def keras_test(func): """Function wrapper to clean up after TensorFlow tests. # Arguments func: test function to clean up after. # Returns A function wrapping the input function. """ @six.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): output = func(*args, **kwargs) if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() return output return wrapper
def train(): # stack_optical_flow(file_directory, data_update=False) with open(pickle_directory + 'class_index_dict.pickle', 'rb') as fr: class_index_dict = pickle.load(fr) # num_of_classes = int(len(class_index_dict) / 2) # seed = [random.random() for i in range(num_of_classes)] print('Training temporal model.') train_temporal_model(class_index_dict) gc.collect() # release memory # ------------------------ K.clear_session() # sess = tf.Session() # K.set_session(sess) # ------------------------ # print('Training spatial model.') # train_spatial_model(class_index_dict) # gc.collect() print('ok.')
def test_build_predict_func(self, get_model): """Test the build of a model""" new_session() X_tr = np.ones((train_samples, input_dim)) model = get_model() model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['accuracy']) model_name = model.__class__.__name__ pred_func = KTB.build_predict_func(model) tensors = [X_tr] if model_name != 'Model': tensors.append(1.) res = pred_func(tensors) assert len(res[0]) == len(X_tr) if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)
def test_fit(self, get_model): "Test the training of a serialized model" new_session() data, data_val = make_data(train_samples, test_samples) model = get_model() model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['accuracy']) model_dict = dict() model_dict['model_arch'] = to_dict_w_opt(model) res = KTB.train(copy.deepcopy(model_dict['model_arch']), [data], [data_val], []) res = KTB.fit(NAME, VERSION, model_dict, [data], 'test', [data_val], []) assert len(res) == 4 if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)
def test_predict(self, get_model): """Test to predict using the backend""" new_session() data, data_val = make_data(train_samples, test_samples) model = get_model() model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='categorical_crossentropy') expe = Experiment(model) expe.fit([data], [data_val]) KTB.predict(expe.model_dict, [data['X']], False) KTB.predict(expe.model_dict, [data['X']], True) if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)
def test_reloading_from_disk_has_same_value_id(dbdiskrepo): data = mnist_data() model = basic_model() compiled_model = compile_model(model) fitted_model = fit_model(compiled_model, data['X_train'], data['Y_train']) K.clear_session() reloaded_model = p.load_proxy(fitted_model.artifact.id) assert reloaded_model.artifact.value_id == p.hash(reloaded_model.artifact.value) # this gets to the core of deterministic training by TF (or theano) # not sure how best to do it and question the value of it so for now # I am not going to worry about it.
def reload_session(): clear_session() load_session()
def train(self, blueprint, device, save_best_model=False, model_filename=None): try: model = self.model_builder.build( blueprint, device) setup_tf_session(device) nb_epoch, callbacks = self._get_stopping_parameters(blueprint) if save_best_model: callbacks.append(self._get_model_save_callback( model_filename, blueprint.training.metric.metric)) start = time() history = model.fit_generator( self.batch_iterator, self.batch_iterator.samples_per_epoch, nb_epoch, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=self.test_batch_iterator, nb_val_samples=self.test_batch_iterator.sample_count) if save_best_model: del model model = load_keras_model(model_filename) return model, history, (time() - start) except Exception as ex: logging.debug(ex) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) try: from keras import backend backend.clear_session() except: logging.debug(ex) logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return None, None, 0
def main(): RUN_TIME = sys.argv[1] if RUN_TIME == "TRAIN": image_features = Input(shape=(4096,)) model = build_model(image_features) print model.summary() # number of training images _num_train = get_num_train_images() # Callbacks # remote_cb = RemoteMonitor(root='http://localhost:9000') tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir="logs/{}".format(time())) epoch_cb = EpochCheckpoint(folder="./snapshots/") valid_cb = ValidCallBack() # fit generator steps_per_epoch = math.ceil(_num_train/float(BATCH)) print "Steps per epoch i.e number of iterations: ",steps_per_epoch train_datagen = data_generator(batch_size=INCORRECT_BATCH, image_class_ranges=TRAINING_CLASS_RANGES) history = model.fit_generator( train_datagen, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, epochs=250, callbacks=[tensorboard, valid_cb] ) print history.history.keys() elif RUN_TIME == "TEST": from keras.models import load_model model = load_model("snapshots/epoch_49.hdf5", custom_objects={"hinge_rank_loss":hinge_rank_loss}) K.clear_session()
def new_session(): if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': # pragma: no cover import tensorflow as tf K.clear_session() config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True session = tf.Session(config=config) K.set_session(session)
def test_experiment_fit(self, get_model, get_loss_metric, get_custom_l, get_callback_fix): new_session() data, data_val = make_data(train_samples, test_samples) model, metrics, cust_objects = prepare_model(get_model(get_custom_l), get_loss_metric, get_custom_l) expe = Experiment(model) for mod in [None, model]: for data_val_loc in [None, data_val]: expe.fit([data], [data_val_loc], model=mod, nb_epoch=2, batch_size=batch_size, metrics=metrics, custom_objects=cust_objects, overwrite=True, callbacks=get_callback_fix) expe.backend_name = 'another_backend' expe.load_model() expe.load_model(expe.mod_id, expe.data_id) assert expe.data_id is not None assert expe.mod_id is not None assert expe.params_dump is not None if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)
def test_experiment_fit_gen(self, get_model, get_loss_metric, get_custom_l, get_callback_fix): new_session() model, metrics, cust_objects = prepare_model(get_model(get_custom_l), get_loss_metric, get_custom_l) model_name = model.__class__.__name__ _, data_val_use = make_data(train_samples, test_samples) expe = Experiment(model) for val in [1, data_val_use]: gen, data, data_stream = make_gen(batch_size) if val == 1: val, data_2, data_stream_2 = make_gen(batch_size) expe.fit_gen([gen], [val], nb_epoch=2, model=model, metrics=metrics, custom_objects=cust_objects, samples_per_epoch=64, nb_val_samples=128, verbose=2, overwrite=True, callbacks=get_callback_fix) close_gens(gen, data, data_stream) if val == 1: close_gens(val, data_2, data_stream_2) if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)
def test_experiment_fit_gen_async(self, get_model, get_loss_metric, get_custom_l): new_session() model, metrics, cust_objects = prepare_model(get_model(get_custom_l), get_loss_metric, get_custom_l) _, data_val_use = make_data(train_samples, test_samples) expe = Experiment(model) expected_value = 2 for val in [None, 1, data_val_use]: gen, data, data_stream = make_gen(batch_size) if val == 1: val, data_2, data_stream_2 = make_gen(batch_size) _, thread = expe.fit_gen_async([gen], [val], nb_epoch=2, model=model, metrics=metrics, custom_objects=cust_objects, samples_per_epoch=64, nb_val_samples=128, verbose=2, overwrite=True) thread.join() for k in expe.full_res['metrics']: if 'iter' not in k: assert len( expe.full_res['metrics'][k]) == expected_value close_gens(gen, data, data_stream) if val == 1: close_gens(val, data_2, data_stream_2) if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)
def test_deserialization(self): new_session() model = sequential() model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='categorical_crossentropy') ser_mod = to_dict_w_opt(model) custom_objects = {'test_loss': [1, 2]} custom_objects = {k: serialize(custom_objects[k]) for k in custom_objects} model_from_dict_w_opt(ser_mod, custom_objects=custom_objects) if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)
def plot_base_and_best_models(): """Plot a demo model.""" space_base_demo_to_plot = { 'lr_rate_mult': 1.0, 'l2_weight_reg_mult': 1.0, 'batch_size': 300, 'optimizer': 'Nadam', 'coarse_labels_weight': 0.2, 'conv_dropout_drop_proba': 0.175, 'fc_dropout_drop_proba': 0.3, 'use_BN': True, 'first_conv': 4, 'residual': 4, 'conv_hiddn_units_mult': 1.0, 'nb_conv_pool_layers': 3, 'conv_pool_res_start_idx': 0.0, 'pooling_type': 'inception', 'conv_kernel_size': 3.0, 'res_conv_kernel_size': 3.0, 'fc_units_1_mult': 1.0, 'one_more_fc': 1.0, 'activation': 'elu' } space_best_model = { "activation": "elu", "batch_size": 320.0, "coarse_labels_weight": 0.3067103474295116, "conv_dropout_drop_proba": 0.25923531175521264, "conv_hiddn_units_mult": 1.5958302613876916, "conv_kernel_size": 3.0, "conv_pool_res_start_idx": 0.0, "fc_dropout_drop_proba": 0.4322253354921089, "fc_units_1_mult": 1.3083964454436132, "first_conv": 3, "l2_weight_reg_mult": 0.41206755600055983, "lr_rate_mult": 0.6549347353077412, "nb_conv_pool_layers": 3, "one_more_fc": None, "optimizer": "Nadam", "pooling_type": "avg", "res_conv_kernel_size": 2.0, "residual": 3.0, "use_BN": True } model = build_model(space_base_demo_to_plot) plot_model(model, to_file='model_demo.png', show_shapes=True) print("Saved base model visualization to model_demo.png.") K.clear_session() del model model = build_model(space_best_model) plot_model(model, to_file='model_best.png', show_shapes=True) print("Saved best model visualization to model_best.png.") K.clear_session() del model
def build_model(max_length=1000, nb_filters=64, kernel_size=3, pool_size=2, regularization=0.01, weight_constraint=2., dropout_prob=0.4, clear_session=True): if clear_session: K.clear_session() model = Sequential() model.add(Embedding( embeddings.shape[0], embeddings.shape[1], input_length=max_length, trainable=False, weights=[embeddings])) model.add(Conv1D(nb_filters, kernel_size, activation='relu')) model.add(Conv1D(nb_filters, kernel_size, activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling1D(pool_size)) model.add(Dropout(dropout_prob)) model.add(Conv1D(nb_filters * 2, kernel_size, activation='relu')) model.add(Conv1D(nb_filters * 2, kernel_size, activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling1D(pool_size)) model.add(Dropout(dropout_prob)) model.add(GlobalAveragePooling1D()) model.add(Dense(1, kernel_regularizer=l2(regularization), kernel_constraint=maxnorm(weight_constraint), activation='sigmoid')) model.compile( loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=['accuracy']) return model
def predmodel(self, modelname, datatuple, topic_dict_inv): import time cur_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', time.localtime(time.time())) from collections import Counter def tmpfunc(x): if len(x) > 5: c = Counter(x).most_common(5) res = [] for num, count in c: res.append(topic_dict_inv[num]) else: res = [] for i in x: res.append(topic_dict_inv[i]) return res predlabels = [] # titleword_array, dspword_array, ques_ids= datatuple titlechar_array, titleword_array, dspchar_array, dspword_array, ques_ids = datatuple for i in range(len(modelname)): self.model = load_model(modelname[i]) predlabel = self.model.predict([titlechar_array, titleword_array, dspchar_array, dspword_array], batch_size=512, verbose=1) # predlabel = self.model.predict([titleword_array, titleword_array, dspword_array, dspword_array], batch_size=512, verbose=1) # np.savetxt("result/scores/"+cur_time + "scores_4RCNN_gru_dense_nodropout.txt", predlabel, fmt='%s') np.save("result/scores/" + cur_time + "4RCNN_lstm512_4part_title_dsp_attention_nofc_06epoch", predlabel) # exit() predlabel = np.argsort(-predlabel)[:, :5] if len(predlabels) == 0: predlabels = predlabel else: predlabels = np.column_stack((predlabels, predlabel)) print(predlabels.shape) K.clear_session() with open("result/" + cur_time + ".csv", 'w') as f: for i in range(predlabels.shape[0]): # f.write(ques_ids[i] + "," + ','.join([topic_dict_inv[k] for k in predlabels[i]]) + '\n') f.write(ques_ids[i] + "," + ','.join(tmpfunc(predlabels[i])) + '\n')
def _train(self): """ Train the stacked denoising autoencoders. """ if 'fold' in self.hyperparameters: current_fold = self.hyperparameters['fold'] + 1 else: current_fold = 0 term_freq = self.abstracts_preprocessor.get_term_frequency_sparse_matrix().todense() self.get_cnn() if self._verbose: print("CNN is constructed...") error = numpy.inf iterations = 0 batchsize = 2048 for epoch in range(1, 1 + self.n_iter): self.document_distribution = self.predict_sdae(term_freq) t0 = time.time() self.user_vecs = self.als_step(self.user_vecs, self.item_vecs, self.train_data, self._lambda, type='user') self.item_vecs = self.als_step(self.item_vecs, self.user_vecs, self.train_data, self._lambda, type='item') t1 = time.time() iterations += 1 if self._verbose: error = self.evaluator.get_rmse(self.user_vecs.dot(self.item_vecs.T), self.train_data) if current_fold == 0: logs = dict(it=iterations, epoch=epoch, loss=error, time=(t1 - t0)) print('Iteration:{it:05d} Epoch:{epoch:02d} Loss:{loss:1.4e} Time:{time:.3f}s'.format(**logs)) else: logs = dict(fold=current_fold, it=iterations, epoch=epoch, loss=error, time=(t1 - t0)) print('Fold:{fold:02d} Iteration:{it:05d} Epoch:{epoch:02d} Loss:{loss:1.4e} ' 'Time:{time:.3f}s'.format(**logs)) for inp_batch, item_batch in chunks(batchsize, term_freq, self.item_vecs): t0 = time.time() loss = self.train_sdae(inp_batch, item_batch) t1 = time.time() iterations += 1 if self._verbose: if current_fold == 0: msg = ('Iteration:{it:05d} Epoch:{epoch:02d} Loss:{loss:1.3e} Time:{tim:.3f}s') logs = dict(loss=float(loss), epoch=epoch, it=iterations, tim=(t1 - t0)) print(msg.format(**logs)) else: msg = ('Fold:{fold:02d} Iteration:{it:05d} Epoch:{epoch:02d} Loss:{loss:1.3e} Time:{tim:.3f}s') logs = dict(fold=current_fold, loss=float(loss), epoch=epoch, it=iterations, tim=(t1 - t0)) print(msg.format(**logs)) error = self.evaluator.get_rmse(self.user_vecs.dot(self.item_vecs.T), self.train_data) self.document_distribution = self.predict_sdae(term_freq) rms = self.evaluate_sdae(term_freq, self.item_vecs) if self._verbose: print(rms) # Garbage collection for keras backend.clear_session() if self._verbose: print("SDAE trained...") return rms
def __init__(self, config): """initialized approximate value function config should have the following attributes Args: device: the device to use computation, e.g. '/gpu:0' gamma(float): the decay rate for value at RL history_length(int): input_length for each scale at CNN n_feature(int): the number of type of input (e.g. the number of company to use at stock trading) trade_stock_idx(int): trading stock index gam (float): discount factor n_history(int): the nubmer of history that will be used as input n_smooth, n_down(int): the number of smoothed and down sampling input at CNN k_w(int): the size of filter at CNN n_hidden(int): the size of fully connected layer n_batch(int): the size of mini batch n_epochs(int): the training epoch for each time update_rate (0, 1): parameter for soft update learning_rate(float): learning rate for SGD memory_length(int): the length of Replay Memory n_memory(int): the number of different Replay Memories alpha, beta: [0, 1] parameters for Prioritized Replay Memories action_scale(float): the scale of initialized ation """ self.device = config.device self.save_path = config.save_path self.is_load = config.is_load self.gamma = config.gamma self.history_length = config.history_length self.n_stock = config.n_stock self.n_smooth = config.n_smooth self.n_down = config.n_down self.n_batch = config.n_batch self.n_epoch = config.n_epoch self.update_rate = config.update_rate self.alpha = config.alpha self.beta = config.beta self.lr = config.learning_rate self.memory_length = config.memory_length self.n_memory = config.n_memory self.noise_scale = config.noise_scale self.model_config = config.model_config # the length of the data as input self.n_history = max(self.n_smooth + self.history_length, (self.n_down + 1) * self.history_length) print ("building model....") # have compatibility with new tensorflow tf.python.control_flow_ops = tf # avoid creating _LEARNING_PHASE outside the network K.clear_session() self.sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) K.set_session(self.sess) with self.sess.as_default(): with tf.device(self.device): self.build_model() print('finished building model!')
def __init__(self, config): """initialized approximate value function config should have the following attributes Args: device: the device to use computation, e.g. '/gpu:0' gamma(float): the decay rate for value at RL history_length(int): input_length for each scale at CNN n_feature(int): the number of type of input (e.g. the number of company to use at stock trading) n_history(int): the nubmer of history that will be used as input n_smooth, n_down(int): the number of smoothed and down sampling input at CNN k_w(int): the size of filter at CNN n_hidden(int): the size of fully connected layer n_batch(int): the size of mini batch n_epochs(int): the training epoch for each time update_rate (0, 1): parameter for soft update learning_rate(float): learning rate for SGD memory_length(int): the length of Replay Memory n_memory(int): the number of different Replay Memories alpha, beta: [0, 1] parameters for Prioritized Replay Memories """ self.device = config.device self.save_path = config.save_path self.is_load = config.is_load self.gamma = config.gamma self.history_length = config.history_length self.n_stock = config.n_stock self.n_feature = config.n_feature self.n_smooth = config.n_smooth self.n_down = config.n_down self.k_w = config.k_w self.n_hidden = config.n_hidden self.n_batch = config.n_batch self.n_epochs = config.n_epochs self.update_rate = config.update_rate self.alpha = config.alpha self.beta = config.beta self.lr = config.learning_rate self.memory_length = config.memory_length self.n_memory = config.n_memory # the length of the data as input self.n_history = max(self.n_smooth + self.history_length, (self.n_down + 1) * self.history_length) print ("building model....") # have compatibility with new tensorflow tf.python.control_flow_ops = tf # avoid creating _LEARNING_PHASE outside the network K.clear_session() self.sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) K.set_session(self.sess) with self.sess.as_default(): with tf.device(self.device): self.build_model() print('finished building model!')
def test_experiment_fit_async(self, get_model, get_loss_metric, get_custom_l, get_callback_fix): new_session() data, data_val = make_data(train_samples, test_samples) model, metrics, cust_objects = prepare_model(get_model(get_custom_l), get_loss_metric, get_custom_l) cust_objects['test_list'] = [1, 2] expe = Experiment(model) expected_value = 2 for mod in [None, model]: for data_val_loc in [None, data_val]: _, thread = expe.fit_async([data], [data_val_loc], model=mod, nb_epoch=2, batch_size=batch_size, metrics=metrics, custom_objects=cust_objects, overwrite=True, verbose=2, callbacks=get_callback_fix) thread.join() for k in expe.full_res['metrics']: if 'iter' not in k: assert len( expe.full_res['metrics'][k]) == expected_value if data_val_loc is not None: for k in expe.full_res['metrics']: if 'val' in k and 'iter' not in k: assert None not in expe.full_res['metrics'][k] else: for k in expe.full_res['metrics']: if 'val' in k and 'iter' not in k: assert all([np.isnan(v) for v in expe.full_res['metrics'][k]]) if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': K.clear_session() print(self)