def format(self, content: Optional[QqTag], blanks_to_pars=True, keep_end_pars=True) -> str: """ :param content: could be QqTag or any iterable of QqTags :param blanks_to_pars: use blanks_to_pars (True or False) :param keep_end_pars: keep end paragraphs :return: str: text of tag """ if content is None: return "" out = [] for child in content: if isinstance(child, str): if blanks_to_pars: out.append(self.blanks_to_pars(html_escape( child, keep_end_pars))) else: out.append(html_escape(child)) else: out.append(self.handle(child)) return "".join(out)
def _signatures_make_html(content): """ Create part with Signatures """ html = "<div>" decode_content = json.loads(content) severity = int(decode_content['severity']) if severity <= 1: flag = "info" elif severity <= 4: flag = "warning" else: flag = "important" html += ( "<label class=\"label label-{}\">{} ({})</label> <pre>{}</pre>" ).format(flag, escape(decode_content['name']), escape(str(severity)), escape(decode_content['description'])) html += "</div>" return html
def html_report(content): html = "<div>" html_parts = dict() for item in content: if item.name == "code_header" or item.name == "code_body" and item.option not in html_parts: html_parts[item.option] = {'header': None, 'body': None} if item.name == "code_header": html_parts[item.option]['header'] = "<label class=\"label label-info\">Code Header</label> <pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(base64.b64decode(item.content).decode('utf-8'))) elif item.name == "code_body": html_parts[item.option]['body'] = "<label class=\"label label-info\">Code Body</label> <pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(base64.b64decode(item.content).decode('utf-8'))) elif item.name == "error": html += "<label class=\"label label-inverse\">Error</label> <pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(base64.b64decode(item.content).decode('utf-8'))) else: html += "LAMA PARSE ERROR<br/>" for i in sorted(html_parts): html += "<h6>Script " + i + "</h6>" if html_parts[i]['header']: html += html_parts[i]['header'] if html_parts[i]['body']: html += html_parts[i]['body'] html += "</div>" return html
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if self.hide_output: return if self.tag_count != 0 and tag != "img": # img is always self-closed self.tag_count += 1 if tag in SUPPORTED_TAGS and (self.tag_count == 0): self.push_tag("<"+tag+">") self.current_tag = tag elif tag == "a" and (self.tag_count == 0): href = find_href(attrs) if href: self.push_tag("<a href='{0}'>".format(html.escape(href, quote=True))) self.current_tag = "a" elif tag in ('p', 'br', 'div', 'table', 'dt', 'dd', 'li', 'tr'): self.push_newlines(2) elif tag == 'td': self.push_newlines(1) elif tag in ('script', 'style'): self.hide_output = True
def SyncRadioStation(self): radioURI = html.escape(self.CurrentURI) #escape the uri for & LogMessage("Current radio URI: " + radioURI) radioStationFound = False for k,v in self.radioFavorites.items(): if radioURI == html.escape(v): #if CurrentURI is found in the values of the radio favorites dict LogMessage('Radio station found in favorites list, updating radio switch selector') dictOptions = Devices[4].Options listLevelNames = dictOptions['LevelNames'].split('|') radioLevel = (listLevelNames.index(k))*10 #get the index and multiply it with 10 to get the level of selector switch self.sonosRadio = radioLevel UpdateDevice(4, 1, str(self.sonosRadio)) radioStationFound = True ###self.SyncDevices() if radioStationFound == False: LogMessage('Radio station not found in favorites list, updating radio switch selector') self.sonosRadio = 0 UpdateDevice(4, 1, str(self.sonosRadio)) return # Make sure that the Domoticz devices are in sync
def local_html_escape(data, quote=False): """ Works with bytes. Replace special characters "&", "<" and ">" to HTML-safe sequences. If the optional flag quote is true (the default), the quotation mark characters, both double quote (") and single quote (') characters are also translated. """ if PY2: import cgi data = cgi.escape(data, quote) return data.replace("'", "'") if quote else data else: import html if isinstance(data, str): return html.escape(data, quote=quote) data = data.replace(b"&", b"&") # Must be done first! data = data.replace(b"<", b"<") data = data.replace(b">", b">") if quote: data = data.replace(b'"', b""") data = data.replace(b'\'', b"'") return data
def get_cell_markup(self, x, y=None, data=None): """ See if a column has formatting (if x and y are supplied) or see if a cell has formatting. If it does, return the formatted string, otherwise return data that is escaped (if that column has formatting), or just the plain data. """ if x in self._cell_markup: if y is None: return True # markup for this column elif y in self._cell_markup[x]: return self._cell_markup[x][y] else: return escape(data) else: if y is None: return False # no markup for this column else: return data
def _parse_route_template(template, default_sufix=''): """Lazy route template parser.""" variables = {} reverse_template = pattern = '' args_count = last = 0 for match in _route_re.finditer(template): part = template[last:match.start()] name = match.group(1) expr = match.group(2) or default_sufix last = match.end() if not name: name = '__%d__' % args_count args_count += 1 pattern += '%s(?P<%s>%s)' % (re.escape(part), name, expr) reverse_template += '%s%%(%s)s' % (part, name) variables[name] = re.compile('^%s$' % expr) part = template[last:] kwargs_count = len(variables) - args_count reverse_template += part regex = re.compile('^%s%s$' % (pattern, re.escape(part))) return regex, reverse_template, args_count, kwargs_count, variables
def update_service_account_info(): if current_user.is_white_team or current_user.is_blue_team: if 'name' in request.form and 'value' in request.form and 'pk' in request.form: account = session.query(Account).get(int(request.form['pk'])) if current_user.team == account.service.team: if account: if request.form['name'] == 'username': account.username = html.escape(request.form['value']) elif request.form['name'] == 'password': account.password = html.escape(request.form['value']) session.add(account) session.commit() return jsonify({'status': 'Updated Account Information'}) return jsonify({'error': 'Incorrect permissions'}) return jsonify({'error': 'Incorrect permissions'}) return jsonify({'error': 'Incorrect permissions'})
def admin_update_password(): if current_user.is_white_team: if 'user_id' in request.form and 'password' in request.form: try: user_obj = session.query(User).filter(User.id == request.form['user_id']).one() except NoResultFound: return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) user_obj.update_password(html.escape(request.form['password'])) user_obj.authenticated = False session.add(user_obj) session.commit() flash('Password Successfully Updated.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('admin.manage')) else: flash('Error: user_id or password not specified.', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('admin.manage')) else: return {'status': 'Unauthorized'}, 403
def admin_add_user(): if current_user.is_white_team: if 'username' in request.form and 'password' in request.form and 'team_id' in request.form: team_obj = session.query(Team).filter(Team.id == request.form['team_id']).one() user_obj = User(username=html.escape(request.form['username']), password=html.escape(request.form['password']), team=team_obj) session.add(user_obj) session.commit() flash('User successfully added.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('admin.manage')) else: flash('Error: Username, Password, or Team ID not specified.', 'danger') return redirect(url_for('admin.manage')) else: return {'status': 'Unauthorized'}, 403
def escape(self, tags): output = [] for tag in tags: if re.match(r'<.+ >$', tag): try: etree.fromstring(tag) output.append(tag) except: tag = re.sub(r'(<)(.+) (>)', r'\1\n\2\n\3', tag) tag = self.tagger.tag_text(tag, notagdns=True, notagip=True, notagurl=True, notagemail=True, tagonly=True) tag = [html.escape(t) for t in tag] output += tag elif not re.match(r'<.+>$', tag): output.append(html.escape(tag)) else: test = re.match(r'<rep(.+?) text="(.+)"', tag) if test is not None: output.append('<rep{} text="{}"/>'.format(test.group(1), html.escape(test.group(2)))) else: if re.match(r'[<>]\t', tag): output.append(html.escape(tag)) else: output.append(tag) return output
def segment_to_html(segment): """Create simple HTML from ChatMessageSegment""" text = html.escape(segment.text) if segment.text else "" text = text.replace('\n', '<br>\n') message = [] if segment.type_ == hangups.hangouts_pb2.SEGMENT_TYPE_TEXT: message.append(text) elif segment.type_ == hangups.hangouts_pb2.SEGMENT_TYPE_LINK: message.append( '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(segment.link_target if segment.link_target else text, text) ) elif segment.type_ == hangups.hangouts_pb2.SEGMENT_TYPE_LINE_BREAK: message.append('<br />\n') else: logging.warning('Ignoring unknown chat message segment type: {}'.format(segment.type_)) if not segment.type_ == hangups.hangouts_pb2.SEGMENT_TYPE_LINE_BREAK: for is_f, f in ((segment.is_bold, 'b'), (segment.is_italic, 'i'), (segment.is_strikethrough, 's'), (segment.is_underline, 'u')): if is_f: message.insert(0, '<{}>'.format(f)) message.append('</{}>'.format(f)) return ''.join(message)
def _escape_text(self, s): """Escape text In addition to escaping text, unicode characters are replaced with a span that will display the glyph using CSS. This is to ensure that the text has a consistent width. """ tpl = ('<span class="u"><span class="g">&#x{0:x};</span>' '<span class="ns">{1}</span></span>') out = '' for c in s: w = utils.str_width(c) if unicodedata.category(c) in ('Co', 'Cn', 'So'): out += tpl.format(ord(c), ' ') elif w > 1 or ord(c) > 255: out += tpl.format(ord(c), ' ' * w) else: out += escape(c) return out
def _iter_child_renders(self, pretty=False): for child in self.childs: if not issubclass(child.__class__, DOMElement): tempyREPR_cls = self._search_for_view(child) if tempyREPR_cls: # If there is a TempyREPR class defined in the child class we make a DOMElement out of it # this trick is used to avoid circular imports class Patched(tempyREPR_cls, DOMElement): pass child = Patched(child) try: yield child.render(pretty=pretty) except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError): if isinstance(child, Escaped): yield child._render else: yield html.escape(str(child)) except Exception as ex: raise ex
def _change_flowbox_font(self): ''' Update the font and fontsize used in the current content of the flowbox. ''' for flowbox_child in self._flowbox.get_children(): label = flowbox_child.get_child().get_child() text = label.get_label() (emoji, name) = self._parse_emoji_and_name_from_text(text) if emoji: new_text = ( '<span font="%s %s" fallback="%s">' %(self._font, self._fontsize, str(self._fallback).lower()) + html.escape(emoji) + '</span>') if name: new_text += ( '<span fallback="false" font="%s">' %(self._fontsize / 2) + html.escape(name) + '</span>') label.set_text(new_text) label.set_use_markup(True) self.show_all() self._busy_stop()
def escape_html(s, quote=True): """ Replace special characters "&", "<" and ">" to HTML-safe sequences. If the optional flag quote is true (the default), the quotation mark characters, both double quote (") and single quote (') characters are also translated. If a `HTMLString` is provied, it's assumed that whatever you give to escape_html is a string with any unsafe values already escaped. """ if hasattr(s, '__html__'): s = s.__html__() else: s = escape(text_type(s), quote=quote) return s
def add_comment(request, post_id): if request.method == 'GET': post = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id) form = CommentForm({'post_id':post.id, 'code':post.code}) return render(request, 'add_comment_form.html', {'post': post, 'form':form}) else: form = CommentForm(request.POST or None) if form.is_valid(): Comment.objects.create( code=html.escape(form.cleaned_data['code']), description=html.escape(form.cleaned_data['description']), post=Post.objects.get(pk=form.cleaned_data['post_id']), author=request.user ) return redirect('/post/{}'.format(form.cleaned_data['post_id']), permanent=False) post = Post.objects.get(pk=form.cleaned_data['post_id']) return render(request, 'add_comment_form.html', {'post': post, 'form':form})
def response_text(self, content, escape=False): """ ????? content ????????????????? :param content: ???? :param escape: ????????? (?????) :return: ?????????? XML ???? """ self._check_parse() content = self._transcoding(content) if escape: if six.PY2: content = cgi.escape(content) else: import html content = html.escape(content) response = TextReply(message=self.__message, content=content).render() return self._encrypt_response(response)
def _html(self, definition): """Generate documentation string in HTML format """ if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): escaped_doc = html.escape( html.unescape(definition.doc), quote=False) else: try: escaped_doc = cgi.escape( HTMLParser.unescape.__func__( HTMLParser, definition.doc.encode('utf8') ) ) except AttributeError: # Python 3.x < 3.4 escaped_doc = cgi.escape( HTMLParser.unescape(HTMLParser, definition.doc) ) escaped_doc = escaped_doc.replace('\n', '<br>') return '{0}\n{1}'.format(definition.full_name, escaped_doc)
def __str__(self): reported_count = len(self.reported_by) reported_list = ', '.join( [str(reporter) for reporter in self.reported_by][:3]) + ( ' and %d others' % (reported_count - 3) if reported_count > 3 else '') params = { 'id': self.id, 'phone_nr': self.phone_nr, 'account_nr': self.account_nr, 'bank_name': self.bank_name, 'remark': self.remark, 'reported_by': reported_list, 'added_by': self.added_by } s = ("<b>Verified Member: C#{id}</b>\n" "<b>Cellular:</b> {phone_nr}\n" "Telegram ID: {account_nr}\n" "Name: {bank_name}\n" "DNA: {remark}\n" "Voted by: {reported_by}\n").format( **{k: escape_html(str(v)) for (k, v) in params.items()} ) print(s) return s
def sanitize(text): """Gets rid of < and > and & and, for good measure, :""" return html.escape(text, quote=True).replace(':', ':')
def text(self, value): self._text = html.escape(value) if self.view and self.view.is_loaded: self.view.dispatch({'name': 'text', 'selector': '#' + self.id, 'text': value})
def on_view_attached(self): super(TextBox, self).on_view_attached() def text_changed_callback(event, interface): self._text = html.escape(event['event_object']['target']['value']) self.view.on('change', text_changed_callback, '#' + self.id)
def _list2table(lst, escape=True): """Turn a list into an HTML table (to be used as a DOT label).""" table = '<<table border="0" cellborder="0">{}</table>>' # table HTML format row = '<tr><td align="center">{}</td></tr>' # row HTML format escape_function = html.escape if escape else lambda x: x return table.format("\n".join(map(row.format, map(lambda x: escape_function(str(x)), lst or [""]))))
def _render(self, cfg): for node in cfg.nodes.values(): fillcolor = self._node_color(node, cfg) if isinstance(node, (Basic, Loop)): stmt = '<font color="#ffffff" point-size="11">{} </font>' stmts = map(lambda x: stmt.format(html.escape(str(x))), node.stmts) label = self._list2table(list(stmts), escape=False) else: label = self._escape_label(self._shorten_label(str(node))) self._render_node(node, label, fillcolor) self._render_edges(cfg)
def _basic_node_label(self, node, result): state = '<font point-size="9">{} </font>' states = map(lambda x: state.format(html.escape(str(x)).replace('\n', '<br />')), result.get_node_result(node)) stmt = '<font color="#ffffff" point-size="11">{}</font>' stmts = map(lambda x: stmt.format(html.escape(str(x))), node.stmts) node_result = [item for items in zip_longest(states, stmts) for item in items if item is not None] return self._list2table(node_result, escape=False)
def html_report(content): html = "<div>" for item in content: if item.name == "key1": html += "Key1 : {}".format(escape(item.content)) else: # Error pass html += "</div>" return html
def html_report(content): html = "<div>" for item in content: if item.name == "name1": html += "Name1 : {}".format(escape(item.content)) else: # Error pass html += "</div>" return html
def _make_menu_malware(m, level=0, actif=""): html = "" tab = "" if level: tab = level * 4 * " " + level * "-" + " " html += "<li id=\"menu_malware_{}\" class=\"menu_malware {}\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"show_malware({})\">{}{}</a></li>".format(str(m.uid), actif, str(m.uid), tab, escape(m.name)) if len(m.extract_malware): html += "<ul class=\"nav nav-list\">" for m_e in m.extract_malware: html += HtmlReporter._make_menu_malware(m_e, level+1) html += "</ul>" return html html += "{}".format([me.name for me in m.extract_malware])
def _make_module_menu(malware): html = "" html += "<div>" html += "<ul class=\"nav nav-pills modules-pills\">" for i, m in enumerate(malware.module_status): module_class = Module.get_module_by_name(m.module_cls_name) module_name = module_class.module_name() active = "" if i is 0: active = "active" html += "<li id=\"menu_module_malware_{}_{}\" class=\"menu_module_malware menu_module_malware_{} {}\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"show_module_malware({},{})\">{}</a></li>".format(str(malware.uid),str(m.id),str(malware.uid),active,str(malware.uid),str(m.id),escape(module_name)) html += "</ul>" html += "</div>" return html
def _make_indicator_report(module_cls_name, indicators): module_class = Module.get_module_by_name(module_cls_name) html_report_fct = getattr(module_class, "html_report", None) html = "" if callable(html_report_fct): html += html_report_fct(indicators) else: for indic in indicators: html += "<div><b>{} ({}): </b>{}<br/></div>".format(escape(indic.name), indic.score, escape(indic.content)) return html
def html_report(content): html = "<div>" for item in content: if item.name == "code": html += "<label class=\"label label-info\">Code</label> <pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(base64.b64decode(item.content).decode('utf-8'))) elif item.name == "error": html += "<label class=\"label label-inverse\">Error</label> <pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(base64.b64decode(item.content).decode('utf-8'))) else: html += "LAMA PARSE ERROR" html += "</div>" return html
def _category_make_html(content): """ Create part with categorie """ html = "<div>" html += "<b>Category : </b>{}".format(escape(content)) html += "</div>" return html
def _buff_yara_make_html(content): """ Create part with YARA results """ decode_content = json.loads(content) html = "<div>" for cont in decode_content: html += ( "<label class=\"label label-info\">{}</label> : strings {}" ).format(escape(cont['name']), escape(", ".join(cont['strings']))) html += "<br/>{}".format(cont['meta']['description']) html += "</div>" return html
def html_report(content): html = "<div>" html_type = {'important': "", 'warning': "", 'info': "", 'inverse': ""} for item in content: if item.name == "analysis": decoded_content = json.loads(item.content) score = item.score if score >= 5: type_label = "important" elif score >= 2: type_label = "warning" elif score > 0: type_label = "info" else: type_label = "inverse" html_type[type_label] += "<label class=\"label label-{}\">{}</label> -> <b>{}</b><pre>{}</pre>".format( type_label, escape(decoded_content["type"]), escape(decoded_content["keyword"]), escape(decoded_content["description"]) ) elif item.name == 'macros': decoded_content = json.loads(item.content) html += "<label class=\"label label-info\">Source</label> : <b>{}</b><pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(decoded_content['vba_filename']), escape(decoded_content['code'])) else: html += "LAMA PARSE ERROR" html += html_type['important'] html += html_type['warning'] html += html_type['info'] html += html_type['inverse'] html += "</div>" return html
def html_report(content): html = "<div>" for item in content: if item.name == "error": html += "<b>Error : </b>{}".format(escape(item.content)) else: html += "LAMA PARSE ERROR" html += "</div>" return html
def html_report(content): html = "<div>" for item in content: if item.name == "out": out = base64.b64decode(item.content) html += "<label class=\"label label-info\">out</label><pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(out.decode("utf-8"))) if item.name == "returncode": html += "<label class=\"label label-info\">Return code : {}</label><br/>".format(escape(item.content)) html += "</div>" return html
def html_report(content): html = "" html_tar = "" html_err = "" for item in content: if item.name == "script": json_decode = json.loads(item.content) html += "<label class=\"label\">Script</label> {} <pre>{}</pre>".format(escape(json_decode['filename']), escape(base64.b64decode(json_decode['code']).decode('utf-8'))) elif item.name == "tar": archive_name = os.path.basename(item.content) html_tar += "<label class=\"label\">Exctact files : </label> <a href=\"/file?path={}\">{}</a><br />".format(item.content, archive_name) else: html_err += "LAMA PARSE ERROR" html = "<div>{}{}{}</div>".format(html_tar, html, html_err) return html
def render_raw_text(token): return html.escape(token.content)
def htmlUnknown(x): return '<code>'+html.escape(saferepr(x))+'</code>'
def htmlInst(i): if hasattr(i, "__html__"): s = i.__html__() else: s = html.escape(saferepr(i)) return '''<div class="instance"><span class="instanceName">%s instance @ %s</span> <span class="instanceRepr">%s</span></div> ''' % (i.__class__, hex(id(i)), s)
def htmlString(s): return html.escape(saferepr(s))
def htmlFunc(f): return ('<div class="function">' + html.escape("function %s in file %s at line %s" % (f.__name__, f.func_code.co_filename, f.func_code.co_firstlineno))+ '</div>')
def htmlIndent(snippetLine): ret = string.replace(string.replace(html.escape(string.rstrip(snippetLine)), ' ', ' '), '\t', ' ') return ret