def add_values(): # [START add_values] # Add a value if it doesn't exist in the cache # with a cache expiration of 1 hour. memcache.add(key="weather_USA_98105", value="raining", time=3600) # Set several values, overwriting any existing values for these keys. memcache.set_multi( {"USA_98115": "cloudy", "USA_94105": "foggy", "USA_94043": "sunny"}, key_prefix="weather_", time=3600 ) # Atomically increment an integer value. memcache.set(key="counter", value=0) memcache.incr("counter") memcache.incr("counter") memcache.incr("counter") # [END add_values]
def cache_store(key, value, time=30, chunksize=950000): serialized = pickle.dumps(value, 2) values = {} for i in xrange(0, len(serialized), chunksize): values['%s.%s' % (key, i//chunksize)] = serialized[i : i+chunksize] memcache.set_multi(values,time)
def get(self): # [START batch] values = {'comment': 'I did not ... ', 'comment_by': 'Bill Holiday'} if not memcache.set_multi(values): logging.error('Unable to set Memcache values') tvalues = memcache.get_multi(('comment', 'comment_by')) self.response.write(tvalues) # [END batch]
def save_objects(self, keys_to_objects): if not keys_to_objects: return memcache_set = {} for k, v in keys_to_objects.iteritems(): if self._is_cacheable(k, v): cache_key = self.key_to_cache_key(k) memcache_set[cache_key] = v memcache.set_multi(memcache_set, 2 * 3600)
def _save(self): """Internal function to save the recorded data to memcache. Returns: A tuple (key, summary_size, full_size). """ part, full = self.get_both_protos_encoded() key = make_key(self.start_timestamp) errors = memcache.set_multi({config.PART_SUFFIX: part, config.FULL_SUFFIX: full}, time=36*3600, key_prefix=key, namespace=config.KEY_NAMESPACE) if errors: logging.warn('Memcache set_multi() error: %s', errors) return key, len(part), len(full)