Python httplib 模块,request() 实例源码


项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:super_simple_siem    作者:elucidant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:super_simple_siem    作者:elucidant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:super_simple_siem    作者:elucidant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:TA-connectivity    作者:seunomosowon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:TA-connectivity    作者:seunomosowon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:TA-connectivity    作者:seunomosowon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:splunk_ta_ps4_f1_2016    作者:jonathanvarley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:splunk_ta_ps4_f1_2016    作者:jonathanvarley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:splunk_ta_ps4_f1_2016    作者:jonathanvarley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:splunk_ta_ps4_f1_2016    作者:jonathanvarley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:splunk_ta_ps4_f1_2016    作者:jonathanvarley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:splunk_ta_ps4_f1_2016    作者:jonathanvarley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:TA-SyncKVStore    作者:georgestarcher    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:TA-SyncKVStore    作者:georgestarcher    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:TA-SyncKVStore    作者:georgestarcher    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:TA-SyncKVStore    作者:georgestarcher    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:TA-SyncKVStore    作者:georgestarcher    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:TA-SyncKVStore    作者:georgestarcher    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:cb-defense-splunk-app    作者:carbonblack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:cb-defense-splunk-app    作者:carbonblack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:cb-defense-splunk-app    作者:carbonblack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:cb-defense-splunk-app    作者:carbonblack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:cb-defense-splunk-app    作者:carbonblack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:cb-defense-splunk-app    作者:carbonblack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:TA-statemachine    作者:doksu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:TA-statemachine    作者:doksu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:TA-statemachine    作者:doksu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:mysplunk_csc    作者:patel-bhavin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:mysplunk_csc    作者:patel-bhavin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:mysplunk_csc    作者:patel-bhavin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:SplunkForPCAP    作者:DanielSchwartz1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:SplunkForPCAP    作者:DanielSchwartz1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:SplunkForPCAP    作者:DanielSchwartz1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:elasticsplunk    作者:brunotm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_auth_error(msg):
    """Handle reraising HTTP authentication errors as something clearer.

    If an ``HTTPError`` is raised with status 401 (access denied) in
    the body of this context manager, reraise it as an
    ``AuthenticationError`` instead, with *msg* as its message.

    This function adds no round trips to the server.

    :param msg: The message to be raised in ``AuthenticationError``.
    :type msg: ``str``


        with _handle_auth_error("Your login failed."):
             ... # make an HTTP request
    except HTTPError as he:
        if he.status == 401:
            raise AuthenticationError(msg, he)
项目:elasticsplunk    作者:brunotm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _auth_headers(self):
        """Headers required to authenticate a request.

        Assumes your ``Context`` already has a authentication token or
        cookie, either provided explicitly or obtained by logging
        into the Splunk instance.

        :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing key and value
        if self.has_cookies():
            return [("Cookie", _make_cookie_header(self.get_cookies().items()))]
        elif self.basic and (self.username and self.password):
            token = 'Basic %s' % b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password))
            return [("Authorization", token)]
        elif self.token is _NoAuthenticationToken:
            return []
            # Ensure the token is properly formatted
            if self.token.startswith('Splunk '):
                token = self.token
                token = 'Splunk %s' % self.token
            return [("Authorization", token)]
项目:elasticsplunk    作者:brunotm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a GET request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        return self.request(url, { 'method': "GET", 'headers': headers })
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_cookies(self):
        """Returns true if the ``HttpLib`` member of this instance has at least
        one cookie stored.

        :return: ``True`` if there is at least one cookie, else ``False``
        :rtype: ``bool``
        return len(self.get_cookies()) > 0

    # Shared per-context request headers
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _spliturl(url):
    scheme, opaque = urllib.splittype(url)
    netloc, path = urllib.splithost(opaque)
    host, port = urllib.splitport(netloc)
    # Strip brackets if its an IPv6 address
    if host.startswith('[') and host.endswith(']'): host = host[1:-1]
    if port is None: port = DEFAULT_PORT
    return scheme, host, port, path

# Given an HTTP request handler, this wrapper objects provides a related
# family of convenience methods built using that handler.
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delete(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a DELETE request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        message = {
            'method': "DELETE",
            'headers': headers,
        return self.request(url, message)
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a POST request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). If the argument
            is ``body``, the value is used as the body for the request, and the
            keywords and their arguments will be URL encoded. If there is no
            ``body`` keyword argument, all the keyword arguments are encoded
            into the body of the request in the format ``x-www-form-urlencoded``.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        headers.append(("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")),
        # We handle GET-style arguments and an unstructured body. This is here
        # to support the receivers/stream endpoint.
        if 'body' in kwargs:
            body = kwargs.pop('body')
            if len(kwargs) > 0:
                url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
            body = _encode(**kwargs)
        message = {
            'method': "POST",
            'headers': headers,
            'body': body
        return self.request(url, message)
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def request(self, url, message, **kwargs):
        """Issues an HTTP request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param message: A dictionary with the format as described in
        :type message: ``dict``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are passed unchanged to the handler.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        response = self.handler(url, message, **kwargs)
        response = record(response)
        if 400 <= response.status:
            raise HTTPError(response)

        # Update the cookie with any HTTP request
        # Initially, assume list of 2-tuples
        key_value_tuples = response.headers
        # If response.headers is a dict, get the key-value pairs as 2-tuples
        # this is the case when using urllib2
        if isinstance(response.headers, dict):
            key_value_tuples = response.headers.items()
        for key, value in key_value_tuples:
            if key.lower() == "set-cookie":
                _parse_cookies(value, self._cookies)

        return response

# Converts an httplib response into a file-like object.
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_cookies(self):
        """Returns true if the ``HttpLib`` member of this instance has at least
        one cookie stored.

        :return: ``True`` if there is at least one cookie, else ``False``
        :rtype: ``bool``
        return len(self.get_cookies()) > 0

    # Shared per-context request headers
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _spliturl(url):
    scheme, opaque = urllib.splittype(url)
    netloc, path = urllib.splithost(opaque)
    host, port = urllib.splitport(netloc)
    # Strip brackets if its an IPv6 address
    if host.startswith('[') and host.endswith(']'): host = host[1:-1]
    if port is None: port = DEFAULT_PORT
    return scheme, host, port, path

# Given an HTTP request handler, this wrapper objects provides a related
# family of convenience methods built using that handler.
项目:Splunk_CBER_App    作者:MHaggis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delete(self, url, headers=None, **kwargs):
        """Sends a DELETE request to a URL.

        :param url: The URL.
        :type url: ``string``
        :param headers: A list of pairs specifying the headers for the HTTP
            response (for example, ``[('Content-Type': 'text/cthulhu'), ('Token': 'boris')]``).
        :type headers: ``list``
        :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments (optional). These arguments
            are interpreted as the query part of the URL. The order of keyword
            arguments is not preserved in the request, but the keywords and
            their arguments will be URL encoded.
        :type kwargs: ``dict``
        :returns: A dictionary describing the response (see :class:`HttpLib` for
            its structure).
        :rtype: ``dict``
        if headers is None: headers = []
        if kwargs:
            # url is already a UrlEncoded. We have to manually declare
            # the query to be encoded or it will get automatically URL
            # encoded by being appended to url.
            url = url + UrlEncoded('?' + _encode(**kwargs), skip_encode=True)
        message = {
            'method': "DELETE",
            'headers': headers,
        return self.request(url, message)