Python keras.backend 模块,function() 实例源码


项目:detection-2016-nipsws    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_image_descriptor_for_image(image, model):
    im = cv2.resize(image, (224, 224)).astype(np.float32)
    dim_ordering = K.image_dim_ordering()
    if dim_ordering == 'th':
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[::-1, :, :]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[0, :, :] -= 103.939
        im[1, :, :] -= 116.779
        im[2, :, :] -= 123.68
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[:, :, ::-1]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[:, :, 0] -= 103.939
        im[:, :, 1] -= 116.779
        im[:, :, 2] -= 123.68
    im = im.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    im = np.expand_dims(im, axis=0)
    inputs = [K.learning_phase()] + model.inputs
    _convout1_f = K.function(inputs, [model.layers[33].output])
    return _convout1_f([0] + [im])
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_softmax():
    Test using a reference implementation of softmax
    def softmax(values):
        m = np.max(values)
        e = np.exp(values - m)
        return e / np.sum(e)

    x = K.placeholder(ndim=2)
    f = K.function([x], [activations.softmax(x)])
    test_values = get_standard_values()

    result = f([test_values])[0]
    expected = softmax(test_values)
    assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
项目:gandlf    作者:codekansas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reverse_generator(generator, X_sample, y_sample, title):
    """Gradient descent to map images back to their latent vectors."""

    latent_vec = np.random.normal(size=(1, 100))

    # Function for figuring out how to bump the input.
    target = K.placeholder()
    loss = K.sum(K.square(generator.outputs[0] - target))
    grad = K.gradients(loss, generator.inputs[0])[0]
    update_fn = K.function(generator.inputs + [target], [grad])

    # Repeatedly apply the update rule.
    xs = []
    for i in range(60):
        print('%d: latent_vec mean=%f, std=%f'
              % (i, np.mean(latent_vec), np.std(latent_vec)))
        xs.append(generator.predict_on_batch([latent_vec, y_sample]))
        for _ in range(10):
            update_vec = update_fn([latent_vec, y_sample, X_sample])[0]
            latent_vec -= update_vec * update_rate

    # Plots the samples.
    xs = np.concatenate(xs, axis=0)
    plot_as_gif(xs, X_sample, title)
项目:CNNGestureRecognizer    作者:asingh33    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualizeLayer(model, img, input_image, layerIndex):

    layer = model.layers[layerIndex]

    get_activations = K.function([model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()], [layer.output,])
    activations = get_activations([input_image, 0])[0]
    output_image = activations

    ## If 4 dimensional then take the last dimension value as it would be no of filters
    if output_image.ndim == 4:
        # Rearrange dimension so we can plot the result
        o1 = np.rollaxis(output_image, 3, 1)
        output_image = np.rollaxis(o1, 3, 1)

        print "Dumping filter data of layer{} - {}".format(layerIndex,layer.__class__.__name__)
        filters = len(output_image[0,0,0,:])

        # This loop will plot the 32 filter data for the input image
        for i in range(filters):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(6, 6, i+1)
            #ax.imshow(output_image[img,:,:,i],interpolation='none' ) #to see the first filter
            #ax.set_title("Feature map of layer#{} \ncalled '{}' \nof type {} ".format(layerIndex,
            #      ,layer.__class__.__name__))
        fig.savefig("img_" + str(img) + "_layer" + str(layerIndex)+"_"+layer.__class__.__name__+".png")
        print "Can't dump data of this layer{}- {}".format(layerIndex, layer.__class__.__name__)
项目:detection-2016-nipsws    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_feature_map_4(model, im):
    im = im.astype(np.float32)
    dim_ordering = K.image_dim_ordering()
    if dim_ordering == 'th':
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[::-1, :, :]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[0, :, :] -= 103.939
        im[1, :, :] -= 116.779
        im[2, :, :] -= 123.68
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[:, :, ::-1]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[:, :, 0] -= 103.939
        im[:, :, 1] -= 116.779
        im[:, :, 2] -= 123.68
    im = im.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    im = np.expand_dims(im, axis=0)
    inputs = [K.learning_phase()] + model.inputs
    _convout1_f = K.function(inputs, [model.layers[23].output])
    feature_map = _convout1_f([0] + [im])
    feature_map = np.array([feature_map])
    feature_map = feature_map[0, 0, 0, :, :, :]
    return feature_map
项目:detection-2016-nipsws    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_conv_image_descriptor_for_image(image, model):
    im = cv2.resize(image, (224, 224)).astype(np.float32)
    dim_ordering = K.image_dim_ordering()
    if dim_ordering == 'th':
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[::-1, :, :]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[0, :, :] -= 103.939
        im[1, :, :] -= 116.779
        im[2, :, :] -= 123.68
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[:, :, ::-1]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[:, :, 0] -= 103.939
        im[:, :, 1] -= 116.779
        im[:, :, 2] -= 123.68
    im = im.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    im = np.expand_dims(im, axis=0)
    inputs = [K.learning_phase()] + model.inputs
    _convout1_f = K.function(inputs, [model.layers[31].output])
    return _convout1_f([0] + [im])
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_hard_sigmoid():
    Test using a reference hard sigmoid implementation
    def ref_hard_sigmoid(x):
        Reference hard sigmoid with slope and shift values from theano, see
        x = (x * 0.2) + 0.5
        z = 0.0 if x <= 0 else (1.0 if x >= 1 else x)
        return z
    hard_sigmoid = np.vectorize(ref_hard_sigmoid)

    x = K.placeholder(ndim=2)
    f = K.function([x], [activations.hard_sigmoid(x)])
    test_values = get_standard_values()

    result = f([test_values])[0]
    expected = hard_sigmoid(test_values)
    assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
项目:facejack    作者:PetarV-    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, mdl, x):
        self.loss_value = None
        self.grad_values = None
        self.mdl = mdl

        loss = K.variable(0.)
        layer_dict = dict([(, layer) for layer in mdl.layers])

        inp = layer_dict['face'].output
        out = layer_dict['conf'].output

        loss -= K.sum(out)
        # Might want to add some L2-loss in here, depending on output
        # loss += 0.0005 * K.sum(K.square(inp - x))
        grads = K.gradients(loss, inp)

        outputs = [loss]
        if type(grads) in {list, tuple}:
            outputs += grads

        self.f_outputs = K.function([inp, K.learning_phase()], outputs)
项目:pCVR    作者:xjtushilei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}):
        # rebind the paint function to implement curriculum learning
        if epoch >= 3 and epoch < 6:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=False, ud=True, multi_fonts=False)
        elif epoch >= 6 and epoch < 9:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=False, ud=True, multi_fonts=True)
        elif epoch >= 9:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=True, ud=True, multi_fonts=True)
        if epoch >= 21 and self.max_string_len < 12:
            self.build_word_list(32000, 12, 0.5)

# the actual loss calc occurs here despite it not being
# an internal Keras loss function
项目:dogsVScats    作者:prajwalkr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualize(model, layer_name):
    print 'Model loaded.'
    layer_dict = dict([(, layer) for layer in model.layers])

    for filter_index in sample(range(0, layer_dict[layer_name].nb_filter),10):
        layer_output = layer_dict[layer_name].output
        loss = K.mean(layer_output[:, filter_index, :, :])
        grads = K.gradients(loss, model.layers[0].input)[0]
        grads /= (K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(grads))) + 1e-5)
        iterate = K.function([model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()], [loss, grads])

        input_img_data = np.asarray([read_image('visimage.jpg')])

        for _ in xrange(100):
            loss_value, grads_value = iterate([input_img_data, 0])
            input_img_data += grads_value * 3

        img = deprocess_image(input_img_data[0])
        write_image(img, '../activations/out{}.jpg'.format(filter_index))
项目:auckland-ai-meetup-x-triage    作者:a-i-joe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_gradcam(image,model,layer_name,mode):
    layer = model.get_layer(layer_name)
    image = np.expand_dims(image,0)
    loss = K.variable(0.)
    if mode == "abnormal":
        loss += K.sum(model.output)
    elif mode == "normal":
        loss += K.sum(1 - model.output)
        raise ValueError("mode must be normal or abnormal")
    #gradients of prediction wrt the conv layer of choice are used
    upstream_grads = K.gradients(loss,layer.output)[0]
    feature_weights = K.mean(upstream_grads,axis=[1,2]) #spatial global avg pool
    heatmap = K.relu(, K.transpose(feature_weights)))
    fetch_heatmap = K.function([model.input, K.learning_phase()], [heatmap])
    return fetch_heatmap([image,0])[0]
项目:explainable-cnn    作者:blengerich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_activation(layer, num, metric, min_threshold=0.):
    """ Extracts the top num neurons per sample, across
    the channels in the CNNs activations

        layer: string valid keras layer
        num: int - how many to extract
        metric: function

        list of top num
    holder = []
    for ind, t_slice in enumerate(layer[0]):
        if np.mean(t_slice) < min_threshold:
        holder.append([ind, metric(t_slice)])
    s_list = np.asarray(sorted(holder, key=lambda v_pair: v_pair[1], reverse=True))
    return s_list[:num, 0]
项目:explainable-cnn    作者:blengerich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_weight(model, data, target_layers, top_n, activation_fn, save_deconv=False):
    """ Extract the top neurons based on some function of the weight matrix.

        model: Model to use.

        list of list of significants.
    significants = []
    for l_name, i in target_layers:
        L = model.layers[i]
        significants.append([l_name, extract_weight(L, top_n, activation_fn)])

    return significants
项目:Asynchronous-RL-agent    作者:Fritz449    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_fc_model(self):
        # This is the place where neural network model initialized
        init = 'glorot_uniform'
        self.state_in = Input(self.state_dim)
        self.hidden = Dense(256, init=init, activation='elu')(self.state_in)
        self.value = Dense(1)(self.hidden)
        self.policy = Dense(self.action_dim, init=init, activation='softmax')(self.hidden)

        self.q_values = self.entropy_coef * (Theano.log(self.policy + 1e-18) -
                                             Theano.tile(Theano.sum(Theano.log(self.policy + 1e-18) * self.policy,
                                                                    axis=[1], keepdims=True), (1, self.action_dim)))
        # print (type(Theano.sum(Theano.log(self.policy + 1e-18) * self.policy,
        #                                                 axis=[1], keepdims=True)))
        # print(Theano.function([self.state_in], [Theano.sum(Theano.log(self.policy + 1e-18) * self.policy,
        #                                                 axis=[1], keepdims=True)])([np.zeros((32,) + self.state_dim)])[0].shape)
        # 1/0
        self.q_values = self.q_values + Theano.tile(self.value, (1, self.action_dim))
        self.model = Model(self.state_in, output=[self.policy, self.value])
项目:Neural-Style-Transfer-Windows    作者:titu1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deprocess_image(x):
    if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th":
        x = x.reshape((3, img_width, img_height))
        x = x.transpose((1, 2, 0))
        x = x.reshape((img_width, img_height, 3))

    x[:, :, 0] += 103.939
    x[:, :, 1] += 116.779
    x[:, :, 2] += 123.68

    # BGR -> RGB
    x = x[:, :, ::-1]

    x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
    return x

# util function to preserve image color
项目:Neural-Style-Transfer-Windows    作者:titu1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def content_loss(base, combination):
    channel_dim = 0 if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th" else -1

    channels = K.int_shape(base)[channel_dim]
    size = img_width * img_height

    if args.content_loss_type == 1:
        multiplier = 1. / (2. * (channels ** 0.5) * (size ** 0.5))
    elif args.content_loss_type == 2:
        multiplier = 1. / (channels * size)
        multiplier = 1.

    return multiplier * K.sum(K.square(combination - base))

# the 3rd loss function, total variation loss,
# designed to keep the generated image locally coherent
项目:Neural-Style-Transfer-Windows    作者:titu1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deprocess_image(x):
    if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'th':
        x = x.reshape((3, img_nrows, img_ncols))
        x = x.transpose((1, 2, 0))
        x = x.reshape((img_nrows, img_ncols, 3))
    x[:, :, 0] += 103.939
    x[:, :, 1] += 116.779
    x[:, :, 2] += 123.68

    # BGR to RGB
    x = x[:, :, ::-1]
    x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
    return x

# util function to preserve image color
项目:Neural-Style-Transfer-Windows    作者:titu1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess_image(image_path, load_dims=False, style_image=False):
    global img_WIDTH, img_HEIGHT, aspect_ratio, b_scale_ratio_height, b_scale_ratio_width

    img = imread(image_path, mode="RGB") # Prevents crashes due to PNG images (ARGB)
    if load_dims:
        img_WIDTH = img.shape[0]
        img_HEIGHT = img.shape[1]
        aspect_ratio = img_HEIGHT / img_WIDTH

    if style_image:
        b_scale_ratio_width = float(img.shape[0]) / img_WIDTH
        b_scale_ratio_height = float(img.shape[1]) / img_HEIGHT

    img = imresize(img, (img_width, img_height))
    img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1)).astype('float64')
    img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
    return img

# util function to convert a tensor into a valid image
项目:Neural-Style-Transfer-Windows    作者:titu1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_analogy_patches(a, a_prime, b, patch_size=3, patch_stride=1):
    '''This is for precalculating the analogy_loss

    Since A, A', and B never change we only need to calculate the patch matches once.
    # extract patches from feature maps
    a_patches, a_patches_norm = make_patches(K.variable(a), patch_size, patch_stride)
    a_prime_patches, a_prime_patches_norm = make_patches(K.variable(a_prime), patch_size, patch_stride)
    b_patches, b_patches_norm = make_patches(K.variable(b), patch_size, patch_stride)
    # find best patches and calculate loss
    p = find_patch_matches(b_patches, b_patches_norm, a_patches / a_patches_norm)
    #best_patches = a_prime_patches[p]
    best_patches = K.reshape(a_prime_patches[p], K.shape(b_patches))
    f = K.function([], best_patches)
    best_patches = f([])
    return best_patches
项目:Neural-Style-Transfer-Windows    作者:titu1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def content_loss(base, combination):
    channel_dim = 0 if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th" else -1

    channels = K.int_shape(base)[channel_dim]
    size = img_width * img_height

    if args.content_loss_type == 1:
        multiplier = 1. / (2. * (channels ** 0.5) * (size ** 0.5))
    elif args.content_loss_type == 2:
        multiplier = 1. / (channels * size)
        multiplier = 1.

    return multiplier * K.sum(K.square(combination - base))

# the 3rd loss function, total variation loss,
# designed to keep the generated image locally coherent
项目:keras-customized    作者:ambrite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}):
        # rebind the paint function to implement curriculum learning
        if epoch >= 3 and epoch < 6:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=False, ud=True, multi_fonts=False)
        elif epoch >= 6 and epoch < 9:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=False, ud=True, multi_fonts=True)
        elif epoch >= 9:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=True, ud=True, multi_fonts=True)
        if epoch >= 21 and self.max_string_len < 12:
            self.build_word_list(32000, 12, 0.5)

# the actual loss calc occurs here despite it not being
# an internal Keras loss function
项目:keras-customized    作者:ambrite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_softmax():
    Test using a reference implementation of softmax
    def softmax(values):
        m = np.max(values)
        e = np.exp(values - m)
        return e / np.sum(e)

    x = K.placeholder(ndim=2)
    f = K.function([x], [activations.softmax(x)])
    test_values = get_standard_values()

    result = f([test_values])[0]
    expected = softmax(test_values)
    assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
项目:keras-customized    作者:ambrite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sigmoid():
    Test using a numerically stable reference sigmoid implementation
    def ref_sigmoid(x):
        if x >= 0:
            return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
            z = np.exp(x)
            return z / (1 + z)
    sigmoid = np.vectorize(ref_sigmoid)

    x = K.placeholder(ndim=2)
    f = K.function([x], [activations.sigmoid(x)])
    test_values = get_standard_values()

    result = f([test_values])[0]
    expected = sigmoid(test_values)
    assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
项目:keras-customized    作者:ambrite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_hard_sigmoid():
    Test using a reference hard sigmoid implementation
    def ref_hard_sigmoid(x):
        Reference hard sigmoid with slope and shift values from theano, see
        x = (x * 0.2) + 0.5
        z = 0.0 if x <= 0 else (1.0 if x >= 1 else x)
        return z
    hard_sigmoid = np.vectorize(ref_hard_sigmoid)

    x = K.placeholder(ndim=2)
    f = K.function([x], [activations.hard_sigmoid(x)])
    test_values = get_standard_values()

    result = f([test_values])[0]
    expected = hard_sigmoid(test_values)
    assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
项目:dsde-deep-learning    作者:broadinstitute    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize(x, value):
    Normalizes the value with respect to image dimensions. This makes regularizer weight factor more or less
    uniform across various input image dimensions.
        img: 4D tensor with shape: `(samples, channels, rows, cols)` if dim_ordering='th' or
                `(samples, rows, cols, channels)` if dim_ordering='tf'.
        value: The function to normalize
        The normalized expression.
    return value /,1024, 768))

# continuity loss util function
项目:dsde-deep-learning    作者:broadinstitute    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iterate_softmax(model, neuron):
    input_tensor = model.input

    # this is a placeholder tensor that will contain our generated images

    # build a loss function that maximizes the activation
    # of the nth filter of the layer considered
    print('X shape', model.output[:, neuron])
    x = model.output

    loss_weight_continuity = 0.0
    loss_weight_activity = 1.0

    loss = K.mean(x)
    #loss += loss_weight_continuity * total_variation_norm(input_tensor)

    # compute the gradient of the input picture wrt this loss
    grads = K.gradients(loss, input_tensor)[0]
    # normalization trick: we normalize the gradient
    grads /= (K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(grads))) + 1e-5)

    # this function returns the loss and grads given the input picture
    return K.function([input_tensor], [loss, grads])
项目:PyDeepStyle    作者:bennycheung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deprocess_image(x):
    if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th":
        x = x.reshape((3, img_width, img_height))
        x = x.transpose((1, 2, 0))
        x = x.reshape((img_width, img_height, 3))

    x[:, :, 0] += 103.939
    x[:, :, 1] += 116.779
    x[:, :, 2] += 123.68

    # BGR -> RGB
    x = x[:, :, ::-1]

    x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
    return x

# util function to preserve image color
项目:PyDeepStyle    作者:bennycheung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def style_loss(style, combination, mask_path=None, nb_channels=None):
    assert K.ndim(style) == 3
    assert K.ndim(combination) == 3

    if mask_path is not None:
        style_mask = load_mask(mask_path, nb_channels)

        style = style * style_mask
        combination = combination * style_mask

        del style_mask

    S = gram_matrix(style)
    C = gram_matrix(combination)
    channels = 3
    size = img_width * img_height
    return K.sum(K.square(S - C)) / (4. * (channels ** 2) * (size ** 2))

# an auxiliary loss function
# designed to maintain the "content" of the
# base image in the generated image
项目:PyDeepStyle    作者:bennycheung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def content_loss(base, combination):
    channel_dim = 0 if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th" else -1

    channels = K.shape(base)[channel_dim]
    size = img_width * img_height

    if args.content_loss_type == 1:
        multiplier = 1 / (2. * channels ** 0.5 * size ** 0.5)
    elif args.content_loss_type == 2:
        multiplier = 1 / (channels * size)
        multiplier = 1.

    return multiplier * K.sum(K.square(combination - base))

# the 3rd loss function, total variation loss,
# designed to keep the generated image locally coherent
项目:kaos    作者:RuiShu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _define_io_loss_xy(self):
        u, p, q, s = {}, {}, {}, {}
        x, y = Input(shape=(784,)), Input(shape=(10,))
        q['z'], s['z'], p['x'] = self.xy_graph(x, y)
        u['x'] = self.u_net['x'](x)
        q['y'] = self.q_net['y'](u['x'])

        def alpha_loss(y, y_param):
            return K.categorical_crossentropy(q['y'], y)

        def xy_loss(x, x_param):
            return self.labeled_loss(x, q['z'], s['z'], p['x'])

        self._predict = K.function([x, K.learning_phase()], q['y'])
        return self._standardize_io_loss([x, y],
                                         [q['y'], p['x']],
                                         [alpha_loss, xy_loss])
项目:keras-mxnet-benchmarks    作者:sandeep-krishnamurthy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}):
        # rebind the paint function to implement curriculum learning
        if epoch >= 3 and epoch < 6:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=False, ud=True, multi_fonts=False)
        elif epoch >= 6 and epoch < 9:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=False, ud=True, multi_fonts=True)
        elif epoch >= 9:
            self.paint_func = lambda text: paint_text(text, self.img_w, self.img_h,
                                                      rotate=True, ud=True, multi_fonts=True)
        if epoch >= 21 and self.max_string_len < 12:
            self.build_word_list(32000, 12, 0.5)

# the actual loss calc occurs here despite it not being
# an internal Keras loss function
项目:keras-attention-mechanism    作者:philipperemy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_activations(model, inputs, print_shape_only=False, layer_name=None):
    # Documentation is available online on Github at the address below.
    # From:
    print('----- activations -----')
    activations = []
    inp = model.input
    if layer_name is None:
        outputs = [layer.output for layer in model.layers]
        outputs = [layer.output for layer in model.layers if == layer_name]  # all layer outputs
    funcs = [K.function([inp] + [K.learning_phase()], [out]) for out in outputs]  # evaluation functions
    layer_outputs = [func([inputs, 1.])[0] for func in funcs]
    for layer_activations in layer_outputs:
        if print_shape_only:
    return activations
项目:image-analogies    作者:awentzonline    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_analogy_patches(a, a_prime, b, patch_size=3, patch_stride=1):
    '''This is for precalculating the analogy_loss

    Since A, A', and B never change we only need to calculate the patch matches once.
    # extract patches from feature maps
    a_patches, a_patches_norm = patches.make_patches(K.variable(a), patch_size, patch_stride)
    a_prime_patches, a_prime_patches_norm = patches.make_patches(K.variable(a_prime), patch_size, patch_stride)
    b_patches, b_patches_norm = patches.make_patches(K.variable(b), patch_size, patch_stride)
    # find best patches and calculate loss
    p = patches.find_patch_matches(b_patches, b_patches_norm, a_patches / a_patches_norm)
    #best_patches = a_prime_patches[p]
    best_patches = K.reshape(a_prime_patches[p], K.shape(b_patches))
    f = K.function([], best_patches)
    best_patches = f([])
    return best_patches
项目:keras-steering-angle-visualizations    作者:jacobgil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_hypercolumns(model, layer_indexes, image):
    layers = [model.layers[li].output for li in layer_indexes]
    get_feature = K.function([model.layers[0].input], layers)
    feature_maps = get_feature([[image]])
    hypercolumns = []
    for convmap in feature_maps:
        fmaps = [np.float32(convmap[0, :, :, i]) for i in range(convmap.shape[-1])]
        layer = []
        for fmap in fmaps:
            fmap = np.abs(fmap)
            norm = np.max(np.max(fmap, axis = 0), axis = 0)
            if norm > 0:
                fmap = fmap / norm

            upscaled = scipy.misc.imresize(fmap, size=(66, 200),
                                        mode="F", interp='bilinear')

        hypercolumns.append(np.mean(np.float32(layer), axis=0))

    return np.asarray(hypercolumns)
项目:countae    作者:gokceneraslan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_output(self):
        mean = Dense(self.output_size, activation=MeanAct, kernel_initializer=self.init,
                     kernel_regularizer=l1_l2(self.l1_coef, self.l2_coef),

        # Plug in dispersion parameters via fake dispersion layer
        disp = ConstantDispersionLayer(name='dispersion')
        mean = disp(mean)

        output = ColWiseMultLayer(name='output')([mean, self.sf_layer])

        nb = NB(disp.theta_exp)
        self.loss = nb.loss
        self.extra_models['dispersion'] = lambda :K.function([], [nb.theta])([])[0].squeeze()
        self.extra_models['mean_norm'] = Model(inputs=self.input_layer, outputs=mean)
        self.extra_models['decoded'] = Model(inputs=self.input_layer, outputs=self.decoder_output)
        self.model = Model(inputs=[self.input_layer, self.sf_layer], outputs=output)

            self.encoder = self.get_encoder()
项目:sample-cnn    作者:tae-jun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_tfrecord_train_function(self):
    if not hasattr(self, 'train_function'):
      raise RuntimeError('You must compile your model before using it.')
    if self.train_function is None:
      inputs = []
      if self.uses_learning_phase and not isinstance(K.learning_phase(), int):
        inputs += [K.learning_phase()]

      training_updates = self.optimizer.get_updates(
      updates = self.updates + training_updates
      # Gets loss and metrics. Updates weights at each call.
      self.train_function = K.function(inputs,
                                       [self.total_loss] + self.metrics_tensors,
项目:Deconvnet-keras    作者:Jallet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, layer, linear = False):
        # Arguments
            layer: an instance of Activation layer, whose configuration 
                   will be used to initiate DActivation(input_shape, 
                   output_shape, weights)
        self.layer = layer
        self.linear = linear
        self.activation = layer.activation
        input = K.placeholder(shape = layer.output_shape)

        output = self.activation(input)
        # According to the original paper, 
        # In forward pass and backward pass, do the same activation(relu)
        self.up_func = K.function(
                [input, K.learning_phase()], output)
        self.down_func = K.function(
                [input, K.learning_phase()], output)

    # Compute activation in forward pass
项目:bnn-analysis    作者:myshkov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sample_predictive(self, test_x=None, return_stats=False, **kwargs):
        """ Draws a new sample from the model. """
        if self._sample_predictive_fn is None:
            self._sample_predictive_fn = K.function([self.model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()],

        sample = self._sample_predictive_fn([test_x, 1])

        stats = None
        if return_stats:
            stats = SampleStats(time=self._running_time())

        return sample, [stats]
项目:detection-2016-nipsws    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_feature_map_8(model, im):
    im = im.astype(np.float32)
    dim_ordering = K.image_dim_ordering()
    if dim_ordering == 'th':
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[::-1, :, :]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[0, :, :] -= 103.939
        im[1, :, :] -= 116.779
        im[2, :, :] -= 123.68
        # 'RGB'->'BGR'
        im = im[:, :, ::-1]
        # Zero-center by mean pixel
        im[:, :, 0] -= 103.939
        im[:, :, 1] -= 116.779
        im[:, :, 2] -= 123.68
    im = im.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    im = np.expand_dims(im, axis=0)
    inputs = [K.learning_phase()] + model.inputs
    _convout1_f = K.function(inputs, model.outputs)
    feature_map = _convout1_f([0] + [im])
    feature_map = np.array([feature_map])
    feature_map = feature_map[0, 0, 0, :, :, :]
    return feature_map

# get shallower feature map
项目:segmentation_DLMI    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_activations(model, layer_name,input_img):
    layer_dict = dict([(, layer) for layer in model.layers[1:]])
    get_activations = K.function([model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()], layer_dict[layer_name].output)
    activations = get_activations([input_img,0])
    return activations
项目:keras-utilities    作者:cbaziotis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_activations(model, layer, X_batch):
        get_activations = K.function(
            [model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()],
        activations = get_activations([X_batch, 0])
        return activations

项目:keras-utilities    作者:cbaziotis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_input_mask(model, layer, X_batch):
        get_input_mask = K.function([model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()],
        input_mask = get_input_mask([X_batch, 0])
        return input_mask
项目:keras-utilities    作者:cbaziotis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output_mask(model, layer, X_batch):
        get_output_mask = K.function(
            [model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()],
        output_mask = get_output_mask([X_batch, 0])
        return output_mask
项目:keras-utilities    作者:cbaziotis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_input(model, layer, X_batch):
        get_input = K.function([model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()],
        _input = get_input([X_batch, 0])
        return _input
项目:speechless    作者:JuliusKunze    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_prediction_batch(self):
        return backend.function(self.predictive_net.inputs + [backend.learning_phase()], self.predictive_net.outputs)
项目:speechless    作者:JuliusKunze    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_predicted_graphemes_and_loss_batch(self):
        return backend.function(self.loss_net.inputs + [backend.learning_phase()],
                                [single(self.decoding_net.outputs), single(self.loss_net.outputs)])
项目:siamese_sentiment    作者:jcavalieri8619    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_network_layer_output(model, dataInput, layerNum, **kwargs):

    :param model:
    :param dataInput:
    :param layerNum:
    :param kwargs:
    get_output = K.function([model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()],

    phase = kwargs.get('phase', None)

    if phase is None or phase == 'test':
        # output in test mode = 0
        layer_output = get_output([dataInput, 0])[0]

    elif phase == 'train':
        # output in train mode = 1
        layer_output = get_output([dataInput, 1])[0]

        raise RuntimeError("invalid phase passed to get_network_layer_output")

    return layer_output
项目:Learning-to-navigate-without-a-map    作者:ToniRV    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_layer_output(model, layer_name, x):
    return K.function([model.layers[0].input],
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_batch(self, index, size, train):
        if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'th':
            X_data = np.ones([size, 1, self.img_h, self.img_w])
            X_data = np.ones([size, self.img_h, self.img_w, 1])
        labels = np.ones([size, self.absolute_max_string_len])
        input_length = np.zeros([size, 1])
        label_length = np.zeros([size, 1])
        source_str = []

        for i in range(0, size):
            # Mix in some blank inputs.  This seems to be important for
            # achieving translational invariance
            if train and i > size - 4:
                if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'th':
                    X_data[i, 0, :, :] = paint_text('', self.img_w, self.img_h)
                    X_data[i, :, :, 0] = paint_text('', self.img_w, self.img_h)
                labels[i, 0] = self.blank_label
                input_length[i] = self.downsample_width
                label_length[i] = 1
                if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'th':
                    X_data[i, 0, :, :] = paint_text(self.X_text[index + i], self.img_w, self.img_h)
                    X_data[i, :, :, 0] = paint_text(self.X_text[index + i], self.img_w, self.img_h)
                labels[i, :] = self.Y_data[index + i]
                input_length[i] = self.downsample_width
                label_length[i] = self.Y_len[index + i]
                source_str.append(self.X_text[index + i])

        inputs = {'the_input': X_data,
                  'the_labels': labels,
                  'input_length': input_length,
                  'label_length': label_length,
                  'source_str': source_str  # used for visualization only
        outputs = {'ctc': np.zeros([size])}  # dummy data for dummy loss function
        return (inputs, outputs)
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess_image(image_path):
    img = load_img(image_path, target_size=(img_nrows, img_ncols))
    img = img_to_array(img)
    img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
    img = vgg16.preprocess_input(img)
    return img

# util function to convert a tensor into a valid image