Python joblib 模块,Parallel() 实例源码


项目:probabilistic-matrix-factorization    作者:aki-nishimura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_row_param(self, phi_csr, mu0, c, v, r_prev, u_prev, phi_r, phi_u, num_process):

        nrow = self.y_csr.shape[0]

        # Update 'c' and 'v' block-wise in parallel.
        if num_process == 1:
            r, u = self.update_row_param_blockwise(self.y_csr, phi_csr, mu0, c, v, r_prev, u_prev, phi_r, phi_u)
            n_block = num_process
            block_ind = np.linspace(0, nrow, 1 + n_block, dtype=int)
            ru = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=num_process)(
                    self.y_csr[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1], :],
                    phi_csr[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1], :],
                    mu0, c, v,
                    r_prev[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                    u_prev[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                    phi_r[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                for m in range(n_block))
            r = np.concatenate([ru_i[0] for ru_i in ru])
            u = np.vstack([ru_i[1] for ru_i in ru])

        return r, u
项目:image_caption    作者:MaticsL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_batch_in_thread(img_map, df_cap, vocab_size, n_jobs=4,
    imgs, curs, nxts, seqs, vhists = [], [], [], [], []
    returns = Parallel(n_jobs=4, backend='threading')(
                            (img_train, df_cap, vocab_size, size=size_per_thread)
                            for i in range(0, n_jobs))

    for triple in returns:

    return np.array(imgs), np.array(curs).reshape((-1, 1)), np.array(nxts), \
        np.array(seqs), np.array(vhists)
项目:crema    作者:bmcfee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluate(input_path, n_jobs):

    aud, ann = zip(*crema.utils.get_ann_audio(input_path))

    test_idx = set(pd.read_json('index_test.json')['id'])

    # drop anything not in the test set
    ann = [ann_i for ann_i in ann if crema.utils.base(ann_i) in test_idx]
    aud = [aud_i for aud_i in aud if crema.utils.base(aud_i) in test_idx]

    stream = tqdm(zip(ann, aud), desc='Evaluating test set', total=len(ann))

    results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(track_eval)(ann_i, aud_i)
                                      for ann_i, aud_i in stream)
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(results), orient='index')


    df.to_json(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'test_scores.json'))
项目:probabilistic-matrix-factorization    作者:aki-nishimura    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_col_param(self, phi_csc, mu0, r, u, c_prev, v_prev, phi_c, phi_v, num_process):

        ncol = self.y_csc.shape[1]

        if num_process == 1:
            c, v = self.update_col_param_blockwise(self.y_csc, phi_csc, mu0, r, u, c_prev, v_prev, phi_c, phi_v)
            # Update 'c' and 'v' block-wise in parallel.
            n_block = num_process
            block_ind = np.linspace(0, ncol, 1 + n_block, dtype=int)
            cv = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=num_process)(
                    self.y_csc[:, block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                    phi_csc[:, block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                    mu0, r, u,
                    c_prev[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                    v_prev[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                    phi_c[block_ind[m]:block_ind[m + 1]],
                for m in range(n_block))
            c = np.concatenate([cv_j[0] for cv_j in cv])
            v = np.vstack([cv_j[1] for cv_j in cv])

        return c, v
项目:palladio    作者:slipguru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fit_single_job(self, job_list, X, y):
        cv_results_ = {}
        # for i, (train_index, test_index) in job_list:
        #"Training fold %d", i + 1)
        #     slave_result_ = self._worker(
        #         i, X, y, train_index, test_index)
        #     _build_cv_results(cv_results_, **slave_result_)
        slave_results = jl.Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs) \
                self, i, X, y, train_index, test_index) for i, (
                    train_index, test_index) in job_list)
        for slave_result_ in slave_results:
            _build_cv_results(cv_results_, **slave_result_)

        self.cv_results_ = cv_results_
项目:GALEX    作者:rahul-aedula95    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def degreetocart(data_f1):

    global df2
    df2 = data_f1.copy()
    print "phase 1"

    df2['X'] = np.nan
    df2['Y'] = np.nan
    df2['Z'] = np.nan
    df2 = df2.astype(float)

    print "phase 2"
    num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    results_x = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(xloop)(i) for i in xrange(0,len(df2)))
    print "phase 3"
    #print results_x

    #print results_x

    #print " this is "
    #print results_x[0]

    results_y = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(yloop)(i) for i in xrange(0,len(df2)))
    print "phase 4"
    results_z = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(zloop)(i) for i in xrange(0,len(df2)))
    print "phase 5"
    #print results_y

    #Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(adjloop)(i) for i in xrange(0,len(df2)))
    for i in xrange(0,len(df2)):
        print i
        df2['X'][i] = results_x[i]
        df2['Y'][i] = results_y[i]
        df2['Z'][i] = results_z[i]
项目:tf-cnn-lstm-ocr-captcha    作者:Luonic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_distilled_labels(filenames):
    result_labels = []
    print("Creating labels")
    result_labels = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(make_label)(long_filename) for long_filename in tqdm(filenames))
    return result_labels

# This function recives paths to images and lines from file with labels
# and returns only path to images that have corresponding label
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_information(ws, x, label, num_of_bins, interval_information_display, model, layerSize,
                    calc_parallel=True, py_hats=0):
    """Calculate the information for the network for all the epochs and all the layers"""
    print('Start calculating the information...')
    bins = np.linspace(-1, 1, num_of_bins)
    label = np.array(label).astype(np.float)
    pys, pys1, p_y_given_x, b1, b, unique_a, unique_inverse_x, unique_inverse_y, pxs = extract_probs(label, x)
    if calc_parallel:
        params = np.array(Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_CORES
                                     (i, interval_information_display, ws[i], bins, unique_inverse_x, unique_inverse_y,
                                      b, b1, len(unique_a), pys,
                                      pxs, p_y_given_x, pys1, model.save_file, x.shape[1], layerSize)
                                     for i in range(len(ws))))
        params = np.array([calc_information_for_epoch
                           (i, interval_information_display, ws[i], bins, unique_inverse_x, unique_inverse_y,
                            label, b, b1, len(unique_a), pys,
                            pxs, p_y_given_x, pys1, model.save_file, x.shape[1], layerSize)
                           for i in range(len(ws))])
    return params
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _erpac(xp, xa, n_perm, n_jobs):
    """Sub erpac function
    [xp] = [xa] = (npts, ntrials)
    npts, ntrials = xp.shape
    # Compute ERPAC
    xerpac = np.zeros((npts,))
    for t in range(npts):
        xerpac[t] = circ_corrcc(xp[t, :], xa[t, :])[0]

    # Compute surrogates:
    data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_erpacSuro)(
            xp, xa, npts, ntrials) for pe in range(n_perm))
    suro = np.array(data)

    # Normalize erpac:
    xerpac = (xerpac - suro.mean(0))/suro.std(0)

    # Get p-value:
    pvalue = norm.cdf(-np.abs(xerpac))*2

    return xerpac, pvalue
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fit(x, y, clf, cv, mf, grp, center, n_jobs):
    """Sub function for fitting
    # Check the inputs size :
    x, y = checkXY(x, y, mf, grp, center)
    rep, nfeat = len(cv), len(x)

    # Tricks : construct a list of tuple containing the index of
    # (repetitions,features) & loop on it. Optimal for parallel computing :
    claIdx, listRep, listFeat = list2index(rep, nfeat)

    # Run the classification :
    cvs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_cvscore)(
        x[k[1]], y, clone(clf), cv[k[0]]) for k in claIdx)
    da, y_true, y_pred = zip(*cvs)

    # Reconstruct elements :
    da = np.array(groupInList(da, listFeat))
    y_true = groupInList(y_true, listFeat)
    y_pred = groupInList(y_pred, listFeat)

    return da, x, y, y_true, y_pred
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fit(x, y, train, test, self, n_jobs):
    """Sub fit function
    nsuj, nfeat = x.shape
    iteract = product(range(nfeat), zip(train, test))
    ya = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_subfit)(
            self) for i, k in iteract)
    # Re-arrange ypred and ytrue:
    ypred, ytrue = zip(*ya)
    ypred = [np.concatenate(tuple(k)) for k in np.split(np.array(ypred), nfeat)]
    ytrue = [np.concatenate(tuple(k)) for k in np.split(np.array(ytrue), nfeat)]
    da = np.ravel([100*accuracy_score(ytrue[k], ypred[k]) for k in range(nfeat)])
    return da, ytrue, ypred
项目:word2vec_pipeline    作者:NIHOPA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def jobmap(func, INPUT_ITR, FLAG_PARALLEL=False, batch_size=None,
           *args, **kwargs):

    n_jobs = -1 if FLAG_PARALLEL else 1
    dfunc = joblib.delayed(func)

    with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs) as MP:

        # Yield the whole thing if there isn't a batch_size
        if batch_size is None:
            for z in MP(dfunc(x, *args, **kwargs)
                        for x in INPUT_ITR):
                yield z
            raise StopIteration

        ITR = iter(INPUT_ITR)
        progress_bar = tqdm()
        for block in grouper(ITR, batch_size):
            MPITR = MP(dfunc(x, *args, **kwargs) for x in block)
            for k,z in enumerate(MPITR):
                yield z
项目:vec4ir    作者:lgalke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_and_evaluate(model, X, Y, k, n_jobs=1):
        X : query_id, query pairs
        Y : dict of dicts (harvestable)
        k : int how many to retrieve

    print("Starting query time with %d jobs" % n_jobs)

    # TODO can we unzip Y and only pass the fucking chunk of y which 
    # it needs to harvest??
    qids_rs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(process_query)(model, x, Y, k)
                                      for x in X)

    print("Evaluating the results:")

    scores = evaluate_results(qids_rs, Y, k)

    return scores
项目:mirapie    作者:Chutlhu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def smooth(s,lengthscale,parallel=True):
    """smoothes s vertically"""
    if len(s.shape) == 1:
    nChans = s.shape[1]
    W = np.hamming(min(lengthscale,s.shape[0]))
    W/= np.sum(W)
    if s.shape[1]>1:
        if parallel:

        slidingMean = (Parallel(n_jobs=njobs,backend=JOBLIB_BACKEND,temp_folder=JOBLIB_TEMPFOLDER)
                        (delayed(smoothLine)(s[:,chan],W) for chan in range(nChans)))
        return np.array(slidingMean).T
        return smoothLine(s[:,0],W)[...,None]
项目:pydl    作者:rafaeltg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, model, x, y=None, scoring=None, max_threads=1):

        # get scorers
        if scoring is not None:
            if isinstance(scoring, list):
                scorers_fn = dict([(self.get_scorer_name(k), get_scorer(k)) for k in scoring])
                scorers_fn = dict([(self.get_scorer_name(scoring), get_scorer(scoring))])
            # By default uses the model loss function as scoring function
            scorers_fn = dict([(model.get_loss_func(), get_scorer(model.get_loss_func()))])

        model_cfg = model.to_json()

        if y is None:
            args = [(model_cfg['model'], train, test, x, scorers_fn) for train, test in, y)]
            cv_fn = self._do_unsupervised_cv
            args = [(model_cfg['model'], train, test, x, y, scorers_fn) for train, test in, y)]
            cv_fn = self._do_supervised_cv

        with Parallel(n_jobs=min(max_threads, len(args))) as parallel:
            cv_results = parallel(delayed(function=cv_fn, check_pickle=False)(*a) for a in args)

        return self._consolidate_cv_scores(cv_results)
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testParallel(parallel = True):

    inputs = range(0, 1000, 1)
    param = 1000
    if parallel == True:
    # parallel stuff
    # This is reference code for parallel implementation 
        inputs = range(10)
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        results = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(joblib.delayed(childFunc)(i, param) for i in inputs)

        for i in inputs:

项目:epic    作者:biocore-ntnu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def count_reads_in_windows(bed_file, args):
    # type: (str, Namespace) -> List[pd.DataFrame]

    chromosome_size_dict = args.chromosome_sizes
    chromosomes = natsorted(list(chromosome_size_dict.keys()))

    parallel_count_reads = partial(_count_reads_in_windows, bed_file, args)

    info("Binning chromosomes {}".format(", ".join([c.replace("chr", "")
                                                    for c in chromosomes])))

    chromosome_dfs = Parallel(n_jobs=args.number_cores)(
                                      chromosome, strand)
        for chromosome, strand in product(chromosomes, ["+", "-"]))

    info("Merging the bins on both strands per chromosome.")
    both_chromosome_strand_dfs = [df_pair
                                  for df_pair in _pairwise(chromosome_dfs)]
    merged_chromosome_dfs = Parallel(
                                  for df_pair in both_chromosome_strand_dfs)

    return merged_chromosome_dfs
项目:epic    作者:biocore-ntnu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def count_reads_in_windows_paired_end(bed_file, args):
    # type: (str, Namespace) -> List[pd.DataFrame]

    chromosome_size_dict = args.chromosome_sizes
    chromosomes = natsorted(list(chromosome_size_dict.keys()))

    parallel_count_reads = partial(_count_reads_in_windows_paired_end,
                                   bed_file, args)

    info("Binning chromosomes {}".format(", ".join([c.replace("chr", "")
                                                    for c in chromosomes])))
    chromosome_dfs = Parallel(n_jobs=args.number_cores)(
        for chromosome in chromosomes)

    return chromosome_dfs
项目:epic    作者:biocore-ntnu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def merge_same_files(sample1_dfs, sample2_dfs, nb_cpu):
    # type: (List[pd.DataFrame], List[pd.DataFrame], int) -> List[pd.DataFrame]

    # if one list is missing a chromosome, we might pair up the wrong dataframes
    # therefore creating dicts beforehand to ensure they are paired up properly
    d1, d2 = ensure_same_chromosomes_in_list(sample1_dfs,

    assert len(d1) == len(d2)"Merging same class data.")
    merged_chromosome_dfs = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_cpu)(delayed(_merge_same_files)(
        d2[chromosome]) for chromosome in d1.keys())

    return merged_chromosome_dfs
项目:epic    作者:biocore-ntnu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_matrixes(chip, input, df, args):
    # type: (Iterable[pd.DataFrame], Iterable[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame, Namespace) -> List[pd.DataFrame]
    "Creates matrixes which can be written to file as is (matrix) or as bedGraph."

    genome = args.chromosome_sizes

    chip = put_dfs_in_chromosome_dict(chip)
    input = put_dfs_in_chromosome_dict(input)
    all_chromosomes = natsorted(set(list(chip.keys()) + list(input.keys())))

    # print("df1\n", df, file=sys.stderr)
    islands = enriched_bins(df, args)
    # print("islands1\n", islands, file=sys.stderr)"Creating matrixes from count data.")
    dfms = Parallel(n_jobs=args.number_cores)(delayed(_create_matrixes)(
        chromosome, chip, input, islands, genome[chromosome],
        args.window_size) for chromosome in all_chromosomes)

    return dfms
项目:motion-classification    作者:matthiasplappert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y):
        assert isinstance(X, list)  #TODO: this should not be an assert
        assert len(y) > 0
        assert len(X) == len(y)

        # TODO: add support for fitting again after having already performed a fit
        self.n_labels_ = y.shape[1]
        self.models_ = []

        # Train one model per label. If no data is available for a given label, the model is set to None.
        models, data = [], []
        for idx in range(self.n_labels_):
            d = [X[i] for i in np.where(y[:, idx] == 1)[0]]
            if len(d) == 0:
                model = None
                model = clone(self.model)
        assert len(models) == len(data)
        n_jobs = self.n_jobs if self.model.supports_parallel() else 1
        self.models_ = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_perform_fit)(models[i], data[i]) for i in range(len(models)))
        assert len(self.models_) == self.n_labels_
项目:benchmark-keras    作者:beeva-ricardoguerrero    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess_images_multiprocess(path2dataset_orig, prefix_orig, path2dataset_dest, prefix_dest, img_rows, img_cols, img_crop_rows, img_crop_cols):
    # Origin path = prefix + path -> /mnt/img/img393.JPEG
    # Destiny path = prefix2 + path -> /mnt/h5/img393.h5

    with open(path2dataset_orig, 'rb') as fin:
        paths = fin.readlines()

    num_total_paths = len(paths)

    num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    processed_paths = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(preprocess_images_worker) \
                                                     (line,  prefix_orig, prefix_dest, img_rows, img_cols, img_crop_rows, img_crop_cols) for line in paths)
    processed_paths = [elem for elem in processed_paths if elem]

    with open(path2dataset_dest, "wb") as fout:

    print("Total images pre-processed: %d (remember that corrupted or not present images were discarded)" % len(processed_paths))
项目:SMAC3    作者:automl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unbound_tae_starter(tae, *args, **kwargs):
    Unbound function to be used by joblibs Parallel, since directly passing the
    TAE results in pickling-problems.

    tae: ExecuteTARun
        tae to be used
    *args, **kwargs: various
        arguments to the tae

    tae_results: tuple
        return from tae.start
    return tae.start(*args, **kwargs)
项目:chazutsu    作者:chakki-works    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def label_by_dir(self, file_path, target_dir, dir_and_label, task_size=10):
        label_dirs = dir_and_label.keys()
        dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(target_dir)
                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target_dir, d))
                and d in label_dirs]

        write_flg = True
        for d in dirs:
                "Extracting {} (labeled by {}).".format(d, dir_and_label[d]))
            label = dir_and_label[d]
            dir_path = os.path.join(target_dir, d)
            pathes = [os.path.join(dir_path, f) for f in os.listdir(dir_path)]
            pathes = [p for p in pathes if os.path.isfile(p)]
            task_length = int(math.ceil(len(pathes) / task_size))
            for i in xtqdm(range(task_length)):
                index = i * task_size
                tasks = pathes[index:(index + task_size)]
                lines = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
                        delayed(self._make_pair)(label, t) for t in tasks)
                mode = "w" if write_flg else "a"
                with open(file_path, mode=mode, encoding="utf-8") as f:
                    for ln in lines:
                write_flg = False
项目:nmp_qc    作者:priba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_graph_stats(graph_obj_handle, prop='degrees'):
    # if prop == 'degrees':
    num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    inputs = [int(i*len(graph_obj_handle)/num_cores) for i in range(num_cores)] + [len(graph_obj_handle)]
    res = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(get_values)(graph_obj_handle, inputs[i], inputs[i+1], prop) for i in range(num_cores))

    stat_dict = {}

    if 'degrees' in prop:
        stat_dict['degrees'] = list(set([d for core_res in res for file_res in core_res for d in file_res['degrees']]))
    if 'edge_labels' in prop:
        stat_dict['edge_labels'] = list(set([d for core_res in res for file_res in core_res for d in file_res['edge_labels']]))
    if 'target_mean' in prop or 'target_std' in prop:
        param = np.array([file_res['params'] for core_res in res for file_res in core_res])
    if 'target_mean' in prop:
        stat_dict['target_mean'] = np.mean(param, axis=0)
    if 'target_std' in prop:
        stat_dict['target_std'] = np.std(param, axis=0)

    return stat_dict
项目:scanpy    作者:theislab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_Ddiff_row_deprecated(self, i):
        from ..cython import utils_cy
        if self.M is None:
            m_i = utils_cy.get_M_row(i, self.evals, self.rbasis, self.lbasis)
            m_i = self.M[i]
        len_chunk = np.ceil(self.X.shape[0] / self.n_jobs).astype(int)
        n_chunks = np.ceil(self.X.shape[0] / len_chunk).astype(int)
        chunks = [np.arange(start, min(start + len_chunk, self.X.shape[0]))
                  for start in range(0, n_chunks * len_chunk, len_chunk)]
        if self.n_jobs >= 4:  # problems with high memory calculations, we skip computing M above
            # here backend threading is not necessary, and seems to slow
            # down everything considerably
            result_lst = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(
                delayed(self._get_Ddiff_row_chunk)(m_i, chunk)
                for chunk in chunks)
        d_i = np.zeros(self.X.shape[0])
        for i_chunk, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
            if self.n_jobs >= 4: d_i_chunk = result_lst[i_chunk]
            else: d_i_chunk = self._get_Ddiff_row_chunk(m_i, chunk)
            d_i[chunk] = d_i_chunk
        return d_i
项目:anomalous-vertices-detection    作者:Kagandi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_url_extractor(input_path, output_path):
    last_id = False
    if os.path.isfile(output_path):
        last_id = get_last_written_id(output_path)
    f = read_file(input_path)
    for line_count, link in enumerate(f):
        user_id = link[0].strip()
        if last_id == user_id:
            last_id = False
    if last_id is False:
        processes = Parallel(n_jobs=4)(
            delayed(get_twitter_account_state)(user_id) for user_id in f)
        processes = [x for x in processes if x is not None]
        # if line_count % 10000 == 0:
        append_list_to_csv(output_path, processes)
        # write_to_file(output_path, two_dimensional_list_to_string(result))
项目:cLoops    作者:YaqiangCao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runStat(dataI, minPts, cut, cpu, fout, hichip=0):
    Calling p-values of interactions for all chromosomes.
    """"Starting estimate significance for interactions")
    ds = Parallel(n_jobs=cpu)(delayed(getIntSig)(
        dataI[key]["f"], dataI[key]["records"], minPts, cut)
                              for key in dataI.keys())
    ds = [d for d in ds if d is not None]
    if len(ds) == 0:
        logger.error("Something wrong, no loops found, sorry, bye.")
        return 1
    ds = pd.concat(ds)
        if hichip:
            ds = markIntSigHic(ds)
            ds = markIntSig(ds)
        ds.to_csv(fout + ".loop", sep="\t", index_label="loopId")
            "Something wrong happend to significance estimation, only output called loops"
        ds.to_csv(fout + "_raw.loop", sep="\t", index_label="loopId")
    return 0
项目:pihole-test    作者:brontide    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def h0_opt_test_stresstest(IP=None, stress_count=2000, stress_threads=50, **kwargs):
    Throw {stress_count} domains at the pihole via {stress_threads} threads

    from joblib import Parallel, delayed

    top_array = open('topsites.txt').read().splitlines()

    results = Parallel(n_jobs=stress_threads, backend='threading' )(delayed(dns_stress)(IP, site) for site in top_array[:stress_count])
    good = sum( 1 for (a,b) in results if a == 'good' )
    numbers = [ b for (a,b) in results if a == 'good' ]
    bad = sum( 1 for (a,b) in results if a == 'bad' )
    vmin = min(numbers)*1000
    vmax = max(numbers)*1000
    vavg = sum(numbers)*1000//len(numbers)
    vstd = (sum(((n*1000) - vavg) ** 2 for n in numbers) / len(numbers)) ** .5

    return not bad or (good/bad)>0.05, "{good}/{bad} min {vmin:.2f}ms avg {vavg:.2f}ms max {vmax:.2f}ms std {vstd:.2f}ms".format(**locals())
项目:Distracted_driving_keras    作者:scsherm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_X_y():
    start = time.time()

    X = []
    y = []

    for j in range(10):
        print('Load folder c{}'.format(j))
        path = os.path.join('imgs/train', 'c' + str(j), '*.jpg')
        files = glob.glob(path)
        X.extend(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(process_image)(im_file) for im_file in files))

    end = time.time() - start
    print("Time: %.2f seconds" % end)
    return np.array(X), np.array(y)
项目:Distracted_driving_keras    作者:scsherm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_X_y():
    start = time.time()

    X = []
    y = []

    for j in range(10):
        print('Load folder c{}'.format(j))
        path = os.path.join('imgs/train', 'c' + str(j), '*.jpg')
        files = glob.glob(path)
        X.extend(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(process_image)(im_file) for im_file in files))

    end = time.time() - start
    print("Time: %.2f seconds" % end)
    return X, y
项目:Distracted_driving_keras    作者:scsherm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_other():
    start = time.time()

    X = []
    y = []
    train_id = []

    for j in range(10):
        one, two = [], []
        print('Load folder c{}'.format(j))
        path = os.path.join('imgs2/', str(j), '*.jpg')
        files = glob.glob(path)
        results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(process_image)(im_file) for im_file in files)
        one, two = zip(*results)

    end = time.time() - start
    print("Time: %.2f seconds" % end)
    return np.array(X), np.array(y), np.array(train_id)
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _resample_labels_joblib(self,num_procs):
        from joblib import Parallel, delayed
        import parallel

        if len(self.labels_list) > 0:
            parallel.model = self

            raw = Parallel(n_jobs=num_procs,backend='multiprocessing')\
                            for idx in range(len(self.labels_list)))

            for l, (z,normalizer) in zip(self.labels_list,raw):
                l.z, l._normalizer = z, normalizer

    ### Mean Field
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _joblib_resample_states(self,states_list,num_procs):
        from joblib import Parallel, delayed
        import parallel

        # warn('joblib is segfaulting on OS X only, not sure why')

        if len(states_list) > 0:
            joblib_args = list_split(
                    [self._get_joblib_pair(s) for s in states_list],

            parallel.model = self
            parallel.args = joblib_args

            raw_stateseqs = Parallel(n_jobs=num_procs,backend='multiprocessing')\
                            for idx in range(len(joblib_args)))

            for s, (stateseq, log_likelihood) in zip(
                    [s for grp in list_split(states_list,num_procs) for s in grp],
                    [seq for grp in raw_stateseqs for seq in grp]):
                s.stateseq, s._normalizer = stateseq, log_likelihood
项目:siHMM    作者:Ardavans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _joblib_meanfield_update_states(self,states_list,num_procs):
        if len(states_list) > 0:
            from joblib import Parallel, delayed
            import parallel

            joblib_args = list_split(
                    [self._get_joblib_pair(s) for s in states_list],

            parallel.model = self
            parallel.args = joblib_args

            allstats = Parallel(n_jobs=num_procs,backend='multiprocessing')\
                    (delayed(parallel._get_stats)(idx) for idx in range(len(joblib_args)))

            for s, stats in zip(
                    [s for grp in list_split(states_list) for s in grp],
                    [s for grp in allstats for s in grp]):
                s.all_expected_stats = stats
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def psgd_1(sgd, n_iter_per_job, n_jobs, X_train, y_train):
    Parallel SGD implementation using multiprocessing. All workers sync once after running SGD independently for
    n_iter_per_job iterations.

    sgd: input SGDRegression() object
    n_iter_per_job: number of iterations per worker
    n_jobs: number of parallel processes to run
    X_train: train input data
    y_train: train target data

    sgd: the input SGDRegressor() object with updated coef_ and intercept_

    sgds = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
        delayed(psgd_method_1)(s, X_train, y_train)
        for s in [SGDRegressor(n_iter=n_iter_per_job) for _ in range(n_jobs)])
    sgd.coef_ = np.array([x.coef_ for x in sgds]).mean(axis=0)
    sgd.intercept_ = np.array([x.intercept_ for x in sgds]).mean(axis=0)
    return sgd
项目:sictf    作者:malllabiisc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def RelationReport(Tensor,RelationTensor,matrixA,dictIndextoVP,dictVPtoIndex,lambdaFolderName,runDir,num_cores_for_fit_computation):
    numVP = len(RelationTensor)
    # dummy code to help parallelize
    RelIndexFitReport = [] # List of index to fit, indices to be sorted based on fit [(verbPhrase, relNum, tensorSliceNorm, normResidueSlice, Fit), tuples]
    # for relIndex in range(0,numVP):
    #   verbPhrase,relNum,tensorSliceNorm, normResidueSlice, Fit = computeSliceFit(Tensor[relIndex],RelationTensor[relIndex],matrixA,dictIndextoVP,relIndex)
    #   RelIndexFitReport.append((verbPhrase,relNum,tensorSliceNorm, normResidueSlice, Fit))
    RelIndexFitReport = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores_for_rescal, verbose=1)(delayed(cheaplyComputeSliceFit)(Tensor[relIndex],RelationTensor[relIndex],matrixA,dictIndextoVP,dictIndextoNP,relIndex) for relIndex in range(0,numVP))
    RelIndexFitReport.sort(key = lambda x:x[4],reverse=True) # sort based on fit of relations
    # print(RelIndexFitReport) # check whether sorted.
    # print('Printing Path')
    # print(os.path.join(lambdaFolderName,runDir,'RelationReport.txt'))
    # Writing old relation Report to a file
    RelationReportHandle = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),lambdaFolderName,runDir,'RelationReport.txt'),'w')
    for lineInfo in RelIndexFitReport:
        line = 'Relation: '+ str(lineInfo[0])+'\t' +' Relation Number: '+ str(lineInfo[1])+'\t' +' sliceNorm: '+str(lineInfo[2])+'\t' +'errorNorm: '+str(lineInfo[3])+'\t'+' SlicewiseFit: '+str(lineInfo[4])+'\n'
    return RelIndexFitReport
项目:restricted-boltzmann-machine-deep-belief-network-deep-boltzmann-machine-in-pytorch    作者:wmingwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rais(self, data, step = 1000, M = 100, parallel = False, seed = None):
        num_data = data.shape[0]
        result = 0
        if not parallel:
            p = []
            for i in range(M):
                logw = self.mcmc_r(data, step, num_data)

            p = np.array(p)
            logmeanp = logmeanexp(p, axis = 0)
            num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

            p = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(self.mcmc_r)(v = data, step = step, num_data = num_data, seed = seed) for i in range(M))

            p = np.array(p)

            logmeanp = logmeanexp(p, axis = 0)

        result = logmeanp.mean()

        return result
项目:restricted-boltzmann-machine-deep-belief-network-deep-boltzmann-machine-in-pytorch    作者:wmingwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ais(rbm, step = 100, M = 100, parallel = False, seed = None):

    W =
    v_bias =
    h_bias =

    logZ0 = np.log((1+np.exp(v_bias))).sum() + np.log(1+np.exp(h_bias)).sum()
    ratio = []
    if parallel:
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

        results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(mcmc)(step = step, seed = seed, W = W, h_bias = h_bias, v_bias = v_bias) for i in range(M))

        results = np.array(results).reshape(len(results), 1)
        logZ = logZ0 + logmeanexp(results, axis = 0)
        for i in range(M):
            ratio.append(mcmc(step, seed = seed,  W = W, h_bias = h_bias, v_bias = v_bias))

        ratio = np.array(ratio).reshape(len(ratio),1)
        logZ = logZ0 + logmeanexp(ratio, axis = 0)

    return logZ
项目:restricted-boltzmann-machine-deep-belief-network-deep-boltzmann-machine-in-pytorch    作者:wmingwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rais(self, data, step = 1000, M = 100, parallel = False, seed = None):
        num_data = data.shape[0]
        result = 0
        if not parallel:
            p = []
            for i in range(M):
                logw = self.mcmc_r(data, step, num_data)

            p = np.array(p)
            logmeanp = logmeanexp(p, axis = 0)
            num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

            p = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(self.mcmc_r)(v = data, step = step, num_data = num_data, seed = seed) for i in range(M))

            p = np.array(p)

            logmeanp = logmeanexp(p, axis = 0)

        result = logmeanp.mean()

        return result
项目:restricted-boltzmann-machine-deep-belief-network-deep-boltzmann-machine-in-pytorch    作者:wmingwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ulogprob(v_input, dbn, M = 1000, parallel = False):
    logw = np.zeros([M, len(v_input)])
    # samples = v_input
    if not parallel:
        for i in range(M):
            # samples = v_input
            # for l in range(dbn.n_layers-1):
            #     logw[i,:] += -dbn.rbm_layers[l].free_energy(samples,dbn.rbm_layers[l].W)[0]
            #     samples = dbn.rbm_layers[l].sample_h_given_v(samples,dbn.rbm_layers[l].W,dbn.rbm_layers[l].h_bias)[0]
            #     logw[i,:] -= -dbn.rbm_layers[l].free_energy_hidden(samples,dbn.rbm_layers[l].W)[0]
            # logw[i,:] += -dbn.rbm_layers[-1].free_energy(samples,dbn.rbm_layers[-1].W)[0]
            logw[i,:] += important_sampling(v_input, dbn)
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

        results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(important_sampling)(v_input = v_input, dbn = dbn) for i in range(M))
        logw += np.asarray(results)

    return logmeanexp(logw,0)
项目:restricted-boltzmann-machine-deep-belief-network-deep-boltzmann-machine-in-pytorch    作者:wmingwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ais(rbm, step = 100, M = 100, parallel = False, seed = None):

    W =
    v_bias =
    h_bias =

    logZ0 = np.log((1+np.exp(v_bias))).sum() + np.log(1+np.exp(h_bias)).sum()
    ratio = []
    if parallel:
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

        results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(mcmc)(step = step, seed = seed, W = W, h_bias = h_bias, v_bias = v_bias) for i in range(M))

        results = np.array(results).reshape(len(results), 1)
        logZ = logZ0 + logmeanexp(results, axis = 0)
        for i in range(M):
            ratio.append(mcmc(step, seed = seed,  W = W, h_bias = h_bias, v_bias = v_bias))

        ratio = np.array(ratio).reshape(len(ratio),1)
        logZ = logZ0 + logmeanexp(ratio, axis = 0)

    return logZ
项目:binf-scripts    作者:lazappi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    Main function.

    1. Setup logging
    2. Get arguments
    3. Get index
    4. Process files
    5. Write output


    logger = logging.getLogger("stats." + __name__)

    args = get_args()

    index = get_index(args)

    logger.warning("Positions not in annotation will be ignored.")"Found " + str(len(args.inputs)) + " input file(s):")
    for input_file in sorted(args.inputs):

    if args.is_parallel:
        stats = Parallel(n_jobs=args.parallel,
                                       for input_file in args.inputs)
        stats = []
        for input_file in args.inputs:
            output_table = process_file(input_file, args.type, index,

    write_stats(args.out, stats)
项目:gap_statistic    作者:milesgranger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process_with_joblib(self, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], n_refs: int, cluster_array: np.ndarray):
        Process calling of .calculate_gap() method using the joblib backend
        with Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs) as parallel:
            for gap_value, n_clusters in parallel(delayed(self._calculate_gap)(X, n_refs, n_clusters)
                                                  for n_clusters in cluster_array):
                yield (gap_value, n_clusters)
项目:CRN_ProbabilisticInversion    作者:elaloy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_parallel(forward_process,X,n,n_jobs,extra_par): 


    parallelizer = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)

    tasks_iterator = ( delayed(forward_process)(X_row,n,extra_par) 
                      for X_row in np.split(X,n_row))

    result = parallelizer( tasks_iterator )
    # Merging the output of the jobs
    return np.vstack(result)
项目:CRN_ProbabilisticInversion    作者:elaloy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_parallel(forward_process,X,n,n_jobs,extra_par): 


    parallelizer = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)

    tasks_iterator = ( delayed(forward_process)(X_row,n,extra_par) 
                      for X_row in np.split(X,n_row))

    result = parallelizer( tasks_iterator )
    # Merging the output of the jobs
    return np.vstack(result)
项目:face_detection    作者:chintak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, Xb, yb):
        X_n, y_n = super(AugmentBatchIterator, self).transform(Xb, yb)
        ret = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(load_augment_im)(self, name, bb)
                                  for name, bb in zip(X_n, y_n))
        Xb = np.asarray(map(lambda v: v[0], ret))
        yb = np.asarray(map(lambda v: v[1], ret))
        return Xb, yb
项目:face_detection    作者:chintak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, Xb, yb):
        X_n, yb = super(LazyBatchIterator, self).transform(Xb, yb)
        Xb = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(load_im_f)(name)
                                 for name in X_n)
        Xb = np.asarray(Xb)
        return Xb, yb
项目:face_detection    作者:chintak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_batch(image_db, label_db, fnames_b, y_b):
    print "Reading the images and labels"
    with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
        Xb = parallel(delayed(load_im_tuple)
                      (fname, i) for i, fname in fnames_b)
        yb = parallel(delayed(load_y_tuple)(y, i) for i, y in y_b)
    print "Writing image data"
    _write_batch_lmdb(image_db, Xb)
    print "Writing label data"
    _write_batch_lmdb(label_db, yb)
项目:face_detection    作者:chintak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_file_list(folder):
    names = os.listdir(folder)
    fnames = []
    bboxes = []
    bbox_names = map(lambda name: os.path.join(
        folder, name, '_bboxes.txt'), names)
    with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
        dfs = parallel(delayed(_extract_names_bboxes)(bname)
                       for bname in bbox_names)
    df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
    df['Flag'] = df['Name'].map(lambda x: True if os.path.exists(x) else False)
    print "Initial number of images:", df['Name'].count()
    df = df[df['Flag'] == True]
    print "Total number of existing images:", df['Name'].count()
    return df['Name'].values, df['BBox'].values