColor = Gdk.RGBA() borderColor.parse(self.custombordercolor) Gdk.cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, borderColor) cr.paint() else: style = widget.get_style_context() req = widget.get_preferred_size()[0] Gtk.render_background(style, cr, 0, 0, req.width, req.height) Gtk.render_frame(style, cr, 0, 0, req.width, req.height) return False
def main(self): """ main: Ana S?n?f?n, Ana Fonksiyonu """ # VTE'nin tan?mlamalar? ve sinyalleri terminal.drag_dest_set(0, [], 0) terminal.connect("drag_motion", DragDrop.motion_cb) terminal.connect("drag_drop", DragDrop.drop_cb) terminal.connect("drag_data_received", DragDrop.got_data_cb) terminal.connect("button-press-event", RightClick.on_button_press_event) terminal.connect("child-exited", Gtk.main_quit) # VTE e? zamanl? görüntüleme için bash kabu?u kullan?larak kullan?c? dizinine ayarlan?yor terminal.spawn_sync(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, os.environ["HOME"], ["/bin/bash"], [], GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, None, None) # VTE'nin arkaplan rengi siyah, %90 opak - %10 transparan terminal.set_color_background(Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.9)) # VTE'nin yaz? rengi beyaz ve opak terminal.set_color_foreground(Gdk.RGBA(1, 1, 1, 1.0)) # Font ve Kodlama atamas? font = Pango.FontDescription("Monospace Regular 11") terminal.set_font(font) terminal.set_encoding("UTF-8") # Ana pencere tan?mlan?yor win = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) win.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit) win.connect("draw", FuxTerminal.area_draw) win.set_default_size(765, 360) win.set_title("Fux Terminal") win.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) win.set_icon_name("utilities-terminal") win.set_app_paintable(True) # Sadece VTE'nin veya sadece pencere'nin transparan olmas? yeterli de?il # ?kiside ayn? arkaplan rengi ve ayn? opakl?kta olmal? ki istedi?imiz # Transparan özellikte olsun win.screen = win.get_screen() win.visual = win.screen.get_rgba_visual() win.set_visual(win.visual) # Pencere'ye VTE ekleniyor ve gösteriliyor win.add(terminal) win.show_all() Gtk.main()
def press(self, widget, event): """press Called when the user presses a mouse button. Left click: Paint the currently active foreground color. Right Click: Remove the pixel under the mouse. Middle Click: Fill with the active foreground color. """ if self.image is None: return None main_window = self.get_toplevel() var_name = main_window.var_list.active image_width = len(self.image[0]) image_height = len(self.image) x = math.floor((event.x)/self.scale) y = math.floor((event.y)/self.scale) if x+1 > image_width or y+1 > image_height or x < 0 or y < 0: return None if event.button == 2: r, g, b, a = main_window.paint_color.get_rgba() color = [Gdk.RGBA(r, g, b), var_name] original = self.image[y][x] for yi, y in enumerate(self.image): for xi, x in enumerate(y): if str(self.image[yi][xi]) != str(original): continue self.image[yi][xi] = color self.view.queue_draw() return None elif event.button == 1 and self.get_color: color = self.image[y][x] main_window.var_list.active = None main_window.paint_color.set_rgba(color[0]) for index, item in enumerate(main_window.var_list.list): path = Gtk.TreePath().new_from_string(str(index)) if item[0] == color[1]: item[1] = True main_window.var_list.active = item[0] else: item[1] = False return None if event.button == 1: color = main_window.paint_color.get_rgba() elif event.button == 3: color = None if self.last is not None and self.square: lx, ly = self.last for xi in range(image_width): for yi in range(image_height): if ((x > lx and lx <= xi <= x or x < lx and lx >= xi >= x) and (y > ly and ly <= yi <= y or y < ly and ly >= yi >= y)): self.image[yi][xi] = [color, var_name] else: self.image[y][x] = [color, var_name] self.last = [x, y] self.view.queue_draw() return None
def load_files(self, folder): global files new_files = OrderedDict() image_files = sorted(os.listdir(folder)) if 'xfwm4' in image_files: self.load_files(folder + '/xfwm4') return None for name in image_files: if name == 'themerc': # I might build in themerc support. # for now, I skip this. continue if not name.endswith('.xpm'): continue with open('{}/{}'.format(folder, name), 'r') as f: data = f.read().replace('\n', '') content = data.split('{')[1] content = content.strip('{};').split(',') chars = {} # Parse the width / height / number of colors width, height, colors, _ = content[0].strip('"').split(' ') width = int(width) height = int(height) for i in range(int(colors)): color_info = content[i+1].strip('"') char, color = color_info.split('c', 1) char = char[0] if 's' in color: color, var = color.split('s', 1) else: var = None color = color.strip() if color.lower() == 'none': color = None if var is not None: var = var.strip() if color is not None: color = color.lstrip('#') color = Gdk.RGBA(*(x/255 for x in bytes.fromhex(color))) chars[char] = [color, var] image = [[[None, None] for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)] for yi, y in enumerate(content[len(chars)+1:]): for xi, x in enumerate(y.strip('"')): image[yi][xi] = chars[x] filename = name.split('.')[0] new_files.update({filename: {'image': image, 'size': [width, height]}}) for name in names: if name not in image_files: files.update({name: {'image': [[[None, None]]], 'size': [1, 1]}}) for name in sorted(new_files): files.update({name: new_files[name]}) self.file_selecter.active = None return None