Python idautils 模块,CodeRefsTo() 实例源码


项目:ropf    作者:kevinkoo001    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_func_code_refs_to(func_ea):
    """Returns a set with the code references to this function"""
    code_refs = set()

    for ref in idautils.CodeRefsTo(func_ea, 0): #callers
        func_ida = idaapi.get_func(ref)

        if not func_ida:
            #print "BUG?: coderef came from no function! %X->%X"%(ref, addr) 

        #if func_ida.startEA not in functions:
        #    print "BUG?: function %X not in our set (r=%X)!"%(func_ida.startEA, ref) 
        #    continue

        code_refs.add((ref, func_ida.startEA))

    return code_refs
项目:IDAPython-Scripts    作者:razygon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ApdComm(self, ea, id):
#        DEBUG_PRINT('_ApdComm')
        g_mark = ' '
        if self._global == 1:
            idx = self._dbDict[ea]._idx_list[id][0]
            g_mark = '_g'
            idx = self._dbDict[ea]._idx_list[id][0] - self._dbDict[idaapi.get_func(ea).startEA]._idx_list[0][0]
            g_mark = '_L'

        idxcomm = self._dbDict[ea]._idx_list[id][1]
        comm = self._commMarker + str(idx) + g_mark +' ' +str(idxcomm).strip('{}') 
        oldComm = str(idc.GetCommentEx(ea, 0))
        tag = ''
        for xref in idautils.CodeRefsTo(ea, 0):
            if xref !=[]:
                if ea != idaapi.get_func(ea).startEA and oldComm == 'None':
                    comm = '\n' + comm                    

        if(oldComm != 'None'):
            comm = oldComm + '\n' + comm
        idc.MakeComm(ea, str(comm))
        self._dbDict[ea]._shown = True
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def highlight_anti_debug_api_calls():
        anti_debug_apis = [
            "IsDebuggerPresent", "CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent", "NtQueryInformationProcess", "OutputDebugString",

        library_calls = {}  # api_name -> CodeRefsTo
        for api_name, codeRefsTo in library_calls.iteritems():
            if api_name in anti_debug_apis:
      "Potential Anti-Debug call %s imported", api_name)
                if codeRefsTo:
          " - %s called at %s", api_name, ", ".join(["0x%x" % x for x in codeRefsTo]))
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_import_names_callback(library_calls):
    """ Return a callback function used by idaapi.enum_import_names(). """
    def callback(ea, name, ordinal):
        """ Callback function to retrieve code references to library calls. """
        library_calls[name] = []
        for ref in idautils.CodeRefsTo(ea, 0):
        return True  # True -> Continue enumeration
    return callback
项目:ida-batch_decompile    作者:tintinweb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_coderefs(self):
        return (IdaLocation(frm) for frm in idautils.CodeRefsTo(, 0))
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def propagate_dead_code(self, ea, op_map):
        prevs = [x for x in idautils.CodeRefsTo(ea, True) if x not in self.marked_addresses and
                 not self.dead_br_of_op(ea, x, op_map)]
        if prevs:  # IF there is no legit predecessors
            idc.SetColor(ea, idc.CIC_ITEM, 0x0000ff)
            self.marked_addresses[ea] = None
            succs = [x for x in idautils.CodeRefsFrom(ea, True)]
            for succ in succs:
                self.propagate_dead_code(succ, op_map)
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def safe_path_to(self, addr):
        path = self.full_path_to(addr)  # Start from the full path
        i = -1
        for ea, k in zip(path, range(len(path))):  # Compute i such that it is safe
            nb_preds = len([x for x in idautils.CodeRefsTo(ea, True)])
            if nb_preds > 1:
                i = k
            elif idc.GetDisasm(ea).startswith("call"):
                i = k+1
        print i
        if i == -1:
            return path
            return path[i:]
项目:RE    作者:wasdwasdwasdwasd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DecryptString0(addrDecryptFunction):
    print "[+]DecryptString0"

    #Get All Calls to this function
    calls = idautils.CodeRefsTo(addrDecryptFunction, 1)

    #Iterate all Calls Decrypt Strings
    for call in calls:
        print "[+]Call at 0x%08X %s" % (call, idc.GetFunctionName(call))

        pDecrypted, pEncrypted = GetDecryptString0Parameters(call)

        print "[+]Parameters: 0x%08X 0x%08X" % (pDecrypted, pEncrypted)

        #Get String
        szEncryptedString = idc.GetString(pEncrypted)

        #Handle one Byte Empty Strings
        if szEncryptedString == None:
            #Read Byte
            szEncryptedString = ""
            idx = 0
            while True:
                byte = idc.Byte(pEncrypted + idx)
                szEncryptedString += chr(byte)

                if byte == 0:
                idx += 1

        szDecryptedString = DecryptString0Algo(szEncryptedString, 0xFE)
        print "[+]Dec: \"%s\"" % szDecryptedString

        #Rename and Add Comments
        idc.MakeRptCmt(pEncrypted, szDecryptedString)
        idc.MakeNameEx(pEncrypted, "crypt" + szDecryptedString, SN_NOCHECK | SN_NOWARN)
        idc.MakeNameEx(pDecrypted, "" + szDecryptedString, SN_NOCHECK | SN_NOWARN)

        #Patch decrypted Buffer and convert to String
        idx = 0
        for c in szDecryptedString:
            idc.PatchByte(pDecrypted + idx, ord(c))
            idx += 1

        idc.PatchByte(pDecrypted + idx, 0)
        idc.MakeStr(pDecrypted, pDecrypted + idx)

项目:RE    作者:wasdwasdwasdwasd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DecryptStackStrings(addrDecryptFunction):
    global emu
    print "[+]DecryptStackStrings"

    #Get All XrefsTo this function
    calls = idautils.CodeRefsTo(addrDecryptFunction, 1)

    # Iterate all Calls Decrypt Strings
    for call in calls:
        print "[+]Call at 0x%08X %s" % (call, idc.GetFunctionName(call))

        # Resolve Parameters
        # Param1. DestBuffer
        # Param2. Length
        # Param3. StackStringEncrypted
        destBuffer, length = GetDecryptString1Parameters(call)
        print "[+]Params dest = 0x%08X len = 0x%08X" % (destBuffer, length)

        #Get Emulation Boundaries
        emulStart, emulEnd = GetDecryptString1EmulationBoundaries(call, length)
        print "[+]Start 0x%08X, End 0x%08X" % (emulStart, emulEnd)

        #Inits Registers
        PrepareEmuRegister(emu, emulStart)

        #Try to Emulate and Update the ida databse
            szDecryptedString = Emulate(emu, emulStart, emulEnd)

            #Valid Decrypted String
            if 0 < len(szDecryptedString):
                print "[+]Decrypted: \"%s\" at 0x%08X" % (szDecryptedString, call)
                #Add Comment and Patch Database
                idc.MakeRptCmt(call, szDecryptedString)

                #If DestBuffer is an address and not a register
                #Make Name and Patch IDB
                if destBuffer != 0 and destBuffer != -1:
                    idc.MakeNameEx(destBuffer, "" + szDecryptedString, SN_NOCHECK)

                    # Patch decrypted Buffer and convert to String
                    idx = 0
                    for c in szDecryptedString:
                        idc.PatchByte(destBuffer + idx, ord(c))
                        idx += 1

                    idc.PatchByte(destBuffer + idx, 0)
                    idc.MakeStr(destBuffer, destBuffer + idx)

            print "[+]EmulStart = 0x%08X, EmulEnd = 0x%08X" % (emulStart, emulEnd)
            e = sys.exc_info()[0]
            print e


#Performs the Emulation and Returns the Dumped String