def call(self, x, mask=None): print("AttentionDecoder.call") H = x x = K.permute_dimensions(H, (1, 0, 2))[-1, :, :] if self.stateful or self.state_input or len(self.state_outputs) > 0: initial_states = self.states[:] else: initial_states = self.get_initial_states(H) constants = self.get_constants(H) + [H] y_0 = x x = K.repeat(x, self.output_length) initial_states += [y_0] last_output, outputs, states = K.rnn( self.step, x, initial_states, go_backwards=self.go_backwards, mask=mask, constants=constants, unroll=self.unroll, input_length=self.output_length) if self.stateful and not self.state_input: self.updates = zip(self.states, states) self.states_to_transfer = states return outputs
def call(self, x, mask=None): input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape en_seq = x x_input = x[:, input_shape[1]-1, :] x_input = K.repeat(x_input, input_shape[1]) initial_states = self.get_initial_states(x_input) constants = super(PointerLSTM, self).get_constants(x_input) constants.append(en_seq) preprocessed_input = self.preprocess_input(x_input) last_output, outputs, states = K.rnn(self.step, preprocessed_input, initial_states, go_backwards=self.go_backwards, constants=constants, input_length=input_shape[1]) return outputs
def step(self, x_input, states): #print "x_input:", x_input, x_input.shape # <TensorType(float32, matrix)> input_shape = self.input_spec[0].shape en_seq = states[-1] _, [h, c] = super(PointerLSTM, self).step(x_input, states[:-1]) # vt*tanh(W1*e+W2*d) dec_seq = K.repeat(h, input_shape[1]) Eij = time_distributed_dense(en_seq, self.W1, output_dim=1) Dij = time_distributed_dense(dec_seq, self.W2, output_dim=1) U = self.vt * tanh(Eij + Dij) U = K.squeeze(U, 2) # make probability tensor pointer = softmax(U) return pointer, [h, c]
def time_distributed_dense(x, w, b=None, dropout=None, input_dim=None, units=None, timesteps=None): """Apply `y . w + b` for every temporal slice y of x. # Arguments x: input tensor. w: weight matrix. b: optional bias vector. dropout: wether to apply dropout (same dropout mask for every temporal slice of the input). input_dim: integer; optional dimensionality of the input. units: integer; optional dimensionality of the output. timesteps: integer; optional number of timesteps. # Returns Output tensor. """ if not input_dim: input_dim = K.shape(x)[2] if not timesteps: timesteps = K.shape(x)[1] if not units: units = K.shape(w)[1] if dropout is not None and 0. < dropout < 1.: # apply the same dropout pattern at every timestep ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, :], (-1, input_dim))) dropout_matrix = K.dropout(ones, dropout) expanded_dropout_matrix = K.repeat(dropout_matrix, timesteps) x = K.in_train_phase(x * expanded_dropout_matrix, x) # collapse time dimension and batch dimension together x = K.reshape(x, (-1, input_dim)) x = K.dot(x, w) if b: x += b # reshape to 3D tensor if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': x = K.reshape(x, K.stack([-1, timesteps, units])) x.set_shape([None, None, units]) else: x = K.reshape(x, (-1, timesteps, units)) return x
def call(self, x, mask=None): mask = K.cast(mask, 'float32') mask = K.repeat(mask, self.repeat_dim) mask = K.permute_dimensions(mask, (0, 2, 1)) return x * mask
def call(self, x, mask=None): X = K.repeat(x, self.output_length) input_shape = list(self.input_spec[0].shape) input_shape = input_shape[:1] + [self.output_length] + input_shape[1:] self.input_spec = [InputSpec(shape=tuple(input_shape))] if self.stateful or self.state_input or len(self.state_outputs) > 0: initial_states = self.states[:] else: initial_states = self.get_initial_states(X) constants = self.get_constants(X) y_0 = K.permute_dimensions(X, (1, 0, 2))[0, :, :] initial_states += [y_0] last_output, outputs, states = K.rnn(self.step, X, initial_states, go_backwards=self.go_backwards, mask=mask, constants=constants, unroll=self.unroll, input_length=self.output_length) if self.stateful and not self.state_input: self.updates = [] for i in range(2): self.updates.append((self.states[i], states[i])) self.states_to_transfer = states input_shape.pop(1) self.input_spec = [InputSpec(shape=input_shape)] return outputs
def step(self, x, states): h_tm1, c_tm1, y_tm1, B, U, H = states s = K.dot(c_tm1, self.W_h) + self.b_h s = K.repeat(s, self.input_length) energy = time_distributed_dense(s + H, self.W_a, self.b_a) energy = K.squeeze(energy, 2) alpha = K.softmax(energy) alpha = K.repeat(alpha, self.input_dim) alpha = K.permute_dimensions(alpha, (0, 2, 1)) weighted_H = H * alpha v = K.sum(weighted_H, axis=1) y, new_states = super(AttentionDecoder, self).step(v, states[:-1]) return y, new_states
def step(self, inputs, states): h_tm1 = states[0] # previous memory #B_U = states[1] # dropout matrices for recurrent units #B_W = states[2] h_tm1a = K.dot(h_tm1, self.Wa) eij = K.dot(K.tanh(K.repeat(h_tm1a, K.shape(self.h)[1]) + self.ha), self.Va) eijs = K.squeeze(eij, -1) alphaij = K.softmax(eijs) # batchsize * lenh h batchsize * lenh * ndim ci = K.permute_dimensions(K.permute_dimensions(self.h, [2,0,1]) * alphaij, [1,2,0]) cisum = K.sum(ci, axis=1) #print(K.shape(cisum), cisum.shape, ci.shape, self.h.shape, alphaij.shape, x.shape) zr = K.sigmoid(K.dot(inputs, self.Wzr) + K.dot(h_tm1, self.Uzr) + K.dot(cisum, self.Czr)) zi = zr[:, :self.units] ri = zr[:, self.units: 2 * self.units] si_ = K.tanh(K.dot(inputs, self.W) + K.dot(ri*h_tm1, self.U) + K.dot(cisum, self.C)) si = (1-zi) * h_tm1 + zi * si_ return si, [si] #h_tm1, [h_tm1] '''if self.consume_less == 'gpu': matrix_x = K.dot(x * B_W[0], self.W) + self.b matrix_inner = K.dot(h_tm1 * B_U[0], self.U[:, :2 * self.units]) x_z = matrix_x[:, :self.units] x_r = matrix_x[:, self.units: 2 * self.units] inner_z = matrix_inner[:, :self.units] inner_r = matrix_inner[:, self.units: 2 * self.units] z = self.inner_activation(x_z + inner_z) r = self.inner_activation(x_r + inner_r) x_h = matrix_x[:, 2 * self.units:] inner_h = K.dot(r * h_tm1 * B_U[0], self.U[:, 2 * self.units:]) hh = self.activation(x_h + inner_h) else: if self.consume_less == 'cpu': x_z = x[:, :self.units] x_r = x[:, self.units: 2 * self.units] x_h = x[:, 2 * self.units:] elif self.consume_less == 'mem': x_z = K.dot(x * B_W[0], self.W_z) + self.b_z x_r = K.dot(x * B_W[1], self.W_r) + self.b_r x_h = K.dot(x * B_W[2], self.W_h) + self.b_h else: raise ValueError('Unknown `consume_less` mode.') z = self.inner_activation(x_z + K.dot(h_tm1 * B_U[0], self.U_z)) r = self.inner_activation(x_r + K.dot(h_tm1 * B_U[1], self.U_r)) hh = self.activation(x_h + K.dot(r * h_tm1 * B_U[2], self.U_h)) h = z * h_tm1 + (1 - z) * hh return h, [h]'''
def step(self, x, states): ytm, stm = states # repeat the hidden state to the length of the sequence _stm = K.repeat(stm, self.timesteps) # now multiplty the weight matrix with the repeated hidden state _Wxstm = K.dot(_stm, self.W_a) # calculate the attention probabilities # this relates how much other timesteps contributed to this one. et = K.dot(activations.tanh(_Wxstm + self._uxpb), K.expand_dims(self.V_a)) at = K.exp(et) at_sum = K.sum(at, axis=1) at_sum_repeated = K.repeat(at_sum, self.timesteps) at /= at_sum_repeated # vector of size (batchsize, timesteps, 1) # calculate the context vector context = K.squeeze(K.batch_dot(at, self.x_seq, axes=1), axis=1) # ~~~> calculate new hidden state # first calculate the "r" gate: rt = activations.sigmoid( K.dot(ytm, self.W_r) + K.dot(stm, self.U_r) + K.dot(context, self.C_r) + self.b_r) # now calculate the "z" gate zt = activations.sigmoid( K.dot(ytm, self.W_z) + K.dot(stm, self.U_z) + K.dot(context, self.C_z) + self.b_z) # calculate the proposal hidden state: s_tp = activations.tanh( K.dot(ytm, self.W_p) + K.dot((rt * stm), self.U_p) + K.dot(context, self.C_p) + self.b_p) # new hidden state: st = (1-zt)*stm + zt * s_tp yt = activations.softmax( K.dot(ytm, self.W_o) + K.dot(stm, self.U_o) + K.dot(context, self.C_o) + self.b_o) if self.return_probabilities: return at, [yt, st] else: return yt, [yt, st]
def _time_distributed_dense(x, w, b=None, dropout=None, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, timesteps=None, training=None): """Apply `y . w + b` for every temporal slice y of x. # Arguments x: input tensor. w: weight matrix. b: optional bias vector. dropout: wether to apply dropout (same dropout mask for every temporal slice of the input). input_dim: integer; optional dimensionality of the input. output_dim: integer; optional dimensionality of the output. timesteps: integer; optional number of timesteps. training: training phase tensor or boolean. # Returns Output tensor. """ if not input_dim: input_dim = K.shape(x)[2] if not timesteps: timesteps = K.shape(x)[1] if not output_dim: output_dim = K.shape(w)[1] if dropout is not None and 0. < dropout < 1.: # apply the same dropout pattern at every timestep ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, :], (-1, input_dim))) dropout_matrix = K.dropout(ones, dropout) expanded_dropout_matrix = K.repeat(dropout_matrix, timesteps) x = K.in_train_phase(x * expanded_dropout_matrix, x, training=training) # collapse time dimension and batch dimension together x = K.reshape(x, (-1, input_dim)) x = K.dot(x, w) if b is not None: x = K.bias_add(x, b) # reshape to 3D tensor if K.backend() == 'tensorflow': x = K.reshape(x, K.stack([-1, timesteps, output_dim])) x.set_shape([None, None, output_dim]) else: x = K.reshape(x, (-1, timesteps, output_dim)) return x