def test_greenlet_tracing(self): main = greenlet.getcurrent() actions = [] def trace(*args): actions.append(args) def dummy(): pass def dummyexc(): raise SomeError() oldtrace = greenlet.settrace(trace) try: g1 = greenlet.greenlet(dummy) g1.switch() g2 = greenlet.greenlet(dummyexc) self.assertRaises(SomeError, g2.switch) finally: greenlet.settrace(oldtrace) self.assertEqual(actions, [ ('switch', (main, g1)), ('switch', (g1, main)), ('switch', (main, g2)), ('throw', (g2, main)), ])
def test_exception_disables_tracing(self): main = greenlet.getcurrent() actions = [] def trace(*args): actions.append(args) raise SomeError() def dummy(): main.switch() g = greenlet.greenlet(dummy) g.switch() oldtrace = greenlet.settrace(trace) try: self.assertRaises(SomeError, g.switch) self.assertEqual(greenlet.gettrace(), None) finally: greenlet.settrace(oldtrace) self.assertEqual(actions, [ ('switch', (main, g)), ])
def enable_debug(): if IS_PYPY: sys.stderr.write("settrace api unsupported on pypy") sys.stderr.flush() return import inspect def trace_green(event, args): src, target = args if event == "switch": print("from %s switch to %s" % (src, target)) elif event == "throw": print("from %s throw exception to %s" % (src, target)) if src.gr_frame: tracebacks = inspect.getouterframes(src.gr_frame) buff = [] for traceback in tracebacks: srcfile, lineno, func_name, codesample = traceback[1:-1] trace_line = '''File "%s", line %d, in %s\n%s ''' buff.append(trace_line % (srcfile, lineno, func_name, "".join(codesample))) print("".join(buff)) greenlet.settrace(trace_green)
def start_profiler(): global _state _state = GlobalState() frame = sys._getframe(0) current_greenlet = greenlet.getcurrent() # pylint: disable=no-member thread_state = ensure_thread_state(current_greenlet, frame) _state.last = thread_state # this needs to be instantiate before the handler is installed greenlet.settrace(greenlet_profiler) # pylint: disable=no-member sys.setprofile(thread_profiler) threading.setprofile(thread_profiler)
def stop_profiler(): # we keep the _state around for the user until the next session # Unregister the profiler in this order, otherwise we will have extra # measurements in the end sys.setprofile(None) threading.setprofile(None) greenlet.settrace(None) # pylint: disable=no-member
def __init__(self, timeout=1000): self.timeout = timeout self._active_greenlet = None self._greenlet_switch_counter = 0 self._greenlet_last_switch_time = None greenlet.settrace(self._greenlet_switch_tracer)
def apply_patch(hogging_detection=False, real_threads=1): _logger.info('applying gevent patch (%s real threads)', real_threads) # real_threads is 1 by default so it will be possible to run watch_threads concurrently if hogging_detection: real_threads += 1 if real_threads: _RealThreadsPool(real_threads) _patch_module_locks() import gevent import gevent.monkey for m in ["easypy.threadtree", "easypy.concurrency"]: assert m not in sys.modules, "Must apply the gevent patch before importing %s" % m gevent.monkey.patch_all(Event=True, sys=True) _unpatch_logging_handlers_lock() global HUB HUB = gevent.get_hub() global threading import threading for thread in threading.enumerate(): _set_thread_uuid(thread.ident) _set_main_uuid() # the patched threading has a new ident for the main thread # this will declutter the thread dumps from gevent/greenlet frames from .threadtree import _BOOTSTRAPPERS import gevent, gevent.threading, gevent.greenlet _BOOTSTRAPPERS.update([gevent, gevent.threading, gevent.greenlet]) if hogging_detection: import greenlet greenlet.settrace(lambda *args: _greenlet_trace_func(*args)) defer_to_thread(detect_hogging, 'detect-hogging')