def example(env): """Show an example of gym Parameters ---------- env: gym.core.Environment Environment to play on. Must have nS, nA, and P as attributes. """ env.seed(0); from gym.spaces import prng; prng.seed(10) # for print the location # Generate the episode ob = env.reset() for t in range(100): env.render() a = env.action_space.sample() ob, rew, done, _ = env.step(a) if done: break assert done env.render();
def __init__(self, model_xml, robot_name, timestep, frame_skip, action_dim, obs_dim, repeats): self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(-1.0, 1.0, shape=(action_dim,)) float_max = np.finfo(np.float32).max # obs space for problem is (R, obs_dim) # R = number of repeats # obs_dim d tuple self.state_shape = (repeats, obs_dim) self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(-float_max, float_max, shape=self.state_shape) # no state until reset. self.state = np.empty(self.state_shape, dtype=np.float32) self.frame_skip = frame_skip self.timestep = timestep self.model_xml = model_xml self.parts, self.joints, = self.getScene(p.loadMJCF(model_xml)) self.robot_name = robot_name self.dt = timestep * frame_skip self.metadata = { 'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array'], 'video.frames_per_second': int(np.round(1.0 / timestep / frame_skip)) } self._seed()
def __init__(self, model_xml, robot_name, action_dim, obs_dim): self.scene = None self.parts = None self.jdict = None self.ordered_joints = None self.robot_body = None high = np.ones([action_dim]) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) high = np.inf*np.ones([obs_dim]) self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) self._seed() self.model_xml = model_xml self.robot_name = robot_name self.camera = Camera()
def test_discretize_errors(): cont = Box(np.array([0.0, 1.0]), np.array([1.0, 2.0])) with pytest.raises(TypeError): trafo = discretize(5, 5) with pytest.raises(ValueError): trafo = discretize(cont, 1) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): trafo = discretize(Tuple(spaces=[cont]), 10) with pytest.raises(ValueError): trafo = discretize(cont, [1, 1]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): trafo = discretize(cont, [5, 5, 5]) # flatten
def convert_gym_space(space): if isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Box): return Box(low=space.low, high=space.high) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Discrete): return Discrete(n=space.n) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Tuple): return Product([convert_gym_space(x) for x in space.spaces]) else: raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, env): from gym.spaces import Box super().__init__(env) self.observation_space = Box(1, 1, [1])
def spaces_grid(*spaces, definition=50): """ Return a meshgrid covering the cartesian product of the given spaces :param spaces: Minimum one """ low = np.concatenate([space.low for space in spaces], axis=0) high = np.concatenate([space.high for space in spaces], axis=0) dim = low.shape[0] axes = [] for x in range(dim): axes.append(np.linspace(low[x], high[x], definition)) return(np.meshgrid(*axes))
def merge_spaces(*spaces): """Merge the given spaces""" for space in spaces: if not isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Box): raise("Your given space is not of type Box") low = np.concatenate([space.low for space in spaces], axis=0) high = np.concatenate([space.high for space in spaces], axis=0) return gym.spaces.Box(low, high)
def __init__(self): self.scene = None self._seed() action_dim = 2 obs_dim = 13 high = np.ones([action_dim]) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) high = np.inf*np.ones([obs_dim]) self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) self._seed()
def __init__(self, model_urdf, robot_name, action_dim, obs_dim, fixed_base, self_collision): self.scene = None high = np.ones([action_dim]) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) high = np.inf*np.ones([obs_dim]) self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) self._seed() self.model_urdf = model_urdf self.fixed_base = fixed_base self.self_collision = self_collision self.robot_name = robot_name
def __init__(self, model_xml, robot_name, action_dim, obs_dim): self.scene = None high = np.ones([action_dim]) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) high = np.inf*np.ones([obs_dim]) self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(-high, high) self._seed() self.model_xml = model_xml self.robot_name = robot_name
def __init__(self, initialWealth=25.0, edge=0.6, maxWealth=250.0, maxRounds=300): self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(int(maxWealth*100)) # betting in penny increments self.observation_space = spaces.Tuple(( spaces.Box(0, maxWealth, [1]), # (w,b) spaces.Discrete(maxRounds+1))) self.reward_range = (0, maxWealth) self.edge = edge self.wealth = initialWealth self.initialWealth = initialWealth self.maxRounds = maxRounds self.maxWealth = maxWealth self._seed() self._reset()
def __init__(self, initialWealth=25.0, edgePriorAlpha=7, edgePriorBeta=3, maxWealthAlpha=5.0, maxWealthM=200.0, maxRoundsMean=300.0, maxRoundsSD=25.0, reseed=True): # store the hyperparameters for passing back into __init__() during resets so the same hyperparameters govern the next game's parameters, as the user expects: TODO: this is boilerplate, is there any more elegant way to do this? self.initialWealth=float(initialWealth) self.edgePriorAlpha=edgePriorAlpha self.edgePriorBeta=edgePriorBeta self.maxWealthAlpha=maxWealthAlpha self.maxWealthM=maxWealthM self.maxRoundsMean=maxRoundsMean self.maxRoundsSD=maxRoundsSD # draw this game's set of parameters: edge = prng.np_random.beta(edgePriorAlpha, edgePriorBeta) maxWealth = round(genpareto.rvs(maxWealthAlpha, maxWealthM, random_state=prng.np_random)) maxRounds = int(round(prng.np_random.normal(maxRoundsMean, maxRoundsSD))) # add an additional global variable which is the sufficient statistic for the Pareto distribution on wealth cap; # alpha doesn't update, but x_m does, and simply is the highest wealth count we've seen to date: self.maxEverWealth = float(self.initialWealth) # for the coinflip edge, it is total wins/losses: self.wins = 0 self.losses = 0 # for the number of rounds, we need to remember how many rounds we've played: self.roundsElapsed = 0 # the rest proceeds as before: self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(int(maxWealth*100)) self.observation_space = spaces.Tuple(( spaces.Box(0, maxWealth, shape=[1]), # current wealth spaces.Discrete(maxRounds+1), # rounds elapsed spaces.Discrete(maxRounds+1), # wins spaces.Discrete(maxRounds+1), # losses spaces.Box(0, maxWealth, [1]))) # maximum observed wealth self.reward_range = (0, maxWealth) self.edge = edge self.wealth = self.initialWealth self.maxRounds = maxRounds self.rounds = self.maxRounds self.maxWealth = maxWealth if reseed or not hasattr(self, 'np_random') : self._seed()
def __init__(self, space): assert(isinstance(space, Tuple)) self.in_space = space self.convertors = list(map(convertor, space.spaces)) low = np.concatenate([c.out_space.low for c in self.convertors]) high = np.concatenate([c.out_space.high for c in self.convertors]) self.out_space = Box(low, high)
def convert_gym_space(space): if isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Box): return Box(low=space.low, high=space.high) elif isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Discrete): return Discrete(n=space.n) else: raise NotImplementedError
def _make_observation_space(orig_space, target_shape): assert isinstance(orig_space, gym.spaces.Box) shape = target_shape + (orig_space.shape[0] * orig_space.shape[-1], ) low = np.ones(shape) * orig_space.low.min() high = np.ones(shape) * orig_space.high.max() return gym.spaces.Box(low, high)
def HistoryWrapper(steps): class _HistoryWrapper(gym.Wrapper): """ Track history of observations for given amount of steps Initial steps are zero-filled """ def __init__(self, env): super(_HistoryWrapper, self).__init__(env) self.steps = steps self.history = self._make_history() self.observation_space = self._make_observation_space(steps, env.observation_space) @staticmethod def _make_observation_space(steps, orig_obs): assert isinstance(orig_obs, gym.spaces.Box) low = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(orig_obs.low, 0), steps, axis=0) high = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(orig_obs.high, 0), steps, axis=0) return gym.spaces.Box(low, high) def _make_history(self, last_item = None): size = self.steps if last_item is None else self.steps-1 res = collections.deque([np.zeros(shape=self.env.observation_space.shape)] * size) if last_item is not None: res.append(last_item) return res def _step(self, action): obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) self.history.popleft() self.history.append(obs) return self.history, reward, done, info def _reset(self): self.history = self._make_history(last_item=self.env.reset()) return self.history return _HistoryWrapper
def __init__(self, max_torques=None, **kwargs): super(LimitedTorqueTwoLinkArmEnv, self).__init__(**kwargs) if max_torques is None: max_torques = np.array([10.0, 10.0]) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-max_torques, high=max_torques)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(len(MOVE_ACTIONS) + 1)