Python httplib 模块,FOUND 实例源码


项目:beg-django-e-commerce    作者:Apress    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_add_product(self):
        """ POST request to a product page augments the CartItem instance count """
        quantity = 2
        product_url = self.product.get_absolute_url()
        response = self.client.get(product_url)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, httplib.OK )

        # store count in cart_count variable
        cart_item_count = self.get_cart_item_count()
        # assert that the cart item count is zero
        self.failUnlessEqual(cart_item_count, 0)

        # perform the post of adding to the cart
        cookie = self.client.cookies[settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME]
        csrf_token = csrf.middleware._make_token(cookie.value)
        #self.failUnlessEqual(csrf_token, None)
        postdata = {'product_slug': self.product.slug, 
                    'quantity': quantity,
                    'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf_token }
        response =, postdata )

        # assert redirected to cart page - 302 then 200?
        cart_url = urlresolvers.reverse('show_cart')
        self.assertRedirects(response, cart_url, status_code=httplib.FOUND, target_status_code=httplib.OK)

        # assert cart item count is incremented by one
        self.assertEqual(self.get_cart_item_count(), cart_item_count + 1)

        cart_id = self.get_cart_id()
        last_item = CartItem.objects.filter(cart_id=cart_id).latest('date_added')
        # assert the latest cart item has a quantity of two
        self.failUnlessEqual(last_item.quantity, quantity)
        # assert the latest cart item is the correct product
        self.failUnlessEqual(last_item.product, self.product)
项目:beg-django-e-commerce    作者:Apress    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_user_login_redirect(self):
        """ if URL contains 'next' parameter, customer is redirected after successfully logging in """
        my_account_url = urlresolvers.reverse('my_account')
        redirect_url = self.login_url + '?next=' + my_account_url

        response = self.client.get(my_account_url)
        self.assertRedirects(response, redirect_url, 
                             status_code=httplib.FOUND, target_status_code=httplib.OK)

        response =, self.login_data)
        self.assertRedirects(response, my_account_url, 
                             status_code=httplib.FOUND, target_status_code=httplib.OK)
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _redirect_302_path_info(self, updated_path_info, environ, start_response):
    """Redirect to an updated path.

    Respond to the current request with a 302 Found status with an updated path
    but preserving the rest of the request.

    - WSGI does not make the fragment available so we are not able to preserve
      it. Luckily prod does not preserve the fragment so it works out.

      updated_path_info: the new HTTP path to redirect to.
      environ: WSGI environ object.
      start_response: WSGI start response callable.

      WSGI-compatible iterable object representing the body of the response.
    correct_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(

    content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
    output = _REDIRECT_HTML % {
        'content-type': content_type,
        'status': httplib.FOUND,
        'correct-url': correct_url

    start_response('%d %s' % (httplib.FOUND, httplib.responses[httplib.FOUND]),
                   [('Content-Type', content_type),
                    ('Location', correct_url),
                    ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))])
    return output
项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
  """Reads an http response from a connection into a string buffer.

    conn: An HTTPSConnection or HTTPConnection created by CreateHttpConn, above.
    expect_status: Success is indicated by this status in the response.
    ignore_404: For many requests, gerrit-on-borg will return 404 if the request
                doesn't match the database contents.  In most such cases, we
                want the API to return None rather than raise an Exception.
  Returns: A string buffer containing the connection's reply.

  sleep_time = 0.5
  for idx in range(TRY_LIMIT):
    response = conn.getresponse()

    # Check if this is an authentication issue.
    www_authenticate = response.getheader('www-authenticate')
    if (response.status in (httplib.UNAUTHORIZED, httplib.FOUND) and
      auth_match ='realm="([^"]+)"', www_authenticate, re.I)
      host = if auth_match else conn.req_host
      reason = ('Authentication failed. Please make sure your .netrc file '
                'has credentials for %s' % host)
      raise GerritAuthenticationError(response.status, reason)

    # If response.status < 500 then the result is final; break retry loop.
    if response.status < 500:
    # A status >=500 is assumed to be a possible transient error; retry.
    http_version = 'HTTP/%s' % ('1.1' if response.version == 11 else '1.0')
    msg = (
        'A transient error occurred while querying %s:\n'
        '%s %s %s\n'
        '%s %d %s' % (
  , conn.req_params['method'], conn.req_params['url'],
            http_version, http_version, response.status, response.reason))
    if TRY_LIMIT - idx > 1:
      msg += '\n... will retry %d more times.' % (TRY_LIMIT - idx - 1)
      sleep_time = sleep_time * 2
      req_host = conn.req_host
      req_params = conn.req_params
      conn = GetConnectionClass()(req_host)
      conn.req_host = req_host
      conn.req_params = req_params
  if ignore_404 and response.status == 404:
    return StringIO()
  if response.status != expect_status:
    reason = '%s: %s' % (response.reason,
    raise GerritError(response.status, reason)
  return StringIO(
项目:node-gn    作者:Shouqun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ReadHttpResponse(conn, expect_status=200, ignore_404=True):
  """Reads an http response from a connection into a string buffer.

    conn: An HTTPSConnection or HTTPConnection created by CreateHttpConn, above.
    expect_status: Success is indicated by this status in the response.
    ignore_404: For many requests, gerrit-on-borg will return 404 if the request
                doesn't match the database contents.  In most such cases, we
                want the API to return None rather than raise an Exception.
  Returns: A string buffer containing the connection's reply.

  sleep_time = 0.5
  for idx in range(TRY_LIMIT):
    response = conn.getresponse()

    # Check if this is an authentication issue.
    www_authenticate = response.getheader('www-authenticate')
    if (response.status in (httplib.UNAUTHORIZED, httplib.FOUND) and
      auth_match ='realm="([^"]+)"', www_authenticate, re.I)
      host = if auth_match else conn.req_host
      reason = ('Authentication failed. Please make sure your .netrc file '
                'has credentials for %s' % host)
      raise GerritAuthenticationError(response.status, reason)

    # If response.status < 500 then the result is final; break retry loop.
    if response.status < 500:
      LOGGER.debug('got response %d for %s %s', response.status,
                   conn.req_params['method'], conn.req_params['url'])
    # A status >=500 is assumed to be a possible transient error; retry.
    http_version = 'HTTP/%s' % ('1.1' if response.version == 11 else '1.0')
    LOGGER.warn('A transient error occurred while querying %s:\n'
                '%s %s %s\n'
                '%s %d %s',
      , conn.req_params['method'], conn.req_params['url'],
                http_version, http_version, response.status, response.reason)
    if TRY_LIMIT - idx > 1:
      LOGGER.warn('... will retry %d more times.', TRY_LIMIT - idx - 1)
      sleep_time = sleep_time * 2
      req_host = conn.req_host
      req_params = conn.req_params
      conn = GetConnectionClass()(req_host)
      conn.req_host = req_host
      conn.req_params = req_params
  if ignore_404 and response.status == 404:
    return StringIO()
  if response.status != expect_status:
    reason = '%s: %s' % (response.reason,
    raise GerritError(response.status, reason)
  return StringIO(